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2898066 No.2898066 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking...

You're about to enter a Groundhog Day-esque loop, but have 1 day to prepare - what do you do?

There are no restrictions on this, but as soon as it hits 12am the following day, the loop begins and repeats 3652 times (approx. 10 years).

>> No.2898073

Isn't this question entirely equivalent to "you wake up one day and someone tells you that you've now entered a groundhog day loop. wat do"

>> No.2898076

What difference would it make if you knew or not?

>> No.2898079

Let's say you learn a new skill like playing the piano, would you be able to keep it once the groundhog day ends?

>> No.2898088

Well consider that you get stuck in the elevator for the whole day. Wouldn't it suck be there for 10 years?

>> No.2898098

Yes of course. But you have to assume that "soul" exists and the skill is there.

>> No.2898103


Suppose that day D is going to loop forever. If you are told this on day D, then you can't do anything about it, because you've already started the loop.

Are you asking something like "oh, well, I'd better express order that lengthy book off of Amazon so I have something to read"

>> No.2898105

And what about laws? Say you robbed a bank in the groundhog day state, would people remember it once the day starts to repeat and you can try and rob it as many times as you like?

>> No.2898114

>Are you asking something like "oh, well, I'd better express order that lengthy book off of Amazon so I have something to read"
something like that

>> No.2898128


If you die during the day that loops, do you rez the next day?

>> No.2898183

yes like in the movie

>> No.2898194
File: 12 KB, 280x305, yuki-nagato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you retain your memory from the previous groundhog days?
Kinda like Nagato?

>> No.2898211

Why is everyone here so confused about OP's question? He explained it perfectly. Have you guys never seen the movie or something?

>> No.2898208
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I still don't know how she did it...

>> No.2898218

I set up things so that somebody slams me with a door every time the loop starts.

>> No.2898224

Fly immediately to Washington DC. Take a year or two to watch everyone's movements, record where the president is at all times. Learn what his bodyguard's do in a typical day, and then kill one and steal his clothes and ID. Follow the president into whatever "secret room" he has, with all the nuclear launch codes and Dr. Strangelove type stuff. On the last day before the loop ends, go into the bunker, assassinate the president and his bodyguards, seal the bunker, and take over the world with the threat of MAD.

Obviously there are a few details to be worked out, but you have 10 years.

>> No.2898309

I really like this question. where you are and what you've done the day before to prep could make a big difference the next 10 years.

Here's what I'd do:

-Situate myself so I'd wake up in the Los Angeles Airport
- set my alarm for 1AM

- Spend the next 10 years visiting family, friends and interesting new places, probably using up all my savings every day.

>> No.2898346

What the fuck OP?

I'd probably do everything I could think of, 10 years would get hella boring.

Did you want to know what i'd do on the first day? because let's be honest, i haven't planned out my tuesday, let alone 3652 looped days into the future.

The first day? I wouldn't believe there was a loop and continue as normal.

I might kill myself when i figure out i'm on a loop

hopefully i don't spiral into depression after im resurrected.

I see frequent trips to the library, reading about science or whatever, because it would only require me to remember the book and page # i was on.

i'd definitely sleep around, but i'd probably get bored of that eventually. Hopefully I don't fall in love ----> depression.

omg lol i could try to sleep with the same chick every day, and freak her the fuck out with how much i know about her.

oh yeah.....tons of lulz would be had....

>> No.2898361

I would travel to a city. there is much more to do there than where I am. Maybe hongkong. I heard you can eat at a different restaurant 3 times a day for 10 years without repeating yourself.

>> No.2898382

make sure my kindle is stuffed with books

>> No.2898414

1. Find location reachable within 24 hours that has the greatest density of hot women, e.g. large university
2. Make sure at 12am that I'm standing in the most convenient starting location e.g. hallway of girl's dorm
6. Wake up, goto 3

>> No.2898434

gather all the money I can
find large interesting city
do cool things all day
rape random hot girl @ 11pm
cum right before 12am

>> No.2898445

I like this. Perfect plan if you add rape to it.

>> No.2898443

Make my spawn point in the middle of a big city.

