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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 15 KB, 325x325, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2906050 No.2906050 [Reply] [Original]

Being an Engineer is like being given a gift from God.

An advanced super race, with their own language, customs, culture, traditions and a rich history. High wages, High respect from the peers, High retirement age. The Engineers stand proud above the wraths of sub-human, Scientists, Doctors, and other sub-human, animalistic, Lawyers, animals. Oh how I thank God that I chose to be a handsome, tall, perfect engineer.

We are true discoverers, inventors, and intellectuals.
I can proudly stand tall and say I am proud to be an engineer, and I will love my profession until the very last day.

Long live engineering

>> No.2906061

>High retirement age

>> No.2906060
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>> No.2906074
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Why the hell did you decide to come out of the closet on 4chon, OP?

>> No.2906171

Inb4OP is only a civil enginner

>> No.2906256

Engineers only get to work with what the real scientists discover. You are not above pure scientists, you egotistical blowhard.

>> No.2906262
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Enjoy being another mindless drone who requires zero level of critical thinking.

>> No.2906270

This. Also
>other sub-human, animalistic, Lawyers, animals

gg faggot


>> No.2906282
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Engineers sit around driving trains you stupid faggot. Who the fuck would want to do that?

>> No.2906289



>> No.2906291

Dude, nobody cares that you're an engineer. Just don't rub it in people's faces. The thought of two men kissing is really gross to me.

>> No.2906299

>you stupid faggot

Hey! Every year, hundreds of engineer kids kill themselves because of taunting like that. It's not okay.

>> No.2906355
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"Pure" scientists lack the inspiration and creativity to apply their discoveries. They lack the resourcefulness to make anything useful of... well, anything. If it weren't for society, they would die because they would be too concerned with modeling the migration and behavior of the animal herds to actually go out and kill one for dinner.

>> No.2906364


True. Many scientists are (despite high intelligence) typically clueless about how the real world functions, which is why they tend to believe in faulty ideologies like socialism.

In short, IQ does not necessarily translate into survival sense.

>> No.2906373


gtfo with the /new/ shit. this board is for calling engineers faggots and trolling and reverse trolling christians and atheists, not retard politics.

>> No.2906380


It's true though. The fact that scientists and intellectuals tend to support systems of government that would result in their being thrown in a labor camp proves that they have zero sense of survival.

>> No.2906381

Regardless, where would engineering be without scientists? Herp derp hoomins made first wheelbarrow with silver wheels year 2011

>> No.2906390


And seriously I would much rather be working on topology all day and teach a few calc classes in the afternoon than be working on a problem that has been fixed before but has to be applied to a specific thing.

>> No.2906391


>Regardless, where would engineering be without scientists?

Nowhere. Just don't stick your hand in government, economics, or religion because you're clueless on all of those.

>> No.2906392

More of this shit?

MFW a bunch of undergrads or HS students don't realize that the line between engineering and research, in the actual real world, can be a bit flimsy....

Did you guys know that a huge majority of the scientific instruments used by researchers were......made by researchers with engineering skills?

>> No.2906397

But usually when people mean "scientist", they mean guys like Einstein and Hawking who deal in theoretical stuff and not practical things like engineering.

>> No.2906416


>mfw manufacturing is going down the shitter, negative profits, long hours, high unemployment

>mfw finance is where the smart kids go

>> No.2906418


Socialism would work just fine, it just wouldn't fit in with the current paradigms in America. Norway and Sweden are miles ahead of the Americas in just about every area you can look at. Guess what? They're socialist.

Now go ahead and moan about their high taxes and ignore the fact that healthcare and education (post-secondary included) are completely free and the governments have seen fit to subsidize a great many things including fibre optic internet connections to the household.

>> No.2906421

Yes how dare those bastards have an opinion that is different from mine on government/economics/religion because i am clearly right about government/economics/religion

Seriously i don't think you realize how much of an arrogant prick you are so sure of yourself about everything aren't you. Also you previous argument to do with socialism was completely irrelevant and pretty much a strawman.

