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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2944168 No.2944168 [Reply] [Original]

Everyday I find myself disappointed by the people associated with universities. First off I´ll admit that I´m not too smart myself and have many "faults" of my own. I have attended 3 universities, 2 of which have made the QS top 400 list, and my experiences are limited to 1 year each.

I feel like pretty much everyone in all the 3 universities I have attended are in many ways ignorant, illogical, mean-spirited and superficial.

Let me explain a bit. The other students and professors often disrespect other disclipines, wear impractical clothes, try to impress other people and most importantly show outright contempt for people who aren´t enrolled in the university (the avarage Joe). Many professors know very little about other disciplines, and I mean that they lack basic knowledge learned in highschool.

I see the same kind of contempt and egoism here in /sci all the time and wonder why do I even come here. Where are all the people who understand what subjectivity means? Those who don´t feel the need to disrespect people with differing qualities and functions? Sorry about my bad presentation, I´m drunk and can´t really articulate well in english ;(

pic related, its me when I realized I will propably never meet a person who is an intellectual "übermensch" in the sense that he/she has gained intellectual enlightenment and is not controlled by the basic psychological urges of humans

>> No.2944208

Yeah, you're unfortunately going to run into heaps of disciplinary elitism. There's not much to be done about it, unfortunately so.

>> No.2944223

suck it up elitist prick. You're just a loser anyway

>> No.2944229

>not top 5
>not top 10
>not top 100
>but top 400
>only 2 of 3 made the list
i think i found the problem

>> No.2944240

>gained intellectual enlightenment
>not controlled by the basic psychological urges of humans

Sorry dude, even geniuses are subject to the same faults as the rest of us. Suppressing your humanity makes you less human, not more human. A true ubermensch learns how to live with his psychological urges, not how to eliminate them.

>> No.2944261

The problem is that you have autism.

>> No.2944298

>The other students and professors often disrespect other disclipines
ingroup - outgroup. This is so fucking basic.

> wear impractical clothes
I do not get this one but let me guess.
University staff wear what they believe a scientist is supposed to wear. So in that sense their fashion sense is a product of the collective that they identify with.
Students will likely conform to fashion. I suggest reading moar sociology to understand why people do this.
>try to impress other people
People trying to increase their social standing by impressing their peers? DISGUSTING!!!!!

>show outright contempt for people who aren´t enrolled in the university
Ingroup/Outgoup again.

You are practically only complaining about human nature.

>> No.2944315

fuck the inner primate, destroy it.

destroy the urges


>> No.2944346

Yeah, you're right, and almost everyone here falls to those problems as well.

The interesting thing about us humans is that we can understand external things, but rarely ourselves; we can see other peoples' faults, but almost never can we see our own.

That's why it's so important to consider new things, expand your horizons, and experience multiple perspectives -- everything you might know and the way you see the world could be painfully wrong.

>> No.2944347

>You are practically only complaining about human nature.


Yes, a human without human charasteristics isn´t a human since the charasteristics make the human a human blargh I agree with you, still I´d like to meet people who know how to control themselves because of their scientific understanding

>> No.2944372

This, almost everyone who isn't a dumbfuck was able to get good grades in high school which means they went to AT LEAST a top 100 school, and the surprisingly low number of actual smart people is concentrated in the top 10 with the rest spread out throughout the decent state schools, if you're slumming that badly the only people who fail enough to go to school with you are dumbfucks. And if you don't want to be here then gtfo, no one will miss you.

>> No.2944403
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>> No.2944451


My current school is in the top 50, and I am thoroughly disappointed in you, >>2944229.

>> No.2944490

Here's an idea: take an actual interest in what other people are doing. I go to lectures in a bunch of subjects, and I ask about people's work all the time and read their notes (both arts and sciences). I get practically no interdisciplinary elitism bullshit. Admittedly I am at a top-ranking university but I am not exactly an ubermensch or anything, I just read a lot of shit

>> No.2944504

Forgot to specify - I don't study a science. Arts students are usually at the butt-end of the jokes, well how about you go out and fucking learn some science, seriously. I see so many science students taking an interest in things like politics, why can't it be the other way round too?

>> No.2944556

Many students in their first year of university have a psychological need to disrespect anyone not in university, or in a different academic discipline. Its the only way they can feel good about whatever they chose to study. It goes away when students get more mature and value their education as more than just a dick waving contest.