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2922305 No.2922305 [Reply] [Original]

What if engineers/Scientists/mathematicians ruled America instead of lawyers? Like they do in France/Japan/Germany? How would the world be different???

>> No.2922318

One can only dream..

>> No.2922313

We would be like China.
aka awesome, and in complete control

>> No.2922322

>instead of lawyers
You mean instead of the religious?

>> No.2922320

we wouöd have developed a way to rape and pillage with nukes

>> No.2922324

Randroids would be raging.

>> No.2922329


>> No.2922332

Climate change wouldnt be a topic of debate

>> No.2922334

We would be one of the greatest countries on Earth.

Not one of the greatest laughing stocks on Earth.

>> No.2922337

Christians would be viewed as a terrorist organization.

I say we fucking do it.

>> No.2922338

We wouldn't be falling behind the rest of the world in education and technology.

>> No.2922340

gay marriage would be legal in all states

>> No.2922347

as long as you include economists under "scientists" we would be doing just fine.
Also, engineers and mathematicians should not run a country.

>> No.2922351

oh you romanitic you.

Populations would cease to exist.

>> No.2922355

Same fag with no concept of evolution

>> No.2922363
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>>2922305 >lawyers rule America
>>2922322 >the religious rule America
Apparently you've never heard of banks.
Please look up Fractional Reserve Banking and how we come up with trust-based currency, so you can understand how every dollar in your wallet is already owed to a bank.
And please look up funding histories for presidents and congressmen, so you can realize that 90%+ of the time the person with the most campaign money wins the elections... and 90%+ of campaign money comes from banks, corporations, and individuals on the board of banks and corporations.

J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Halliburton and a handful of others decides 90%+ of the time who's going to forge foreign policy and the laws that the lawyers have to work with. The Federal Reserve (usually run by former members of the above banks) makes sure that we are always indebted to these few, and thus spend our days as wage slaves instead of revolting.

>> No.2922365

>~30 years of 10%gdp growth
>raised millions out of utter poverty
>authoritarian rule with peaceful succession
>leading the world in the green technology industry
>set to become the dominant world power

yes, awesome

>> No.2922359

You nerds won't get beat up anymore and will now be loved and respected.

>> No.2922368


So to sum up your post: The Jews rule America.

Uh.. I think that's what he meant by "the religious".

>> No.2922374

enjoy your delusional conspiracies there

>> No.2922378


If you don't think the rich own the world, you're retarded.

>> No.2922387

Enjoy being a brainwashed cocksucking liberal faggot. Just keep watching CNN and everything will be OK.

>> No.2922389


Hmmmm... The president is a constitutional lawyer, The Congress is made up of lawyers.. Yea lawyers do rule the world...

Now weather you let banks influence politicians via corrupt deals, that's the people's own fault for voting those politicians in office.. .

>> No.2922420
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i lol'd

>> No.2922430
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I didn't say the Jews; most American banks are run by people claiming to be Christian, if their religious backgrounds come to light at all.

I'm not talking about conspiracy theories - none of this is secret.
-The campaign contributions of presidents and congressmen are public record; look it up.
-The history of total campaign contributions for winners and losers of major political offices is public information; look it up.
-The trust-based currency system that literally bases every dollar on debt between the government and the federal reserve is public information; look it up.
-Fractional reserve banking, which allows banks in America to offer out loans for almost 9 times the money they have in the vaults, and to be owed more money than actually exists in the U.S. economy, is public information; look it up.

I'm not offering any theories here. This is public information. Look it up. The only opinion I'm offering is that the major banks and major corporations who decide who our politicians are and how our money works are probably out for their own financial interests, rather than being big-hearted teddy bears who just want to help everyone out.

>> No.2922434

>inflation out of control
>enslaved millions in factories
>authoritarian rule that kills any opposition and lies in the media about it.
>leading the world in MANUFACTURING green tech for American companies that get exported and used on other parts of the world.
>No anytime soon, and will be meet with more resistance and hatred the even Americans
I mean just look at how they are fucking up in Africa.
Fail nation is fail

>> No.2922442

I don't think it's very possible to make a good decision on a representative...

I'm pretty sure the main objective for a politician (in reality) is to find the most effective way to get bought-out and make the most money in his limited time in power...

Better humanity? Selfless behavior like that is not human nature...

>> No.2922464

>The president is a constitutional lawyer, The Congress is made up of lawyers

Yes. But, if a handful of banks and major corporations decide which lawyers get to be there... don't you think that they will choose only the lawyers that will work for their interests? And if one of those lawyers does work against them, don't you think the major campaign contributors are going to put their money elsewhere.

Even if lawyers are the ones that propose and sign the bills, if the only lawyers that can be involved are the ones that the banks and corporations choose then the banks and corporations are still in control.

>> No.2922467

nah, politics is essentially the nexus betwen science and economics.

>> No.2922489

it's a democracy you fuck the rulers are held accountable and if they fail we revert back to the other ones

>> No.2922493


Mfw you realize that you have a vote.. WE decide who gets to run for office-- if you don't like them run for office yourself..