>> No.2906427
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>mfw when engineers cannot into writing proper English

>> No.2906428


>centrally planned economy

Pick one.

Socialist central planning was discredited by the 1980s and for good reason.

>> No.2906442
File: 58 KB, 400x434, f93dh5j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you live in China or India, engineering degree programs should include a course on how to cook squirrels

(can you say 'job offshoring'?... if u cant now, you will learn eventually....... )

>> No.2906443


You're entitled to your opinion in a free society all right. And you're also entitled to believe that your opinion is correct even when it's obviously not.

But it's also my right to point out that your ideas, if put into practice, would be unhealthy for children and small animals.


>> No.2906467

Norway and Sweden are social democracies not socialists there is a difference but judging by the other guys post he probably doesn't know himself especially if he thinks most scientists are socialists. Basically social democracies are predominantly capitalist but with a progressive tax system (rich pay a higher proportion then poor) for social justice issues like health care, welfare and international aid ect.

>> No.2906465
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>mfw I'm a computer programmer who spreads fear about offshoring simply so less people will want to be programmers and there will be an abundance of jobs for me.

>> No.2906470
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>> No.2906478

thread won.

>> No.2906479


Countries like Norway largely pay for a welfare state with the oil and gas they get from the North Sea. If it weren't for that, they would be second-rate countries at best.

>> No.2906480

>government, economics

Okay... how about a few things that would be rampant if scientists were in charge:
>nuclear power
>electric cars & rail
>energy efficient housing
>extensive stem cell research --> organ replacement, therapy for a great number of currently untreatable diseases
>modular education
>living buildings, living buildings everywhere

Now, I think you'll be hard-pressed to provide hard evidence that any of these things are bad and that they shouldn't have been pushed into the mainstream long ago. But somehow government officials and various financial institutions have hampered all of these things based on political or monetary drive. Financial institutions are one thing, but the government is supposed to serve the public interest.

>> No.2906489


Yes, but engineers and other grunts have to actually put those ideas into practice.

Engineering wins again.

>> No.2906501

And people wonder why engineers have such a bad reputation.

Mech Eng here, and I can assure you not all of us are retards like OP. In fact, the egotistical social darwinist monkeys like OP are only a very small minority. Most of us choose this major to contribute to humanity rather than doing it for the pay or prestige. OP is just a special case who had a rich daddy and thinks that makes him "strong" and "suitable to survive".

>> No.2906513

Comp Sci and Engineering here.

Would never put a 'real' scientist ahead of me, although I believe I'm equally important.

>> No.2906520

>electric cars & rail

electric rail is a great idea, if they are fed from overhead wires. electric trains are efficient because they are not limited by carrying onboard storage batteries. they are used worldwide.

electric cars are a poor idea, at least if you care anything about financial costs or environmental damage. the only way they get any money now is when political bureaucrats piss mountains of taxpayer money onto them. they have never been able to approach the cost-per-mile of fuel-burning vehicles, and there is no indications that will change anytime soon.

the only "conspiracy" there is to suppress electric cars is ordinary people who are too smart to pay a lot more for a vehicle that does a lot less

>> No.2906528

Mmm, I considered pointing that out, but most Americans are ignorant to the fact that there aren't any truly socialist nations in the world, not were there any truly communist nations. People still seem to think that they have evidence capitalism is better than both.

Most Western countries have access to valuable resources. The Americas have lots of oil as well. Canada is a huge landmass containing most of the world's fresh water and uranium. Then there's minerals, coal, lumber, etc. Asian countries have electronics. That's not how Norway and Sweden pay for their stuff. Ireland and France have similar systems and none of this oil and gas. Ireland's system is falling apart, this is true, but Ireland is very small and divided.

Taxation is the key, but I'm not getting into that because it seems to be kind of a sore spot for Americans. Seems like they're angry that big corporations pay diddly compared to the average man, but are too confused to figure that out.

