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File: 165 KB, 640x1097, AtlasShrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2916704 No.2916704 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2916710

Such a pointless book. Affirmation for sociopaths, banal message for normal people: think logic.

>> No.2916708
File: 81 KB, 441x662, AynRandFan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt, inevitably: neckbeards

>> No.2916716

I actually liked the Fountainhead... :[


Shaved my neck days ago!

>> No.2916713

Makes great bird cage liner.

>> No.2916719
File: 56 KB, 400x681, aynrand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay not entirely true. i read it. but regretted it.

>> No.2916723

I was once gifted this book.

I read the back of it, read the first two pages, researched it and decided to never read it.

Now it sits as a doorstopper and occasionally a coaster if I forget one for my desk.

>> No.2916758
File: 59 KB, 340x579, Atlas_shrugged auto_fellatio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I play too?

>> No.2916788

one of her 1st short stories, Anthem is about 30-40 pages long and pretty much sums up her theories and the rest of her books. Whilst i read all of her books before reading anthem, i think if i had read anthem 1st i would have not touched the rest.

You scientists should be all raging about how goo this shit is though, i always though you were getting held down by the stupid mases and stopped form doing your research and work in advancing human kind.

>> No.2916789
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Philosophy is hilarious. Yes, even Wittgenstein.

>> No.2916793
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The autobiography of Charles Atlas, inventory of the "dynamic tension" bodybuilding technique. In bodybuilding circles, it is debated whether Charles lifted weights or not. Shrugging is a move weightlifters make to adjust themselves, suggesting that Charles Atlas did lift weights.

>> No.2916813

Hey, it's the political/economic version of L. Ron Hubbard.

>> No.2916814

No, the 'stupid masses' aren't holding science down anymore, it's lack of funding for the most part. Any experiments of value that we can perform nowadays require equipment whose price tags are just ludicrous.

>> No.2916818

i disagree with your statement, please provide evidence!

>> No.2916822

"Stupid masses" don't care too much about science funding
Therefore vote-sucking politicians will cut it whenever they don't like it anymore

>> No.2916825

what kind of experiments are you talking about?

>> No.2916832

So what's everyone's problem with Ayn Rand?

>> No.2916851

Anything involving high energy and particle physics, aeronautics, genetics, microbiology, virology, pharmaceutical engineering, astronomy, etc.

We've reached a point where ground-breaking research requires multi-million dollar facilities/equipment and can't be done by a guy with a personal lab anymore.

>> No.2916852
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Mission to Mars

>> No.2916859

I think there was a troll in this board who hurt himself whilst picking up the book because it was to big and heavy for him to read. Im not going to praise Ayn Rand, but i enjoyed reading her books and the thoughts i had afterwards.

>> No.2916868

Maybe YOU can not do any of these experiments or design in a room by yourself, but maybe there are people out there that can! Whilst all the things you mentioned are true, they are expensive, there are other fields of study that do not require gearfagotry to propel humanity into the future

>> No.2916881

Can't speak for everyone else, but her atrocious prose and characterization are a shitty vehicle for her moderately interesting ideas. She's a shitty writer.

>> No.2916887


You sir, are the troll.

>> No.2916897

no im not!!!!how did you come to that conclusion

>> No.2916902


I mean, arguing about her writing style aside, I feel like the people on this board loathe her with a passion far beyond they would a "shitty writer". I mean, copypasta of her philosophy:

"Objectivism holds that reality exists independent of consciousness, that human beings have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive and deductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or rational self-interest, that the only social system consistent with this morality is full respect for individual rights, embodied in laissez faire capitalism, and that the role of art in human life is to transform man's widest metaphysical ideas, by selective reproduction of reality, into a physical form—a work of art—that he can comprehend and to which he can respond emotionally."

Now what's so bad about that? The only piece of that any scientifically-minded person might object (har har) to is the economic system she demands we adopt.

>> No.2916912
File: 31 KB, 459x345, nikolatesla-459x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like her romantic style of writing. Sure it's dramatic but that's why she classified herself as a "Romanticist."

I enjoyed the Fountainhead very much as I could identify with aspects of both Roark and Wynand. Very heroic and badasses in their respective work.

Currently reading Atlas and I'm intrigued that she threw some sci-fi in there. The "atmospheric energy" harvesting machine created by some genius young engineer? Sound familiar?

>> No.2916925


>proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or rational self-interest
>social system consistent with this morality is full respect for individual rights, embodied in laissez faire capitalism

That's what's so bad about that. This whole "my interests are the most important forever times infinity" thing is repulsive.

>> No.2916927


>> No.2916928


What are you talking about...

Research is getting more efficient all the time.

>> No.2916933

But our happiness happens to be dependent on that on others!!!

