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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 449x337, mind=blown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2914834 No.2914834 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Simple scientific facts that you still can't wrap your head around.

>matter is mostly empty space
>when I see something I'm not actually seeing it, I'm seeing the photons bouncing off it

>> No.2914835

Everything is.

>> No.2914844
File: 3 KB, 210x230, reaction very concerned man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more bacteria living in and on my body than the number of cells in my body, and there are more bacteria in a single shit than the number of people who have ever lived and died on Earth

>> No.2914845

Nothing ever really touches anything else.

>> No.2914848

Everything that you see around you is not necessarily representative of what those things are doing or of what their positions are at the exact moment of your perceiving them as a result of the light bouncing off of the objects. Everything that you see is very slightly happening ex post facto, although it's completely unnoticeable to us and generally is not of great importance on a personal scale.

>> No.2914851

When you type "google" into Google you'll create an infinite loop and this will break the internet.

Don't try this!

>> No.2914852

Matter can turn into energy and vice versa.

>> No.2914856

This is why you can never be gay; the balls are never really touching.

>> No.2914859

-The idea of the universe being infinite
-Why there is something instead of nothing. It's very hard to picture there just being nothing. No Earth, no Sun, no Galaxy, no Universe, no further dimensions. Just nothing.
-What came before big bang
-Other dimensions

it's fucking weird that we are even here typing this. Why does anything exist in the first place....life is fucking amazing. I can't even get depressed because there is so much to think about and I feel like depression is such a meager and irrelevant emotion in the scheme of the infinite universe and whatever created that etc....i want to know everything

>> No.2914865

>stop moving your hand close enough to your face that the electromagnetic force pushes against it!
>MOM!!! D:

>> No.2914870

>>more bacteria living in and on my body than the number of cells in my body, and there are more bacteria in a single shit than the number of people who have ever lived and died on Earth
>>several hundred billion bacteria in a single shit

citation plx?

>> No.2914872

You can literally turn lead into gold with enough energy.

>> No.2914874

That there are as many even numbers as odd and even numbers put together

>> No.2914877

The universe is without boundary, but finite.

>> No.2914883

1 is as close to infinity as a googleplex

>> No.2914888

Googol plex*

>> No.2914890

>Why there is something instead of nothing

Asking a question of "why" in this context does not make for a meaningful question, and as such, there is no meaningful answer. By "nothing," do you mean a perfect vacuum perhaps? That's essentially what our universe is expanding into, completely empty space.

>> No.2914892

Women who swallow are cannibals.

>> No.2914900

No, they are vampires.

>> No.2914907

I can't grasp the concept of how quarks can be fundamental particles when the different types of quarks have different charges. Surely they must be made of something even more fundamental that gives them that charge. Then what are those things made of? i really do think there must be an infinite loop of things being made of smaller things that never ends.

>> No.2914904 [DELETED] 


Doubles wins.

>> No.2914921

Just going to leave this here, should be fairly relevant.


>> No.2914930

huh? how?

>> No.2914936

Because the concept of numbers is infinite, there must be an infinite number more of even than odd. same goes visa versa

>> No.2914954

There are no fundamental particles, only bits of information. Correlations without correlata.

>> No.2914957

Quarks aren't necessarily fundamental particles. It's been proposed that they are made of even smaller particles, called Preons. No proof, though.

>> No.2914959

>as many

This is why you can't treat "infinity" like a number.

>> No.2914969

I'm ok with a spatially infinite universe, but I just can't see how a temporally infinite universe universe could exist.

>> No.2914976

That empty space is teaming with virtual particles jumping into existence and dissappearing again in an instant.

At first it seems like "Oh its just a way of thinking about things which cleverly explains what we see around us and phenomona and makes the formulas work".

But no, they are actually there its actually happening. There was something or other (afraid I can't explain it because I don't remember it) but basically a direct consequence of virutal particles, we can experimentally do. And get physical things out of a vacuum, they are literally there. Its so weird to think that.

Also the mindfuck of mass and energy being the same thing.

Physics is soo amazing, I can and will spend my whole life asking these things. Mass and Energy are just 2 different ways of thinking about the universe. They are our own models. They aren't what actually happens. They aren't distinct things. They are both aspects of the same thing so complex we can't possible comprehend it.

I once heard the reason photons have no mass is because they are always moving, so they don't Need mass, all their energy is in the form of Kinetic energy they are never still.

>> No.2914986

You're thinking of the Casimir effect

>> No.2914987
File: 40 KB, 640x360, 1303242166568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gravity exists

This idiotic theory from the 1600's is pulling the human race back at least 250 years.

Explain to me how gravity does not conflict with basically every law in quantum mechanics/common sense.

>> No.2915001


>> No.2915003


Yes thats the one, thankyou anon.

>> No.2915008

wat? Our current theory of gravity is much more recent than that. Incompatibility with quantum theories works both ways. Compatibility with "common sense" is not a valid way of measuring the strength of a theory.

>> No.2915020

I know, right?

It was just yesterday I was actually resting my finger on my desk and thinking to myself, "so I can feel the desk surface, because the molecular orbitals at the surface of my skin are overlapping with the molecular orbitals of the cellulose in the wood, and there's a repulsive force due to the Pauli exclusion principle meaning that multiple electrons with the same quantum numbers can't occupy the same orbitals..."

Then I was all like whoa. That's pretty rad.

>> No.2915025

>common sense

What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.2915032



>> No.2915035

Er...Coloumb repulsion would be the most likely culprit. Degeneracy pressure would require a shitton more energy.

>> No.2915054


Actually yeah, I just have quantum mechanics on the brain, it seems. Sucks to be me.

>> No.2915080

The fact that a Flood 4000 years ago created all the canyons and mountains on Earth. I can't even imagine how awesome it must have been.

>> No.2915103
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>> No.2915105

>When I make physical contact with something, I am not being resisted by the matter itself- I am being repelled by the electromagnetic field surrounding the atoms pushing against the fields of my atoms

>> No.2915121
File: 20 KB, 450x450, 9-23-soft-hercules-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's supposed to be simple? Fuck me

>> No.2915123

that field is part and parcel to the electrons, which are matter. fucking physifags still can't handle vanderwaals.

