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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 120 KB, 621x339, scithemovie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2907207 No.2907207 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ dealing with social issues... the movie.

So /sci/ how many times has this happened to you?

>> No.2907235

This is the exact reason why my girlfriends roommates all hate me.

Duur huur Why would anyone want to limit population, growth is infinitely sustainable, huurp durp we shouldn't be taxed, the free market will sort out everything, why should we have socialized health care, every other countries health care system is failing and they all look to the US with envy, Science would only stagnate with Government funding, the free market will push scientific endeavors so much faster than any socialized system.

Crack after crack after crack....

Lets just say that after that dinner party, they do not speak to me or make eye contact with me anymore.

>> No.2907239

I had my doubts at the beginning, but it turned out to be a very good animation.

>> No.2907244

That is honestly the best video I have ever seen on in my life.

I seem to get into confrontations like that every other day.

>> No.2907242
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to many, but i learned to let it go. Who am I to tell people how to live their lives

>> No.2907245

>Lets just say that after that dinner party, they do not speak to me or make eye contact with me anymore.

>they do not speak to me
>they do not make eye contact with me

I envy you.

So... fucking... much.

>> No.2907249

Tim Minchin <3

And yes, that happens to me it seems at least monthly if not weekly.

>> No.2907252

Ever since 4chan I seem to just get into arguments with everyone and not even hold back.

Before 4chan.. I could stand the bullshit, but after spending 6-7 years here and experiencing /new/ twice (for it's lifespan both short times) I have become quite militant I would say in my ideals.

I am happy to admit when I am wrong, but lets just say, that is not often.

>> No.2907253

>you show we that it works, and how it works, and when i recovered from the shock, i will take a compis and carve fancy that on the side of my cock.

>> No.2907255

I've experienced this too. 4chan is a harsh meritocracy, and it hardens a man. You can't say anything here without someone calling you out for it, so you learn quickly how to defend your beliefs and how to attack others, or you get trolled quite a lot.

>> No.2907257

>Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proved to work?

I am so fucking using this line.

>> No.2907265

Except the video is about science not politics.

>> No.2907269
File: 30 KB, 552x330, Ohwellimalreadyfucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm pretty pissed and I figure I have dug this far down so I figure in for a penny, in for a pound"

>MFW that feeling when this happens after you recollect yourself after every spontaneous rant

Its a good feeling.

>> No.2907272 [DELETED] 

Might I suggest, good sir, that you rename that image "rapeface.jpg"

>> No.2907279

Might I suggest, good sir, that you rename that image "rapeface.jpg"

>> No.2907281

When they started talking about how the US medical industry is so much better than everywhere else, is because apparently pharmaceutical companies do all our research, when in other countries it is all "socialized".

The fact of the matter is that most pharmaceutical research is done in fucking public laboratories and mostly funded by The Government.

>> No.2907320

I'm not the only one who fantasizes about doing this whenever "The View" comes on television am I?

Dem Bitches..

>> No.2907323


That fucking blonde one...

>> No.2907328
File: 180 KB, 632x342, juststaringnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally me at a party a few weeks back when this girl kept going on about healing touch and how you can cure cancer with a health diet. I raged so hard and so fast. TFW

>> No.2907331
File: 5 KB, 140x140, charlie_brooker_140x140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its always that Blonde one.

You think "Oh she is the youngest and she is hot, she is probably the most progressive thinking one of them all"

As soon as she opens her mouth...

>> No.2907338
File: 142 KB, 327x308, 1302442637023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I complain about a headache and my friend says "Oh I have been studying Reiki, let me heal you"

>> No.2907345
File: 31 KB, 418x429, raikou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been studying Raikou, let me heal you.

>> No.2907353

You should've taken it in good humor and had fun with it.

>> No.2907362

This video is a treasure trove of hilarity and reaction images.

>> No.2907368

This video is great
And it can open eyes
I liked it so much that,
I cant stop thinking in rhymes

But i don't completely agree,
With the authors ideas,
Because the world that i see,
Is mostly filled with lies and fears.

Science is not a religion.
Thats a though but not fact,
Once you watch peoples decisions,
You would see where I'm getting at

Global warming comes to mind
If example is needed
The media tells the signs
While Al Gore as the leader

The fact there is a debates
Whether its a truth or a lie
Shows its lack of facts
Science should not work this way.

>> No.2907376

There is a scientific debate over Global Warming?

>> No.2907379

No, just a political one.

>> No.2907381

So if science doesn't have all the answers it should stop looking? Fuck yourself.

>> No.2907385

Reiki and touch healing hands whatever doesn't get my goat so much as expounding on and on about how eating natural foods can cure cancer. That just burns me up inside.

Actually, funny thing was a friend at the party was complaining of headaches that started the whole mess. The girl in question (why is it always a girl...) was showing him how tapping a pattern on his body could cure him if he did it every day for like a month or whatever. I kind of laugh when I over hear their conversation, mostly to bail my mate out because it is clear he thinks its bullshit but doesn't want to make things awkward, and she asks what's so funny.

