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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2909602 No.2909602 [Reply] [Original]

In my opinion we are in the new dark ages, where progress is minimized to little details but science as a whole is not targeted at brining us further as a species.
All those idiots yapping about saving the enviroment hold back human progress. I guess if our generation retires somewhen a new generation will arise that will pull out mankind out of this unproductive slump and advance us as a species again.
I can't stand how human progress has come to a halt. But I say that in at least 200 years people will rejoice again at the implications of science and the progress that can be made for our species as a whole.
The time from 1950 - 20?? will be regarded as a second dark age again and people will loathe our society that is so hostile towards progress and I'm looking forward to that day.

>> No.2909618

I think you vastly overestimate the impact and type of impact environmentalists have on science.

>> No.2909616

It hasn't come to a halt that's an incredible stupid thing to say. We've had more technolgical advancement in the last 5 years than we have in the last 5000 years. If you knew anything about technological advancement it would be that it is exponential

>> No.2909635

I would've believed you if you said 50.

>> No.2909627

>We've had more technolgical advancement in the last 5 years than we have in the last 5000 years.
uh not really, you can't objectively quantify scientific advancement but somehow I don't think a few Ipods and shit can compare to the theory of relativity or industrial revolution.

>> No.2909641

Are you kidding? We have uncovered a great deal of our surrounding universe within the past century. We're (seemingly) not breaking ground as rapidly as in the past either because
1.) We've already learned much and we are currently refining what knowledge we've gained, or
2.) You're a twenty-something whose perception of the passage of time is skewed.

>> No.2909640


Holy fuck you are retarded

>> No.2909653

what makes you estimate that progress will begin once again in 200 years what if it took 2000?

>> No.2909662

The human species was able to travel to the moon without quantum computing. Practical sciences need to take overhand again. What we are doing is making us comfortable with the status quo in the middleages where a new rake was hailed as scientific progress.
There will be a new scientific revolution when people are sick and tired of our backwards way of thinking about progress.
Maybe we'll all be dead by then or VERY old people. But human progress can't be stunted in the long run.

>> No.2909686

This is all stupid soft science that won't help us to progress as a species. We need hard sciences that can be put to use without any enviromentalists or bankers halting us in our progress.
All this theorethical quackery is of no good use.
People have lost their aim. It's all about chasing pussy and socialising on facebook.
Mark my words somewhen in the future our generation will be regarded as the one generation that hauled our ass back into the dark ages. And this time not because of religion but because of a total lack of self control and a focus on instant gratification.

>> No.2909711

Holy fuck you are retarded, the few minor developments in computer science and nanotechnology over the past 5 years don't hold a candle to the theory of relativity, quantum physics, rocketry, electronics and chemical engineering over the past 100 years.

>> No.2909712

If this is such a problem as you seem to perceive it, have you done anything to ensure that such an age does not come to pass? Since you're on 4chan, I think it's a pretty safe assumption to say that you're squandering you're time, much like those facebook socializers.

>> No.2909714

according with Norbert Weiner we're living in the second industrial revolution, thanks to the Computer.

>> No.2909716
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While I disagree that scientific progress has come to a halt, the whole environmentalist movement is just a mask of luddism. They are trying to stop the future, and we can't let that happen now, can we?

>> No.2909725

>They are trying to stop the future, and we can't let that happen now, can we?
Op here, my point exactly.
If those fuckers get overhand all progress of all manking will be put on hold for a few hundered years.
We can't let that happen.

>> No.2909740
File: 61 KB, 600x410, luddites_gonna_ludd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The problem with luddism is that it is near-universal. It does not depend on political or life ideology, it's a sort of meta-ideology, like the antithesis of transhumanism.

Greenpeace, the Earth Liberation Front, PeTA, and the liberal luddites, and the conservative luddites like the paranoid old farts at the GOP and the Tea Party and such are essentially the same, the political ideology might be radially opposite but they have the same goal: Stop the future.

Pic oh so related.

