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File: 56 KB, 600x300, Pentagon12[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2938542 No.2938542 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way scientifically possible that a plane hit the pentagon

>> No.2938566


>> No.2938572

plus a master pilot cant fly the way 77 supposedy did, yet a cave dweller that had trouble with a cessenna did?


>> No.2938574

FBI/NSA/DHS/CIA closely monitor this kind of thing ... stfu

>> No.2938593

if it was a conspiracy, its already enormous, meaning there'd be nothing stopping them from just killing off all the conspiracy theorists too.

Conspiracy theorists are still alive, ergo, it wasn't a conspiracy.

>> No.2938603

The explosion was the result of them destroying all the records they had pertaining to 9/11

>> No.2938610
File: 94 KB, 630x496, 911-flight77-debris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2938612

that would just make it more of a conspiracy, so they let them live

>> No.2938617

no, for realz time. there is a lot of fishy stuff having to do with 9/11 but i think its easier explained by the government fucking up than actual malicious intent.

"Never ascribe to evil machinations what can adequately be explained away by stupidity"

>> No.2938618

wow, im convinced

>> No.2938624


there is no scientifically way possible the pentagon would hit a plane

>> No.2938627

As someone who worked in Rosslyn VA on 9\11(within view of the pentagon) take it from me. It was a plane.

>> No.2938643

So they'd kill the next group of conspiracy theorists, until eventually, the only people left either accept the official story, or were bought.

Besides, if its a conspiracy, someone somewhere, with more authority than some random guy on the internet would know. Now, this means that either:

A) they would've ratted out all the conspirators like any halfway decent person would do, or:

B) They're all in on it, in which case, there's nothing we can do anyways, so who cares.

>> No.2938645

The moonlanding didnt happen. Do you really think some guys in the 60s had the technology to go to the moon?

The pyramids were built by aliens. Do you really think some ancient egyptians could build them?

9/11 was done by the government. Do you really think some sandniggers could fly planes into government buildings?

Its all the same mental process, i cant remember the name

>> No.2938647


oh I just remembered. Its called being fucking retarded

>> No.2938655


>> No.2938669

but but but, but they must have PLANTED that there DUH! so you'd think it was a plane.

>> No.2938681

The wings will pretty much shear off and go to pieces. The main fuselage is what will make a hole in any solid wall after a ground collision. This what happens:


>> No.2938682

Plane flys.
Plane flys toward pentagon
Plane doesn't stop or change direction
Plane hit's pentagon.

>> No.2938691

>Plane hit's pentagon

>> No.2938692

yeah its so obvious you wouldnt believe the government was so careless as to not fake the attack properly

>> No.2938733


this pretty much proves that it WASNT a plane

>> No.2938775

You've got to be a full retard to fall for that video.

>> No.2938801


back in the herd, with the rest of the sheeple

>> No.2938803

everyone knows the government did 9-11. people just want to feel like they are in control.

the gov wouldnt hide so many tapes, recordings, black boxes, stories, etc. if it didnt have something to hide, its really that simple.

>> No.2938809

They confiscated CCTV footage from outside sources after it happened. Just release some of that footage and people will shut up about it. It's the fact they're not releasing it which makes me suspicious. If they said a plane hit it, why not show the footage of the fucking plane hitting it? Rather than 3 frames of an ambiguous explosion...

>> No.2938820

if have enough noise, expositions and angry close ups we dont need to actually look into the event

>> No.2938845


23 trillion dollars missing in tax payers money 9/10/01. guess where those records were kept guys

>> No.2938857

Wings a really fragile, not to mention filled with jet fuel. Once a plane crashes and a fire erupts along the wings, fueled by the jet fuel, the wings essentially disintegrate.

>> No.2938864

The NIST did their investigation, just like independent engineering firms did their investigations. No one is hiding anything, you dope-smoking conspiracy junkie.

