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File: 142 KB, 327x308, 1302923125895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2926478 No.2926478 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/.

America is fucked.


>> No.2926486

its cute because its news to you

>> No.2926499
File: 55 KB, 700x929, brainproblems.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senility is a terrible thing.

>> No.2926521

Dude should interview crazy liberals just to be fair. But yea, crazy Republicans are a little more hilarious to watch.

>> No.2926534
File: 55 KB, 820x600, 1298944654386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not new.

>> No.2926538

I'm so crazy I believe in science look at me I'm a crazy librul with my facts and truth and human rights if you say something objectively false I'm a radical because I disagree with you aren't I offensive

>> No.2926543

Kind of a dick move for this guy to ask loaded questions to a bunch of senile old people at a Republican convention. I'm sure if you went to a democratic event you could find a similar number of dumbasses.

While its sad to see, the sad part is that there are uneducated and easily influenced people like this in our country that are exploited for support and votes. If this guy's aim is to promote the Democratic party, he's fighting fire with fire.

IMHO, the guy with the beard didn't sound half bad. Sure, some of his statements weren't 'politically correct' and the camera guy was trying to use that to make him look bad, but he said a few intelligent things.

Again with the other guy who said government was a very bad thing. From a philosophical and logical standpoint, its not THAT dumb of a statement. There is a lot to be said against modern governments. And many highly touted philosophers have been anarchists.

FINAL OPINION: The guy who made this video is only slightly better than the people he interviewed. It's all dumb shit anyway. And I'm probably getting trolled but I'm bored and felt like replying to something.

>> No.2926551

Do you believe in homeopathy, communism, and think racism is only for whites?

If not, then you're probably not a "crazy" liberal.

>> No.2926553

stupid americans.... who knew....

>> No.2926557

So let me get this straight.

Jesus flat out demands that his followers help the needy and the poor.

Yet medicaid, welfare, and social security are socialist constructs that should be abolished.

An obscure, ambiguous line in the bible can be interpreted as deeming homosexuality evil.

Yet gays should be denied legitimacy, government services, basic human rights, and social respect.

Stay classy religious fucktards.

>> No.2926567
File: 12 KB, 250x250, us government spending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That graph is wrong. Try getting it from a reputable website.

>> No.2926571
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>> No.2926573

It's not like their votes count for anything.

>> No.2926582
File: 3 KB, 209x215, 1295035013524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the US is spending close to a trillion dollars on education then how come I keep seeing the discretionary budget begging it a tad under 60 billion?
Where is this shadow budget I don't hear much about?

>> No.2926585

>Implying democrats don't have as many crazy fucks in their party.

>> No.2926586

There are at least a few million senile Republican voters with relatively similar views.

>> No.2926588
File: 93 KB, 512x348, Aisha Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let me interfere with your butt-hurt but you ignore how I had the word "crazy". But hey, if you want to pretend being crazy doesn't alter liberal's beliefs at all, you're free to think that.

>> No.2926595
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>> No.2926596
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In Australia and I assume Europe, liberal generally doesn't mean ALL THE WAY TO THE LEFT

>> No.2926598

Haha what

Did we even watch the same fucking video?

The guy doesn't ask loaded ANYTHING.

I'm sorry, but you need to be a special kind of deluded to think that "Hello, who do you think will win the presidential election in 2012" is loaded.

>> No.2926604

homeopaths just elected 40 people to congress

it's true bro, its the exact same number elected to congress as the tea party, so both sides are equal

>> No.2926617
File: 70 KB, 638x340, GIVINGAFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Trump
Seriously wtf America

Although some of the people aren't as retarded as they would seem the interviewer has a clear bias and point of view he wants to project on them. And that guy with the beard is a ridiculous cunt.

>> No.2926614
File: 22 KB, 590x472, Political ideology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2926622

"there are crazy liberals" changes nothing. there are orders of magnitude more crazy conservatives, and they are vastly more politically powerful. ie, the tools of billionaires.

>> No.2926626
File: 83 KB, 600x805, Dog Suit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discretionary budget
>shadow budget

There is no shadow budget, you just don't know the terminology. Discretionary spending is only one part of all government spending. Discretionary spending ignores all state and local spending and all federal spending for entitlements. Federal discretionary spending in 2010 was $1.3 trillion or 38% of total government spending.


Discretionary spending is disproportionally military because Congress has the power to raise or lower military spending every year. However, education spending is handled by states, not the federal government. So very little education spending is part of federal discretionary spending.

>> No.2926629


He asks "Where do you get your news" about every other question. If they are old people at a Republican convention where the fuck do you think they get their news?

Its like going into a preschool, asking them what 3 times 2 equals, and scoffing at them when they don't know the answer. Then proceeding to say "THIS IS THE PROBLEM WITH OUR YOUTH FACEPALM WHY CAN'T EVERYONE BE AS EDUCATED AS ME"

How about instead of complaining about shit you get off your ass and do something.

>> No.2926631
File: 224 KB, 800x1332, jkRdm mad hatter change places.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2926634
File: 6 KB, 493x402, 1259314025218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

>> No.2926648
File: 38 KB, 533x405, 1271994460526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adolescent IQ
>adult political affiliation.