>> No.2915135

but then how do we feel those objects?

>> No.2915137

Electrons excitations of an electron field. Fucking chemifags still can't handle QFT.

>> No.2915139
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>> No.2915142

>A cool wind doesn't blow cool air onto my skin, but rather removes the heat from my skin.

>> No.2915153

there could be galaxys out there that we will never see because the space between is expanding faster than light.

>space expanding faster than light

>> No.2915165

Two objects are moving directly away from each other at a speed that it greater than .5c, and as a result, the distance or space between the two is expanding faster than light. It's really just a matter of perception.

>> No.2915170

>*that is

Should learn to proofread...

>> No.2915182

>everything you feel,know,hear,smell,see and are is just electrons and photos interacting

>> No.2915187

There are more irrational numbers between 1 and 2 than there are real rational numbers, and the same amount as all irrational numbers.

>> No.2915190

special relativity says its ok

>> No.2915192

We will never know what is really big or what is really small because we only compare size to what we can observe we could b a tiny universe cell of the nut sack on some bigger thing

>> No.2915194

Er...but galaxies do not necessarily have a real velocity resulting from the expansion of the universe. The apparent velocity arises because of the actual appearance of new space between the two objects, which is why the redshift [and so the velocity] is distance dependent. And besides, since we are in one of those two bodies, we would not measure a real velocity equal to or greater than c due to relativistic addition of velocity.

>> No.2915203

You can never solve the three body problem for long enough time.

>> No.2915204


Bro... and I do mean bro... I FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY.

I use to be depress but its all gone as soon as I let go of religion and realized this. I mean holy shit, Im a million times happier because of the chances of us being born and how fucking lucky we are to experience conscience.

Being depress just seems silly after that... I also share your desire for knowledge. I want to read and know everything anyone has ever thought of ever. Well thats a bit excessive but yea man, you arent alone.

>> No.2915241

>everything I see is mostly empty space
>the DNA in my body could fit on 1 teaspoon
>if a single set of my DNA was unraveled it would measure about 3m long, but written on paper would fill over 100 books
>bacteria in my gut outnumber the my body's cells 10:1
>you just lost the game
>we still know relativley nothing about the cosmos or ourselves

>> No.2915258
File: 25 KB, 513x389, 1301120439083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we only use 10 percent of our brain
>blood is not really red

>> No.2915270

fucking magnets

>> No.2915271

With any luck we'll be alive to benefit from the Singularity and transcend our natural lifespans, becoming effectively immortal.
I feel the same as you two, I want to keep going for centuries exploring and learning.

>> No.2915275

Yeah, 'cause that stuff will probably be open source.

>> No.2915288
File: 11 KB, 400x400, fingers-crossed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2915318

>implying that we will still have a monetary based economy at the time of the singularity

>> No.2915321

Shit like elementary particles, virtual particles, quantum foam etc...

They don't HAVE any shapes so what the fuck are they?

>> No.2915323

>I believe in a magical communist dream future of shiny rainbows.

I'm sad that my idealism is so faded compared to yours.

>> No.2915337

>implying that I am a communist

not even close

>> No.2915338

what's sad is your inability to face reality

>> No.2915356

Fucking gyroscopes, man.
I mean, I know the theory, but they still freak the shit out of me.

>> No.2915364


The mindfuck is, they aren't anything. Nothing we can imagine anyway and nothing we will ever comprehend. You will never know what a quark looks like.

We like to imagine it as some abstract thing we've invented called a 'particle'. A little concentration of 'mass'.

All this is just to help us visualize whats happening and predict interactions. We're used to discrete objects in our macroscopic world and we look for these in everything else.

The model of a solid particle whizzing round hitting stuff reacting with stuff works alright, but then for quarks it doesn't work, we have to invent extra stuff like exchanging virtual photons. etc.

Just think, if we never invented the abstract concept of a particle, we might not even have something called a 'virtual photon'. We might have invented an entirely different way of thinking about these things and describing the exact same phenomona.

No0one will ever know what these things truly are, we can only try and model them with what we kow (particles and waves are good examples of models we use alot).

That is the mindfuck of Physics.

>> No.2915368

0.99999999999999999999999999999 infinity is equal to 1.

I have no problem understanding why, but it still seems so wrong somehow

>> No.2915386

They exist as fields in much the same way as electric and magnetic fields.

>> No.2915387

1+2+3+.... = -1/12

or is it -1/2?

one or the other.

>> No.2915391

The scale of our galaxy

>> No.2915397

Just watched a youtube video on that shit, fucking witchcraft man.

>> No.2915402



>> No.2915409

This blows my mind as well. Particles are best described as "irreducible representations of the Poincare group (or whatever spacetime symmetry group we want, like susy or whatever)", which is really abstract. Then there's the whole deal with different charges, gauge symmetry and the seemingly random masses.

>> No.2915418

is this a troll post?

>> No.2915419

bah, simple analytic continuation, man. And it is -1/12.

>> No.2915430

The Laws of Motion and Gravitation as they apply to something accelerating at X away from the Earth's surface. If X is constant, why does gravity pull it back down?

>> No.2915441

That everything is mostly space.

That humans are 70% water.

That everyday I eat electrons and protons.

That the images in a mirror are my eyes failing to realise light can reflect.

That objects don't 'have' colour, they have the ability to reflect and absorb certain wavelengths.

>> No.2915492

you faggots need to try harder

- One teaspoon (5 millilitres) of neutron star material would have a mass over 5×10^12 kg or 5,500,000,000 tons. About 900 pyramids of Giza.

- The surface irregularity of a neutron star is ~5 mm.

- A chunk of antimatter the size of a car would crack the Earth in half.

- Infinity

>> No.2915494

You will exists until the end of the universe but you will not live to see it.

>> No.2915495


Fuck that why?

