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2913671 No.2913671 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ any medfags on today?

Empty nose syndrome patient here, I've been looking at treatment options and they're very expensive (seeing as they're experimental and not covered by insurance), some ranging around 66k.

I think the main issue is because it is difficult to firmly confirm the diagnosis for secondary atrophic rhinitis. But couldn't a biopsy to test for metaplasia confirm this? Why would/wouldn't it work?

>> No.2913698
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>> No.2913737


>> No.2913779

nasal irrigation, i suggest using saline made with himalayan rock salt and inner leaf aloe gel.

its not available commercially, but its fairly easy to make at home. 5 measured teaspoons salt in 500mL water, wash with this several times then use the aloe gel straight up.

>> No.2913788


yes, irrigation is one of many things part of my routine. However this is more for maintenance or to prevent worsening of symptoms. I'm addressing a permanent solution through tissue implantation or tissue regrowth through regenerative medicine, which is expensive and not covered by insurance

>> No.2913798
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>> No.2913821

it depends on how far gone the mucosa is, but if regrowth is at all possible the aloe goes a long way towards that, seabuckthorn oil, which is high in vitamin e and fat soluble antioxidants will also help greatly, as both of these are used extensively to regrow tissue after radiation/severe burns.

if its possible for you, regrowth should be evident after 4-6 weeks of alternating with aloe-seabuckthorn(using aloe in morning and seab. at night)

>> No.2913824


Please leave

>> No.2913843

personally I find the Cambodian leaf ointment and green tea extract combination better

>> No.2913844


how/where is buckthorn applied? I hear it can cause lipid pneumonia

>> No.2913852

Go back to poisoning innocent children with autism vaccines and toxic fluorides, pharma shill. I'm here to treat causes, not symptoms.

>> No.2913862


op here, I'm not interested in homeopathy, please leave my thread.

>> No.2913871

Protip: You enrage chemists too if you say 'fluorines', learn to cast your troll net wide.

OP, I'm reading (on wiki) that this is iatrogenic, mind if I ask what the reason was to remove the innards of your nose?

>> No.2913872
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mfw vaccines saves lives and anti-vaccination hipsters have caused deaths

>> No.2913877


guys, I'm not trying to be unappreciative of the advice being given on irrigation and whatnot... but can someone please help me with the information addressed in the op? Does anyone know how accurate a biopsy for metaplasia might be? If it would come out positive?

>> No.2913889

nasally, just like the aloe and saline.

but thats a good point, i'm not really giving the full story here, you should see someone that knows this kind stuff. i always give ayurvedic oil nasal wash with the seabuckthorn, which adds potent antibacterial/antiviral/antifungal to the seabuckthorn. other important stuff is avoiding all sorts of allergens, using air and water purification techniques, including many dietary modifications and making sure nutrition is very high to support the regrowth.

>> No.2913890

Metaplasia is very easy to spot under a light microscope.

>> No.2913897


Guys, please don't let this thread get de-railed by the troll, this is important to me.


I wanted to correct a deviated septum because of certain symptoms I had. The problem is, when a septum is deviated in one direction the turbinates compensate by growing larger on one side and smaller on the other. When my surgeon reduced my left turbinate to make space so the septum could be shifted, he also reduced the size of the right turbinate (which was undersized) and is likely the cause of my paradoxical obstruction.

Also he didn't do it without my consent, I asked ahead of time and didn't feel like arguing because obviously I'm not a medical professional.

>> No.2913905

>autism vaccines


>> No.2913906

>you should see someone that knows this kind stuff

the amount of doctors that have even heard of this disease can be counted on both hands, none live in my state. There isn't even an entry for it on the medline


>> No.2913920
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pre-surgical MRI

>> No.2913943


What is the chance of it showing up if I were to get a biopsy I mean? I hear it can take many years to develop... I have no idea to be honest

>> No.2914033

You mean you want to get your maxillary sinuses closed back? The beast people to talk to in such a scenario are either the head and neck surgeons(though they mostly cut things out), but I would go with maxillofacial surgeons who are quite apt with bone grafts and reconstruction.

For the diagnosis of secondary atrophic rinitis you have some slight difficulties. First you have to very positively establish a link between the operation and the state you are currently in. Secondary you have to rule out all medications that can cause atrophic rinitis(corticosteroids, anticongestives etc.). Then you have to rule out all possible allergic reactions. The biopsy can only say, if there is a rinitis(increased number of leukocytes under the microscope) and if it's atrophic(less number of cells and less layers). So in your case doctors don't really know what came first and it's hard to confirm such a diagnosis.

Hope it helps!

>> No.2914115

Find a maxfax to do the job. They are indeed the best.

>> No.2914161

I'm unfamiliar with the medical dogma surrounding management of ENS and the diagnosis of atrophic rhinitis (not encountered either of them in training yet).

However, the hallmark metaplasia described would be incredibly easy to spot. I doubt you'd even need to take a biopsy, a swab would get all the information you need. Diagnosis from this seems pretty definite.

I'mma do a little more reading on it now...

>> No.2914239


I'm not sure the extent of exactly what was done, I'm still in the process of obtaining my medical records. At best I know my nasal concha bones were reduced in size, and the associated paradoxical obstruction and dryness is unbearable.

As for the rest of your post, and what this fellow is telling me


I'm getting two completely different views on the validity of a test for atrophic rhinitis.

The problem here, is that all the medicine is literally on my end. As I said earlier most ENTs, (including mine) literally have no idea what ENS is, and some even doubt its existence. If there is some solid way of diagnosing this condition, it is literally up to me to talk to my ENT as tell him what tests to do. My ENT has shown no effort in researching the condition, nor in helping me convincing my insurance company to pay for treatment. I could work with one of the few qualified professionals who can deal with it (all which are out of state) but my insurance wouldn't cover it, and I am a student and poor as shit.

>> No.2914287

All I'm saying is on the face of it it should be very easy to diagnose with a swab of the mucosa under a light microscope. It's exactly the same principle as cervical smear tests.

I really can't see any reason not to perform this test aside from complete lack of intuition and/or terror of being sued.

Sorry pal. Maybe get someone more reasonable to have a chat with her, explain how simple it is. Or even try to perform the test yourself?

>> No.2914336


So I guess the solution is just to find a doctor that is willing to work with me.....

There are only 2 ENTs here that are under my insurance plan, and they're partners. I think there's another medical center here with their own ENTs, am I correct in assuming the next step would be to have a chat with my insurance company, state the conflict of interest, and see if they can cover me to find another ENT in the area who is willing to work with my condition?

>> No.2914363

Sounds like a reasonable course of action. Though I was hoping you were going to attempt the procedure yourself.

>> No.2914373


lol wut? How?