>> No.2909745

Don't forget about lysenkoism, another big factor in holding us back.

>> No.2909773
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That too, but you don't see it that often.

Except with the Italian Cold Fusion scam and all that Deepak Chopra bullshit. But New Age bullshit gets it's own cottage right between "General Liberal Luddite Fantasy Camp" and "Greenpeace Bomb-Making Camp".

>> No.2909777

I get the impression your perspective is that of a teenager fresh from high school, believe me if humans were as intelligent as teenagers we'd still be scaring herds of giant beaver off cliffs with flaming torches.

Of course 99.9% of people are stupid but humans have evolved to the point where 0.01% of them are at least barely capable of constructing a civilization and over the past 6000 years have managed to claw this species out of the mud, so if you are one of them and just so happen to use your intelligence and competence (just as important) to rise to the elite then believe me it's smooth sailing from then on. As a board member of a fortune 500 company you will finally have power over the neanderthals you are without a question superior to and manipulate them into investing in the research you rightly value.

>> No.2909781

All progress in the last couple of dozen years was designed to maximize profits for the powers in being. What we need is another good war to keep the minds of occupied with advancing technology.

>> No.2909794

Stop saying this it makes you sound old. We're at war right now. There's still plenty of money to be made finding new and more novel ways to kill people.

>> No.2909802

I'd rather have progress without war. War is just an excuse our system needs to test out new technologies because it was been made utterly impossible otherwise thanks to the ruling elite.

>> No.2909812

The dark ages were full of wars and yet people didn't advance. What we need is another age of enlightment.

>> No.2909837
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>become head of Fortune 500 company
>manipulate populace into investing in areas you deem most right

It doesn't exactly sound noble, but I guess that's the only way you can go about doing it effectively in a capitalistic society.

>> No.2909871

Well OP, humanity may have reached a point where it gets diminishing returns from investment in knowledg.e

Those who argue how advanced we are compared to another period in history fail to understand the difference in paradigms of order, because in a myth-based society technological advancement is not the urgency of the day, but individual salvation according to their beliefs. Now that we think they were deluded, we also think they were technologically retarded, even though it wasn't so important to them as today.

>> No.2909880

This is why science is progressing the way it is.

>> No.2909920

The problem is 99.9% of the population are stupid, allowing them economic power is like giving half your family income to the kids.

>> No.2909992


So you're comparing a 5 year period to a hundred year period and NOT seeing a problem with that?


>The time from 1950 - 20?? will be regarded as a second dark age again

So you're saying the discovery and elucidation of the structure of DNA and modern genetics along with the human genome program, all of biotechnology (including cloning, epigenetics, cancer genetics, stem cell research etc.), the first commercially viable microchips, faster and more widespread computer technology, viable robotics and AI rivaling humans, advances in composite materials and in chemical engineering fields, the Apollo Program (the WHOLE Space Race), exploration of the Solar System by robotic probe, the validation of plate tectonics, proper evidence of the Big Bang, etc mean absolutely nothing?!

And there's more I just don't want to type it all out.

Crap, guess I had better stop doing science because we're certainly not going anywhere soon!

>> No.2910036

But we have a very high chance of commercializing brain-machine-interfaces by 2020-2050! How is that not progress?

>> No.2910048

>Start 1950's with no NASA, no nuclear power plants, no passenger jets, no computers
>End 2010 with human genome sequencing, airbusses, nasa, endless space missions, computers that rival the human brain interconnected throughout the entire world
>Fuck science, are you even trying anymore?

>> No.2910057

OP, you are a moron.

>> No.2910069

What about changing what defines us as Humans? What about adding thousands of years worth of evolution to ourselves within centuries? Is that not progress?! This is where we are headed!

>> No.2910089
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>mfw OP hasnt heard of string theory.

>> No.2910097

Those are some cute opinions, but you don't seem qualified or notable in any way that makes me care. My suspicion is only further reinforced by your lack of ability to write coherently.

