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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2913503 No.2913503 [Reply] [Original]

>in Calc II class
>girl next to me has a Casio calculator
>keeps interrupting the lecture to ask how to calculate something on it that has a different procedure layout from the TIs.

There's always that one person in every math class...

>> No.2913506

why didnt you just try to help her? faggot

>> No.2913512

>implying that calculator instead of brain is the most imortant tool of a mathematician

>> No.2913530

>"Calc" II
>Using Calculators

I hope you're not going to a well known university,
cause that's the saddest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.2913543

I never used a Calculator in Calc II. I'm in Calc III and don't even use one.

Hell, I didn't in Calc I either.

>> No.2913545

>Implying CALCulus is possible without a CALCulator

Clue's in the name bro

>> No.2913548

Seriously, the only reason you should be using a TI after trig is to play games cause you're bored.

>> No.2913554


So yankies are allowed graphing calculators in HS?

>> No.2913558
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>mfw when I realized what "calculus I, II, III mean"
>I'm European

>> No.2913559


>Implying you need that shit until you start graphing things and taking approximated values (which are not that important)

>> No.2913560

You're an idiot. Calculus does not need a calculator. You don't need calculon for calculus do you? Or calcium? Obviously you have either never taken calculus or you take some dumbed down shitty calc class where you just do arithmetic on calculators.

>> No.2913562

What the fuck did you think it meant?

Calc I = differential calculus
Calc II = integral calculus
Calc III = vector/multivariate calculus

>> No.2913568

My system of education is very different of this

>> No.2913569

Actually calcium is so called because its existence was first inferred by one of the earliest applications of a differential equation.

The moar you know.

>> No.2913570

>implying calculus is possible without calcium

>> No.2913575

Seriously what did you think it meant?

>> No.2913585


So you're taking shitty "Calculus" for Business and Pre-med majors, and not real Calculus.

Calculators aren't used in any undergrad math program.

>> No.2913583
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>they buy expensive calculators because they are not smart enough to pass the test without it

>> No.2913588

>in Trig class
>everyone has a TI-83
>bust out my TI-86
>why do you have that, anon, you think you're better than us?

>> No.2913597

why the fuck would you buy an 86 anyway. you don't need anything past the 84. it can do anything you need and any math it cant do doesnt need a calculator anyway. and it's fast enough that you can play games on it with no problem. so why do you need an 86?

>> No.2913605

I'm going to be honest. A graphical calculator definitely helps. If you have a question that begins with a difficult integration you would want to know that the first part of the integration is correct.

>> No.2913619

i'm european and in my language we don't even use a word for calculus. or arithmetic, or even algebra.

>> No.2913624

Man lots of people in here apparently like doing definite integrals by hand.

Wait, that's easier to summarize:

>ITT: Ignorance. Ignorance everywhere.

>> No.2913625

it cost only $15 more at the time (1998)
higher resolution
type commands to program instead of going through menus
"emulator" ran all asm programs for 82, 83, 85
I was 14

>> No.2913635

Calculators are allowed pretty much everywhere. (cept for anything that can derive or take integrals)

>> No.2913636


Setting up integrals is more important than knowing how to evaluate them. Computers can evaluate them, but you need to know how to set them up correctly.

>> No.2913643

ya only in calc 1 and 2

>> No.2913656
File: 133 KB, 401x345, blackfacee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my Calc II class, there is a girl named Monica. She is what has to at least retarded. She is loud, disrespectful, and annoying.

For instance, today the teacher was talking about vectors (which meant I had free time to surf the Internet), and she couldn't wrap her head around the fact that something traveling at 400 mph/kph to the West translated to <-400,0>.

>> No.2913659


Both my calculus professors (one for I and II, one for III) had PhDs in math and set up tests so there was a calculator portion and a non-calculator portion.

The real world is not filled with perfect definite integrals and those certainly don't have bounds of <span class="math">[0,1][/spoiler] all of the time.

Our calc III professor even showed us tools like Maple. I'm sure you had no problem visualizing a solid of revolution, Gabriel's Horn, Washer-Disc integration, vector planes, or third dimension graphs though, right?

Give me a fucking break. Calculators and programs like Maple should only be used as facilitating tools, yes, but there is no denying their use in calculus.

>> No.2913665

UK fag here, we do pretty much all of that within standard 'Maths'. Certainly all of Calc I & II, anyway.

>> No.2913666

I don't really get why American schools have separate "trig" "calculus" classes etc, we (UK) just have "maths". You take AS maths at age 16-17, covering integration/differentiation of polynomials / trig functions up to definite integrals, trig, sequences/series, coordinate geometry and some other shit I don't remember, then A2 age 17-18 which goes as far as vectors, differential equations, integration by parts. then anyone who wants to go to a good uni to study maths/engineering/physics/whatever, or just whoever feels like it, takes "further maths" (runs alongside "maths" taken age 16-18) which has complex numbers, power series, more complicated integrals, complex summations, proof by induction, polar coordinates, basic group theory. alongside all those along the way are applied units of mechanics (laws of motion, f=ma, circular motion, centre of mass via integration, simple harmonic motion, work,energy+power, plus more i don't remember), statistics/probability (boring).