>> No.2915505

and none of these facts will ever be empirically confirmed.


>> No.2915531

Wave particle duality.

>> No.2915532

Hooray, I've always wanted to be a vampire!

>> No.2915560
File: 86 KB, 803x499, BRAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Space and TIme are the same thing
>Matter is literally bending space and time just by existing
>Gravity slows down the flow of time

This never ceases to blow my mind.

>> No.2915601

If you shrank the earth down to the size of a pool ball, it would be smoother than any currently in production. (yes, i know it wouldn't be a perfect sphere like it should be since the earth is an oblate spheroid, but the smoothness would be there man)

>> No.2915621 [DELETED] 

If you shrank the earth down to the size of marble, it's escape velocity would exceed 3*10^8 ms^-1

>> No.2915634

When you see something, you're actually seeing it. You can't see photons, they're invisible. Seeing the thing means responding to the photons that bounce off the thing. That doesn't mean you see photons. The fuck, you thought the THING entered your EYES?

>> No.2915636

Mountains, rivers, valleys, etc.
Don't think so.

>> No.2915649


I'm telling you man, it would.


check it

>> No.2915664
File: 780 KB, 800x825, quasifouche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- The Following is in the words of Ed Fouche from his slide presentation --
To this day I'd be hard pressed to explain to you unique electrical, optical, and physical properties of Quasi Crystals and why so much of the research is classified. Even the unclassified research is funded by agencies like the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
Why is the US Department of Energy and Ames Laboratory so vigorously pursuing research with Quasi crystals?
What is the DOE New Initiative in Surface and Interface Properties of Quasi crystals?
A Quote from The DOE:
"Our goal is to understand, and facilitate exploitation of, the special properties of Quasi crystals. These properties include (but are not limited to) low thermal and electrical conductivity, high hardness, low friction, and good oxidation resistance."
That's the unclassified part. What are Quasi crystals?
In 1984 a paper was published which marked the discovery of quasi crystals--Two distinctly different metallic crystals joined symmetrically together.
By 1986 several Top Secret advanced studies were going on funded by DARPA with leading scientists already working in the field.
In classical crystallography a crystal is defined as a three dimensional periodic arrangement of atoms with translational periodicity along its three principal axes.
Since Quasi crystals lose periodicity in at least one dimension, it is not possible to describe them in 3D-space as easily as normal crystal structures. Thus it becomes more difficult to find mathematical formalisms for the interpretation and analysis of diffraction data.

>> No.2915706

Ok I'll admit the math allows the Earth to fall into the realm of a tolerable cue ball smoothness. I guess my confusion came knowing the Earth is a bit oblong, so it would look more like a bit flatter and smoother, like a skipping rock.

>> No.2915713


which i covered in my original post.

>> No.2915768

matter isn't empty space
the universe is mostly empty space, the earth is mostly empty space
matter, by definition is NOT empty space

also, from a purely intuitive level, neglecting the math, the fact I can't get my head around is that spinning an electron around by 2pi turns it's wave packet negative

>> No.2915774
File: 8 KB, 363x360, troll turn around.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God created the world in only six days. Fucking mind-blowing, but then again, He IS God.

>> No.2915782
File: 239 KB, 1008x633, neuron-universe brain cell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I can't wrap my head around are similar patterns that naturally appear across the universe.

Pic related.

>> No.2915796


>> No.2915804

Rather, everything is always touching everything else.

>> No.2915807
File: 60 KB, 817x360, brokaryotefist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple unicellular life arising from a soup of chemicals.

Our original ancestor was a microscopic sac of juice.

>> No.2915810

The infinity, nothingness, and the whole fucking universe. It used to fuck up my brain when I was a kid, and it still does.

>> No.2915815

It's called coincidence.

>> No.2915819

So if I take away 90% of your brain you'll live?

>> No.2915820

We are self-aware beings.

the human brain is more complex than the universe.

>> No.2915827

It is impossible to truly understand God's creation.

>> No.2915830

link to video?

>> No.2915831

>Body has more bacteria than human cells
>Body is over 70% water
>Body is over 90% empty space
By my calculations, the human body is about negative 110% human.

>> No.2915848

i don't even understand this shit

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.2915859

Particles have arranged themselves in a manner in which they are aware of themselves, and those particles are us.

>> No.2915884

Light waves and gravity waves travel at the same speed.

>> No.2915910

Shssshh. Next Level Shit. Srsly i dont get it either.
Left Hand Rule Meta Materials and Quasi Crystals are crazy. Research quasi crystals they about 30 yrs old. But research is not for the everyday lab worker to know about because it will revolutionize everything. Check out my thread
and here for more info
tinyurl 3pufzcb

>> No.2915919
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>> No.2915927
File: 55 KB, 360x274, WTF-i-dont-even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and torsional field waves are a billion times faster

>> No.2915932
File: 78 KB, 522x399, 1294432610285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2915966

i read a paper from some journal article that compared the shapes of expanding cities to the growth of cancer... same types of shapes there too, and they look pretty much like the pic u attached.

p.s. the paper was just a joke and wasn't actually implying anything

>> No.2915969

ok mind = blown to shit.

>> No.2915996

The awareness comes from communication? FTL communication? Torsional field wave speed?

>> No.2916002

We've existed since the beginning of existence. What we are composed of never dies but is only transfered into something else. We're essentially composed of inbred particles of creation.

>> No.2916018

>Take an infant under 6 months of age
>Cut off up to an entire digit on a finger
>It will grow back

>> No.2916037

what the fuck bro

>> No.2916040


>> No.2916053

>trying to fool people to cut off the digits of babies

>> No.2916065


>implying he isn't trying to get some of you beta virgins a couple 'digits'

>> No.2916069

Poe's law:
Great satire is indistinguishable from reality.

>> No.2916073

The limit of a function. You can use it to find values that don't even exist. You can even use it to divide by zero in some cases, fuck.