>> No.2916938

>>Now what's so bad about that?

it's sooner the attitudes and ideas that her work inspires in far too many morons across the internet that enrage us so

also in general, her application of this reasonable "philosophy" is pretty unjustified and sociopathic

>> No.2916942


The response of the typical 21 year old to the word "capitalism" is forever time infinity more repulsive.

>> No.2916953

you miss the point. for example:
1-Lets say today in a country like australia, her theory is placed in practise my the government and the peoples
2-The first 50 years would see a huge amount of people go broke, die of hunger, loose jobs etc...because there would be no welfare, no charity system etc...everyone for them selves, all the negative sht YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT
3-However in another 5o years the population would have culled down to the most intelligent, useful and deserved to live individuals on the planet!


>> No.2916968
File: 42 KB, 288x467, 1301123555990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoyed the Fountainhead very much
did you especially enjoy when domninique francon basically sees roark in the quarry and cant help but get the vapors because he's such a unique and perfect snowflake.
and then he just so happens to come over and rape her but its okay because she wanted it.

>> No.2916971


Damn, I guess everyone that isn't a psychopath Objectivist must actively support the war on drugs. Thanks for letting me know what I think.

Your proposed world is inhumane. You're a genocidal maniac, and if anything, you're the one that should be put down.

>> No.2916973

he does not rape her, although it is written like he does....this is not what it seems becasue SHE WANTED IT

>> No.2916990

This is the world i currently live in, weather every one likes it or not! Im not into her theories im just saying they are not so bad as everyone makes out! Only the weak have to loose out here and they only loose out because they are weak in THIS CURRENT system. Look i like to do drugs and i like to do things that my govenment deems ILEAGAL, who the fuck am i hurting when i go out and snort 2 grams of MDMA, or smoke a few joints and go for a walk in the park. In all seriousness, i think you should rethink your life and morals

>> No.2917000


What, you actually think that morals *aren't* based on rational self-interest? I don't murder people because it will make me feel bad. I'll think about the life I've destroyed too much. The thought will be haunting. Even if I really wanted to kill somebody, I wouldn't because of the authority of the law.

To which you might respond that the law is created to defend morals, not the other way around. And I would agree with you. Creating to and adhering to a legal code falls well within the bounds of rational self-interest. I certainly don't want to be murdered or stolen from, and so I'm happy with living in a society that punishes those actions across the board.

>> No.2917005
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how could she not want him? furthermore how could it be rape? because everything in the book he does is somehow "right"; he is a god.
she spends 300 pages or so building up a carefully constructed backdrop of early 1900's america, and then fucking throws reality out the window. every copy of the book is an insult to the tree that gave it's life for it.

>> No.2917007

You are a complete fucking retard.

I do not support the government stopping you from taking drugs. That does not mean that I extend that philosophy to every aspect of society.

>only the weak have something to lose
Works out great until you're deemed weak.

>> No.2917014

I agree, to an extent. But the morals are not all about me. It's a matter of empathy and self-interest, not self-interest entirely as implied by Rand.

>> No.2917015

The problem with our society IS JUST THAT! We have to have these laws because there are people out there who would steal, murder and rape. Take out their need to do so...or the actual people doing so...and you do not require them! What benefit do you gain from a law that charges you hundreds of dollars and puts you in jail with a criminal record because you decided to smoke a few joints in public?

>> No.2917028

>>Only the weak have to loose out here and they only loose out because they are weak in THIS CURRENT system.

trolling, or just retarded?
I mean, I'm inclined to think the former, as a general rule...

>> No.2917031

You know, I smoke weed everyday myself, but I feel obligated to advise you to lay off on the drugs a little bit

>> No.2917033

Faggot, most likely a butthurt 15 year old that got grounded for smoking pot once and went shit nuts over Libertarianism, detected.

>> No.2917040

>>You are a complete fucking retard.
Please do not call me names

>>I do not support the government stopping you from taking drugs. >>That does not mean that I extend that philosophy to every aspect of >>society.
I did not say anything like this, you somehow ranted yourself into that argument

>>only the weak have something to lose
>>Works out great until you're deemed weak.
When you are deamed weak, you are no longer usefull to humanity. MFW you have a child that has down syndrome and you cant abort them because of your government/religion and have to support a living vegatable for the rest of its useless wastefull life!

>> No.2917048

not at all my friend, i have never been caught or anything to what you mentioned, however it does upset me that people constantly tell me to not do drugs in public...which really enrages me

>> No.2917058


I mean, I think what's happened is that the wrong crowd has taken the books and warped them to defend a repulsive notion of society, and that ruined the reputation of the work. Kind of like what the Nazis did to Nietzsche.


I mean, the state gets some money. Don't worry, I feel that punishing people for things that only affect themselves is silly. Of course, that only makes drug use OK. Not drug abuse.

>> No.2917060

You have no empathy for other humans and I hope you live forever. You are scum. You are the problem.

