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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2920019 No.2920019 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why chemistry/physics/math majors are magnitudes more difficult than anything else out there, yet we make so little money?

A lab technician with BS in chemistry makes $35k starting.
Do employers realize the difficulty of the coursework?
I'm studying for P-chem final right now and it makes me want to slit my wrist, drive my car off a cliff, or start barbecuing with the doors closed.

So what's the point of majoring in science when some frat bros who majored in business and party everyday can graduate and start working with the same or even higher salary as ours?

>> No.2920032

What I find heart-wrenching is that 99% of the people out there will never realize how difficult it is.

I went through physical chemistry and literally did not understand anything even when I got the right answer.
Lab report was over 50 pages long with error analysis.

>> No.2920047

Math major here. I don't care about my job prospects upon graduating. I'll probably apply for Masters or PhD programs and go from there. As a minimalist, I don't really care that I'll make very little when I do get a job.

>> No.2920054
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>physical chemistry

>> No.2920062
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Want to really an hero?

> Work in a warehouse driving forklifts.
> Job requires high school degree.
> Made $42k last year.
> Have 1040's to prove it.

Enjoy paying your student loans on $35k.

>> No.2920065

Being a science major is a lot of work with nothing to show for it.

Makes me rage when those economic majors flaunt off the math they learn.

>> No.2920073

I get about $4k back every semester after financial aid has paid tuition.

It's the only reason why I'm sticking with college. This is too much work for the shit pay you get after graduation (if you can find a job).

>> No.2920084

I wish all scientists would just quit working for a year and give the world the middle finger.

>> No.2920087

difficulty doesn't always correlate to value.

it's all supply and demand. if you lurk this board often you'll notice how many math/physics/chem/other pure science majors there are out there. there's an enormous supply, and unfortunately not a huge demand for people with those degrees. this means that employers can pay a shit wage and still have people lined up for the position.

sucks, but that's the way it is.

>> No.2920096
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There's your problem.
You're not gonna get shit with a BS in science.
Get ready for 4 more years of hell if you wanna make a good living.

>> No.2920097

>So what's the point of majoring in science when some frat bros who majored in business and party everyday can graduate and start working with the same or even higher salary as ours?

Frat boys who major in business and make a lot of money have no virtue. Their life is defined by cheap sex, shallow material possessions, and green pieces of paper that have no inherent worth. I bet you deep down inside they are aware of this and probably feel like shit about it. Us, on the other hand, find meaning in the universe, which is pretty cool if you ask me.

>> No.2920107


That's also why virtue-less celebrities in the media who go crazy or have weird ideas are looked down upon, while scientists like Tesla who fucking fell in love with a pigeon are treated like gods; the former have no expectations of greatness and are branded that label their whole lives.

>> No.2920110

>I bet you deep down inside they are aware of this and probably feel like shit about it. Us, on the other hand, find meaning in the universe, which is pretty cool if you ask me.
Nice projection, bro. Jealous much?

>> No.2920123


There are NO JOBS for phd chemists. I won't spend another 5 years working 80hr/wk, sucking up to the PA, then working as postdoc to have nothing in return.

This is the only comforting thoughts on those dark nights.

>> No.2920134

>you'll notice how many math/physics/chem/other pure science majors there are out there.

There are 15 chemistry major at my uni of 20,000 people. In contrast, there are over 200 bio major.
Most chemistry courses are filled with premed. After organic, chemistry is literally deserted.

The math department is even sadder, 5 people.

>> No.2920140

>A lab technician with BS in chemistry makes $35k starting.
A lab technician does semi-skilled work. Sort of like a factory worker.

>Do employers realize the difficulty of the coursework?
WOW. Grow up. You get paid according to the value of your work and the scarcity of people capable of doing it, not based upon the difficulty of your fucking coursework.

>> No.2920159

One of the poster on here said it once, we're intellectual prostitutes. We study more than anyone, we work for shit pay and we get treated like dogs by some douche with an MBA.

>> No.2920169

Screw it then, go to med school.

>> No.2920180
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>> No.2920189


Apparently, there are 348 open jobs for chemists. Some of them only require a BS.

>> No.2920204

>Tell me why chemistry/physics/math majors are magnitudes more difficult than anything else out there
Get out to the real world. There are many things that are much harder than just mindless studying, doing homework, doing labs/projects, and taking tests.