Liberals can't even interpret their own graphs. Protip: It doesn't measure the IQ of people simultaneously to their political affiliation. The IQ of someone when they were 12 isn't very germane to anything 20 years later.

Here's one that actually looks at this issue properly. Enjoy being uneducated, liberals.


>> No.2926649

Not "the neighbor," or "web sites."

>> No.2926656


You're a retard.

>> No.2926660
File: 14 KB, 300x300, bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks all you need to get a 4-year degree is intelligence

>> No.2926662

>The IQ of someone when they were 12 isn't very germane to anything 20 years later.

You have no idea how IQ works, do you?

>> No.2926666
File: 27 KB, 504x343, have-girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2926688
File: 32 KB, 387x505, Dog Suit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a 4 year degree requires time, money, and intelligence, in varying amounts. But in any case, all I implied is that republicans are more educated than democrats. Which they are.


You can even look at graduate level degrees or the number of people who dropped out before graduating high school. A higher percentage of republicans (7.2%) have graduate degrees than democrats (5.5%). Democrats also have a higher percentage of high school drop outs.

No matter how you slice it, democrats are less educated.

Of course, this doesn't mean republican policies are correct (which is why we care about all this dick waving). But I get annoyed when democrats claim things about republicans which are factually false, so I wanted to point out your error.

>> No.2926687
File: 16 KB, 243x182, 1274425573298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Governmentless society FTW
>BTW I'm an active member of my party

Reminds me of this (skip to 5:46):

>Czars? Why did Obama appoint a Czar?
>Who are they? Who do they answer too?
>They're actually only advisory committees, you stupid red necks
>...you know this how?

>> No.2926700

Colour me shocked OP.

>> No.2926709
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1301884812876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Take a picture of my shirt" made me crack up.

The rest of it is just fools. Fools arent inherently fun. Just the innocence of "take a picture of my shirt!"

That'll show 'em, a t-shirt phrase.

>> No.2926714

>Marilyn Ferguson (April 5, 1938 – October 19, 2008) was an American author, editor and public speaker, best known for her 1980 book The Aquarian Conspiracy and its affiliation with the New Age Movement in popular culture.
>A founding member of the Association of Humanistic Psychology, Ferguson published and edited the well-regarded science newsletter Brain/Mind Bulletin from 1975 to 1996. She eventually earned numerous honorary degrees, served on the board of directors of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and befriended such diverse figures of influence as inventor and theorist Buckminster Fuller, spiritual author Ram Dass, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Ilya Prigogine and billionaire Ted Turner. Ferguson's work also influenced Vice President Al Gore, who participated in her informal network while a senator and later met with her in the White House.

>> No.2926724

>Getting a 4 year degree requires money from daddy, which is proof daddy is a good person and better than you, which is why I'm buying a degree of dubious utility, to prove I deserve daddy's money and am a better person than you.
I agree.

>> No.2926725

I like how they cut away before anyone had time to read his shirt.

>> No.2926727

I like when the lady says "moslem is not a religion"
of course nothing really new or surprising here, just old senile republicans

>> No.2926728

Well that's funny, because highly educated people seem to be more liberal than the current batch of republicans in america.

>> No.2926731


"Take a picture of my shirt"


I actually paused it so I could read that dear man's shirt.

It just said something about citizens needing to take up civic duty or something.

>> No.2926732

>money from daddy

Maybe in your shitty country. By the end of my six year degree I'll only have accumulated about $30,000 in fees (Government pays for the rest) and those fees are with the Government, not the University (they actually pay for all of it but require some of it be paid back). And even then, I only have to pay back those fees in a small amount of extra tax (1-10%) and even then, that's only if I'm earning over $40,000 a year.

Money doesn't come into it for every country.

>Also if you're like me and got scholarships, you'll probably have more than your fees put away by the end of your degree. I'm about $4k in debt now and already have $11k put away.

>> No.2926734

>Unabashedly positive in its outlook, the book was praised by such diverse figures as philosophical writer Arthur Koestler, who called it "stunning and provocative," commentator Max Lerner, who found it "drenched in sunlight," and United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller, who described it as "remarkable" and "epoch-making." Psychologist Carl Rogers credited her with having "etched, in unforgettable vividness, the intricate web of changes shaping the inevitable revolution in our culture," and said the book "gives the pioneering spirit the courage to go forward."
>Philosopher and religious scholar Jacob Needleman predicted that the book would help to make "New Age" thinking "more understandable and less threatening" to the general public in America. This was borne out by its success, as The Aquarian Conspiracy steadily climbed to the best-seller list and its viewpoint began seeping into the popular culture. Before long the book was being credited as "the handbook of the New Age" (USA Today) and a guidepost to a philosophy "working its way increasingly into the nation's cultural, religious, social, economic and political life" (New York Times).
>The book was eventually translated into some 16 foreign languages, and Ferguson became a sought-after speaker across North America and around the world, eventually traveling as far as Brazil, Sweden and India to convey her hopeful message. In 1985 she was featured as a keynote speaker at the United Nations-sponsored "Spirit of Peace" conference, where she appeared along with Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama of Tibet.