>> No.2916074



>> No.2916092

Grow a pair
http://www.jcrystal.com/steffenweber/qc.html#Other Sites Related to Quasicrystals
Other related Sites
Quasicrystals (another)
Aperiodic '94 Index
IUCr Commission on Aperiodic Crystals
QuasiTiler 3.0
Optical Diffraction
ICQ6 (Tokyo 1997)
Akiji Yamamoto's homepage
Iowa State University and Ames Laboratory
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Quasicrystals Bibliography
Tiling Dynamical Systems
Dynamical x-ray diffraction from quasicrystals
A.P.Tsai's research group
Aperiodic'97 abtracts
Metallurgy of Quasicrystals
Structures atomiques complexes - Quasicristaux (French)
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (Journal)
Quasicrystal database

>> No.2916103

>. But research is not for the everyday lab worker to know about because it will revolutionize everything.

What are the potential of them?

How would one do their own research on them?

>> No.2916104

- SIMPLE scientific facts

>> No.2916161
File: 23 KB, 380x247, 1259395904734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to think of space and time ceasing to exist within matter. Therefore it stretches space and time like a hole in a fruit roll-up. The bigger the hole, the bigger the ripples around the whole. The hard part is picturing it in the third dimension

>> No.2916173

The fact that there are probably higher dimensions than the tenth, the tenth is only the current extent of human imagination.

>> No.2916180

States of Matter Are Pretty SIMPLE.
Maybe the least SIMPLE of all the states but...


>What are the potential of them?
Innumerable. Like a battery that almost never needs charging. Like a photonic computer. Srsly there are so many just fucking google it. check out the link
>How would one do their own research on them?
You wouldnt without a millions dollar lab. Institutions with such labs are

>> No.2916189

Can warp myself around it, but these are cool..
~1*10^13 cells for a human being
Every cell having specific functions
Specifity acquired by DNA speciality
2m DNA condensed in less than 10µm of space

>> No.2916200

You've never taken a QM course.

You don't even know basic number/set theory.

Fuck this, I'm leaving /sci/ for the night.

>> No.2916202
File: 37 KB, 1440x218, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried this on /b/ some time ago

different results

>> No.2916234

The meagerness of life depressed the hell out of me at first. Almost killed myself. But after a revelation, I obtained a newfound optimism.

And I also used to fear death (wanted to kill myself to get it over with and find out what it is like) But that seems so damn silly when looking at the multiverse and time as a singularity. I am much more patient now. The only thing that still depresses me is that I will never know enough. And the more I know, the more I seem to forget. I sometimes feel like a starving man with a hole in his stomach.

>> No.2916243
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It might not be healthy to consider that too hard

>> No.2916248
File: 77 KB, 531x513, magic-clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real life latency

>> No.2916255

Speakung of Akira.

>> No.2916278
File: 51 KB, 399x327, stonedface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I once (or twice or a dozen of other times) was so high, all my senses came one second behind.
>Shit was awesome.

>> No.2916305

I've been thinking a lot about death lately. That is, loosing sleep and being the most scared i have ever been in my life. But this thread has calmed me.

I AM the universe, death isn't the end, it's just a transition of my atoms. I'm still scared though, I'll never be fully comfortable with death.

I just don't even like thinking about it in the slightest.

>> No.2916307

>Body has more bacteria than human cells
>Body is over 70% water
i herd bacteria have no water in them, also that their mass and volume is anywhere near eukaryotic 'human' cells.

by cell number, there are more bacteria, by mass and volume, human cells far outweigh bacterial cells.

>Body is over 90% empty space
i have no idea what that means unless it is referencing the 'empty space' around every atom.

>we only use 10 percent of our brain
ALL OF MY FUCKING RAGE. we do not only use 10% of our brain, that is totally retarded. literally every part of the brain has well understood functions and consequences for it being damaged

>blood is not really red
in the presence of oxygen, which is the 'default' state in most people's experience when blood is visible out of the body, it is.

>> No.2916314

>when I see something I'm not actually seeing it, I'm seeing the photons bouncing off it
No, you're actually seeing it. Photons are the mechanism of seeing. (Or at least the mechanism of seeing physical things -- they are not the mechanism for seeing in dreams for example).

You can't see photons, because photons do not interact with one another.

>> No.2916327

Isn't it also red inside the body, considering that you oxygenate it when you breathe. I've heard that is why you get a blue tent instead of a red blush when you die or hold your breathe too long.

>> No.2916329


Born from void; return to void in death

Embrace it

>> No.2916331

Schrodinger's cat.

QM in general.

>> No.2916334

when it has oxygen bound to it, it is red. no/low oxygen bound, blue.

>> No.2916349

Think about it like this: Death will instantly take you to the end of the universe (and whatever that implies). You will have no perception in-between, so billions or trillions of years will seem instantaneous. And if you ever do regain sentience by way of some multi-dimensional loop, you will instantly be in that sentience. Perhaps even in something resembling an afterlife.


>> No.2916371

don't even bother thinking about it. to declare anything without empirical evidence is simply a testament to one's arrogance

>> No.2916372

Yea thats what happens when you get superbaked, pretty common until you get a tolerance

>> No.2916378

That is mathematically impossible.

>> No.2916401

I have a counter argument:
This comment is impossible.

>> No.2916404

Mathematically impossible does not necessitate that something is impossible in reality.

Mathematics are a human attempt to describe reality, our mathematical system is not identical to reality and our maths do not determine what is and is not real. Empiricism is our best tool for that, and math is a compliment to it.

While I'm not arguing that we come from void and go to void, I am just pointing out that "mathematically impossible" is not the same as "impossible."

>> No.2916435


That eased my mind a little, Still fucking scared though. I just cannot stop thinking about it, It's going to happen one day and nothing I can do will stop it.

Why did i have to be born? life is hell, if hell ever existed.

>> No.2916439

>quantum mechanics
>probabilistic universe
>common sense

>> No.2916450

The universe will never completely understand itself.

>> No.2916476

um yeah i'm not scared. if anything i long for it.

