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File: 37 KB, 303x400, 6a00d8341bffb053ef011168f44e94970c-500wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2892017 No.2892017 [Reply] [Original]

The virgin Mary was impregnated by aliens.
The bright star over Jerusalem was an alien spacecraft monitoring the birth of Jesus, the half alien hybrid.
Jesus resurrected because of his superior half-alien genes.
He was then taken away by the aliens.

Moses was a link between Earth and the aliens.
He didn't split the waters, the aliens did it with their technology.
The 10 commandments were directions from the aliens for Earth on how to live their lives and form their society so they later could be accepted into a peaceful Galactic union.

We screwed up big time.

>> No.2892026

I want to believe this...

>> No.2892045

Let's blame the jews.

>> No.2892046

How is this different from the usual story?

>> No.2892048

Makes more sense than supernatural shit.

>> No.2892051
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>> No.2892059
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Its actually more buyable

>> No.2892070

fuck why did the socialist aliens discover earth

>> No.2892079
File: 70 KB, 454x364, unfinished obelisk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ancient astronaut theory has some compelling points no doubt.

1200 ton megalith would take over 20 heavy lift modern cranes to raise.

>> No.2892086
File: 36 KB, 622x296, 15th_century_Domenico_Ghirlandaio_Madonna_with_St_Giovannino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15th century painting of the Virgin Mary, many more depicting ufo like craft hundreds of years old.

>> No.2892098

So, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as Noah's flood, were both cases of orbital bombardment?

>> No.2892122

Have no one else noticed the tiny guy staring directly at the UFO in the picture before now? That should conclude that it is an object and not the sun, since what idiot would stare into the sun?

>> No.2892126


Suddenly it all makes sense...


>> No.2892139


Can only speculate really, but all major religions tell the same stories. The Hindu Mahabharata tells stories of civilizations being destroyed by explosions that eerily seem nuclear like. Evidence of a 'great flood' seems to be there as tons of ruins have been discovered under shallow parts of the ocean all around the world. Maybe noahs arc was some kind of DNA cache.

It does seem possible our ancestors with no concept of the possibility of aliens mistook them for gods and tried to describe them as well as they could, with talk of flying fire breathing dragons which the gods would come from the belly of the dragon ect ect.

>> No.2892145


>Shiny dragonscales
>Shiny metal plating

They see an alien spacecraft and can't explain it with their knowledge. So it must be an animal to them.

>> No.2892151
File: 41 KB, 610x490, EgyptAliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really never watch Ancient Aliens? Definitely check it out if this interests you.


>> No.2892161

There would be 100x more paintings depicting aliens if it was barely true

>> No.2892162

I read in the newspaper about a new technology that revealed that the ancient white Greek statues we know of was once painted in many colors. I demand that technology to be used on that wall.

>> No.2892175
File: 105 KB, 570x757, screen_TV_AncientAliens (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well only a small fracture of artwork from these times are remaining, and most of that where robbed and plundered before anyone calling themselves a researcher ever got there.

>> No.2892182
File: 96 KB, 319x309, ancient-alien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2892187
File: 35 KB, 420x336, Ancient Alien Rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the more popular pictures

>> No.2892197
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>> No.2892208
File: 58 KB, 429x607, Ancient Alien Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If its what happened then OPs right, we fucked up. The second coming of Christ would be the return of the aliens then. hmm

>> No.2892239
File: 17 KB, 217x307, many-aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say there would be more paintings if true but theres ALOT that look more alien then human. We need a time machine.

>> No.2892257

I'm hoping that OP is right, since it would mean that FTL drives and infinite sources of energy are possible.

>> No.2892271

I don't see the supposed alien in this one.

>> No.2892272

More plausible than abrahamic religions but still bullshit. I wouldn't waste archeological resources searching for anything the aliens left behind but if you do find something, don't ignore it.

>> No.2892273
File: 26 KB, 550x357, peruvianskulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to look more like the 'gods'? Not just limited to one continent. People with no contact doing the same things.


>> No.2892278

“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],
hurled a single projectile [rocket]
charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device].

An incandescent column of smoke and flame,
as bright as ten thousand suns,
rose with all its splendour.

It was an unknown weapon,
an iron thunderbolt,
a gigantic messenger of death,
which reduced to ashes
the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.

The corpses were so burned
as to be unrecognizable.

Hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
and the birds turned white.

…After a few hours
all foodstuffs were infected…
…to escape from this fire
the soldiers threw themselves in streams
to wash themselves and their equipment.”

Fuck yeah Ancient India confirmed for first nuclear power.

>> No.2892282


>mfw those people were on drugs and not seeing aliens

>> No.2892293

Not really evidence. Archimedes made a compound pulley capable of launching a fully loaded ship with one person pulling. So the Egyptians probably had similar technology, or another way of raising it. They did build those pyramids and all. Or did they? dun dun duuuun.

>> No.2892294

“Dense arrows of flame,
like a great shower,
issued forth upon creation,
encompassing the enemy.
A thick gloom swiftly settled upon the Pandava hosts.
All points of the compass were lost in darkness.
Fierce wind began to blow
Clouds roared upward,
showering dust and gravel.

Birds croaked madly…
the very elements seemed disturbed.
The sun seemed to waver in the heavens
The earth shook,
scorched by the terrible violent heat of this weapon.

Elephants burst into flame
and ran to and fro in a frenzy…
over a vast area,
other animals crumpled to the ground and died.
From all points of the compass
the arrows of flame rained continuously and fiercely.”

Aliens confirmed for ancient gods.


>> No.2892296
File: 142 KB, 1293x718, Holy Mountain JP04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you were an part of an advanced spacefaring civilization and you found a developing society, such as ancient humans.

Assuming your intentions are benevolent, what pieces of information would you implant to guide their progress?

I don't believe the "judgement" from a higher power on the basis of the societal rules and morays is actually a real thing. It was most likely appended by subsequent (human) authority figures to ensure that people would follow them. I don't believe any higher intelligence would use such simple tactics such as negative reinforcement (threats of punishment) to

This way, the choice is always ours, if we want to take that path or not.

>> No.2892311

What are you doing /x/? This is /sci/. You do not belong here.

>> No.2892324

When I told y'all exactly this a couple months ago I didnt get half the replies /sci/

I fukin jelly ;_;

>> No.2892343

I tend to believe advanced aliens would be part cyborg for the obvious benefits

>> No.2892350

>I tend to believe that individuals completely out of the scope of my comprehension would behave like me.


>> No.2892355
File: 40 KB, 291x267, Dude-ancient-alien-drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892362

I would read a book retelling the events of the bible with Alien Technology in place of MAGIC

>> No.2892364

like extended penis size?

>> No.2892368


Alternately, if they had a sufficient grasp of genetic engineering, they could redesign their physical bodies to the point that cybernetic augmentation was not necessary.

>> No.2892379

Aliens had to have build the pyramids because there's no way man could stacked big rocks on top of other rocks.

>> No.2892383

>implying aliens have penises, or even reproduce sexually
Asexual hermaphrodite egg-layers up in this motherfucker.

>> No.2892392


Any pulley system would have to be able to support the full weight of the megalith. Think about it. 1200 tons, not only that but the quarry is MILES away from the construction site. You could line the bottom of that sucker with tree stumps and you'd crush them.

>> No.2892406

343 continued- cyborg rather than the spindly little freaks shown in pop culture. But yeah also genetic engineering could perfect their structure for most atmospheres

>> No.2892428

At least aliens exist.

>> No.2892432


Did this affect their brains in any way, besides the shape?

>> No.2892439

Anyone actually been to see the pyramids? way bigger then they look on tv

>> No.2892442

Unless they are from our local galaxy system, it would take them hundreds or thousands of years to travel, even at the speed of light. Worm holes are the somewhat likely option

>> No.2892446

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

>> No.2892556


Material strengths, even a stone lever and fulcrum would crack under the weight. Plus this doesn't even get into the way a lot of these stones where cut. Tons of modern engineers saying we couldn't make a lot of these cuts today if we wanted to. Way to take the quote literally.

>> No.2892572

Whelp I think if you gave me enough wood and rocks and rope I could stand that rock up today...

>> No.2892577
File: 15 KB, 652x451, 1295041332466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.2892581

people thinking aliens have nothing better to do that make stone slabs stand on edge

people thinking aliens have no better way of contacting humans than via crop circles
>implying aliens would want to contact us....
>implying governments would have a way of covering up technologically advanced beings from us

the way i see it is, if aliens exist, we will never know, because if aliens flat out came to earth, we would either be extremely fearful of them (to the point of killing them)
or we would worship the ground they step on...
either way, it isn't productive, and if aliens exist, they must know that...