Rape each woman in city for 10 years straight. It's going to be Grand Theft Auto up in this shit.

>> No.2898498

Situate myself near an army base or airstrip that I know have a supersonic jet.

With it I can reach any point on earth in less than 24 hours.

Then I do whatever I want. Gorge myself on whatever food I want, have sex/rape whoever or whatever I want (important). Learn whatever I want. Kill people I hate (that would be nobody I guess).

I could play golf on the white house lawn, breaking windows with every shot.

Dance naked down the streets of Tokyo.

Play tuba on top of the kaaba.

Hijack a space rocket and become a space pirate.

Take a dumb in crown jewels of the United Kingdom


>> No.2898597

To all you people planning to illegal things, what if you lose count of the days and you come out on the last day doing something that will get you fucked for the rest of your life?

How would you make sure you keep track of the days when everything resets except your memory?

>> No.2898616

if it is like groundhogs day the movie, the loop only ends on a perfect day. So as long as we keep screwing something up...

>> No.2898652

It's not that hard to keep track. If you're concerned you might have lost track, spend the last couple hundred days only doing kosher things. There's enough legal things out there to keep you entertained for the last year.

>> No.2898705

1) phone book. Call people in order, an unfamiliar response would mean I haven't called then yet. I would use this method to keep up with the number of days.
2) Liquidate funds. take maximum advantage of a day stock market trading.
3) study.

>> No.2898747

The difficulty would be coming up with a perfect day AND keeping track of your time left. Do whatever you want, read books, etc, for a few years, work on mental skills, keep track of time, work up a maximally optimized day (like Murray does in the movie).

If I go into it knowing it'll be exactly 3652, I come up with the best mnemonic I can that lets me memorize days and come up with some milestones. Give myself a few weeks time left over, and get into rehersal mode: just keep doing the 'perfect day' until the loop ends.

Those last weeks might get really boring, but I wouldn't risk waiting too long. I might miss my chance.

Of course you could always walk into it with a gun and kill yourself 3651 times.. You'd still have to keep track somehow, though.

>> No.2898807

Oh and get a good night's sleep beforehand, preferably so you wake up at 12AM ish. You can always stay up all day, but you can't really wake up earlier.

>> No.2898836

This would be great. I would be guaranteed an A+ on both my finals!

>> No.2899363

> You're about to enter a Groundhog Day-esque loop
> have 1 day to prepare
I take two days to prepare, avoiding the loop.
> There are no restrictions on this
> but here's a restriction on this

>> No.2899378

plan an orgy/smoking party for tomorrow

>> No.2899460

I'm currently with a girl who has fantasies about being killed. Can I take her with me, or do I have to do it without her knowing it'll loop?

>> No.2899481

I download and gather all the books that I will ever need for 10 years. That way I won't have to get up and go find them every morning just to pick up where I left off.

>> No.2899504

Best plan yet. One drawback; once your 10 years is up and you've been accustomed to raping women every day for 10 years, it will be hard to just stop cold turkey. You'd probably end up raping a girl after the loop ends, and you'd go to jail for the rest of your life.

>> No.2899517

The funny thing is these guys aren't even joking about the rape.

>> No.2899525


>> No.2899544

...I see no problem with it. They'll experience terror for 5 minutes, and then the day will reset. Then they'll never remember again. What's the big deal?

>> No.2899548

If you really have a problem with it you could just drive near a similar place full of hot women and work on your social skills. if you mess up, no big deal; the day will loop. After 1 year you'd learn which girls are into 1-night stands just from memory, and you could accomplish basically the same thing for a little more effort and minus the rape.

>> No.2899593


>> No.2899714

Take sleeping pills. Never even notice the 10 years.

>> No.2899721

Take a gun. Shoot myself whenever I feel like speeding up the process by a day.

>> No.2899840

assuming I keep my memory:
-Learn new skills , use internet learn something new everyday
-Hit on every women I see, building up social skills
-Do crazy shit I wouldn't do otherwise , kill, do crack , suicide all that jazz
-For last year or so I'd play it safe.

>> No.2899960
File: 113 KB, 1600x1200, 1302044932112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you find it funny makes you one of them.
