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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2908837 No.2908837 [Reply] [Original]

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?

I'm told the answer is $0.05

But I don't understand it.


>> No.2908841

x + y = 110
x - y = 100

2x = 210
x = 105
y = 5

>> No.2908839

x is the cost of the ball

(x+1)+x = 1.10
2x+1 = 1.10
2x = 0.10
x = 0.05

>> No.2908843

op confirmed full retard

>> No.2908842

How old are you, dude?

>> No.2908851




>> No.2908849


>> No.2908857

a bat costs 0.10.
now calculate the price of a ball, you lazy scum

>> No.2908861

ball+bat = 1.10
bat = 1.00 + ball
ball + (1.00 + ball) = 1.10
2 ball = .10
ball = .05
bat = 1.00 + .05
ball + bat = 1.10
.05 + 1.05 = 1.10

>> No.2908865

Thats wrong

>> No.2908866

ball cost 5 cents... what's a dollar more than 5 cents?

a dollar and five cents....

which adds up to... WHADDYA KNOW $1.10!!!

>> No.2908871


Yes it isnt wrong.

>> No.2908878

1. If it takes 5 construction workers to build 5 houses in 5 hours, how many hours does it take 100 construction workers to build 100 houses?

2. There is some seaweed in a pond and the amount doubles every day. After 48 days the whole pond is covered in seaweed. After how many days was only half of the pond covered in seaweed?

Add those two to OP's question and tell someone to answer each of those questions in at most 10 seconds and you got yourself a nice demonstration of human fallibility.

>> No.2908896

1. 5
2. 47

>> No.2908891


Im pretty sure the answer to 1 isnt 100, is it five days? But 2 is 47 days.

>> No.2908897

1. 100 hours
2. 24 days

>> No.2908902

yes OP, you're dumb, everyone makes mistakes but this.. this is just dumb bro

>> No.2908904
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>> No.2908949

not gonna lie. i would of thought that the ball was 0.10 because i misread the problem the first time...but i reread it.

takes some kinda retard not to get this

>> No.2908965
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>> No.2908979

You best be trolling, nig­ger!

>> No.2908995

Aye, same here.

>> No.2908999

1 bat + 1 ball = $1.10
The bat is $1 more than the ball
So remove the $1 from $1.10 and you are left with $0.10, the cost of the ball

Whoever told you $0.05 is trolling

>> No.2909010

But if the ball is 10 cents, and the bat is one dollar more, it'd be 1.10 + 10 != 1.10

>> No.2909014

> The bat is $1 more than the ball

>Ball is .1

>1 more than ball

>bat is 1.10

>bat + ball = 1.10

>bat + ball = bat

>1 dollar more

>> No.2909031


It's $1 more, not $1.10 more. Where the fuck are you guys pulling these numbers from

$1 more than $50 is $51
$1 more than $27.85 is $28.85
$1 more than $0.10 is $1.10

Honestly, you people sometimes...

>> No.2909036

I, like OP, don't get it. But I did take the lowest Math track in high school so I'm not surprised.

>> No.2909041
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everyone, please ignore the troll
nothing to see here

>> No.2909042
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why is this fucking thread still here!?? the first responder answered it perfectly accurately and concisely.

>> No.2909045

$0.10 + $1.10 = $1.20


>> No.2909046
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>> No.2909048

I know you're trolling, but I'm bored.

The OP said that y cost 1 more than x, and y+x = 1.1

If x = .1, according to your logic, y would be 1.1, but y+x = 1.1, and 1.1 + .1 != 1.1

So, it's like this:
y = (x + 1)
x = x
y + x = 1.1
x + 1 + x = 1.1
2x = .1
x = .05 and y = 1.05

>> No.2909058


I'm not trolling.

>> No.2909053

dont try to do this in your head. you will be like "if it costs $1 more than ball then it should cost the remaining $0.1...hurr OP is right"

make 2 simultanous equations and you will figure it out

>> No.2909061

Just because you understand it instantly doesn't necessarily mean someone of similar intelligence will. The cognitive processes you take for granted that enable you to understand the first poster have been drilled into you from a young age, just as people who speak swahili have learned how to say "hat" and you're not an imbecile for not knowing how to say "hat" in swahili. Distinguish between processing power and software so to speak, knowledge and intelligence are different things.

>> No.2909065
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>> No.2909067

All you morons arguing about OP's bat problem are wrong. He simply forgot to add in his sales tax.

>> No.2909069

dumb sumb bumb... listen in kids, here is the answer

the bat and ball= 1.10

the bat cost 1 dollar more than the ball

therefore if bat is 5 cents and ball is 5 cents, then add another dollar to the bat (as it is one dollar more expensive) and combined they give 1.10


ball= 0.05, bat = 1.05, together 1.10

Who doesnt get it now? I am wasted on u guys...

>> No.2909072
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>> No.2909074

This simple mistake arises from not "double dipping" the values.