>> No.2926735

The problem with arguing over which voter base is more educated is that you can look at it several different ways. States that have a high percentage of their population with college education are overwhelmingly blue states. Individuals who go on to get a graduate degree also tend to vote democrat. However the majority of business degree holders and a large number of economics majors tend to lean republican. Then there is the fact that most wealthy people (top 5%) are college educated (even if they inherited their wealth) and wealthy people will vote republican. Look at the tea party demographics it is a party backed financially by wealthy educated people while many of its self-identified members are a mixed bag of education.

>> No.2926745


I didnt realize what the term "czar" meant in american politics. So I looked it up, and it has examples of "czars" going back to Woodrow Wilson. So fuck that sneaky liberal idiot guy for saying Reagan made the first czars.

>> No.2926746
File: 338 KB, 120x120, Wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, is it "seems to be" from watching anecdotes on youtube or TV or from reading statistics about the degree attainment of people of different political affiliations? Because while some guy's youtube may say republicans are less educated, statistics show they are far more educated than democrats.

I'll leave it up to you to decide which one is more trustworthy.

>> No.2926748
File: 209 KB, 406x480, 1302665307837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure is buttravaged conservatard in here

>> No.2926766

Care to post the statistics please? I'm not that guy btw.

>> No.2926776
File: 387 KB, 2000x1331, matthieu-ricard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember /sci/, that these people came out of the very same laws which created the universe. We have to learn to accept them as part of this world. Their existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, is in their way exactly what the universe intended.

>> No.2926781
File: 1.72 MB, 156x117, Fire.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but those aren't really "problems". We don't have to worry whether *states* which have more republicans have more uneducated people (which may or may not be those republicans) because we have actual individual level statistics on political party and educational attainment.

>Individuals who go on to get a graduate degree also tend to vote democrat.
This is false. Everyone is more likely to be a democrat since there are more democrats than republicans, but getting a graduate degree increases your odds of being a republican. See:


>> No.2926784

But us hating them isn't the way the Universe intended?

This reminds me of Batman Begins, where Batman refused to kill a criminal and instead killed the guy that wanted to kill the criminal (and probably killed the criminal in the process).

>I won't kill someone who's done something wrong
>Then I will
>I'll kill you first!

>> No.2926785

They're posted in


>> No.2926799
File: 5 KB, 268x188, presidentfacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I realize how low voter turn out it
>mfw I realize these people exist
>mfw Democracy

>> No.2926803


>white guy

>I cant get over this

There is something fundamentally wrong with white people being buddhists. I have visited zen temples, meditated, and read books about zen buddhism, but I believe there is something fundamentally wrong about white people being buddhists.

What the hell man.

What the hell.

>> No.2926810


I won't bother mentioning the book but you people don't appreciate your workforce enough. Nobody on /sci/ is on the lowest end of the workforce but somebody must do the job.

>> No.2926806

Their existence isn't grotesque nor incomprehensible.

They're just...ignorant. They just don't know anything. They just need to be educated properly.

They've basically been taught complete bullshit by propaganda machines like FOX News and Glenn Beck. They're the grotesque, incomprehensible existences.

>> No.2926817

That means Buddhism is bullshit as a philosophy, then.

>> No.2926820



>> No.2926841

I accidentally moved to a place like this for work.

>> No.2926854

They cut out a lot in the video, for instance when he's talking to the bearded guy and get's the response of interacial marriage, it cuts, then he says "Gotcha" really quietly as if there was an explanation there.

>> No.2926857


Fucking duh!

>> No.2926874


I dont know why so many people have bought into this concept that Buddhist is a philosophy.

It operates off:
1. Faith
2. Ritual
3. Blind adherence

Im not criticizing it. I think its great. Im just saying its not a philosophy.

The reason I was saying white people shouldnt be buddhist is that buddhism is like a cultural artifact. Learning from buddhism and appreciating a buddhist idea, and acutally being a full blown buddhist are two separate things.

>> No.2926966
File: 123 KB, 751x700, NAW DUDE cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to say that this problem would be resolved when the demographic portrayed in this video dies out, but there is an entire new regime of misinformed stewing in the juices of "conservativism" as we speak.
How fix, /sci/?

>> No.2927044


>> No.2927317


Fuckin hippie.

>> No.2927352


So what?

So you think that white guy in that picture is the consequence of some thousands of years old cultural communication?

No hes probably just some white guy who learned about buddhism.

What point was that supposed to make?

>> No.2927393


Encourage everyone you know to kill themselves.

All problems solved and prevented. Smoke more crack

>> No.2927496

Can't wait for nwo and depopulation

>> No.2927507

Why do you wait for NWO? Just move to a 3rd world country and start a militia with your money obtained thus far and start the genocide.

>> No.2929430


>> No.2929470

>cameraman asks questions
>cuts away before they even get a chance to fully respond
If they can logically support why they believe Trump should be president then alright but what's crazy about that? This "dont like what i dont like" view is childish...