>> No.2906532

In reality, engineers get told what to do and have to make it happen. The architects get to make things look nice, the planners get to decider what goes where, the scientists discover ideas in the 1st place, even the corporate bosses who have no idea about shit get a say on it, and all the way at the end it is shoved over to the engineers to get told to "make it happen". They get no choice on what it is or how it should look, or even how big it should be. Engineers are just the same as CAD monkies, except they know a bit more maths.

>> No.2906549


>Ireland's system is falling apart, this is true, but Ireland is very small and divided.

Ireland is falling apart from years of sponging off of Germany, Sweden, and other more productive countries. Ditto that countries like Norway tend to practice fiscal responsibility while the United States does not.

>> No.2906550


I only say electric cars because I don't think Americans would ever allow their cars to be taken away, but peak oil is in our future no matter what we do. I believe they can be made to work, especially variants using magnetic induction braking systems.

Ideally, we would get rid of cars and redesign our cities accordingly. It'd take a loooong time, though.

>> No.2906580


I should also add that I envision a car co-op. Cars for intracity travel only, electric rail for traveling significant distances. When you leave an area, you leave the car at the train depot for someone else to use.

It's dreamy for sure, but I try to be optimistic about the future considering all signs point to impending catastrophe.

>> No.2906579
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ITT: Scientists who think they know economics.

>> No.2906589
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You'd have to be a special sort of retarded to think investigating the world and effectively shaping the world are mutually exclusive activities.

>> No.2906596
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>mfw when I steal all the cars.

>> No.2906601


Can't sell them, everyone has access to one for free. Can't leave the city with them, no roads. Can't hide them, they have GPS.

BURN IT ALL. Then go to jail quietly.

>> No.2906602


See >>2906364

>> No.2906604

The scientific method generally frowns upon manipulating that which you are attempting to investigate.

>> No.2906613

>Can't hide them, they have GPS.
>Implying jamming a GPS transmitter signal or simply locating and destroying the transmitter is difficult to do

>> No.2906614
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Why wouldnt I be able to sell it? Just because cars are "free" doesnt mean the parts that go into making a car are free. In fact, I bet a car would be very valuable even just as raw materials.

Cars that cant leave the city? What a shitty car.

Im not even addressing the larger problems with such a car system.

>> No.2906637


Establish control. Isolate variable. Manipulate variable.

>> No.2906669

First of all, I've already said it's dreamy, indicating that I doubt it could ever work. That in mind, your silly attempt to look smart is failing.

Second, if you actually think that a city would put a system like this in place and not have suitable tracking equipment to go with it (GPS, cameras at intersections, nightly check-in transmissions), you're misunderstanding how a co-op system would be initially implemented in a place like America where everyone thinks like you (IE: rip anyone and everyone off because greed). Greed sure helped that financial crises, huh Mr. Economist?

Go to bed, you're being silly.

>> No.2906692


Aw Darnit, someone pointed out the financial crisis at me. Shucks... ruined my evening.

I dont get it. I honestly wish I knew more about finance. But, finance and economics are two different things, that intersect when it comes to banking. People still seem to think I am partially responsible for financial crises for some reason. Internet acts really funny a lot.

I never criticized the concept of a GPS system. It was some other guy.

>> No.2906733

yep, that is why the bicycle co-op programs around the world have had all the bikes stolen, oh wait, no they haven't!

It is quite simple to add check in programs and such stuff so they know who has the car, where, and when.

That being said, I think car co-op program would be stupid, might as well just invest the huge amounts of money spent on that on making a good public transport network and a bike friendly inner city and then people will only need their cars for special things and not every day use, much better system as people get efficiency in getting to work, and freedom outside of that. It also means people who work in odd places (where it is not effective to put public transport) still can easily get to work.

>> No.2906754


>yep, that is why the bicycle co-op programs around the world have had all the bikes stolen, oh wait, no they haven't!

What is a bike co-op anyway? Is it where a large group of people share bikes?

>It is quite simple to add check in programs and such stuff so they know who has the car, where, and when

I dont think it is. You need to attach physical devices to keep track of this at all times, and can keep in contact with a central agency at all times. You are creating an opportunity for problems such as people tampering with such devices.

>> No.2908424

engeering is nowthing but a gauss within theory