>> No.2916481

>Zhuangzi's philosophy is skeptical, arguing that life is limited and knowledge to be gained is unlimited

well fuck

>> No.2916489

>In the fourth section of "The Great Happiness" (至樂 zhìlè, chapter 18), Zhuangzi expresses pity to a skull he sees lying at the side of the road. Zhuangzi laments that the skull is now dead, but the skull retorts, "How do you know it's bad to be dead?"

maybe you should read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuangzi_%28book%29 look it up on amazon

>> No.2916494

>i herd bacteria have no water in them
you herd rong

>> No.2916499

that there are things so small that photons have no mass...

>> No.2916508

fucking sarcasm, how does it work?

>> No.2916513

nopno no no

The universe understands itself, what it does not understand is where it came from or where it is going.

But certainly, just like you and I, it understands itself in the now.

>> No.2916514

You are right, there is no empirical evidence. But how am I supposed to not think of it. It is like not thinking of something I am standing in line for, when I have no clue what it is. And inquiry into that which lacks evidence is sort of the basis of the discovery of said evidence.

I long for it as well, but I am torn between all of the possibilities of another sentience and the possibility that life is an island of perception that should be embraced. And if you aren't scared, then why are you still alive. Killing yourself is rather easy.

>> No.2916544

What I mean is that us humans will never understand the universe. we are a way for the universe to understand itself etc

>> No.2916554


>> No.2916555
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>> No.2916574

Neutrinos. Right now, millions of these fuckers are going through your body. There are A TRILLION GAZILLION in your room right now, just casually passing by with no interaction. Yet detecting them is a bitch. Shit drives me crazy.

>> No.2916576
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I am a collection of organic molecules called Inurdaes.

>> No.2916602

no no no

Taking shit you've heard and repeating it doesn't make anyone understand you more

>> No.2916635

Almost 100% of human communication is taking shit you've heard and repeating it. Are you trolling or retarded?

>> No.2917329
File: 48 KB, 155x220, reaction sweaty virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thought and memory is merely a bunch of electrical signals in a soup of chemicals.

>> No.2917335
File: 23 KB, 228x244, reaction iron sheik wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entire body is made of the remnants of a massive supernova.

>> No.2917339

That's about as insightful as saying the Great Pyramid is "merely a pile of rocks."

It's the intricate and specific arrangement of the constituents that makes it remarkable.

>> No.2917343

That one day, very very very very far from now. There will be nothing. No matter, no energy, no Sun, no Earth, no galaxies, not even Black Holes. One day EVERYTHING will break down into nothingness.

>> No.2917349

Well, that's not even true as far as anyone can tell. Have you ever heard of the law of conservation of energy?

>> No.2917363
File: 103 KB, 750x750, Observable_Universe_with_Measurements_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visualization of the 93 billion light year - or 28 billion parsec - three-dimensional observable universe. The scale is such that the fine grains of light represent collections of large numbers of superclusters. The Virgo Supercluster - home of Milky Way - is marked at the center, but is too small to be seen in the image.

>> No.2917371

Not all of it, only around 94%
by weight, I think

>> No.2917378
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>the Swiss Alps are filled with chocolate

>> No.2917385
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>only made of 94% stardust

Well, shit. That's not interesting in the least.

>> No.2917403
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>There is something instead of nothing

>> No.2917405

>implying they aren't immaterial

>> No.2917417

The earth spins really fast but we don't notice it?? WTF

>> No.2917424
File: 354 KB, 808x609, 1303202831163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make some sort of troll post about gravity and Jesus, but fuck it.

Gravity is some whack shit, yo.


>> No.2917437

My island home is so small it doesn't show up on most maps of the Earth.

Our Earth is so small it doesn't show up on most maps of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way is so small it doesn't show up on most maps of the Virgo Supercluster.

The Virgo Supercluster is so small it doesn't show up on most maps of the Universe.

>> No.2917438

Space time material explains it all clearly.
Planets actually travel in a straight line.

>> No.2917439

>everything that exists was once crammed into a tiny dot

>> No.2917441

Also, that we know all this with relative certainty from our infinitesimal point in the universe.

>> No.2917446

It's basically the same, I'd put it more along the lines of planets travel the shortest distance between two points.

>> No.2917450

Not entirly understood with only big bang theory.
The dot was created by a universe clash in the 11th dimension,
read up on M-Theory (Material-Theory).

>> No.2917455

You give a more multi dimensional perspective than straight line.

:D :D :D

>> No.2917469

The smallest parts of the universe are so small they're literally invisible. The largest are bigger than trillions of suns.

Oh God, someone hold me ;__;

>> No.2917494

mind = blown

>> No.2917505

Ceasing to exist.
Honestly, it's the only thing that gives me trouble.

>> No.2917511


Your blood is never blue retards, its your skin that makes it look blue.

If your blood really is blue sometimes, howcome some of the veins on your arms and whereever don't look red?? At least one would be an artery you'd think

Also when blood is taken with a syringe it has no contact with the air because its sealed in the syringe but its still already red.

>> No.2917513

Particles aren't aware of themselves. Large collections of particles are aware of other large collections of particles.

>> No.2917521

If you believe in God, then you won't fear death.

>> No.2917558
File: 31 KB, 250x324, reaction stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying deoxygenated blood doesn't have a bluish tinge to it

>> No.2917565


If you believe in god than you fear death even more because I am willing to bet that each and every one of us has broken his commandmends more than once and maybe even commited one of the seven deadly sins.
So when you die, you go to hell and feel nothing but pain and agony for the rest of your eternal conscient existence.
I rather cease to exist tbh.

>> No.2917589


Reality disagrees. This is why we don't have our armies composed of brainwashed fundies.

>> No.2917593

When you're walking, your feet are bouncing off the ground. If it wasn't for the elasticity of the ground your feet would be locked to it and you would be stuck.

>> No.2917597


It doesn't. It's brown.

The bluish appearance of veins is an optical illusion.

>> No.2917667

Everything we do we do because it brings some sort of happiness or fullfillment.

We chase pussy, eat, study, work out or communicate because we get shots of dopamine from the brains which makes us feel happy.