THEN you go to university.

american universities start way behind UK ones.


oh and i forgot to mention, we have to sit STEP papers too to get into cambridge/warwick/imperial.

here's the latest (2010) one:


>> No.2913670


Same way in the US; it's covered in the final year(s) of highschool... not sure how his college does things though

>> No.2913674


you're a insecure retard

>> No.2913673
File: 29 KB, 180x190, 1300756350860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw everytime I hear a eurofag say "maths" I think of lolcats

>> No.2913681


you're only about a year ahead of the average American kid planning on doing a Eng/Sci major... given the information you gave me (assuming the majority of the kids in the UK even do that)

>> No.2914912 [DELETED] 

>they don't calculate everything in their head like Von Neumann

>> No.2914923
File: 7 KB, 240x207, fuckyea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have shit-tier $20 Wal Mart calculator
>Got an A in Calculus anyway

>> No.2914924
File: 91 KB, 323x323, 1278525694687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you are allowed to use calculators in a basic calc class

Half the class won't know how to integrate when it's over.

>> No.2914952

I'm an American who did IB (lol public education in the south) and you're intentionally being an ass just to be an ass. Retards (admittedly the majority of high school students in the US) never make it to calc but most reasonably smart students who are going to college take at least AP Calc AB in high school, which is basic calculus, and good students generally take BC Calc. Now, I did BC junior year and IB HL Math (not maths) junior/senior year, and I've been exposed to britfaggotry enough to know that IB HL math is roughly equivalent to A-level math in Britain. And basically, after BC Calc, everything we did in my senior year was bullshit. It was somewhat interesting, it gave me a head start in Calc 3 when I went to college and basically showed me what advanced math was going to be, which helped me decide on my math major, but honestly, nothing we did was remotely applicable to anyone who isn't going to be majoring in math or maybe comp sci or physics.

TL;DR the math (not maths) you britfags do in high school is basically most of the good parts of AP plus mostly irrelevant bullshit.

>> No.2914989
File: 239 KB, 2550x3300, Y0UJC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sucks to be them.

>> No.2914996


That's fine. Those people wouldn't have learned it anyway. And at least in my school, each exam has a non-calculator portion and a calculator portion. (usually the non-calc is ~85% of the grade). In the calculator portion you still need to show work.

So if you rely too much on the calculator you're still fucked, same as always.

>> No.2915038

Anything before calculus is piss easy. Calculus itself is piss easy. Statistics is piss easy.

Anything that is primarily computational without needing to program to find your answers will be extremely easy. The harder stuff comes in the proofs and reasoning.

Calculus is basically the algebra of higher math. You don't need a calculator in algebra, but it makes it easier for the teachers to grade.

>> No.2915592

>The harder stuff comes in the proofs and reasoning.

And what is this harder stuff?

>> No.2915600

>Anything that is primarily computational without needing to program to find your answers will be extremely easy

>> No.2916351


>> No.2916397

I have no clue how people who don't understand the concept of a limit(a girl in my class didn't understand it)get past trig....it just dont understand.

>> No.2916503


algorithmic stuff is easy bro because, get this, you just need to learn an algorithm to do it and use different values depending on the question

>> No.2916520

Not that dude, but
If you haven't done proofs, you haven't done any actual "math".

>> No.2916526
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Sorry OP, not attending a community college like you. Haven't had such person in my math classes.

Enjoy your shit education though.

>> No.2916528
File: 40 KB, 311x311, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Hasn't taken anything past Linear Algebra and Differential Equation
>Thinks he know what hard math is

>> No.2916536


I have no clue how people who don't understand the concept of how people who don't understand the concept of a limit get past trig get past trig....it just dont understand.

>> No.2916546


Good, TI calculators suck ass anyways. I have no idea why institutions are still so hard assed about using them.

>> No.2916575


Casio fx-83GT PLUS

kicks your nigger ass

>> No.2916577

In a 2d vector, the first number is unsigned (magnitude) and the second is a direction. Yeah, it's equivalent, if you allow signed magnitudes, but why should you?

>> No.2916586
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>> No.2916673


<400,180º>=400cos(180º)+i400sin(180º)=-400+0i, etc.

>> No.2916729
File: 4 KB, 181x183, fifth grader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic number theory class
>first day
>Professor: "x is an even integer if it is '2 times k', where k is an integer."
>twenty seconds later
>Professor: "x is an odd integer if it is '2 times k +1' where k is an integer."
>student: "How can x be odd and x be even?"

>> No.2916779

HP 32s II master race reporting in

RPN is best notation

>> No.2917030
File: 10 KB, 126x96, 1300421542934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I seriously have idea what you're talking about. Is the joke that the kid does't understand the concept of a variable?

>> No.2917071


depends how the prof connected those ideas

if he said X is an odd integer and X is an even integer

it sounds like hes trying to talk about the same variable

>> No.2917080

It's also possible that the kid misunderstood 2 times K plus 1 as 2(k+1) rather than 2k+1. Dumb mistake but I've had worse brainfarts, spoken math is kind of shitty.