"Oh that magic hands healing bullshit! That's what it is, you know. Just bullshit. It doesn't work. Well, whatever, at least you aren't one of those morons that think eating natural foods will cure cancer!"

"What do you mean! Of course it'll cure caner!"


>> No.2907397

There is no wholly agreed upon consensus in the literature. Politics and media have spun it way out of proportion. There is legitimate scientific debate in relation to climate change though

>> No.2907399

There are people that still believe in Aether and a flat earth.

>> No.2907400
File: 11 KB, 179x191, 12345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I am so beta that I tend to just go along with whatever bullshit people say because I don't like confrontation

Beta as fuck.

>> No.2907404
File: 55 KB, 581x338, Comeatmebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any time some Straight Edge faggot that believed anything said by D.A.R.E. starts talking about Drugs.

MDMA causes physical large holes in brain... EVERY FUCKING TIME.

>> No.2907491

>why always a gril?

Because girls are still raised to be ignorant of science (that won't get you a worthy husband honey) still they are human beings therefore curious and they want explanations and stuff, so they look for it everywhere except science.... not their fault, neither it is a faulty genetic design .
When yoau talk about human beings, the biggest mistake ever is to overlook the pressure of civilization, traditions and , generally, culture.

>> No.2907512

Yeah man, serial killers are just misunderstood.

>> No.2907529

Seriously, yes.
Doesn't mean they should be free to slaughter our loved ones. But yeah, they are misunderstood.
Free will is a total and complete dellusion.

>> No.2907537

>why is it always a girl...

More likely theory than the one posted before.

Nearly all marketing targets women (and hipsters) as they are typically the major spenders. If you want anything to become big, you get aim it at females and there is many, many ways to do this, shows like Oprah or Good Morning America or The View or anything like that and girls will tend to go along with it if they are told something over and over again.

Considering 90% of TV is aimed at females... I wouldn't be surprised if they get the same message "This magnet can make you thinner!", "This DVD filled with guides how to harness natural power to heal yourself!" etc etc over and many multiple times a day.

>> No.2907556

This made me tear up just a bit when the reality of the situation we find ourselves in hit me.

>> No.2907558

are, are many. Jesus crust I almost choke when I read that.

>> No.2907565

Your theory lacks distance from the subject . It is correct tho, only it is only one step closer to the subject than it is to the explanation. IT is not better, it is a part of the explanation.

>>2907491 is closer to it. Still, it is not the closest . Survival instincts, male dominance etc etc towards the underlying structure of the universe or reality itself to understand why life, why survival etc (if there's a why, of course)

>> No.2907578

hmm thanks OP

>> No.2907587

Most women don't strive for excellence or the pursuit of knowledge... and most guys don't either.

Men though are all designed by nature to try be Alpha as fuck, so that is why we have the underlying urge to strive for an ideal or knowledge or whatever because anything to one up any other guy is a beneficial thing evolutionary wise.

>> No.2907600

That's why you should never hate women as a whole.
Also, males are used since ever as canon fodder and are deemed as more expandable than girls....

We are all suffering from these old cultural "guidelines" that's why feminism isn't the way to go, humanism is.

>> No.2907619

Anyone have videos likes OP?

That was hilarious.

>> No.2907626


Also have fun in the void that is...


>> No.2907646

>Needless to say, this is not Truth in Television, at least morally. In real life, males are not a disposable gender. All living beings have equal importance and equal rights to live full, happy, fulfilling lives. Women are no more and no less disposable than men, no one is disposable. Similarly women have the right to be characterized by their actions and not constrained physically or personality-wise by the inherent value of their gender.

What real life?
This is especially true in "real life". Men are seen as expandable, of a lesser value.

>> No.2907653

>However, as the page quote shows, this view is not generally shared by the culture or media at large.

>> No.2907660

>In real life, males are not a disposable gender.

Which is why all wars are fought by men? Females are typically saved before men?

Yeah no.

>> No.2907680

Wow. The animation and score are excellent. Thanks, OP.

>> No.2907687
File: 197 KB, 454x303, 1ad_47fsb_female_soldier_iraq_27sep06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Which is why all wars are fought by men?

>> No.2907693

Catherine the Great started a bunch of wars.

And fucked horses.

>> No.2907706
File: 22 KB, 220x290, Boudica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2907716


find a front line army consisting mostly of women

>> No.2907711


That isn't a soldier and she won't do any fighting.

Wars are fought by men. Lay off the videogames.

>> No.2907736


He doesn't impress me.

Bloated ego arguing his retarded self.

>> No.2907739


>> No.2907806

Not real

>> No.2907816

Wasn't there some greek island filled with female warriors.

>> No.2907827

Israel maybe. Everyone serves a two year draft.