Evolution theory arranged us humans as the most effective life form because we're junkies. Junkies for productivity.

>> No.2917791

This thread has made me crave knowledge like never before and made me feel slightly better about life.


>> No.2917798

One internet for you.

>> No.2917804

Still can't wrap my head around special relativity
after 2 years studying it.

>> No.2917855

That the speed of light in a vacuum is /always/ relative to the observer. No matter how fast you are going, the speed of light in vacuum will always be 186,000 miles per second relative to YOU.

>> No.2917869

When you're tucked up in bed you're spinning at over 1000mph and moving around the sun at over 67,000mph and around the galaxy at 490,000mph...

and you don't feel a thing.

>> No.2917889

You know what I hate? People that argue with that by saying, if you think like that, then it must be pretty depressing to be you.

And you know what assholes, it is depressing when you realize everything about you including every thought in your brain is made to accomplish one purpose, to replicate your genetic information. But there is no other truth, it is ultimate causation and everything else is proximal justification of why you like the things you do and why you don't like the other things.

And if you really accept reality for what it is, there are some disastrous outcomes: A man killed himself over this reason, and he left a 1905 page suicide note. The part that pertains to this view of the world is a short 2 or so pages at the end starting on the very bottom of page 1874
at "Happiness, Wonder, Laughter, Love".

Here it is http://www.scribd.com/doc/47534122/suicide-note

>> No.2917905

Citation is not necessary this is longstanding basic knowledge of microbio. The reason why there are more bacterial cells and consequently bacterial DNA than human DNA and cells is because there is a ~1000x difference in volume. There are a plethora of symbiotic relationships, and bacteria like staph and strep are always present on you while not necessarily causing disease.

>> No.2917910

we only use 10% of our brain at any given moment. the other 90% is not being utilized since blood isnt there to support it.

>> No.2917915

Neurophysiologist here, are you joking?

>> No.2917928

No seriously, tell me you are joking. That's even worse than just saying we only use 10% of our brain which is already like saying the world is flat.

>> No.2917930

Simple scientific fact that I still can't wrap my head around: that people honestly believe they only use 10% of their brains.

>> No.2917935


Not only in vacuum bro.

>> No.2917939


> implying that even if that were true, the rest isn't used for maintaining body functions like breathing, repairing, checking temperature etc..

It's not true of course.

>> No.2917949

Well, the relational effect is always there, but the speed of light CAN be slowed down when passing through matter. But it causes some REALLY fucked up effects. Like, they used this super-dense, super-cooled material to slow the speed of light down to somewhere around 40mph through that medium. The weirdness was that the beam of light emerged from the other side of the medium before it finished traversing through the medium. IE: The beam could still be seen passing through the goop but was also visible shooting out the opposite side. There was a dead space where the light wasn't visible in the goop despite its emergence on the other side.

That was kinda mind blowing too.

>> No.2917963


> the speed of light CAN be slowed down when passing through matter

No. That's just what popular science tells you. Light always travels at the same speed.

The reason for why one measures a longer time for light passing through matter is that it interacts with it. Absorption and emission, stuff like that. It takes time for a photon to be emitted again, that's why it appears slower, but in fact still travels at the speed of light.

>> No.2917976
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mfw my year 12 physics teacher lied to me

>> No.2917982


Yeah, this concept is easier than introducing quantum interactions to pupils.

Just like it's easier talking about relativistic mass instead of explaining 4-vectors.

>> No.2917992

>The closest Civilization to us is only 28.0 light years away.

>> No.2918000

>all the order and structure of matter and life in the universe is the result of extremely simple base particles interacting under an extremely simple ruleset.

>> No.2918001

It's impossible to "see" a photon.

>> No.2918003

Water has memory.

>> No.2918010

[citation needed]

>> No.2918025


>> No.2918029

It remembers cocaine.

>> No.2918031

archive please

>> No.2918033

So water is a drug addict?

>> No.2918059

you're being trolled

>> No.2918061

>So water is a drug addict?
You didn't think that was an actual question, did you?

>> No.2918071


This is so unbelievably wrong. Take some modern physics and learn special relativity. Nothing with mass can move faster than c (or even at c) relative to anything.

>> No.2918094

it would be true for a third observer


>> No.2918097



Take his advice and shut up until you get some knowledge.

>> No.2918105


From that observer´s perspective, a moves with -0.5c, b moves with 0.5c, what's your fucking point?

>> No.2918118

>He doesn't understand basic SR

If two observers move in opposite directions from one another, both at 0.8c wrt a third observer at rest, it's true that none of them will see any other moving away from them at velocity greater than c.

The stationary observer will see the two others moving away from one another at 1.6c.

>> No.2918162

No way dude. The equatorial radius is about 0.335% larger than the polar radius. That difference on the scale of a pool ball would be imperceivable. It would look like a perfect sphere.

>> No.2918267
File: 264 KB, 1332x2000, cutey_Emma_eyeprime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the big bang theory is right, than (there are reasonabe solutions to the Einstein equations which say that) there are objects floating around (i.e. there are timelike geodesics) in the universe which neccessarily startet at the same point (the singularity) but are never able to communicate with each other (because there are no intersecting lightlike geodesics starting from any two spaceike seperated points on the two curves).

The universe is as such that there are areas which are truely seperated - they can't even intereact (like sending a light signar) in theory. There is a part of the universe we can never know.

>> No.2918280


> implying that's not what i said.

The guy i referenced had it wrong.

>> No.2918282


You confuse big bang theory with general relativity. Not the same thing.

>> No.2918285
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GR solutions which attempt to model a big bang scenario universe. Are you happy?

>> No.2918298


Not quite, big bang theory also includes quantum mechanics, so it cannot be only a solution of GR field equations.

Big bang theory never stated there was a single point in spacetime where it all began, as you implied.

>> No.2918305

Everything is waves.

>> No.2918308


Epic trollbait.

>> No.2918334

the north american continent used to be covered in megafauna, including the now extinct but very real, Dire Wolves, giant condors, giant polar bears and giant sloths.