>> No.2892586

sort of like zoo theory, except they are staying away from us

>> No.2892588


The fact you're trying to apply our primitive understanding of physics to this shows how naive you are. There are ways around the light barrier, space is mailable. Even if it wasn't theres no reason to think they wouldn't be scouting the galaxy with multigenerational missions. Then there's the prospect of using genetic modification to extend life to xxxx years. We really can't try to imagine what technology lies thousands - millions of years beyond ours. It's hard enough imagining what a hundred more years will do. We're 50 odd years into the 'space age' it's laughably primitive.

This theory just plain makes more sense then what religion would have you believe. It's easy to see how aliens could have been mistaken for gods. We don't know for sure. Maybe one day we will.

>> No.2892591

>There might be ways around the light barrier,

>> No.2892594
File: 20 KB, 461x403, fugginidiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Aliums

>> No.2892602


How do you know proof doesn't lie within the vaults of the Vatican, they without a doubt aren't telling us everything.

>> No.2892605

how would they prevent the actual aliens themselves from telling us?
that is what i'm trying to say

>> No.2892607

correction, not a theory, a hypothesis

>> No.2892614


Space can be warped with mass homie, energy is mass. Enough energy and you can bend space like it's your little bitch making the light barrier irrelevant.

>> No.2892620
File: 246 KB, 480x480, DUDE WHAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy is mass

>> No.2892623

The light barrier is called that because it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate any mass to the speed of light.

be quiet grownups are talking

>> No.2892627


If the aliens came and told us thousands of years ago how is that not coming to tell us? Maybe the second coming of christ is when they told us they'd be back?

>> No.2892634


You don't have to accelerate past the speed of light if you can scrunch space up infront of you. This is where the concept of a warp drive comes from and is perfectly coherent with general relativity. It takes an finite amount of energy to bend space.

>> No.2892638
File: 6 KB, 236x240, implyingbabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892641

>It takes an finite amount of energy to bend space.
Yeah, just get some anti-energy and... wait we dont have any of that...

>> No.2892651


You sir are and idiot. First, energy is NOT mass, its energy. They are closely related, but they are not the same thing. They have different units for gods sake how could they be identical?

Second look up the alcubierre drive. It lets you travel "faster" than light by warping space itself.

>> No.2892653

When two hydrogen atoms become a helium atom via atomic fusion the amount of energy released is actually shaved off of their combined mass to the tune of E=MC^2

>> No.2892658
File: 339 KB, 1437x1521, Planetary_society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892671

>Second look up the alcubierre drive. It lets you travel "faster" than light by warping space itself.
Wow a theory that lets you do something. Why dont we just build one? Oh right because even if it did work (which it does not) you would need several orders of magnitude more energy than exists in the universe to move a small ship across the milky way.

>> No.2892676

Alright so there's no problems with the physics of the space travel needed for the aliens to come here, stumble upon our dumb monkey asses.

>> No.2892677


It is shaved off their mass-energy, not their mass. No particles are actually converted into energy. Also that's irrelevant. It only proves they are related, not that they are the same thing.

>> No.2892685

Energy is a form of mass and vice versa. The same way Ice and water and steam are all the same.

>> No.2892689


I'm just saying that it's probably not impossible to travel that fast, I never said it was easy.

>> No.2892692


hurr durr, here's that 21st century thinking being applied to 41st century engineering problems. Also who says it would take more energy then the universe contains? A black hole warps the SHIT out of space, you don't see black holes containing more energy/matter then is available in the universe.

>> No.2892693

Which is how I corrected you in the first place
>There might be ways around the light barrier,

>> No.2892700


A kg and a joule are not the same thing. Energy and mass are both forms of the same thing, but are not forms of each other. Mass can be used as a measure of the energy content of something, and energy can contribute to something's overall mass, but they are not the same thing.

>> No.2892711


>> No.2892716


You didn't correct anyone, you tried to correct me. faster then light is a misnomer, you're not traveling faster then light but once you allow space to expand back to its natural state you'll sure as hell be further from point A then you traveled.