>> No.2938871

>23 trillion dollars missing in tax payers money

>> No.2938873
File: 149 KB, 818x1024, copperfieldjpg-cf25d89616c026b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is David Copperfield. He's an illusionist. Quite a good one, at that. One time he made the Statue of Liberty disappear.

Like many of the top illusionists, he just happens to be Jewish.


>> No.2938894

Conspiracy theorists, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias

This is what you're doing.

>> No.2938904

>the gov confirms the gov did nothing wrong

nice job idiot. there is simply no debate, the government and the media are hiding tons of video, the black boxes, and more. its that fucking simple.

>> No.2938912

No they are not you fucking dope-smoking moron.

>> No.2938918

so where are the FOUR black boxes from just the 9-11 planes and ALL the video surrounding the pentagon (the most secure building in the world)?

>> No.2938919
File: 177 KB, 680x604, MissileAttackPath[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plane doest change direction

UHH it did a loop impossible to be done with a 767.

>> No.2938924

from just the twin tower planes, sorry.

>> No.2938927

Hiding a black box?
are you serious those things aren't as indestructible as you would think especially in the type of crash involved.

>> No.2938931

the CIA gave money to Pakistan to give money and training to individuals, hoping they would ultimately work as "informants" (for lack of a better word)

eventually these informants completely embrace terrorist ideals and use the money and training to blow up the WTC.
that is the real reality.

no one debates this. this is all over reuters and AP (among others).

there are mainstream books written by Ivy League professors documenting this story.

not a conspiracy and no cover up.

>> No.2938933

thats what the sheeple are doing also

>> No.2938934

oh theyre not? then why have only about 10 in all of human history ever been lost? black boxes have been recovered from oceans, jungles, all sorts of crashes. and you expect me to believe 4 of them just disappeared from the twin tower site? LOL someone loves big daddy gov dick

>> No.2938939

Why is OK to be skeptical of God or homeopathy or telepathy but not 9/11? Are skeptics inconsistent or easily fooled? Are they accepting of theories that may make them look kooky or raise government suspicion (peer pressure)? Are skeptics cowards?

>> No.2938940

Looks like a turn and not a loop. A turn very much possible with a B767.

What next? Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel?

>> No.2938945

atheists arent skeptics. theyre agenda pushing liberals. they worship the government.

>> No.2938948

>Using the term "sheeple"

You loose all credibility at this point.

>> No.2938950

idestructuble except on 9/11 right?

god you are an IDIOT

>> No.2938954

You are a fucking idiot. 99% of plane crashes are crash landings, where the pilot is going as slow as physically possible trying to make a survivable crash landing. They even dump their fuel before the landing. They don't fly into buildings (or the ground) at full speed with full fuel tanks and have anything recoverable left over.

>> No.2938962


"Guys, what we're going to do is build a plane"

"A plane that can't corner"

"Fuck making turns, if you want to make this fucker change direction, you land it and build the runway in a different direction"

>> No.2938963
File: 627 KB, 1680x1050, 1271703700305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't say that a plane didn't hit the pentagon; I don't know.

I do want to know how Hanni Hanjur - a guy who failed pilot certification because he couldn't control a little Cessna on his own - flew a gigantic commercial plane in a complicated maneuver to hit the Pentagon.

I also want to know how NORAD, which is usually responsible for getting fighter jets to commercial planes within ~10 minutes of them veering off course and losing contact, didn't have anyone in the skies when these planes were off course for ~1 hour.

I'd also like to know how WT7 building, which was not hit and was at a greater distance than some buildings which were not damaged at all, fell at -freefall- speed. Being on /sci/, I'm sure you all understand that a building falling at freefall speed means that it is not facing any resistance from lower floors or supporting girders. I'm not saying it was purposefully blown up for any reason, I'd just like to know how it happened.

>Is he asking questions? Conspiracy theorists herpy derp.

>> No.2938968


flight simulater and professional pilot disagrees

>> No.2938984

Jet fuel on its own doesn't burn hot enough, but a raging office building fire does. Even then, the steel itself does NOT need to melt. At temperature ranges of 800-1000C steel looses much of it's structural integrity.

