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2923889 No.2923889 [Reply] [Original]

Humans outside Africa share DNA with the Neanderthals.

At school I remember being taught that while Neanderthals were smart, were able to speak and otherwise very similar to Homo Sapiens, their brains were unable to focus on more than one thing at a time (for instance, during a hunt, only the hunt would be in focus), thus becoming very skilled at whatever was their focus. They lived in smaller groups than Homo Sapiens, because they lacked the Sapiens communication skills, and they apparently lacked the same type of imagination. For instance, while a Neanderthal could imagine tomorrow as a sunny day with a slight breeze, he couldn't imagine there being a god inside a tree.

These are all theories, but if there is any truth in them - isn't this strikingly similar to Autism and Asperger's?
And if so, perhaps Europeans and Asians are autists/aspies because of the genes they share with the Neanderthals?
And if this is true, shouldn't there be a smaller, if not no amount of autists/aspies among black Africans?

Fun to think about, really.

>> No.2923914

Wait so are you saying that if a Homo Sapien walked up to a Neanderthal and was like, "Come worship the God within the Rock!"

While the other Homo Sapiens would immediately think this was a great idea, the Neanderthal would have said,

"What the FUCK are you talking about man? I'm going hunting to feed my fucking family!"

Why do the Neanderthals sound smarter than the Cro Magnum? Also apparently Neanderthals could focus unlike 90% of the ADD population today.

Just more evidence that the Neanderthal Man was smarter than Homo Sapien man, but how the fuck did neanderthal man die off?

My theory:

They suicided because homo sapien man made them hate life with their tree worship.

>> No.2923986

>Just more evidence that the Neanderthal Man was smarter than Homo Sapien man
Sup Cleve

>> No.2924310

>implying niggers can't focus


Banging them Neanderthal bitches was a good idea, Cro Magnon. Well played indeed.

The Neanderthals didn't die off, they merged with European and Asian Homo Sapiens.

Niggers are stupid and uncivilized because they lack those genes.

>> No.2924317

Oh God...I loved that movie

>> No.2924330
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>we are superior because we are part Neanderthal

I hope you realize that it's only a tiny fraction that couldn't possibly have such grandiose effects. Also Papau New Guineans have Neanderthal DNA:

Researchers compared the Neanderthal genome with the genomes of five living people: one San from southern Africa, one Yoruba from West Africa, one Papua New Guinean, one Han Chinese and one French person. Scientists discovered that 1% to 4% of the latter three DNA samples is shared with Neanderthals — proof that Neanderthals and early modern humans interbred. The absence of Neanderthal DNA in the genomes of the two present-day Africans indicates that interbreeding occurred after some root population of early modern humans left Africa but before the species evolved into distinct groups in Europe and Asia.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1987568,00.html#ixzz1KAcuWRZq

>> No.2924348

OP here:

This is my point exactly. Until we know what the Neanderthal genes are doing to us, we can not assume they are trash-genes or unimportant.

The Neanderthal has been portrayed as a primitive and stupid caveman, with low brows and a daft stare, but all things indicate that their intelligence was just different from that of the Sapiens.

The Sapiens, with their social skills and extreme imagination, and the Neanderthals, with their focus and reason, must have been a very potent mix.

However, if this is true, it does by no means negate black African civilization, as Neanderthal-like skills very well could have developed in the Africans without them being cross-bred with other hominids.

>> No.2924354
File: 46 KB, 445x445, george4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw if it were Africans that had the Neanderthal DNA, you would be using it to explain their problems
>mfw it's a joker card

>> No.2924361

I don't know if what you're saying is correct, OP, but it does sound plausible.

Also, why - really - did the white man emerge to be such a super-power (only rivaled by Asians, also descendants of both Homo Sapiens and the Neanderthals)?

Some blame the naval traditions, but they had boats along the coasts of Africa. Some blame the sail, but didn't they have sails in Africa? And if not, why the fuck didn't they invent it too?
Some blame the resources - farmable soil, raw materials - but Africa has PLENTY of resources, as long as you stay away from the deserts.
Some blame the colonization of more primitive countries, but why were they more primitive?