>All those idiots yapping about saving the enviroment hold back human progress

Yes because ensuring that we don't irreparably trash the place we live is such an asinine effort.

>I can't stand how human progress has come to a halt
Define progress. Define how it halted. Define what could be done to improve this halting.

>in at least 200 years
And where do you get these numbers from? What considerations came up when assigning the number "200 years" to this situation? Basically you just pulled something out of your ass, which is fine. But damn well expect me to disregard your opinion because when you do shit like this, because this conjecture hints at your complete lack of knowledge.

>The time from 1950 - 20?? will be regarded as a second dark age again and people will loathe our society that is so hostile towards progress and I'm looking forward to that day.

I'm willing to excuse your uninformed opinions; I understand that ignorant people are often unaware of just how ignorant they are. However I would ask you to understand how silly you look when you establish a soap-box platform for yourself and continue to spout such vapid opinions in poor grammar, as if anyone should care.

Please define what you mean by "dark age" and describe how contemporary society fits that definition.

>> No.2910121

Your level of stupidity is astounding. It's as if you cannot distinguish between scientists and your guido brother. You really think all of the scientists in the world stopped all of their research in favor of facebook socializing? Are you that fucking stupid? Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?

We are not living in a "dark age". If we were, you'd know it. I don't even know how you came up with such bullshit opinions. It's obvious that you have done no research. It's also obvious that you don't understand a single term that you are using.

>> No.2910124

The dark ages were called the dark ages because there wasnt much recorded history then.

People today automatically assume the past was shitty, and that dark things are bad.

80% of human history was during "dark ages"

>> No.2910139


>> No.2910142

Why do you all hate the environment and people who don't want technology evolving so fast?

>> No.2910147

>In my opinion
There's your problem kid.

>> No.2910149


I dont, and every post like yours makes me happy.

>> No.2910159

>What we are doing is making us comfortable with the status quo
You can't support this claim at all.

>There will be a new scientific revolution
You can't support this claim at all.

>when people are sick and tired of our backwards way of thinking about progress
You can't support this claim at all. Also I would ask you to define what you mean by "backwards way of thinking". And do you really think that everything related to quantum mechanics should just be disregarded as stupid? Perhaps it is you who carries a "backwards idea of progress".

>> No.2910190

Enjoy your science when there's no forest left and no food to keep the population going (it will hit 7 billion this year).
What about clean waterways and pleasant countryside walks? These are little things that add to our quality of life. I'd rather live in a world where we look after our only planet and home than in a society that tries to find life on other planets whilst simultaeneously decimating the life we already have on this one.
Science can both help the environment *and* make progress in other areas. I don't see why you are posing them as enemies.

>> No.2910188


OP, how could you not consider human enhancement/alteration a form of progress?! Such change truely places us beyond other animals.

>> No.2910194

ITT concern trolling


>> No.2910198
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>imlying because OP doesn't know about current research, it doesn't exist

>> No.2910211

I think what bothers me most
about you OP is that you know nothing about anything, but you still think that it's somehow ok to shout your opinion. You just keep making these wild, weird claims. Like "there will be a REVOLOOOSHUN cuz i say so!" You look fuckin dumb mate.
I have as much respect for you as I have for the guys sitting on street corners screaming about "RAPTURE!!" with their big signs and megaphones. You've done just about the same level of research as all those guys. Anyway. Next time you want to make a comment about modern culture, you should probably learn about modern culture before doing so.

>> No.2910239

How do you feel about us adding to the human condition and uplifting othere species to our (enhanced) mental level? Earth could become a haven of sentient beings (AI's too)!

>> No.2910241

>implying that's possible

>> No.2910267

Do you have any idea how long that would take via artificial selection? Any species that we did raise would just end up being a serf-class citizen anyway.

>> No.2910332


>Implying that I was talking about doing it now, instead of several centuries from now.

>In the year 1320 AD: Flying is impossible! We wil NEVER fly.

>> No.2910334


I hate people who actively prevent technological progress.