The twin towers got hit in a "sweet spot", where building collapse is unavoidable if the fire isn't dealt with.

Now, the REAL question here is, were the hijackers who piloted the two aircraft TRAINED to hit these zones of the building? Or was it dumb luck?

>> No.2938990

Airplane debris including Flight 77's black boxes,[106] the nose cone, landing gear,[107] an airplane tire,[108] and an intact cockpit seat[109] were observed at the crash site. The remains of passengers from Flight 77 were found at the Pentagon crash site and their identities confirmed by DNA analysis.[110] Many eyewitnesses saw the plane strike the Pentagon.


>> No.2938997

Give it up you fucking moron.

>> No.2938998

proof of your claim that 99% of plane crashes are slow, without fuel, etc? like i said theres only been about 10 or so unrecovered black boxes. i dont really believe for a second every plane crash is like what you describe and even less than not a single black box out of FOUR would survive, when hundreds have survived all sorts of conditions throughout history.

but by all means please provide your evidence, i am very much open to your theory.

>> No.2939008

>Implying that WT7 wasn't severely damaged from getting hit by debris from the twin towers and had a raging fire going on in it
>Implying that it wasn't showing signs of collapses long before it collapses
>Implying it was a controlled demolition even though no explosives were heard going off (protip, explosions are LOUD AS FUCK).

>> No.2939009

lol, didnt they find the "terrorists passport" at the twin tower site? surely those paper passports are indestructible but the titanium clad black boxes no way!

>> No.2939015

It depends how far from the buildings the refuse is ejected. The engines kept going right through, so they were preserved. Anything still in the building when it collapsed was pulverized.

>> No.2939020

um lots of people did say they heard explosions

>> No.2939022

Wisest statement of this thread. Fuck, of the whole 9/11 discussion in the last 10 years.

>> No.2939028

If you had two brain cells to rub together it would be obvious to you that in most crash scenarios the pilots are trying to save the plane and the passengers. Since you can't figure this out for yourself there's nothing I can do for you but to recommend you set down the crack pipe and get some fresh air.

>> No.2939030

wait you just said "office fire alone can make a steel framed building collapse"?

you are a fucking IDIOT

>> No.2939039

oh so your statistical claim isnt a statistic at all. shouldve guessed.

>> No.2939042

loud bang

could be an explosion, or something inside the building collapsing, or something big and heavy and filed with terrified passengers hitting the tower.

>> No.2939050


He said weaken.

>> No.2939058

Set it down, son.

>> No.2939066

>thinking it can't
We are talking about a large number of huge offices with raging fires.

>> No.2939080

In combination with critical structural damage before the fires started.

>> No.2939084

Erm, no, I was stating the temperatures at which steel looses much of it's integrity, temperatures which are also found in house fires.

Besides, if a fire is left unchecked long enough, a steel-framed building can very well collapse.

WT7 is different though, because it got hit by a massive amount of debris from the twin towers collapsing.

>> No.2939094

So who did they get to fly the planes into the towers if it wasn't these muslims who were apparently unable to do so because it would require a huge amount of skill and training?

Does the US Air Force have a suicide unit?

>> No.2939105

>Implying that WT7 wasn't severely damaged from getting hit by debris from the twin towers and had a raging fire going on in it
>Implying that it wasn't showing signs of collapses long before it collapses
>Implying it was a controlled demolition even though no explosives were heard going off (protip, explosions are LOUD AS FUCK).