>> No.2917075
File: 19 KB, 212x320, JamesJameson_ginger_red_hair-hot-men-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol mfw, she fucking led him on the whole time she was begging HIM and only HIM to come to her house. She wanted to see him break down and be mirin and shit. Roark wasn't gonna have it - he knew the game. So the night when she was all frustrated and shit over the fact that he knew the game, Roark comes through the back door, which was unlocked, and she tried to act surprised. Bitch thought she was classy. He changed that real quick.

>> No.2917081

Actualy i have allot of empathy for other people, i just dont understand some things in our society:
1. Euthanasia is illegal WHY?
2. personal drug use is illegal why?
3. leting poeple with down sydnrome, mental disabilty and horible disfigurment be alowed to beborn...WHY????

>> No.2917101

1. Because people are stupid.
2. Because people are stupid.
3. BECAUSE IT IS NOT UP TO YOU. You do not own everyones' uteruses. Fuck you, you hypocritical cunt. Your special pleading for big/small government is disgusting.

>> No.2917103
File: 111 KB, 668x900, 1298243652616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was pretty fucking funny too.
but i couldnt keep reading after that, because she tried to imply the rape was justified because he's just such a dreamy objectivist demigod. so pretentious.

>> No.2917113

>>3. BECAUSE IT IS NOT UP TO YOU. You do not own everyones' uteruses. Fuck you, you hypocritical cunt. Your special pleading for big/small government is disgusting.
I did not say it was up to me, what i meant was that it should be up to whomevers child it is! if they want ot abort them because they are fucked up they should be allowed to do so without any government/religion fags stopping them

>> No.2917122

Can't deny that Roark is the ALPHA male.

When I'm reading a book and fall upon something as contreversial as rape, I try and go into the mind of the author. Through some quick googling I found what she implied by the rape scene. She did some literary analysis stuff coupled with a psychoanalyzation of the kinda man that's alpha, - the man that makes the first move, like in a dance.

All in all, she's misunderstood.

>> No.2917121

I agree. You asked why any of them should be allowed to be born. Read or think about what you type before you post it, jackass.

>> No.2917129


>> No.2917151
File: 59 KB, 795x525, 1299226394303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the problem. he's alpha through the entire book, but hes never wrong. ever. the thought of his arrogance being unjustified is never even thought of, because he follows the one true path.
the part where she's describing the statue of dominique is hilarious as hell too. as if it was a religious experience looking at a statue of some naked broad.

>> No.2917152

Decent book. I skipped the John Galt Speech because it turned into a broken record about a third of the way in. She made an interesting point about how history is full cultures that enabled theft by plunder to be some sort of morally acceptable practice. And how these plunderers turned altruists are the root of evil because the altruistic love to give shit away that doesn't belong to them. According to her, the altruists steal from the productive members of society and give away their possessions to the needy to inflate their sense of self-worth. According to Ayn Rand, altruists are attention whores.

>> No.2917185

This book is virtually devoid of any literary merit and is more of an excercise in polemics. Objectivism is a philosophy excercised largely by those whose brains are in a state of a calculated work slowdown.
Would not read again.

>> No.2917228

So you probably don't like people with morals or convictions do you? lol

Just sayin...you probably find consistent people boring or "old-school."

I identify with Roark more than any other character in the book. I have my own standards of perfection, and I don't think that it's cool for people to measure perfection when people have their own personal conditions.

>> No.2917320

No, especially when the convictions are baseless and psychotic.

>> No.2917338
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Ayn-Rand-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad cause Rands stylin on you.

>> No.2917340

I read like the first tenth and got bored. I just felt I knew exactly how it was going to go when every character was either a sharp, hard working, free market industrialist, or a whiny failure.

>> No.2917359

>>every character was either a sharp, hard working, free market industrialist, or a whiny failure.

well, yeah...
because that's how exactly how libertarians see the world divided up

>> No.2917369


Yeah which is why I stopped reading it.

>> No.2917392


Exactly. Which is why free market capitalism doesn't work. It fucks over most everyone. If we could distribute resources more evenly, and give more people a chance to contribute to society, we would all be better off for it.

>> No.2917407


What does that mean?

If distributing resources evenly, obviously made everyone very happy, there is nothing stopping them from doing that today.

>> No.2917420

What's stopping them is their own greed. The point is that the people in control of most of the wealth don't want to give it to anyone.

>> No.2917431


So you would prefer everyone have the same amount of money?

What about the people who arent in control of most of the wealth and dont share what they have? What about people who have a decent amount of wealth, and dont share what they have?

Do you believe wealth implies that you are greedy?

How do you define greedy?

>> No.2917452

Anyone seen the movie that has come out? I think it's been pretty much universally panned

>> No.2917464

What's funny about Rand is, that she used the government safety nets she so despised when she got lung cancer.

>> No.2918054

Okay so this is my first time on /lit/ but i...

Wait a second.
