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2886815 No.2886815 [Reply] [Original]

Florida Senate Judiciary approves repeal of church state separation


the christian states of america

>> No.2886819

Oh putain...

>> No.2886833

More reason to move to glorious Canada

>> No.2886837



Pick one.

>> No.2886841

aka North North America.
It's reason to leave the continent, not go to Canada

>> No.2886843


>Better than glorious Canada

I would post a picture of laughing bitches to make you feel insecure, but I do not have any on this computer.

>> No.2886847

In twenty years time China and Russia will be the good guys and wage anti-extremist wars in NA

>> No.2886848


And what would you say is better than North America? Europe? Have fun with your 20% muslim population in 50 years. Canada and Sweden are the only garunteed safe zones for the distant future. I don't speak Swedish, and I already live close to the Canadian border, so...

>> No.2886851


What's so great about Canada? The winter weather sucks, they have annoying Frenchmen who are trying to secede from the rest of the country every five minutes, it's really boring, and the place is an economic satellite of the US.

>> No.2886856

our you could move your fat ass and fix the country

>> No.2886857


I'm from Minnesota, I really don't give a fuck about cold weather

>> No.2886861

Asia or Australia/New Zealand.
No nut case Christians trying to take over the government there.
Why do white amerifats think that only europe and america exist?

>> No.2886865


Eh, Minnesota is Canada lite anyway.

>> No.2886867


Because Australia and New Zealand are irrelevant and Asia is fucking Asia.

>> No.2886869
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It is.

Nobody wants to go to Canaderp, that's why nobody cares about it. Plus it's fucking boring there.

>> No.2886871

I see no logic in your answer, just blind ignorance.
Typical of an Amerifat like yourself.

>> No.2886874

what about china?

>> No.2886875


Sweden's got plenty of Muslims too.

>> No.2886879
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Florida =! the whole country

I get more worried about the South everyday.

Also I'm pretty sure this will get struck down by the supreme court eventually. This is an illegal action.

oh and typical Canadians with an inferiority complex posting in a thread that has nothing to do with them again. They need to leave, nobody mentions them and they shouldn't speak unless spoken to.

>> No.2886885

Canada isn't quite a socialist paradise either. Most of them are in the eastern cities while the west is much more rugged and redneck.

>> No.2886888


>implying the fact that Canada is ignored isn't what makes it glorious

>> No.2886893


Enjoy your overcrowded, polluted police state.

>> No.2886901

wat? Do you have any idea how large China is?
The police state part is right though, those fuckers really need to have a revolution or something

>> No.2886925

Isnt australia the country that decided to save money on education by having the church provide all guidance councellors?

>> No.2886939

>state judiciary overturning the 1st amendment

I see no legal problem with this.

>> No.2886946

separation of church and state never existed to begin with. it was just some random letter liberals pretend is an official u.s. document

>> No.2886947

How is this illegal?

inb4 1st amendment, which only restrains the federal government. This is a state issue.

>> No.2886952

>federal law
>does not apply to states


>> No.2886956


The Supremacy Clause, which says that states may not override the Bill of Rights.

>> No.2886957


Oh you mean this?

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Yeah..... Doesn't apply to individual states. It just means that the federal government can't establish any.

>> No.2886961


Except it doesn't say

>Government shall make no...

It says

>CONGRESS shall make no....

>> No.2886968
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Learn French, live in France.

>> No.2886969

You just went full retard. I hope the undergrads in the legal department of your university beat you to death.

>> No.2886973


Ferme ta putain de gueule.

>> No.2886974



>> No.2886977


No. In this case he's right.
The first amendment specifically uses the word "congress."

>> No.2886979

Do you even know shit about China's population density? The majority of them live near the east sea. Western China is empty as fuck.

>> No.2886981


And it's backwards as fuck too. Outside the major cities, much of the country still looks like it did in the Mao era.

>> No.2886986

states used to have their own official religions. all this anti-religious bullshit is a modern communist(liberal) invention. all the rules were pertaining to the federal government ONLY.

>> No.2886990

Yes, but what the Constitution says isn't how the Constitution is used. Most legal shitheads hold that the Fourteenth Amendment extends the things Congress can't do to citizens to the states.

>> No.2886993


Not really. Secularization and religious freedom is fine and curbs the abuses that happen when religion is mixed with politics. Enforced atheism (what communist countries did) is another matter altogether.

>> No.2886995

Separation of church and state is and should be a universal concept in this country. Saying otherwise is TREASON.

>> No.2886999

>implying an amendment can be repealed

>> No.2887008

>following the constitution and the original intent for this country is TREASON, listening to my opinion/lies/propaganda is THE ONLY WAY

self important communist retard detected

>> No.2887023


How's prohibition treating you?

>> No.2887028

I'm no commie. I'm a god fearing libertarian and you can't force your beliefs onto others in this country. It's unAmerican and most importantly not following the constitution IS the worst kind of treason here. We promised freedom of religion.

>> No.2887037


Yeah, making this a Christian country with no religious freedom is exactly why the founding fathers came here. It's not like they were fleeing that kind of thing in Europe.

>> No.2887045

>force beliefs boohoo

learn2 states rights "libertarian"

the real american libertarian position is de-centralization of federal power and competition between states. youre just an atheist cry baby.

>> No.2887056
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>> No.2887064
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Oh god, my brain feels like it's being infected by the stupid.

