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2918891 No.2918891 [Reply] [Original]


Pic very related

ITT: Why NASA fails

inb4 Politics and funding

>> No.2918914

NASA's too political.

Every 4-8 years they get their major projects canceled by the president, and they're used by Congress to pay out to major contractors in particular states, at absolutely ridiculous prices for pieces of shit.

The Orion capsule for example, NOT RE-USABLE. How in the fuck can they make it non-reusable, it fucking lands back here on earth, just replace the heatshield and you're good.

No, can't re-use it, that would cut down on costs, and that's the LAST thing the contractors want.

If the costs overrun, if it requires shitloads of very expensive maintenance, if it needs to be constantly replaced, the contractor is happy. He's got a cash cow for the next decade.

NASA can't seem to handle fucking anything these days.

>> No.2918926

1. Be a space contractor
2. NASA hires you to help them build something
3. Charge as much as possible
4. Society blames NASA for not doing enough with the money they have
5. Keep actual high-tech space travel hidden in black projects

>> No.2918931

Let's just hope they will start this shit once again when we have nuclear fusion...
What's with today's science? No astrophysics, no fission, politically correct everything, "green energy", vegetarian diets, "Ban GMO!", saturated fat considered harmful, bio oil (the one of the few "green energy" things not bullshit) not being introduced because of "lol ppl will starve" (bullshit), "What the bleep do we know", physical discipline on the way to get banned, "Women's studies", art being rammed into one box with science (when it comes to USA's funding), fat acceptance...

>> No.2918939

>5. Keep actual high-tech space travel hidden in black projects

What black projects?

>> No.2918940

I'll bet SpaceX could build your experiments for $50

>> No.2918957

>What black projects?
where most of the U.S. military budget goes but it isn't accounted for officially.

>> No.2919039


>> No.2919083

This shit right here, you don't even need to include politics which, especially now, is driven by GREED, which is all it is. People taking all they can with no ethics, morality, or consequence. What's new. NASAs country is in the shitter because of it, so is the rest of the world.

>> No.2919093
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>> No.2919101

Nasa fails because of bad publicity, people see nasa as a drain on resources. They need to do more epic stuff just to make them look better, if tommorow they said they were doing to mars everyone would think nasa was awesome regardless of how much it cost.

>> No.2919107

>I got frustrated with NASA and made this video. NASA is the most fascinating, adventurous, epic institution ever devised by human beings, and their media sucks. Seriously. None of their brilliant scientists appear to know how to connect with the social media crowd, which is now more important than ever. In fact, NASA is an institution whose funding directly depends on how the public views them.

>> No.2919126

Not really. The general public isn't that interested in going to mars, plus, we don't actually decide their funding and politicians don't ever run on a platform of space exploration because that would seem childish and naive.

>> No.2919142

>The general public isn't that interested in going to mars
It seems to be a fox-and-the-grapes situation there.

"I will never go there so it is unimportant and stupid."

>> No.2919146

I wish the Ruskies would have at least faked getting to Mars since that seemed to be the only thing that put astronauts on another world.

>> No.2919155

More like NASA hasn't been able to demonstrate any significant national advantage to getting the Mars first. With the moon, people believed that there were military applications to getting our shit in outerspace but good luck convincing them that it'll be useful to go all the way out to Mars.

>> No.2919160

I'd rather we just build an orbital space city. A spity, if you will.

>> No.2919183
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I'd rather frame it specifically because of the novelty. Because it's based in America it would also be good to throw in a huge glop of nationalism.

>> No.2919191

just write a new bible with some claim about mars.

>> No.2919198

I'm a government contractor. Believe me, the huge costs are not the fault of the contractors. It is a result of the fact that contractors have to comply with insane regulations and policies written by people who have no idea of the nature of the work they're trying to regulate and manage.

>> No.2919202

The bible also says that killing is wrong and look at how well that worked.

>> No.2919208

No they wouldn't everyone right now is afraid of losing their jobs, their money,(some rightfully so because they already have) and most people in general can't see reward or consequence past their own pitiful little lifespans. We can't get them to care about human environmental impact ("herpderp weather getting warmer seems fine to me nice day who cares") so of course "how does Mars put money in my pocket tomorrow?" To most the world doesn't matter once they've left it. When you think about it, why should it? (not that I agree)

>> No.2919219

part of it, sometimes, but don't chalk contractors ripping off the taxpayer and destroying progress all to government stupidity. Maybe it's so in your case and others, but don't deny that contractors aren't diming the people in one way or the other. That's just how shit works these days.

>> No.2919220

I've lived in
>XXI century
What I've expected
What I've got
>green energy, vegetarians, fat acceptance, islam growing strong, hows babby formed, mysticism and horoscopes.

>> No.2919222

Yet they can see the benefit in giving rich people tax breaks. lol tricke-down, lol america

>> No.2919227


>> No.2919232

"ESA is considering scaled-down versions of these and other missions, and NASA may play a minor role if such a plan goes forward. Although the U.S. president’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2012 provides money to continue studying the designs of LISA and IXO, the projects weren’t the top priorities in last year’s National Research Council report on recommended astrophysics missions for the coming decade (SN: 9/11/10, p. 10)."


RAGE you guis

>> No.2919254
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>and most people in general can't see reward or consequence past their own pitiful little lifespans.
I wonder what impact longevity treatments are going to have on society in terms of looking forward.

>> No.2919268

you kids seem to think NASAs mission is to discover shit that has no applicable use.

NASAs mission is literally to make breakthroughs in aerospace technology that benefits the United States economy and not anyone elses.

"pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research"

They spend most of their time developing shit for the military and intelligence agencies. Whatever money is left they use to study Mars or Asteroids, with the ultimate purpose of mining the fuck out of those places.

>> No.2919275

damn Inuardes is fuming about amerikkka today. i wonder what happened to him. mother raped by an american sailor maybe?

>> No.2919282

Science should not be in the interest of corporations or industry. End of.

>> No.2919293

Grats, took you all of five minutes to write out that beautifully-crafted retort. And you still misspelled my name.

I disagree. They just shouldn't be left to their own devices or having the privatization of pretty much everything as is happening in the US.

>> No.2919306


>"pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research"

>NASAs mission is literally to make breakthroughs in aerospace technology that benefits the United States economy and not anyone elses.

yeah that's definitely what that means

sure spacex can make a rocket and a capsule however they simply don't posses the facility's or the know how to build flagship science missions yet, and their method would not be suitable for the size of these projects.

>> No.2919347

we are too busy blowing up sand niggers to explore space sorry OP

>> No.2920521

Well yeah that's what I'm talking about. Humanity=not to bright
>herp fat people hippes muslims derp all the worlds problems

A good example right here.