>> No.2910342


I hate people who think technological progress is always a great marvelous thing that comes at no cost to society whatsoever and never has any unexpected risks or consequences.

>> No.2910349


luddite detected.

>> No.2910359


Fine, Im a luddite. Call me whatever you want. Just dont call me wrong without talking to me a bit.

>> No.2910393
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>that comes at no cost to society whatsoever and never has any unexpected risks or consequences.

Your point?

>> No.2910416 [DELETED] 


That of course is what happens when you throw religion out the windows and turn the state into God. Science becomes a tool of the state political ideology.

>> No.2910421


Trying for something good always produces an equal amount of bad for the good it makes.

Everything. It's an absolute truth of the world.

>> No.2910425

Attention all ludies! Transhumanism is all about how technology will BOTH impact us positively AND negatively. Stop yapping and help us prevent future serftom/tyranny/nazies/&
people who want die!

>> No.2910444

>myface when i realized how idealistic /sci/ is

you guys are fucking insane and have no understanding of reality

>> No.2910468

>always produces an equal amount of bad
best be trolling

>> No.2910485
File: 359 KB, 877x1219, 1303052720281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only hightech in my home is my ipod touch 4

>Betrayed future general?


>> No.2910496

Like the future owes you anything. Anything worth having is going top be a challenge...

>> No.2910537


Nope, I'd be hard pressed to point out something that wasn't equally good and bad.

>> No.2910568

There is alway some good and some bad, but they're almost never equal. Maybe an equal number of reasons, but not equal impact. Yin-yang isn't real when it comes to society, there is no such thing as balance except in physics.

>> No.2910579

Yet everything is physics......

>> No.2910598


1. go catch smallpox
2 get an organ doner card and kill yourself
3 go back in time and give your mother birth control

>> No.2910611

That's a meaningless statement. It's a huge fallacy to take physical laws that apply in certain situations and apply them to society or humanity. Just because Newton say that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, doesn't mean you can justify karma. Quantum mechanics doesn't necessarily justify free will. You can't use general relativity to rove moral relativity.

You can't say something is equally bad and good just because it sounds logical to you..

>> No.2910614


I don't know, equal impact is something you look back on. Something can be producing amazing good now, but could be setting the stage for terrible tragedy in the future.

Like, ICBM's. They can destroy the world, but because we were focused on making them to destroy each other we didn't care about the cost. The cost to send telecommunications satellites to space would've made them useless, except for the fact that once we cooled off about the ICBM's we realized we could apply their tech to telecommunications.

so, without missiles we wouldn't have such amazing ability to communicate around the world, which fosters peace more than anything.

I find a lot of stuff works like that.

>> No.2910625

I agree with posters saying the problem is Christian who hold back science since it contradicts their religion.
If we got rid of these Christians we would achieve a second Enlightenment.
Anyone agree with me.

>> No.2910639



You killed Jesus. Deal with it.

>> No.2910637

rate of technological development is still increasing at an astonishingly fast rate.


>> No.2910649


Jesus was heathen scum who is burning in hell right now, if he was so great how come he didn't bring us super weapons to defend ourselves from the Romans and the Nazis?

>> No.2910664

Not really, Christianity and science aren't fundamentally incompatible and never really have been. Now the Bible and science, on the other hand.

>> No.2910678

allah Akbar

>> No.2910680

>All those idiots yapping about saving the enviroment
aaand you lost me.
Also, you misspelled environment. Good job.

>> No.2910683


Your are unclean.

>> No.2910693


So says the person that eats pork.
You like having sex with pigs as well?

>> No.2910742


Stop trying to convert me! You have no right to force your religion on over people!!! I don't want religion and don't care what you believe...

>> No.2911812


This anon is right! The intolerant attitude of most mass religions is becoming bothersome. Why must they always think their right and call anyone that dose not agree with--or shares---their beliefs be called words like; "pagen," and "heathen? Maybe I've met too many zealots...

>> No.2911832

>agree with--or have--
