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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2893349 No.2893349 [Reply] [Original]

Alright chemfags,

I just registered for P-chem this summer. What should I do to start preparing? What info is gonna be critical for having this make sense? If you had to take it again, what would you be reviewing? I want an A in this class everyone seems to bitch about.

>> No.2893387


>> No.2893419

>What should I do to start preparing?
Lube up your asshole.

>> No.2893501


Done. However, I am not the OP.

>> No.2893527


Get ready to study your ass off, also this.

1. Get the book now, start skimming through it and outlining however many chapters you feel you should. Have the "introductory" chapters well understood before the first day of class, if you're ambitious go a chapter past that.

2. Find your professors campus website, find this semesters (or previous semesters) p chem class. If there are notes up, save them, if there are practice tests/test answers, save them, if there are assignments up or assignment answers, save them. Don't assume that they'll be using the same content, these resources are just for aiding your studying of the subject.

3. Brush up on gen chem.

>> No.2893551

>3. Brush up on gen chem.

That's something I like to hear, I tutor it.

>> No.2893777
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If your book is by Peter Atkins (worst problems any book has ever assigned):

1) Get INSTRUCTOR'S solutions manual for the book

2) Copy all of the homework before you attempt it. Then try and do it on your own.

3) See the professor every time he has office hours. This is the most important part. Your professor is probably an attention whorish douchebag who gets off on making the class seem much harder than it really is. Seeing him everyday and sucking up to him by saying "this stuff is so hard" is your key to success. He'll help you solve the problems, and it'll help guide you on what to prepare for when taking the test.

4) Adderall an all-nighter before the tests. Review the notes and the homework problems he assigned.

5) Don't try and do what is assigned in a legitimate manner. Worst idea ever. Seriously.

>> No.2894705
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OP here. I know how to learn, and I'll be the only student that goes to every office hours session, for interesting discussion..not ass kissing

I guess I am more looking for "key concepts in chemistry to know VERY well" from someone who has taken the course (a place to start). I'll get to the old syllabus and course material eventually.

>> No.2894709

If you're comfortable with calculus, p-chem is a breeze. If you're not, you will die horribly.

Seriously, it's that easy. If you can do the math, the concepts are not at all hard. If you can't do the math, you will never get it.

>> No.2894716

Really? That is terrific news

>> No.2894729


Took the words right out of my mouth

>> No.2894738


>> No.2894741

>all-nighter before the tests
while i respect your trips, thats terrible advice

>> No.2894746


It's more or less Gen Chem with calc and some physics thrown in. That's not to say it's an easy course, but it isn't at all what most people make it out to be.

If you ever took a 100-level physics and then the corresponding 200 level, it's kind of the same concept. You're doing more or less the same shit but the math gets more advanced and you kinda find out some "lies" they told you the first time round

>> No.2894749


Currently taking PChem Thermo. If you like physics, you will like the first bit of PChem Thermo that's actually really heavy on the basic thermodynamic laws/gas expansion/what-not. I sucked at it.

The rest is Gen Chem on steroids + a little physics and calculus.

I really don't like this class much, but that's because it has too much physics. Physics might as well be magic to me, because I barely understand half the shit they do when solving problems from the text book. The chemistry/math part is what made this bearable to me.

Better than Quant, at least.

>> No.2894755
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