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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2935418 No.2935418 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Something we all agree on

>> No.2935422
File: 137 KB, 700x466, hs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so deep bro

>> No.2935423

why isn't quantum physics also in god tier?

>> No.2935424

>putting anything into 'tiers'
>think you're anything but a faggot for caring about subjects you say you don't
>think anyone cares
confirmed for hipster faggot

>> No.2935431

>Ethic philosophy is God Tier
Get out, troll

>> No.2935432

Philosophy is fucking pathetic. Sage

>> No.2935433
File: 71 KB, 500x420, tumblr_li9p0iy3OY1qaavgho1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the better one, it actually holds some facts.

>> No.2935437

where would Zoology be on that? Life sciences?

>> No.2935438

If you take an engineering/science degree, people know that your brain works.

If you take an arts degree, people know that you are unable to think correctly, which is why you've gone for a degree where there is no "right answer".

>> No.2935442

>Idea that has been shown to be incomplete and wrong
>God tier

Pick one

>> No.2935447


I'd say computer science should be moved up higher, it does have some relevance in the field of maths and physics. although admittedly I am a comp sci major.....

>> No.2935468

Philosophy is Wtf Tier actually, as most of it's "problems", which are still disputed by all the morons, are solved by physics etc., and the rest is unsolvable and untestable, therefore worthless.

Quantum physics should be in God Tier if general relativity is there.

If I'd be making such a list, I'd divide stuff into categories:
0: math [tool for all to use]
1: physics [e.g. particles]
2: chemistry [molecules]
3: biology [cells]
4: medicine [organisms]
5: social studies [interaction between organisms]
6: politics, religion and other mass herding methods [wide-scale interactions between organisms]

>> No.2935473


Create two subgroups of philosophy, move the obvious one of them down, get quantum physics up to god tier, then that's the real deal.

>> No.2935476

Agreed, comp sci should be switched with geology, also economics should also be moved up.

>> No.2935483

Engineering is applied Physics
Physics is applied Maths
Maths is applied Logic
Logic is applied Philosophy
Philosophy is applied Misunderstanding

Therefore Engineering is applied Misunderstanding.


>> No.2935503

Can OP even is the stuff in God/High Tier to create something for the benefit of mankind?

No, OP is a idiot who repeats random shit he reads to sound smart.

>> No.2935521

Just fucking this.
Ethics above QM? What have you been smoking OP?
While one could argue about GR being above QM, one would then be wrong, as QM is more practical.
Cosmology is very cool, but I'd put it in mid tier.
Not sure about algebra - it could go up.
I agree about the rest.

>> No.2935563

Here: <span class="math">\varnothing[/spoiler]

>> No.2935620

Those distinctions would work quite nice in the 1900s.
Recent Nobel prizes in physics go to work on molecules.
Recent Nobel prizes in chemistry go to work on macromolecules.
Quite a lot of work in biology is about organisms, and their interactions.
Medicine is how to patch up organisms, actually.
Social studies is how groups interact.
I doubt anyone could say what political sciences, religion or philosophy is actually about.

>> No.2935702
File: 124 KB, 555x565, cell_architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why everybody hate Biology ?

>> No.2935738

>advanced calculas

confirmed for underageb&

Study physics and math, son. Maybe one day you will get into a good school, go to grad school, and be an actual scientist.

>> No.2935767

Because in its mature state it's called physics.

At least, that what many people (unconsciously) think about it I believe.

>> No.2935811



>> No.2935828
File: 148 KB, 741x1001, 1284155640192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Inner Life of the Cell :


" The fact that humankind has been able to determine that this is what happens in the life of a cell is more astounding to me "