The bat costs what the ball costs, plus one dollar. That means that if you add the bat(a dollar and a ball) and the ball together, you'll get the cost of two balls and a dollar.

a dollar and two balls(which is equal to a bat and a ball) is apparently 1.10, so a ball is .05. Simple.

>> No.2909089

3 women buy lunch together, they all ate exactly the same so when they are told the bill is £30 they each pay £10. The waiter then notices that it was mispriced and the real price was £25 so he catches them just as they left and hands them each £1 and pockets £2 for himself as it would be hard to split and they didnt tip much anyway.

so they each paid £9 making £27 total, plus the £2 in the waiters pocket only makes £29, where is the lost pound?

>> No.2909105

he handed them 3, kept 2 (thats 5)
meal was 25

thats 30 total. You can't work backwards (or forwards?) on this one like that...

>> No.2909111


They each paid 9, making 27, which includes tip.

>> No.2909121
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I see no problem here.

>> No.2909300


the pound is in the women's bellies, assuming they all ate 5.3 ounces of food

>> No.2909321
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>> No.2909325

woo i was looking for that!

>> No.2909327

lol b&

>> No.2909329


/sci/ has mods!??!

>> No.2909330

mods exist

>> No.2909341
File: 10 KB, 517x186, bannedagainsweetheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2909342


WTF, I can believe this, where arethe mods suppose to be , when we need them?.

example the thread of internet guide, that none sticky

>> No.2909345

hey /b/

do my religion homework:
explain why science is wrong


>> No.2909354


maybe u are a little bit lost.

>> No.2909357

Oh wow, been here since sci opened, and this is the first ban I've seen here (if I recall correctly, that is)

>> No.2909360

Why the hell was he banned for this?

Fuck the mods. b& me. I dare you.

This was a great topic. And OP had a genuinely interesting question.

Your all a bunch of power hungry sadist pricks.

>> No.2909392

The mods have awoken.. probably call mods from other boards but if they are real as the legend tells us then praise science

Don't know whether to sage or not. In the other hand this is the situation the prophecy tells us about.
On the other hand this is not science.

>> No.2909393

Even if this was a troll thread, I got it wrong for the first 20 seconds. T'was a good post.

>> No.2909404

The mods on this board are such retards.

>> No.2909427
File: 85 KB, 379x298, 1296736118800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first ban i've ever seen on /sci/....fucking lol

>> No.2909437
File: 11 KB, 128x171, 1-1139649-1897-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a nice one:

working together 2 people can cut a large lawn in 4 hours. one person can do the job in 1 hour less than the other. how long would it take the faster person to do the lawn alone?

>> No.2909440
File: 285 KB, 1800x1200, mods=gods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2909446
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 4chan_mods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a modfaggotry thread.

at the moment, this thread is (was) the most sci/math-relevant thread on the entire front page.

confirmed for douchenozzle for using the word "sweetheart".

>> No.2909457

Aww, I feel sorry for OP. He was just a little derp asking a stupid question, but he didn't deserve to get banned.

But I guess if the mods judged it so...

>> No.2909461

Mods confirmed for huge cockraving faggots once again.

>> No.2909465

>But I guess if the mods judged it so...

the same good "judgement" that brought autobans for anyone posting any word that happens to have the sequence of letters j_e_w in it.

>> No.2909474

It's their board, man. If they don't like us talking about Hebrews, whatever, fuck.

>> No.2909476

I thikn we all no who to blame, n1ggers

>> No.2909477

let cost of bat = y
let cost of ball = x

x + y = 1.10
y = x + 1

x + (x + 1) = 1.10
2x + 1 = 1.10
2x = 0.10
x = 0.5

>> No.2909485


>> No.2909490
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I see that you guys used Maclaurin here.

>> No.2909503


Meh, that was kind of lame.

>> No.2909523


So does this post set the bar at which a poster should be banned or not?

>> No.2909525

bat - ball = 1.00

1.10 - 1.00 = 0.10
0.10= bat + ball - 1.00
0.10/2= 0.5

>> No.2909536
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>> No.2909578


>> No.2909690

Now let's do the math.
1.00 <- cost of bat, a dollar more then the ball.
.10 <- Cost of ball, a dollar less then the bat

Srsly? Wouldn't both answer be correct?

>> No.2909694

I've seen three bans in the past week or so, /sci/ must have a new mod.

>> No.2910045

you're either retarded, or female. if the bat costs a dollar more than the ball and the ball costs 0.10, then the bat costs 1.10. if that's the case, then bat+ball=1.20.

>> No.2910318

What kind of shitty baseball do you get for a nickel?

garage sale?

>> No.2910344

or the 50s

>> No.2910474
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bat = ball+1.00
so bat is 1.05
together 1.10

>> No.2910518
File: 81 KB, 550x679, 1301548920331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think OP accounted for invisible dark money