>> No.2907832
File: 11 KB, 226x170, _44617060_lesbos_01052008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2907873

Nah I'm pretty sure they would have had sex with dudes, or their numbers would have thinned out pretty quickly after one generation.

>> No.2907894


Sounds something like the Amazonians.

>> No.2907907

i think its like that futurama episode...theres basically only women on the island, but every so often a male traveller discovers the island is is raped by all the women, and he alone spawns the next generation.

>> No.2907911

Great video as usual discussion turns to shit when you fags start idiotically debating something only tangentially related. MEN GREATER THAN WOMEN HURRDURR

>> No.2907957

>>2907911 creating your own character to argue against and insulting arguments that aren't happening.

>> No.2907997

Someone mentioned in passing 'why is it always a girl' and from then on this thread was doomed to fail

>> No.2908024

I liked the video.
I get in confrontations like this all the fucking time thanks to my wanky new-age and ultra-left wing friends.

>> No.2908070
File: 226 KB, 1200x1652, cutey_Emma_Tuerkis_Classy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the video, I know the situation and I really adore the rimes. I'm a physics major, I'm an atheist.

However, the guy in the video is a jerk. What will be the result of him arguing with the pretty chick? He will not feel any better afterwards, I guess. The opposite is the case.
Moreover, he will never convince her, or anyone for that matter, if he talks like he knows the truth. Then they will just defend and try to believe in their position even more.

I rather try do be a consequent sceptic and try not to believe that what seems plausible to me has to be the truth. Let's say I don't want to deal with statistics like I'd deal with a mathematical proof. Maybe then a discussion might actually change someones opinion and not just make both sides rage.

pic related: It's me having a civilized conversation with a classy lady.

>> No.2908078


He was drunk and had been trolled all night. I would have gone full /sci/duck rage as well

>> No.2908631

someone explain this video

fucking poetry confusing shit

>> No.2908638
File: 20 KB, 230x191, moran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best be trolling

>> No.2908648

>Free will is a total and complete dellusion.

Yeah, just like hard determinism.

>> No.2910443

The very last line in the movie states that the entire rant was pointless and because she is a retard/devout in her beliefs, she will not change her mind.

>> No.2910546

"Alternative Medicine by definition has been not been proved to work or has been proved not to work.. do you know what they call Alternative Medicine that been proven to work?... Medicine!"

Damn I want to show this to my dumbass newage hippy friends... but at the same time I want to keep it's wittyness to myself for my next rant...

>> No.2910595

this is quite amusing

>> No.2910612
File: 850 KB, 319x239, 1297789869758.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>420fags at party and anti-drug fags at party

>Marijuana causes your brain cells to die!

Not true, Many, Many studies have been done into this and none really shows any long-term memory loss in marijuana users. There has been though detected slight changes in the brain in heavy marijuana users, but it is not known if this is attributed to marijuana or maybe another drug, like this my friend, alcohol, the drug we are drinking right now, which is considered a hard drug by most scientific communities and up there with Heroin and Crack in both addiction and damage to ones body.

>Marijuana isn't a drug, it's a herb.

Hmmm, well the instant it is taken into the body for it's chemical properties it becomes a drug. While you could say Marijuana itself isn't a drug, but a herb, the THC found inside is defiantly a drug.

>Yeah but it's not bad it's natural.

Hmmm, I guess you got a point, oh wait you don't. I don't go and drink oil yet it's natural, I don't go eat stinging nettle leaves because they are natural, because something is natural, it doesn't mean it is safe. Also because Marijuana use is typically started at a young age, it is hard to determine, what long term effects it has on these users due to use at a time of rapid brain development.

>Yeah, told you you 420faggot

No, I told them and I honestly think that that Marijuana should be a legalized controlled substance. Most problems that arise from this drug.. or any other drug really is due to it's black-market nature and non-regulation.

>yeah well MDMA causes holes in the brain do you think that should be legal.


I always isolate myself out by arguing with deluded drug fags and even more deluded straight edge fags.... so ronery.

>> No.2910623

Never. Acting in this way demonstrates your keen intellect and deep knowledge, but its efficacy as a way to effect change on any meaningful level is nil. You know this. But you feel if you say nothing, you're betraying yourself, your principles. You need to think on a larger scale.

>> No.2910638

It has never happened to you? Aside from the fact that this board /sci/ is literally that video?

>> No.2910657

This has happened quite a few times. Mostly w/ religious people. I haven't bumped into a homeopath, or the like.

I could feel this guy's rage.

>> No.2910660

The Amazons were real, and they were Sarmatians, not Greeks.

>> No.2910677

More like you're really annoying and after a certain point I don't give a shit and I'm going to call you out on your bullshit because arguing with you is more enjoyable than letting you keep spouting garbage.

Honestly, if you guys weren't so autistic you'd realize that the video actually did address the fact that he knows it's pointless and is arguing anyway, which makes it even more awesome and easier to relate to.

>> No.2911026

This thread
is officially dead
Lets move it to the last page
give this thread a sage