>> No.2920292

>implying that's true you asspie fucktards

>> No.2920489

Everything that was mind blowing to you was it so because it made your neurons connect to different neighboors.

All the ideas and thought that you ever had are made of that. Actually, all this universe that you are thinking about is nothing more than that in your mind. The difference between illusion, dream, reality, memory and imagination is minimum in your brain. Thinking of an apple, dreaming of an apple, actually seeing an apple or even reading of the word apple generates almost identical responses in your head.

I am probably millions of meters away from you, thinking of a message in form a code, called English, translated into signs that I push on a keyboard, translated into electrical signal, that works perfectly according to my visual translator called monitor. This translated message is travelling to your computer and being translated into your screen and fucking your head open with new chemical synapses. It depends on me, my computer, THE INTERNET, 4chan, your computer, your eyes, your response and all the tiny interactions in all those levels.

This is me blowing your mind.

>> No.2920496

we do not have free will

>> No.2920533

The every single one of us is descended from a small group of a couple thousand people who migrated out of Africa a long ass time ago.

>> No.2920555

How about

>every one of us is descended from an organic molecule that self-replicated, going on to compete with it's own progeny for replication resources

>> No.2920587
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>> No.2920601

The water molecules I'm drinking may very well have come to this planet from an ice comet billions of years ago and been pissed out of a dinosaur 65+ million years ago.

>> No.2920606
File: 1.75 MB, 888x851, Orestes Pursued by the Furries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So in the future there are going to be these things called "Furries"

>> No.2920607

I never understood how this is the case when coupled with Heisenberg uncertainty. Can someone explain how badly I am derping here?

>> No.2920620

read this thread... and then tell me that there is no god

>> No.2920622


Most of the matter which constitues your being came from the depth of the sun

>> No.2920630
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>> No.2920633

Not the guy you're responding to. But at least some, if not most of your thoughts and emotions are not of your own control, but just reactions to stimuli and the chemistry of your brain.

A lot of the choices we make are influenced by those stimuli, and in some cases are altered by stimuli.

I'm not saying humans have NO free will, but they certainly don't have total free will.

>> No.2920635
File: 1.78 MB, 180x113, STTGDB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Breaker is almost the size of the universe.


>> No.2920643
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, mind blown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the human brain uses as much electricity as a ten watt battery

>> No.2920644

I don't deny that all my thoughts arise from chemical reactions and that given sufficient computing power I could calculate all collisions of all molecules.

However, the transfer of electrons is the important part of any reaction and their exact speed/momentum is unknowable (unfixed?) then we could never predict what I will do.

>> No.2920663

There was a thread last night about computer chips and quantum theory, that wouldn't the unstable nature of electrons produce computer errors? The conclusion is that the pathways of a computer chips don't rely on single electrons, but lots and lots and lots of them. Even though one electron may blip out of existence, there are still lots of them going down the pipe to tell the computer some data.

I think your brain works very much the same way, in that it doesn't rely on a single electron to form decisions.

>> No.2920678

it would be weird if you DIDN'T find that pattern somewhere out there.

>> No.2920683

Humanity benefits more from /sci/ in a day than from anything else in a year

>> No.2920692

this thread is proof that there is no god

die and go to church

>> No.2920722

This. That image tells us fucking nothing. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS HAVE FILAMENTOUS STRUCTURE OMG!!!

>> No.2920748

How big everything is and how small everything is.


>> No.2920750

Ok, nice way of framing it.

Surely there is a boundary though? A point were there is just enough Na+ in the post synaptic terminal when an electron blips and an NMDA channel doesn't open and the long term potentiation doesn't occur and you forget the fact and you fail the exam and you get a 2:2 and you fail to get onto the masters course and you can't get a PhD ad nauseum.

I realise I'm being obtuse, but if anyhting you've just made me doubt quantum computing with that statement. Maybe I'm over analysing though.

>> No.2920765

I think we're talking many many many many many many electrons to hit the action potential. Enough that the probability aspect isn't going to have much effect. Maybe.

>> No.2920779

Actually, thinking about it, all I've suggested is that prediction on all events is impossible, the standard Laplace demon. What I haven't done at all is suggest how this could imply free will.

Cheers pal, helped me overcome my metaphysical insecurities.

>> No.2920785
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People treat the uncertainty principle like it's magic. But it arises naturally from how we represent things in the mathematics. In Fourier analysis, when transforming from the time domain to the frequency domain, locally concentrated features in one domain are globally distributed in the other. So one can't readily know about local or global features in both domains at the same time.

>> No.2920794

Just thinking that some of my great great greatest grandparents were monkeys, mice, fish, and bacteria. Also, every single one of them has gotten laid and was reproductively successful, so from an evolutionary standpoint I am just a "dead end"

Also, shit blows my mind that I'm just part of a really long chemical reaction that started on earth billions of years ago.

And the very nature of matter and the universe. Time, energy, physical things ,it's all an illusion created by perception. There is no "real" universe.

The mind also blows my mind. Everything I've ever known and will know, all of my experiences and emotions, it's all stored in this tiny 10 ounce blob inside my skull. If the slightest damage occurs to this blob, that's it, my entire existence is lost.

Finiteness. Yeah, most people's minds are blown by infinity, but mine is blown by finiteness. There is a finite number of things I could ever experience in this universe. Only a finite number of things my brain can physically process. Only a finite number of things can be stored in my 12 ounce blob. What happens when you run out of space? Not like it could ever happen, there's so much room in there but...shit man think of all the things that exist in this universe that we just can't even know about because our minds have physical limits on them.

>> No.2920805

>>2920779 is right, Laplace's demon is dead. http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0708/0708.1362v2.pdf

>> No.2920806

So it's more a mathematical problem, than a reality problem?

>> No.2920812
File: 9 KB, 303x306, JulianBashir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit...
>mfw it all makes perfect sense

Never seen it explained so succinctly, cheers anon.