1) I'm asking questions. You are responding to your perceived implications of the questions. Please someone answer the questions if you wanna point out what a dumbass I am.
2) There have been several raging fires over the last century in NYC skyscrapers of a similar design. Not a single one of them caused a collapse or damage to the central girders. Again, there were other buildings that were closer and encountered more debris. No major structural damage.
3) Freefall. Even if the central girders / or all the floors below the top floor were so weakened by the fire that they gave way all at once, there still wouldn't be free fall, because you'd still have some resistance on the way down. Demolition experts design complicated explosive techniques to get a building to fall straight down at freefall, so it doesn't damage surrounding buildings. Perhaps the chaotic nature of a raging fire could create this same effect somehow? I guess you know.
4) Whereas there is baseless argument about whether there were explosions in WT1 and WT2, there is plenty of witness testimony from people who were in and around WT7 that there were multiple explosions before the building fell. Please do your research before you condescend to me.

>> No.2939117

> remote ?

I suggest it but I dont support it?

>> No.2939119

In a crash that can destroy a building of that size and leave it a a pile of rubble i believe a black box would have little to no chance of surviving. Very few planes crash head on to buildings at max speed therefore they don't design black boxes to survive such conditions.

>> No.2939120

>I do want to know how Hanni Hanjur - a guy who failed pilot certification because he couldn't control a little Cessna on his own - flew a gigantic commercial plane in a complicated maneuver to hit the Pentagon.

Big planes are easy to control. flying into buildings is not complicated.

>I also want to know how NORAD, which is usually responsible for getting fighter jets to commercial planes within ~10 minutes of them veering off course and losing contact, didn't have anyone in the skies when these planes were off course for ~1 hour.

Because they aren't. Average response time before 9/11 was 2 hours.

>> No.2939126

Maybe the hijackers were misidentified by US authorities. Or deliberately misidentified.
Maybe they were working for the Libyan government?
Gaddy has used terrorist attacks before (Lockerbie bombing)

This still wouldn't explain why Al-Qaeda took responsibility for the attacks.

>> No.2939132

7 groups claimed responsibility.

>> No.2939134



>> No.2939136

Remote is not possible. Even with UAVs or autopilot you need to set up a huge amount of equipment such as ILS to land them without a human pilot. To get them hit a building would require the same equipment, on a large pylon directly next to the tower at the same height.

>> No.2939144

oh look school must be out today...

>> No.2939156

2) There's never been a comparable fire combined with impact-severed structural beams in a steel sky-scraper lacking a concrete core anywhere in the world, much less in NYC.
3) The rate of fall of the buildings was exactly what physics predicts once the most damaged floor collapsed. Stop watching that loose change crap and believing it uncritically.
4) There is no reason there shouldn't be explosions in a building with generators and gas tanks and shit. There were certainly no demolition explosions, which would be quite different.

People call you a dumbass because you are uncritical in your thinking.

>> No.2939159

>Big planes are easy to control. flying into buildings is not complicated.
No, but flight sim programmes are easily available and a lot of practice would help a lot.

>Because they aren't. Average response time before 9/11 was 2 hours.
It's still pretty high. 10 minutes is utter bullshit. Bang on the money with this one friend.

>> No.2939171

Also, norad is set up for intercepting planes without clearance to enter US airspace. It's not set up for identifying airliners that have been hijacked already within the US, and shooting them down.

>> No.2939184


people without any training flying planes.

very poorly, but...

>> No.2939186

Many of them are, yes. In the exact same proportion than in other groups.

>> No.2939193
File: 83 KB, 531x713, 188a6302_2722_f593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.2939195

Interesting site, and I'll have to take a better look at it. However, from looking it over, I can't find anywhere where it discusses NORAD's lapse, or how Hanni Hanjur went from shit pilot to The Shit after his pilot training was over. The closest it touches to any of my questions has to do with WT7. It makes a good point, about how it could have fallen over from debris damage, not just fire. It does not, however, address how getting hit on the side and have a couple floors on fire results in freefall implosion. It also does not touch on the fact that several recorded interviews with people directly after claim that there were explosions in WT7 well before the supposed damage that knocked it over (not that it was actually knocked over, as you'd expect from one-sided damage from debris).

Did you see any articles on this that you can point out to me? Otherwise, I will spend some more time on the site looking for them.

>> No.2939197


>The Airbus A320 apparently overshot the airport by more than 100 miles and had to circle back to land after temporarily losing radio contact with air-traffic controllers.