Mfw my gov. teacher is now the mayor of Sherman Texas. Ran for office when I was taking her class. I bet the banks installed her too didn't they?

>> No.2922502


I have a very hard time believing that politicians are looking out for the best interest of the majority...

>> No.2922505

That's called a technocracy, OP.

>> No.2922512


this man right here, well agreed.

>> No.2922518

But man, banking is just banking. You describe reserve requirements as a bad thing. Those are actually safety devices put in, by the federal reserve, in order to ensure that banks have a fallback for support. Banks lend money, thats what they do. Lending money, getting loans, working to pay off the loans is what drives an economy.
This is not a bad thing. In developing nations microfinance is now a leading force in supporting growth and raising living standards. And that is just supplying those countries with sound banking services.
But, yes, in America it is the rich that rule the nation. and those in control of banks often are very rich and have powerful connections.
But goddamit I hate conspiracy theories of how the federal reserve is evil and controls the nation. Fuck that shit.

>> No.2922530

>faggot thinks his vote matters

They sure do have you brainwashed well. BAAAAA.

>> No.2922539


How can someone be as stupid as you?

Oh wait...college education.

>> No.2922551

>>2922489 >it's a democracy
>>2922493 >you have a vote

Makes me want to salute a flag, you two ;)
Here's the thing - we all know that the only person who's going to win the presidential election is either the democrat or the republican nominee. Both of these parties are almost completely funded by commercial banks and major corporations. Of their nominees, the better funded campaign wins more than 9 times out of ten. These campaigns are mostly funded by commercial banks and major corporations. We don't actually vote for president. The electoral college, composed mainly of members of the Republican and Democratic parties votes for president; we just vote for them.
None of this is secret. This is all public knowledge - look it up.

So if I want to run for president, but want to cut the policies that make bankers and CEOs rich, do you think I'm going to get the support of a party that can get on the ballot with a chance of winning? If I somehow get enough votes to end up on some state's ballots, do you think I'm going to get the campaign funding to get you to vote for me, if you even hear of me?

This patriotic, 12th grade government class propaganda makes me wanna cry. Go do some research. All the above information is public, so all you'll need is some basic skills in statistics to see how this plays out.

>> No.2922560

>Thinks the mayor of Sherman TX is a major player in politics.

Guess what Guido, if she ever wanted to win a serious seat, such as Governer of Texas or Senator from Texas, she would need the funding of commercial banks or major corporations, just as every other Governor, Senator, House Representative, and President has needed for the last 90 years.

>> No.2922564

No, they're looking out for the best and readily agreed upon future.

Look at it this way:

There are no freegans on an island.

Certain directions, pathways or other 'intelligent' was of doing something often require that all participants agree that these are intelligent rules.

Its basically a stiuplation of reality that not everyone will understand the Monte Hall Problem. As such, the ideal belief and understanding is one that is agreed upon by the most people, as they would be the momentum term in societies future.

tl;dr Just cause you can optimize a equation, doesn't mean you can apply it to reality.

>> No.2922586

>inflation out of control
Sounds like the US
>enslaved millions in factories
If your definition of enslaved means given a job, wage, and shelter than ok. Also, better than American wage slavery.
>authoritarian rule that kills any opposition and lies in the media about it.
Sounds like the US, except they are called a terrorist first and then its ok to kill them, quietly.
>leading the world in MANUFACTURING green tech for American companies that get exported and used on other parts of the world.
Thats a bad thing? How is contributing to the rest of the world a bad thing?
>No anytime soon, and will be meet with more resistance and hatred the even Americans
You are living proof of this fact.

Take your irrational fear/hatred out of here and get educated before you post on /sci/.

>> No.2922594

>You describe reserve requirements as a bad thing. Those are actually safety devices put in, by the federal reserve, in order to ensure that banks have a fallback for support

Banks have a fallback - when their "safety devices" fuck enough people over that the economy can support it, as in 2008, the 1980s, and 1929, they go to the government for more money. Fractional reserve requirements do help with loans, you're right; it allows banks to offer loans and charge interest on up to 9X the money that the banks actually have, which guarantees that we will always be in debt - if every single dollar of debt that Americans and the American government was owed was payed back today, there would not be a single dollar left in circulation... but we'd still owe all the interest on the magic money that banks just made up. You can tell me how effective it is, but
A) it is illegal, since the constitution states that federal currency must be backed by gold or silver, and we've never had an amendment to change this
B) this drives inflation, and thus wage slavery
C) we had capitalism, business opportunity, and economic growth while on a currency that required actual value to back it, rather than debt. there is no need for this, except to keep everyone constantly paying into banks.

>> No.2922595

*economy can't support it

>> No.2922608
File: 31 KB, 362x418, 1291268823931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technocrat here. Fuck yeah!