>> No.2892722

The argument over whether mass is energy or if you can travel faster then light is IRRELEVANT. Even at the slow ass speed of sub light it's all STILL POSSIBLE.

>> No.2892726

Um, the earth warps space, my dick warps space. But even a black hole does not warp space so much that matter approaching it comes close to the speed of light.

1kg = 9*10^16 joules

>> No.2892729

At least we can have this discussion. Where is anyone who understands general relativity IRL? Not hanging out with me.

>> No.2892748


Are you on crack fool? the point is you can use your sublight spacecraft to travel around the event horizon of a black hole and say you sublight from one side to the other, if the black hole suddenly disappeared you would have traveled much further then the distance from the one side to the other.

So say your craft had the ability to focus energy to bend space in the same way a black hole does. You could do it at will...get it??

>> No.2892765

>if the black hole suddenly disappeared
Thats the biggest 'if' I have ever heard.

Plus you I know how space time can bend, I know how the alcubierre drive is supposed to work, and I know that why it cant.

There is feasible no way we know of to move faster than the speed of light from point a to point b.

>> No.2892767
File: 17 KB, 401x229, warp_drive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe pictures will help you understand

>> No.2892776

Well if we had Infinite energy, a heap of exotic matter (more than several galaxies), a way to arrange the exotic matter into a bubble PLUS negative energy (heaps of that as well) THEN we could make an alcubierre drive.

Too bad we could never slow down or stop the thing once it was started.

>> No.2892779


>> No.2892793


Again with all this 'WE' we're fucking dirty primitive apes. 200 years ago it was considered impossible to fly in the sky, as anything capable of flying was HEAVIER THEN AIR. MY GOODNESS HOW OUR UNDERSTANDING HAS CHANGED. Who would ever think our understanding could be ever changing.

>> No.2892803

Well I like to think from a modern perspective. Now I never said that traveling from point A to point B faster than light was impossible, i was just saying that you cannot, under any circumstances, accelerate anything with mass to the speed of light.

>> No.2892823


No one here is arguing against that. Relativity has no problem with bending space is all we're saying.

>> No.2892834

Infact really without general relativity we'd have no concept of using the bending of space to cheat the light speed rule, so while crushing hope of FTL travel it also opens up a different possibility. Pretty suiting imo.

>> No.2892858

You cannot cheat light speed bro.

No matter how fast you are going light approaches you at the speed of light

How does this happen?

Well time slows down for you so the light can catch up.

You cant beat it.

If you went faster than the speed of light time would stop for you and you would probably hit the edge of the universe eventually.

>> No.2892859
File: 104 KB, 500x333, abydostablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2892887



Think of it like you're on a big carpet and there's a table on the carpet. if you bunch up the carpet in the middle cauing the table to come closer to you, you can jump over the bunched up middle of the carpet to infront of the table, then stretch the carpet back to normal and zing you've just moved XX amount of feet, while only moving X amount of feet. GET IT? You don't actually travel faster then light, and neither does any of the light in your local area of space yet you end up much further then the light would have traveled had space not been tampered with.

>> No.2892903

I know this. Even with all the matter in the universe pulling you forward you will never reach c.

No matter how much you 'bunch the carpet' you cannot ever go move away from some light coming from behind from a distant galaxy faster than light. It, can, not, happen.

Also space doesn't tend

>> No.2892975

If ftl travel were impossible the universe would be a local joke. In 4d time is cyclic and it is possible to 'jump cycles'. For the 'time' being we're stuck in 3d, but maybe not forever.

>> No.2893008


You really don't get it. Nothing is 'pulling' you anywhere. You nor any light is forced to travel faster then c.

>> No.2893016
File: 64 KB, 450x294, wormhole_graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2893025

If there were ever any benevolent aliens they would've taught us mathematics, physics... Instead even if they came here they probably just trolled like:

Hey check these dumbfucks, they are actually building it with their bare hands, we can give them the steam (diesel) engine and mechanics knowledge but why bother it's funnier this way...

Look they are eating that useless even poisonous trash in belief to get cured, sure penicillin and medical methods would do the job but why bother...

Look they believe gold can be created out of iron, what a fools we can tech them the periodic elements and proper chemistry but why bother...
But even in that case they would probably trolled harder so again unlikely.

>> No.2893026

I want to believe.
Of course without evidence it is nothing more than speculation, but at least is more believable than what is normally said.