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2898239 No.2898239 [Reply] [Original]

Khan academy vs. MIT opencourseware


>> No.2898254

combine both faggot

>> No.2898269

One guy who teaches at a retardedly slow pace vs Some of the best professors in the world who teach at a fast pace

>> No.2898289


>> No.2898310

KA + MIT-OCW + books is the best combo

>> No.2898330

Watch Khan's lectures briefly. Take notes on OCW. Use nptelherd when you get to the higher levels.

>> No.2898338

MIT opencourseware only has some shitty lecture notes.

>> No.2901704

>learning in your spare time
>laughing jock.jpg

>> No.2901715

The textbook is best. A lot of the older stuff on Khan Academy is honestly pretty bad; they are sometimes illegible and he makes a lot of mistakes and goes off on tangents too often. For math PatrickJMT seems pretty good.

>> No.2901720

Khan for an overview. Broad but weak. Some guy just scribbles on MsPaint, talks on a mic, and then uses fraps to record it. Edit it out, host it on youtube, repeat 100 times and boom you've got the Khan Academy.

MIT for actual learning. It's damn close, even better to what I have at UCSD, and as I imagine UCLA. Identical environment. Real college learning. Their physics series with Lewitt, I highly recommend. The professor really goes out of his way preparing for ever lecture twice before hand, such that there will be little to any error for the final presentation.

anything else, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.

>> No.2901730

I have to say PatrickJMT >>>> Khan Academy for math.
Completely unrelated. Watching these natural science resources will not help in one's learning. It's only through the practice of a problem sets will one be able to master the material. No joke. And this applies to math especially.

Do problem sets. Check answers. That is the only way to learn.

>> No.2903673


>> No.2903691

Patrick JMT is better for math if you're already somewhat familiar with the concepts to some degree. If you're just learning it or are fullretard, Khan Academy walks you through it a lot easier.

>> No.2903697

I tried watching mit ocw 6.002 on youtube, and the guy mentioned that they'll be using Maxwell equations with which "you should already be familiar with". Which I'm not. Wikipediaing them resulted in much, much confusing math.

I'm not gonna be able to follow that, am I ?
And when do you learn about dem equations in USA anyway ?

>> No.2903721

6.002 should be taken after or concurrently with 8.02/022.

>> No.2903754


I love you, no homo.

>> No.2903809

What would be the best thing to learn from MIT OCW ? There is so much I don't know where to start ? Physics ? Or EE ? Math or something ?

What's the best starting point ?

>> No.2904215
