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2924837 No.2924837 [Reply] [Original]

Lack of female engineers


>> No.2924844

Women can't do math.

>> No.2924843

Lack of perseverance

Women have fragile egos, the slightest criticism will cause them go to into a depressive spin.

>> No.2924848

Females have, on average, lower critical thinking skills.

Also, they are not gay.

>> No.2924854
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females do not think in the way required for engineering in general.

>> No.2924867

Because, why would you work hard at something yourself when you could just leech off a mans hard work.

>> No.2924880


Well, now that's we've gotten all that out of the way, what's the real reason? (inb4 implying those aren't real reasons)

>> No.2924882

females are social beeings unlike the average sperglord trolling on /sci/

>> No.2924890
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But you see plenty of female mathematics professors. At least I do. So some of them can do math...BUT NO ENGINEERING?!

>> No.2924892


Clearly you've never worked with women, let alone worked with women in science.

>> No.2924893

Their brains are different, evolution has dictated that they arent interested in such things. estrogen vs test ect....

>> No.2924940

I think it's largely cultural. You may find that "women can't math", but if you've ever hung around (for example) foreign grad students, you'd likely conclude that isn't really the case.

Women can't math because it's a general assumption that women can't math.

>> No.2924967

Women think engineering is boring
Like if you take them to a factory they will not care even if terminators were assembling things

>> No.2924979

social preassure

There are plety of smart women

>> No.2924982

I've yet to meet a woman who does not immediately become irritated when How It's Made comes on.

It's hilarious, it's like making a straight man watch gay porn.

>> No.2924993

>Women can't math because
they don't want to.
They get no pleasure or reward from it aside form occasionally suprising someone who thought they were dumb.

Women are not satisfied by logical and intellectual pursuits, they prefer social and emotional ones.

>> No.2924997

yes, but smart women tend to do actuarial studies or something to do with accounting.

>> No.2924999

this. this is basically the explanation any time somebody asks "Why can't (group of people) do (activity)?"

>> No.2925007

>I think it's largely cultural
Well aren't you the precious little flaming faggot.

>> No.2925011

>lack of PRETTY female engineers


>> No.2925015

exactly lol
My mom said that she rather hear about black holes or multiple universes and other esoteric things

>> No.2925031

I also think that women hate technology because it doesn't allow them to be as social and thinks its unnatural and junk

>> No.2925032

your mom said she wants to tongue a black hole

let me spell it out for you, your mom is a nigggger fucking slut who wants to be degraded and she has AIDS

>> No.2925034

>Walk into engineering circuits class
>First day
>Sit down
>30+ dudes
>Not a single lady
>Class begins
>Finally an asian chick walks in about 10 minutes late
This semester's better, with not one but TWO asian chicks in my Statics class. One of them is a solid 7/10, too.

>> No.2925038

Because you're stupid chauvinists go find something better do dumbfucks

>> No.2925042


I've met plenty of Chinese female engineers. Why is that?

>> No.2925047

>go find better do
>chink detected
>gash detected

>> No.2925048

Because they don't have any other choice

>> No.2925050
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my mother is a saint!

>> No.2925051

This is true. The lack a vibrant social atmosphere (your engiqueer orgies are not this) is what turns idiots (women) away.

>> No.2925060
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Ha ha ha. I manipulated you to sucrete an unpleasant emotion. Are you mad?

>> No.2925062

>One of them is a solid 7/10, too.
You got lucky.

In a class of 250 stundents we had about 10 females. The best looking one was a crossdresser

>> No.2925075

More like no one wants to talk about the Kardashians.

>> No.2925091

>The best looking one was a crossdresser

Typical, at least crossdressers take care of their appearance.

>> No.2925092

Engineers do most of their work in teams. Teams of women are never productive. They do nothing but gossip and cat fights.

>> No.2925097

Do you guys go to engineering specialty colleges or something?
I'm pretty sure there are females elsewhere on campus at the very least

>> No.2925110

>he talks to people doing a different major

>> No.2925112

we had a girls in one of our groups once, she would always criticize everyones ideas and never add any input, when you told her to not do that she would cry and run out of the meeting. fun times.

>> No.2925114

I hope you didn't make this card, because it should read:
When Finals Exams enters the battlefield, tap all Geek, Student, and Intern creatures.
Geek, Student, and Intern creatures do not untap during their controller's untap step.

>> No.2925135



>> No.2925167

Same happened to me. Can't be coincidence.

All engineers here have their own campus. We are seperated from the rest by a 20 minute walk.

>> No.2925175


Kill yourself.

