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File: 26 KB, 650x600, prion-720726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2926475 No.2926475 [Reply] [Original]

What if by some lab accident a artificial self replicating protein was released into the world and it started to convert any raw materials (including all organic matter on Earth) into copies of itself.

How possible is this? I know the prion that causes Mad Cow doesn't denature under exposure to relatively high heat.

What would you do if this started happening tomorrow? Like there was an estimated month before the prion was everywhere on Earth?




>And holy shit these articles.

>> No.2926493
File: 15 KB, 320x261, schrodinger-cat-gets-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrodinger's cat isn't afraid of no prions.

>> No.2926510


I don't know much about this subject, but I find it dubious that a single protein could convert ANY organic material into itself.

Such advance biochemistry would probably require much more complex structure than a single protein and would probably be much more like a whole cell than a protein.

>> No.2926513

>What if by some lab accident a artificial self replicating protein was released into the world and it started to convert any raw materials (including all organic matter on Earth) into copies of itself.


Do you even know how prions work? What they are? These are misfolded proteins that convert the correctly folded proteins into more of themselves. They cannot make new copies of themselves, only convert previously good versions of that one specific protein that they were supposed to be.

>> No.2926518
File: 154 KB, 348x332, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A loving god would never let that happen, Op.

>> No.2926526

>Asspie alter.

You miss the entire point of the post just to fuss over an insignificant detail. I bet you're a real pain the ass to watch a scifi movie with.

>"That's not scientifically possible"

Go organize your legos.

>> No.2926547

According to Op's articles prions have a possibility to be weaponized.

the wired article said 100% of mice died when exposed to sprayed prions. And prions in general are pretty tough.

>> No.2926555

Have you even heard of mad cow disease?

>> No.2926562

I agree. What if some lab accident caused Godzilla to eat Black Jesus, demagnetizing everyone's souls? How possible is this? What would you do if this started happening tomorrow?

Serious discussion only!

>> No.2926575


Yes, but from what I have heard, prions convert other similar proteins into themselves, not raw organic molecules. I might be wrong, but I think the only things that construct protein are the mechanisms involved in RNA transcribing.

>> No.2926590

>Serious discussion only!
You're on fucking 4chan you stuck up aspie tard.

>> No.2926612

yeah but that's naturally occurring prions. You don't think the government isn't trying to weaponize them since they are so eaffective?

Also there are other field of science looking into prions, like scientists researching the origins of life have a great interest in prions. Also scientists researching creating artificial life are messing around with prions.

I'm speaking of some freakish lab accident that creates a self replicating polymer/protein.

What would you do to escape its wrath?

>> No.2926638


Oh, okay then. Although, I don't think the government is looking to weaponize it.

It seems from the article, that a serious amount needs to be aerosolized to be effective. I think proper quarentine procedures would be enough to contain it. Wash your hands, wear a face mask, be careful who you hang out with.

A disease this rapid and this lethal would probably catch attention really quickly.

>> No.2926642

>What would you do to escape its wrath?
How quickly can I get to Madagascar and close its ports?

>> No.2926645

Prion infections aren't rapid. They can take months and years to even show symptoms.

>> No.2926651

I imagine this prion to be ocean borne to be most effective. Close your ports, shits gonna happen anyway.

>> No.2926661

I probably find autistic-style nitpicking as annoying as you do but you're way off here, guy. He's right, you don't seem to really know what prions are or how they work or why what you've posted in OP topic just... doesn't work.

>> No.2926667

So it's the grey goo scenario, only that you've replaced the previously remotely plausbile all-eating nanomachines with prions. Which is preposterous due to the limitations that prions suffer such as not contagious under normal circumstances and highly limited to misfolding a certain protein into a prion copy of itself, far from being able to consume random organic matter.

Virus or bacteria are much better candidates for lab accident catastrophe, prions in fact are a ridiculous scenario, you might as well use computer viruses infecting people via vision.

>> No.2926671
File: 90 KB, 376x424, 1233452758809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying concentrating a hazardous material isn't part of weaponizing anything much less bioweapons.

I don't understand what you're getting at. It's as if governments have never weaponized anthrax and have never created weapons that can singlehandedly destroy the entire world.

Where the fuck were you during the 20th century?

>> No.2926674

...naive simpleton detected

>> No.2926696


I've haven't seen any evidence that the government is researching weaponized prions. If you have, please share with the rest of the class.


Wow, such an intelligent and well explained opinion you have there. I can tell you have been thinking about this topic for a long time.

>> No.2926792

Yes, because governments advertise all bioweapons programs on easy to use, kid-friendly websites.

>> No.2926843


Are you saying there is no available evidence?

>> No.2926849

i heard rumors suposedly coming from the military intel community that china had exterminated many many people just to simplify the containment of the SARS outbreak
(a prion induced disorder)
I was traveling in vietnam at the time and I can tell you the threat of being caught even potentialy sick with it was a very serious matter

>> No.2926917

if you want me to do your research for you,
or divulge matterial from personal private conversations with persons exposed to such matters in their line of work, it ain't gonna happen for free
in the meantime you can try doing some research on your own
there is no evidence available to persons with their head up their ass
hopefully this is not why you have yet to encounter any

>> No.2926936

i bet that bitch winds up in a mental hospital
or drives the rest of her family there
damn that video was fucked up
like talking to a fucking recording

>> No.2927010

The burden of proof is upon the positive statement.

>> No.2927102

the burden of your ass is upon your sholders

>> No.2927160
File: 20 KB, 220x348, bundy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of prions as enzymes that catalyze their own production in certain settings (i.e. settings where there is a decent supply of ambient amino acids and other proteins.), that's basically all you need for "self":-replication.

>> No.2927192

>convert any raw materials into copies of itself

OP is a faggot and will always be so.

>> No.2927193

Well, theres one thing I know.

OP was a protein accident