>> No.2920820
File: 95 KB, 472x369, forever alone face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so from an evolutionary standpoint I am just a "dead end"

>> No.2920831

Yeah, basically.

>> No.2920837

You are nothing but a mote of dust standing atop another mote of dust located in a mote of dust within another mote of dust, etc. etc. in comparison to the Universe.

>> No.2920844

Every time I eat something, I always think abou how the food is just atoms rubbing up against my tongue and being dissolved by saliva. The whole "taste" sensation is my brain giving me information about the atoms "touching" my tongue (of course they really aren't touching)

When you get full it seems like you can "feel" the food inside your stomach. But really, that too is just a chemical message in your brain telling you to stop eating. You could theoretically trigger that message without even having food inside your belly! Imagine feeling full without having anything inside you.

I just ruined eating for myself

>> No.2920845

How large the universe is. I mean, I can understand it, but it seems from day to day I don't want to. The idea that our planet, our people is so insignificant that it barely registers in our solar system let alone the universe itself just makes me think that it can make someone lose hope and perspective of things. Just a small speck unrecognizable among the trillions of stars.

>> No.2920869

You will never get to experience anything that happens after you die.

>> No.2920874

that when I see a yellow school bus drive down the road the school bus is actually reflecting yellow.. so when we say something is a color what we mean is that it is every color except that color, which is why it is reflecting it..

>> No.2920881

Particles have arranged themselves in a manner in which they are aware of themselves, and those particles are us.

>> No.2920898

All of the human minds on earth physically make up less than .00000000001% of the solar system (just pulling random numbers out of my ass but yeah, a really small fraction)

The solar system is just a tiny fraction of the galaxy, which is an even smaller fraction of the entire universe.

To believe humanity is just the universe understanding itself... on one hand it takes such a small fraction of the universe to understand so much about itself. On the other, given how large and complicated the universe really is, it seems crazy to believe that the collective human population could even "know" so very much about th universe at all.

>> No.2920900 [DELETED] 

WAAAAAAAAY wrong about the distance of proxima centauri from the sun. this site lists it as closer to our sun that the earth is to the moon

>> No.2920904
File: 454 KB, 900x1393, 1295499715498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the following scenario:
Two cars are moving away from each other, in opposite directions, each traveling a speed of 10mph. Despite Car A moving 10 mph, it appears that Car B is moving 20mph away from him. Keep that in mind.

Also keep in mind that the universe is actually expanding faster and faster, not slower.

So two galaxies that are expanding away from each other are expanding faster and faster. To Galaxy A, Galaxy B appears to be moving away at twice the speed.
Eventually the galaxies will be moving away from each other a little over half the speed of light, well within the realms of mechanical acceleration. However, Galaxy B now appears to be moving faster than the speed of light.

Therefore: There will come a point where objects in space begin to start vanishing. as the light reflected from them is not moving fast enough to reach us. For all of our intents and purposes, these objects will simply cease to exist, lost forever, and there is nothing we can do about it.

>> No.2920926

The sun is just a bunch of atoms in space that happen to be very close to each other. The concept of singular "things" is just a human perception.

>> No.2920937

>For all of our intents and purposes, these objects will simply cease to exist, lost forever, and there is nothing we can do about it.

But they don't. The information they contain is only lost relative to us.

>> No.2920953


If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

>> No.2920958
File: 227 KB, 600x428, russian trolles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will vibrate the air.

air vibrations = sound


>> No.2920961

Note how I said "For OUR intents and purposes"

>> No.2920968

The sun and the moon appear almost the same size in the sky. Such a coincidence.

>> No.2920969


>> No.2920973

You mean for our INTENSIVE purposes?
>I'm so sorry, I just couldn't resist.

>> No.2920977

Some people define air vibrations as noise, not sound.
They define sound as perception of noise.

Then we can raise more questions, like, if a tree falls in a forest with no one around but a tape recorder, if you listen to the recording, does the tree make a sound?

>> No.2920981

Yeah, I noticed it. It's just an addition to the mindfuckery that it all still exists.

>> No.2920982

> like, if a tree falls in a forest with no one around but a tape recorder, if you listen to the recording, does the tree make a sound?

that sort of misses the point, don't you think?

>> No.2920987

Nothing came before the big bang. Seriously, nothing. Hawkins talked about how before the big bang all the mass was compressed so much that space was distorted into infinity, and because of that time also was distorted into infinity. Effectively, time was "locked" until the big bang occurred. Granted, this is only using our understanding of time, there could potentially be something that occurs when time and space is distorted so severely that we simply don't have a comprehension of knowing. But Hawkins says to that "Everything that happened before the Big Bang could not affect what happened after"

>> No.2920988

>implying that little bullshit tidbit would /thread an epic thread like this one

>> No.2920990

misses one point, raises another

>> No.2920992

Likely, "intents and purposes" sounds right to me but if I got the phrase mixed up, so be it. The meaning behind it stands though.

>> No.2920997
File: 129 KB, 867x511, what the fuck is this minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sound = noise

>> No.2920993

How nigger, niggers are.

>> No.2920999


do you two not understand 4chan?

>> No.2921008

who's that "screaming jay" hawkins? i had no idea he had such deep insight on the universe. geuss i'll have to bust out a few old mp3s

>> No.2921286

>Some people define air vibrations as noise, not sound.
>They define sound as perception of noise.

But now that's just semantics. Noise is just a sound, an unwanted one. Extending its meaning, it's an "unwanted signal" (for example, electrical noise).
Also, it's subjective. To me, trash metal is noise, but for some people is something worth listening to.

>> No.2921290


fucking lol'd

>> No.2921466
File: 38 KB, 294x313, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit!


>> No.2921776

epic thread revival bump

>> No.2921824

>there are this many intelligent people on 4chan.
Blows my puny mind.

>> No.2923420
File: 47 KB, 640x480, (B-A)Great_Teacher_Onizuka_-_Lesson_32_(E550081E).mkv_snapshot_04.53_[2011.01.04_01.14.07].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everything, even the basic laws are just a product of time itself

>> No.2923552
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