No radio contact for a hundred miles and still no fighters on the aircraft. NORAD is indeed going to be able to track down every noncommunative aircraft and have a fighter at the scene in ten minutes

>> No.2939214

>guy with no experience or even looking through any books
>the guys who took over would never think of getting every book they could and practise over and over.


>> No.2939222

Interesting. Can you quote me any resource that purports to show how a building, hit on one side and with fire that's only hot enough to break structural integrity (but not to melt), is predicted to fall straight down at freefall speed? I'd be interested in learning about that, because everything I know about physics suggests otherwise.

Also, I enjoy the structure of this argument:
>Believer: But there weren't any explosions at WT7!
>Me: Um, yes there were.
>Believer: But the explosions make perfect sense, you nutty conspiracy theorist!

;) Got a kick out of that one.

>> No.2939236

Goddamnit, conspiracy theorists are morons.
Please die, OP.

>> No.2939247

>only hot enough to break structural integrity (but not to melt)

I don't think you understand physics.

>> No.2939250

YOu can't launch planes cold. At the time they only kept 10 hot planes across the country.

average Intercept time 2 hours.

As for non communicative. Norad does not speak with commercial planes. that is a different agency.

>> No.2939253

Yes. If you're talking about building 7, just look at the WTC-7 wiki page. It has links to the detailed engineering analysis of exactly what happened.

>> No.2939260
File: 92 KB, 600x674, 1303311685001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should go to /new/ if you want to understand this stuff. Though, I can't believe people on /sci/ don't realize this was a conspiracy. I guess it really doesn't matter if you're good with science and mathematics. In the end your closed mind will always leave you stuck in a dark corner.

>> No.2939266

>Norad does not speak with commercial planes
yet claim that they are there to intercept commercial aircraft such as in 9/11

>> No.2939299

reported sage thread, stay on topic please

>> No.2939307

they can track the planes on radar. But since norad doesn't get flight plans either, they can't tell who is where they are supposed to be.

Now if a plan flies over a no fly zone, they certainly would respond.

>> No.2939313

Engineer here. Sounds like you're the one who doesn't understand physics.

>> No.2939314

>yet claim that they are there to intercept commercial aircraft such as in 9/11

They announced this AFTER 9/11.

>> No.2939331


Engineer here. You can notice, that when a metal is heated, but not to melting point, it becomes malleable and susceptible to breaking under strain.

>> No.2939388

All theories pointing out it was a government conspiracy have been debunked already by scientists and engineers. It was ok to wonder if it was a conspiracy when we lacked data 10 years ago. It is not ok now.

>> No.2939401

Those buildings didn't fall at freefall speed. Stop using the same tired arguments that have been disproven years ago. In fact admit already that you're wrong and move on. Is that so hard?

>> No.2939441


>> No.2939452

Conspiracies are fundamentally flawed for this reason: the more you deny them, the more it becomes true in the mind of a conspirator.
Also, what if the plane came in at a different angle? That is, wings pointed up?
Check. Mate.

>> No.2939457

I don't believe the twin towers got hit at all I know they are still there In NY and America just made it up for us to feel sorry for them, you did a good job on editing them out of modern movies though.
0/10 America

>> No.2939468

I've been to NYC. The towers at first do appear to be gone. But on closer inspection, a huge array of mirrors were positioned in just the right place to hide them.

>> No.2939486


I fucking knew it

>> No.2939502

ITT: schizophrenics with a lot of time on their hands

>> No.2939539

Interesting, since the official report is that WT7 fell at freefall speed. Since you are denying the official report, does that make you a conspiracy theorist?

>> No.2939591

"freefall speed" is only a term used by nutjobs. It's a good way to identify them.

BTW, whose report are you calling the "official report"?

"Official report" is another of those terms. It's designed to hide the fact that these things have been investigated independently by a number of organizations.

>> No.2939599

I honestly think you mean to say mis-investigated.