While Asian countries traditionally did things differently, many countries were expansionist empires with trade routes reaching into the middle East and the coast of Africa.
The only Africans who ever did anything similar, had been in contact with either Europeans, Asians or Arabs.

I'm not a racist, I really am not. But Black Africans, lacking the Neanderthal gene, seem to be suffering from this. Honestly. Just look at them.

>> No.2924371
File: 107 KB, 600x448, daressalaam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly. Just look at them.

yeah, just look at their primitive cities

>pic related, it's Tanzania
>also logical fallacy: just because they haven't, doesn't mean they can't

>> No.2924389


Black African civilization today is a mirror image of Western White civilization. They didn't come up with this themselves.

They lived in primitive tribes before the Europeans and Arabs arrived, and even then, most of them didn't cease to be primitive.

>> No.2924392

then why do they come to our countries if they're so ok with living in huts?

>> No.2924397


if you wanna see a good movie about it dl quest for fire
featuring ron perlman as the big neanderthal

>> No.2924402

You were being thaught that at school ? when and where was it ?

>> No.2924407

>such naivete

They have houses and shacks in Africa. Only those living in the countryside live in mud huts you see on TV. I've watched a few documentaries about life in Africa, and it really is not _that_ bad, not as bad as those Feed the Children ads characterize it. There haven't been any famines recently. The worst problem the continent is facing is wars and Islamic expansionism.
>whoops did I say that

>> No.2924411

Racist, collectivist faggots who refuse to look at people as individuals and only as entire groups.

>> No.2924412

>Also, why - really - did the white man emerge to be such a super-power
Gun, Germs and Steel.
Also, Sub-Saharan Africa isn't the best place to build Western style cities and civilizations anyways, due to climatic, seasonal and disease related reasons.

Okay, keep using that word.

>> No.2924422

Go to any country in the world and you'll find people/communities living in huts you retard. And not necessarily due to their own choice.

Some general regional examples:
-American Appalacian towns (full of holy rollers)
-Amazonian tribes in Brazil and other S. American countries.
-Southeast Asia and even Western China.

>> No.2924429


OP here:
The fact that Sapens and Neanderthals share DNA is a fairly recent discovery, but the description of the Neanderthal characteristics has been etched into me in history lessons since day one.

Why do you ask?

Also, I'm Norwegian, so I learned this in Norwegian school.

>> No.2924432

>At school I remember being taught that while Neanderthals were smart, were able to speak and otherwise very similar to Homo Sapiens, their brains were unable to focus on more than one thing at a time

How does anyone know this much about their psychology with only fossil records?

>> No.2924445


Well, if they found, say, only ten Neanderthal skeletons together, and that was the largest group of Neanderthals found, archaeologists could assume they lived in small groups.

Advanced handcraft = highly skilled crafters.

No drawings, sculptures or evidence of religion = no imagination, or at least a different kind of imagination

I don't know how they could assume Neanderthals were only able to focus at one thing at a time, that one is to stretch it a bit too far, but I understand how they could reach the conclusions above.

Also, sorry about my bad english!

>> No.2924447

>How does anyone know this much about their psychology with only fossil records?
They don't. It's most likely bullshit (Paleo-anthropology Bachelors here).
Although, the comments regarding language/speech has some validity to it since we can infer from their laryngeal orientation that any capacity they may have had for speech would have probably been hindered.
Otherwise though, all the comments said regarding focus and imagination sounds like complete bullshit.

Side note: Homo Neanderthalensis cranial capacity was, on average, larger than what some people call "Cro Magnon" (in terms of cc volume). Doesn't necessarily mean they were "smarter". If anything, intelligence is more related to the ratio of surface area of the cortex relative to the volume. Not that intelligence can be measured that easily, but that's another argument entirely.

>> No.2924478

nice, thanks for the knowledge bro