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2944889 No.2944889 [Reply] [Original]


So apparently those two guys with the convincing E-cat cold fusion whatever are going to be bringing it to a university in Stockholm for verification and testing in 4 or 5 months.

This is big fucking news. If it was a fake submitting it for scientific testing would be tantamount to credibility suicide.

tl;dr shit may be real

>> No.2944897
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>> No.2944905


>> No.2944911
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>mfw something comes up that means it can't be tested
"oh this one thing isn't calibrated, gotta start again. But it is real folks, honest!"

>> No.2944913
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>mfw i was there for the thread on this that was archived at 4chan archive (its titled 'cold fusion claim' or something like that)
>mfw even without submitting to a uni it was pretty convincing.
>mfw this is now huge

>> No.2944923

Why did I read that to myself in Cave Johnsons voice?

>> No.2944928

They can't do that. It would be too obvious.

In fact if they go back on what they said and somehow are unable to bring it to those uni's they are fucked.

Either they are retarded or this is real.

>> No.2944943
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>> No.2944954

Bullshit. They must be ling.

>> No.2945005

If they are "ling," then as the OP pointed out, they're committing credulity suicide. Let's hope that they're not.

>> No.2945134

let's make a bet as to which will be first; verified cold fusion or the release of duke nukem forever?

my money is on the duke.

>> No.2945152
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>hundreds of bullshit claims of cold fusion everyyear

>no one pays attention but /sci/

Way to keep it classy

>> No.2945158

>hundreds of bullshit claims of cold fusion everyyear

Name 5 from the last decade

>> No.2945166

That's a pretty stacked bet, considering that the game is actually coming out.

June 10-14 of this year.

>> No.2945203

Even if it works.....there is far too much money being made in the oil industry to let it get out.

>> No.2945220

>implying they can cover this up
>to do so would mean they would not only have to kill those 2 guys but everyone on /sci/ who saw this thread
>that means you right now reading this.

>> No.2945238
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>> No.2945242


I dont like believing things like that either but would it really be that hard?

All they would have to do is tamper with a device or two, or pay the two guys to say J/K....

If the two men all of a sudden said "We aren't ready yet" like you said already, they would lose all credibility....

If absolutely anything happens, they lose all credibility, and noone has to die, like you think (for reasons i don't understand)

>> No.2945273


>> No.2945296

>pay the 2 guys

do you realize what you're saying?
2 brilliant swedish scientists, who decide to commit scientific suicide over some money.

and they aren't the only ones.
focardi is a retired physicist, who is working for sheer passion, and so is the greek guy who brought to invention in greece to produce.

and so are other italian scientists who tested the thing.
they made calorimetry tests, where the 3 swedish scientists could examine all the equipment(except the reaction chamber) to exclude possible fakes.
the results were that no type of chemical or any non-nuclear energy could have produced that amount of energy.
the results satisfied the 2 swedish scientists, but people complained that they weren't precise enough, so they are doing other tests.

maybe it's a hoax, but if so it's an incredibly complex one.

>> No.2945325

I'm getting really excited. If it turns out to be legit it would be the start of a new era!

>> No.2945331
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>cold fusion

>> No.2945343
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>cold fusion

>> No.2945348
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Hey, GUIZE, we invented cold fusion

>Can we see it?


>Can you tell us how does it works?


>Has anyone seen it work?


>What can you tell us about it?

I will sell it to you for 100thousand dollars!

>> No.2945352
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>> No.2945353

this is pretty cool but the one thing that makes me skeptical is that the wikipedia article says that if fusion was occurring gamma rays should be produced but gamma rays were not found to be produced

>> No.2945357
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>> No.2945359

From the old Cold Fusion thread:

>> No.2945373

>Can we see it?


>Can you tell us how does it works?

yes, except for one thing.

>Has anyone seen it work?

>> No.2945376

>Keep details hidden so multinational companies can't steal the process
>Provide several demonstrations
>Head of the swedish skeptic society and the chairman of the royal swedish academy of sciences both say it's real
>Using their own money to produce units
>Set a date for more detailed investigation

>> No.2945386

>Keep details hidden so multinational companies can't steal the process
>But don't mass-manufacture your own power generators

If it doesn't make a viable power source, then what are they worried about. And can't they get patents anyway?

>> No.2945410

they plan precisely to build their own centrals and sell the energy.

and patents are a matter of lawyers and money.
a multinational could just take your patent invest some million of dollars, make some slight modification, a start producing themselves driving you to the ground.
or steal your patent. then you'd have to confront them in court, against their money.
or other shit.
china could start mass producing them and not giving a shit about patents, and so on.
there are a lot of things that could go wrong once you reveal your secret.
think of tesla and edison for instance

>> No.2945430

Very, very interesting...

Hopefully the Chinajews don't steal it and begin mass producing them themselves. They've been more interested in cold fusion generally.

>> No.2945432

you know that wiki isn't the know-all end-all of information right? Can't even quote that cite for college at ANY level.

>> No.2945443
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i'm like the number 1 fan of cold fusion as a theoretical energy source

but i'm really skeptical about these guys. no release of data or designs? the only peer reviewed article doesn't mention specifics? fishy as shit

but i'll find a live stream of the stockholm testing, the absolute second it works, and its legit, i'm putting all my money on these guys and buying on for my basement

>> No.2945447
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> buying on for my basement

>> No.2945450

well, maybe not that local scale.
what's the optimum energy output for one of these guys anyway? a megatwatt or two?

>> No.2945453

the rossi-focardi e-cat is mostly based on the piantelli-focardi reactor.

basically what changed was that they use nickel powder instead of nickel block, and rossi used a secret catalyst to make the reaction more efficient.

you can look at the piantelli-focardi patent and at their published papers to get some idea of how thing works.

>> No.2945454
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CIA black cocks? errm.. i mean ops
How come nobody stole it yet?
How hard is it to kill 1 guy and nick his invention?
He could die for science or he could die for being a scammer. Either way it works :D

>> No.2945455

Hopefully the design is ridiculously simple and incredibly cheap, so everyone steal and flood the markets.

Who cares about some butthurt italian guy if the world can be revolutionized by extremely cheap distributed power generation.

Living off grid would suddenly be no real problem even if you want modern comforts.

>> No.2945463

hell if it's that cheap, you could pirate plans off the internet and build one yourself. but i doubt it