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File: 14 KB, 268x326, Alexander_Grothendieck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2913091 No.2913091 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite mathematician and why?

>> No.2913093
File: 50 KB, 688x473, Brett Campbell watches Home Improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lenard YOUler, because I love you OP.

>> No.2913092

if i learned calulus could i make a playstation?

>> No.2913096

Jacob Hineybandit

>> No.2913097
File: 14 KB, 400x293, Grigori_Perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grigori Perelman

No explanation needed.

>> No.2913094

Gundrum Alberbockins

>> No.2913099


>> No.2913104
File: 29 KB, 360x410, B03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Von Neumann. The guy single-handedly advanced civilization by creating the von neumann architecture. He also created game theory and a bunch of other cool math ideas. He was the only one at that time who understood Godel's incompleteness theorem. His iq was off the charts, so much that I wouldn't consider him human (think like 6 sigma deviation.)

>> No.2913109

George Green

because jesus christ if he can do all that he did without a formal education. Guy taught himself.

fuck man

>> No.2913113

Perelman and Grothendieck both refused Field's Medal, whereas they must be the better mathematicians of the world.

>> No.2913118

i dont have a favorite mathemagician because im not a fag


>> No.2913126
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>> No.2913127
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>> No.2913125


Go die in a fire.

>> No.2913130

J. H. Conway...

>> No.2913137
File: 7 KB, 220x248, 220px-Gromov_Mikhail_Leonidovich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikhaïl Gromov

>> No.2913138


>> No.2913164

Paul Erdos

>> No.2913206

Perelman of modern age

Gauss of old age

>> No.2913207

feynman or archimedes

>> No.2913223

I guess Cauchy, as far as I know, he basically invented several disciplines of mathematics.

>> No.2913320
File: 61 KB, 200x300, lily-serna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Serna

>> No.2913323


>> No.2913330

like any of you perelman fags understand his proof

based on what i've actually studied and understood and think is great: gauss and galois

>> No.2913334

Me, because I'm my biggest fan. Gauss is solidly in 2nd place.

>> No.2913336


It isn't just about his proof. He is 100% in it for the love of math; turned down a Field's Medal and a million dollars and doesn't give a shit about the spotlight.

>> No.2913352

+1. Anyone makes something nice, Gromov takes it and turns it into gold. Also invents gold.

>> No.2913356

That's an alpha mathematician for you haha. Wait, Perelman lives with his mother?

>> No.2913358
File: 23 KB, 272x304, Grigori_Perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grisha all the way baby

>> No.2913359


Paul Samuelson was an economist and mathematician.

Pretty cool guy.

>> No.2913367


There are really many inspiring mathematicians.

If context is important (what did the mathematician achieve having the background he had at his time), I'd say Gauss or Euler. Nobody developed that many math in their life with that little background.

Maybe some Fermat/Ramanujan if they count as mathematicians (they don't really do in my book).

>> No.2913364
File: 15 KB, 317x281, weird-fat-man-eating-burger (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad he created the efficient market theory which is wrong.

>mfw I know no famous modern mathematicians.

>> No.2913370



>> No.2913375

Hmm, what about Ada Lovelace?

>> No.2913383
File: 714 KB, 2670x4101, cutey_Emma_Shes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cartan, because I love his stuff.
In still alive mathematics...well, I only know a few...maybe Terence Tao, seems like a cool guy whos doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2913391


it's still up for debate today, it's complicated, i doubt you even understand it's implications and assumptions even though they can be stated very simply

>> No.2913393
File: 6 KB, 280x340, Hilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Hilbert runs this place, y'all just live in it

>> No.2913460

>Hilbert runs this place

No, this place is run by the inmates.

>> No.2913470

Thanks for doubting I understand it right off the bat. I used to believe it though until recently.

Pic related, most famous, richest mathematician and also relevant to the EMH debate.

>> No.2913479
File: 232 KB, 589x367, Picture 1277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said pic.

>> No.2914701
