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File: 59 KB, 310x310, full-20earth2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2900026 No.2900026 [Reply] [Original]

can we fix it?

>> No.2900035
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Yes we can!

>> No.2900052
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>> No.2900055

humans are in control. we are fundamentally the most important species on the planet.

we can fuck shit up as much as we want and it doesnt matter.

we ruin the environment? the scientists will develop ways to purify water, grow crops, and feed the population that is still alive, and continue to mine and refine the materials necessary to support our population.

if lots of people die for a variety of reasons, it ultimately matters very little.

we humans have lived through little and moderate ice ages, plagues, monumentally large volcanic erruptions, ridiculous tsunamis and earthquakes, etc.

our oldest ancestors made fire to heat themselves, stone tools to kill animals (because, at the time, they could not feed themselves from vegation only, possibly because of drought or cold weather).

we are humans. we solve our problems. Even if people die in the interim... even if we caused the problem...

we ultimately find a solution.

we will never go extinct, even if a fucking ELE asteroid hits the earth and 99.999% of the population is killed.
the only things I can think of that would genuinely exterminate human life?

gamma ray burst or a supernova.

>> No.2900063

the world has recovered from much bigger problems than humanity, though just barely at times.

In the future all life will come from volcanic vent worms and bottom feeders

>> No.2900083
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elephant octopi! monkey octopi!

>> No.2900087

we can fix it the same way a 12 yr old and super glue can fix your mom's china lamp after smashing it with a baseball.

we might get the light to turn on, but it just aint gonna be the same.

>> No.2900114
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>> No.2900124

>humans are in control. we are fundamentally the most important species on the planet.

Nonsense. Sentience has turned out to be one of mother nature's worse jokes. Humans have been puttering around in our current shit-disturbing iteration for the relative duration of a blink in the time scale of life on earth. We'll be gone before long. Hopefully we won't take all complex life with us, so maybe some other phylum can get another shot at witnessing the miracle of life without to go sociopathic toddler on it.

>> No.2900139


this is about right.

We might be eating soylent green in underground caves to avoid the poisoned surface, but we'd be sustaining.

If it was a choice between humanity and maintaining the rest of life, I'd say fuck humanity to be honest. If we are destined to become some locust species on the galaxy, I'd rather just say fuck us.

>> No.2900154


kill yourselves, you are weakening the species. So what if we are assholes? You don't think every species that would develop intelligence would be the same? It is about self preservation and fuck everyone else, that is Darwin.

>> No.2900171

nah, fuck that. i'd take me and the locust swarm over whales and cockroaches and those goddamn double nigger redwoods anyday.