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2942223 No.2942223 [Reply] [Original]

Simple solution to solve the population problem.


If they can't figure that shit out on their own, let them fucking die. The last thing we need is more inbred monkeys fucking like theres no tomorrow, eating up more funding from first-world countries.

But NOO, we have to have sympathy for them. We have to take care of them like children because it would make us look bad in the eyes of GOD if we didn't.

First chance I get I'm moving to Scotland.

>> No.2942231

But we need to exploit them for their natural resources and cheap agricultural labour :(

The funding they get is very little compared to the value we extract.

>> No.2942232

Try GCSE Geography. You might learn something.

>> No.2942241

the funding they get does actually harm them. the first world doesn't fund africa to build sustainable infrastructure, it simply funds infrastructure in spaces that are cheapest to set-up wester business interests to exploit native labor and resources. medical aid and technology simply serves to unnaturally inflate the population past a healthy threshold for the sole purpose of creating a large force of cheap labor.

if the west cared anything about africa it would leave and not come back. that will not happen because there is money to be made there. but don't ever confuse funding africa as a humanitarian mission, its all about making money in the end.

>> No.2942244

A) Neutron-bomb Africa
B) Ally with Russia because they have more young women than men
C) Win World War against China
D) Repopulate Africa with the poor women from Russia
E) ???

>> No.2942247

You are implying that somehow having money supports having lots of kids.
The opposite is the case.

>> No.2942251


>> No.2942270

>Simple solution to solve the population problem.
>the population problem.
>the population problem.
>Pick one

>> No.2942282

Exactly, if niggers can't pull themselves up with the money they're getting then deserve to be improverished for life.

>> No.2942284

>implying population isn't a problem

>> No.2942296
File: 178 KB, 380x288, 130163914816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Implying Africa doesn't have a shitton of ressources and arable lands
> Implying corruption is not the main problem in Africa

>> No.2942302

Implying Africa is the problem with population.

>> No.2942306

>>implying population isn't a problem
>Implying it's a problem

>> No.2942310
File: 27 KB, 500x312, super derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP go back to whatever shithole you crawled away from

>> No.2942318

It's not. This world and it's resources can hold over 20 billion people. Until the entire planet is one big city, it won't be over populate.

>> No.2942331

>Implying Africa is the 5 shitty countries we hear about all the time

>> No.2942333

Not while kenian-born president is still in office.

>> No.2942430

Not only Africa but the Middle East too and India.

If the developed world doesn't become resource-independent from them, it will be eventually assimilated demographically. It will be a world of blacks and arabs mostly with the technology developed by Europeans and Americans.
Maybe the future 'transhumans' will be black and arab. But it's good youo're all working around the clock so that when you die they'll be in the position to take over.

>> No.2942454

White people always will feel the need to tell other people how to live.

Africa is far worse off after intervention from the Western/White nations. But it makes the white people feel good when they think they're helping out.

>> No.2942460

What the fuck is wrong with you OP? First chance you get you should move to fucking alaska with the rest of the whackjobs in the US.

>> No.2942471

The fundamental problem with Africa is the omnipresent notion that good things do not come from striving, but only from Providence. That the key to success and happiness is "seize opportunity when it comes," not "fight to make what you want happen." Oh, you get the same lottery mentality in much of the West, but it's far more widespread here - virtually universal.

Ever heard of attribution theory? It's the enormously successful psychological theory that how people perceive the causes of what happens to them - internal vs. external, and ongoing vs. fluke - is a major determinant of their happiness. Happy people view good things as the result of internal ongoing sources, and bad things as caused by external flukes. Depressed people see the exact reverse.

Well, if there's such a thing as cultural attribution, Africa has a strange and pathological condition; its inhabitants tend to see *everything* as the result of external chance. "Striving doesn't work" is just the flip side of exactly the same fatalism that helps Africans get by (and is infectious, believe me, after just a couple of months in-continent.)

Why do Africans believe this? Because it's true. Fortune is so fickle here that striving is rarely rewarded. So many things can and do torpedo attempts to get ahead: disease, drought, natural disaster, tribal politics, corruption, bad tourist PR, power cuts, Mugabe-esque leaders, etc. etc. etc. No maintenance of engines and pumps and power stations? Its root cause: this same fatalism. Que sera, sera, and there ain't nothin' you can do about it.

>> No.2942527

Oy yes, there is. When the financial shit will hit the proverbial fan, there' won't be any money left to send to Africa.

Also many nations in Europe are getting increasingly restless about incoming migration from Africa and other areas. Some countries even want to stop incoming migration altogether. This is like shutting down one source of "chance" for them, so things will get taken care of naturally. No matter how you put it, the Western lifestyle is not sustainable and when the big readjustment occurs, it will impact the whole global economy, including Africa.

Isn't the same fatalist outlook on life very typical for mostly rural countries and countries with very low degree of stateness?

>> No.2942565

go find /news/ you racist fuckhole. There's no room for this on the science board

>> No.2942608

Condoms and rudimentary sex education would do the job.

Sadly, the Pope and the mullahs don't agree.

>> No.2942614
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>> No.2942616 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is more harmful than any vice? Active sympathy for the ill-constituted and weak.

>> No.2942627
File: 163 KB, 750x819, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is more harmful than any vice? Active sympathy for the ill-constituted and weak. Christianity.

>> No.2942642

Scotland? you mean the country with the highest charitable contributions of anywhere in the west?

perhaps op was being clever?


>> No.2942651

didn't that man depend upon the charity of others to live? yes, i believe he did.

>> No.2942658


Actually he lived on the pension he earned from his academic post at the University of Basel.

>> No.2942663


[citation needed]

>> No.2942681
File: 121 KB, 1000x441, population_density.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the world's population is in Asia.
OP's "population" topic is just a thin disguise for a racist rant.