>> No.2922619
File: 85 KB, 550x375, facepalm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But goddamit I hate conspiracy theories

Can you please quote the conspiracy theory that I've proposed? I'm asking you to look up publicly available information on debt-based currency and fractional reserve banking making Americans owe more money than actually exists, and on the funding histories of major political offices. What I'm saying about them is not theory; it is all based on empirical evidence that you can check for yourself.

mfw you said, "Mfw" but didn't post a face. I guess this is appropriate, since your naive idealism finds favor among the faceless masses who don't bother to understand their situation.

>> No.2922624

> he does not know about money supply
inflation ftw

>> No.2922636
File: 35 KB, 365x232, obama-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your definition of enslaved means given a job, wage, and shelter than ok. Also, better than American wage slavery.

>> No.2922648

>Take your irrational fear/hatred out of here and get educated before you post on /sci/.
the irony burns my face, you know nothing about what you are saying,
US inflation 2.7, China 5.4
> job, wage, and shelter than
no money for anything other then essentials is indeed a form of slavery
lolwut at the terrorist part, you clearly have no grasp of anything.
>contributing to the rest of the world
That is not the point i was refuting the fact that he was trying to make is seem like China is going green. And it is not like they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, it's money.
And lets get something straight, i do not hate the Chinese people i want them to have a better life, i want everyone to have a better life, it is their government that is the problem.

>> No.2922659

if it's slavery how come they don't have the integrity to kill themselves?

>> No.2922672

My definition of slavery is a nation where most people need debt to eventually succeed, but people in debt are statistically more likely to take lower-paying, less satisfying jobs; where the average wage for the middle and working class has increased more slowly than inflation for 30+ years, making the same work less able to provide for people's needs; where in the richest nation in the world, a nation with enough money to keep everyone sheltered, fed, healthy, and working... the rich are rewarded with tax cuts while sending our jobs overseas while the benefits of being an American citizen are continually dwindling (even though we're paying just as much into the system); when people trying to pay for college with one of the few generally successful ways - the military - are killed in the tens of thousands to defend us in a situation that may or may not be a lie, but the only Americans who ever ended up benefiting from it were the corporations with no-bid contracts in Iraq; a nation where most people, rather than getting a job to help them do what they want to do, have to get a shit job (if they can) in order to give them a chance at surviving. That is what I call slavery.

>> No.2922678

same reason slaves haven't killed themselves for thousands of years, fear of death. I'm confused i though this board was meant to have intellectuals on it.

>> No.2922685


Oh, I see, you were replying in the China argument. So I guess I wasn't really replying to what you were saying; this is just what I think of wage slavery.

>> No.2922698

technocracy for the win

>> No.2922718

you just described the world bro, replace America with any nation and you get the same result or for some countries it is a little different but the result is the same unhappiness, who is the winner here? those who can find some happiness, for most people this is nonessential material things, for some it is there children, others of other things, bottom line is you aren't a slave as long as you can find happiness.
but also your definition of anything doesn't mean shit because you are not ever attempting to be objective.

>> No.2922784

>US inflation 2.7, China 5.4
The Chinese government is purposely messing with the value of their currency to exploit the income they make in international trades. Better than random, uncontrolled, fluctuation inflation.
>no money for anything other then essentials is indeed a form of slavery.
I'm not sure were you're going with this. Its either work in a sweatshop and send home some cash (think industrial revolution and the introduction of factories) vs. subsistence farming/small odd jobs which is one of the only other options for rural workers.
>lolwut at the terrorist part, you clearly have no grasp of anything.
Does the name Bradley Manning ring a bell?
>contributing to the rest of the world
>That is not the point i was refuting the fact that he was trying to make is seem like China is going green. And it is not like they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts, it's money.
This I can thank you for clarifying. I withdraw anything I said that may have been hurtful/incorrect regarding this topic.
>And lets get something straight, i do not hate the Chinese people i want them to have a better life, i want everyone to have a better life, it is their government that is the problem.
I'm glad you have this kind of view. I am also not trying to praise the Chinese government for being so much better than the one in the US. All I'm saying is that if you compare countries you realize that the US government is also a horrible body, the only thing is that they not only attempt to cover it up or justify it, but also hypocritically try and make enemies by blaming other countries for the same human rights infringements they commit.

>> No.2922834

If you look at your post you will notice that you no longer have a nice thing to say about China it is negative stuff about their government. Currency manipulation is very underhanded and detrimental to the world as a whole.
as for Bradley Manning thing, a lot, if not most of the American people do not agree with the treat meant he is receiving, and he will not be executed.
For the slavery thing read the post above yours.
and on the last point, i think we can definitely say that without a doubt that all governments on earth suck not exception, maybe it is time for something new, like a technocracy

>> No.2923029

Still dont see how your China bashing refutes the basic points:

>three decades of 10%gdp growth
>raised millions out of poverty
>authoritarian rule with peaceful succession
>leading the world in the green technology industry (america, you even trying??)
>set to become the dominant world power (protectionist policies used effectively)

china, ftw