>> No.2925187


Sort of like your typical /sci/ poster.

Also women can't lift heavy things, weld, understand a practical application of anything, follow instructions, observe safety regulations or work in teams. Then again, neither can most Engineering grads.

Also, there's no point in having a professional job when you can just marry a man with one.

>> No.2925195
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Men evolved to be the smartest, funniest, strongest asshole in the room. Women evolved for child support. That's just the way it is. Any honest women will tell you the same thing. Women CAN be engineers and math majors, but a vast majority dont have much interest in those things. That's why we turn out 5 psychologists for every 1 math major.

>> No.2925209

Having both a M.Sc and a B.A, I can assure you it isn't down to course choice - either. They're simply afraid of hard work. Not a single woman on my mech engineering degree (both under and post grad) and not a single woman on my foreign languages course.

Women take courses like biology or English language, where they can just copy from the man sitting next to them. Law, medicine, engineering, architecture, hard sciences, foreign languages, politics, finance and computer science are completely barren of female students. Not a coincidence, just the way things are.

>> No.2925215


That sucks for you bro, but my girlfriend and I love watching that show all the time.

>> No.2925219


Well my courses weren't completely barren of females - around 5-10% of the class are female. And I was in Aerospace Engineering.

>> No.2925228

my gf couldn't care less what they teach me about engineering.
Somehow they're not attracted by it, i guess it's too rational for them.
My class is about 5% women and yea they're not the kind of girls i'd like to date.

>> No.2925231


Are they female as in:

>Oh she's so lovely and feminine, look at all her pretty clothes

Or female as in:

>Oh no get it away from me it's eating everything

>> No.2925243
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>go to aerospace engineering interview/induction day
>about 30 people
>no blacks
>only whites and asians
>28 boys
>2 white girl
>1 girl is a chubster anothers a solid 7
>get split into group of 4 to look around the uni
>guy calling out names in groups
>hear a girls name in my group
>mfw its the chubster

>> No.2925250


I porked fatties on the regular at university. It was Loughborough tradition.

>> No.2925273


>mfw I was talking about Loughborough University

>> No.2925279


Quality, not quantity.

>> No.2925282
File: 22 KB, 432x288, 1292151729063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heres my face

>> No.2925288

I'm studying Architectural Engineering and about half off people are female. Btw: rationality rules

>> No.2925290

women go to medics. In medics departments it's the other way around lot's of women and only few men. - exactly the opposite.

Pity I have no respect for medics since the whole medicine is from it's very roots done by memorizing and no proper analysis. 90% of the syllabus is conversion of something obvious -> Latin bullshit that doesn't make any sense is useless but no one except medics understand it so they have monopole on that small empirical try and error knowledge mankind has gathered throughout the history.
No offence to medics I know plenty of medical student who are awesome it's the helplessness of medicine that I hate not the people.

>> No.2925298


You should definetely go. Great university and although there aren't many attractive girls it's becaue it's academically strong. If you want some doey eyed tart, there's an Art college across the road or Nottingham/Leicester a few miles away.

Don't even think about trying it on with the Olympic athlete girls. They're average looking, but they hold a reputation for militant lesbianism.

You play any sports?

>> No.2925301


I'm gonna go with this explanation. I know a couple women who are outstanding (one is an engineer, the other's an art major), but what they both have in common is that their parents let them play with whatever they wanted to. So they're badass at building things and thinking about engineering problems.

>> No.2925307


yep i just accepted it as my firm choice. feels good man. also i play football and cricket. i think i could get into atleast one of those teams. also yea its a great uni and nice little town. those buses from train station-uni-town center are helpful as well

>> No.2925308


You should have seen the quantity though. I'm 6'8, 22 stone and she gave me a hell of a straight right when I wiped myself on her curtains in the morning.

Heavy duty. Nothing else like it.

>> No.2925324


I'd be very, very surprised if you did but if you're good enough then there's no reason you can't.

First things first though, invest in some shorts and flip flops.

>> No.2925330


yep i heard its very hard to get in even in the shittest of teams. but hey i cud give it a go. also it looked like shit loads of people cycle there. should i invest in a cycle too?

>> No.2925351


I did and it was great value for money. They'll have probably told you this on the open day, but chances are you'll spend more than your first year on campus due to the lack of housing around Loughborough. My bike was great for getting me around and for anything further just get the train.

>yep i heard its very hard to get in even in the shittest of teams.

I was on the first XV. If you're good enough, you'll get on. If not - go play for your college team or the second team. Second teams are nearly as good, but the first team has a lot of guys who are going to go pro or had trials at big teams.