>> No.2887078
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>Supporters of the bill claim that prohibiting government from funding religious groups discriminates against religious groups.

>> No.2887083

>Supporters of the bill claim that prohibiting government from funding marijuana growers discriminates against marijuana growers

>> No.2887087


tl;dr supreme court went full retard in 1947

>> No.2887092

I do believe in those things but do you know anything about the history of this country? Almost four hundred years ago on the mayflower, they came here because...?

Millions of immigrants from Europe came to America in the late 1800s and early 1900s because the country promised freedom of religion. You cannot abandon the most American things, the federal and state levels should stay stay clear of any religion to preserve the freedom and integrity of people's personal beliefs.

>> No.2887106

Why would you think an amendment couldn't be repealed? Are you non-America? If so, that ignorance is understandable.

>> No.2887111

>things should be this or that way because i say so baww

fact is, states should be able to do whatever they want. thats the main reason one state could not purchase or conquer land from any other. they are supposed to be in COMPETITION, while the federal government kept everything fair and balanced. it doesnt matter what the fuck they do, people will go to the BEST one, and the loser will have to change. stop pushing your beliefs on everyone, atheist. you have no clue about what this country was supposed to be, this much is clear.

>> No.2887121

He was just explaining the normal Libertarian Stance to the idiot, how was anything he said in that post contradictory / "stupid"?

>> No.2887129

stance* libertarian* Oh god, why did I capitalize that.

>> No.2887137

Europeans didn't come here for religious freedom. There was plenty of that in Europe by the 1900s. They came here for economic opportunity, which will always be better than religious opportunity, and which is a more fundamental American belief.

>> No.2887215

>Implying this will pass
>Implying if it does it wont be struck down by a random judge until it hits the supreme court and it's ordered out of legistration
>Implying loads of voters wouldn't turn on the republicans for this
>Implying it's not going to be a laughing stock when they try to implement

>> No.2887256

>They came here for economic opportunity,
>which is a more fundamental American belief.

So why exactly is it that we do such a fine line in protectionism, creating an ultra rich elite caste and government propped up industry, which are both massive obstacles to economic opportunity?

>> No.2887257

Yeah, I'm not actually worried about this either. The article mentions that even church officials are openly expressing their disdain towards this bill. It won't amount to much in the long run.

>> No.2887259

it's the stupid opinion because libertarians are stupid.

Libertarians are just above Anarchist, on the stupid idea plane.

>> No.2887262

>if someone else is rich and successful, then i am a victim of theirs

communist detected

>> No.2887274

Actually, it was for both reasons. Religious freedom in the 1900s in Europe still wasn't great as America's. And the most important reason, Europe cared more about religion than America at the time, at least focusing on it. Americans were considering the most lax people in the early 1900s and throughout most of the 20th century. Cold war tensions did little to change that. America is extremely anti commie, obviously. I don't know what faggot mentality caused yurop to be so hostile to religious people.

>> No.2887278

That's the complete opposite of why they came here, actually.

>> No.2887279

>not being happy about state subsidised business dominating markets which otherwise would not survive

>> No.2887288

They'd stopped burning witches in Europe way before they stopped in America

cool religious freedom bro

>> No.2887295

Economic oppurtunity in America even today is still quite easy compared to the majority of the world for ambitious intelligent people just not the common man and the economic opportunity in America back the was TREMENDOUS.

We know for sure the Europeans who came to America as a land of opportunity succeeded. Look at all the European named companies and items we own today (they're American companies of course) but they have German/French/Italian names etc. and their founders all came as immigrants to America.

And obviously, you may be their offspring.

>> No.2887305


>I don't know what faggot mentality caused yurop to be so hostile to religious people.

Religion was used as an instrument of monarchical control in Europe, while it was not in America.

>> No.2887308

>They'd stopped burning witches in Europe way before they stopped in America

Cool ignorance eurofaggot. No one has ever been burned for being a witch in the US. Europe killed between 40,000 and 100,000 people.

>> No.2887309

>religion is just twying to bwainwash peoples. some guy that died 5000 yrs ago just wants to control me GAWSH, why cant mommy and daddy see this?

>> No.2887311

If you're trying to reference the Salam witch trials, the federal government didn't exist to have jurisdiction nor did America even exist as a nation at all.


>The last executions of people convicted as witches in Europe took place in the 18th century.

Right back at you, brah.

>> No.2887318
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>America's future
>and nothing of value will be lost

>> No.2887328

So why don't they dump their monarchies completely? I still see faggot ass yuro royals draining their nation's tax dollars. Sure is archaic and backwards for them to even still have em around. They shouldn't be quoting history, considering what the French revolution was.

>> No.2887344

>Sure is archaic and backwards

just like religiously following the commands written down on a piece of paper by a bunch of rich white men over 200 years ago

>> No.2887385

Kind of SOL really.

America is going further down the shitter, Canada is America 2.0, all the other decent countries are being taken over by sandniggers.

Can we take over say, Turkey and start a NEW, new world?

>> No.2887456

oh my god

this is what libertarians actually believe

>> No.2887471


>> No.2887482


I was thinking about that, but it lacks any economic viability, or, well, usefulness other than it's in the middle of nowhere and almost entirely empty.

You'd have to import almost everything, so...

>> No.2887488

We can export promise and import dreams.

Er, food, and water, and people.

>> No.2887502


Well I've got about $1,500 in the bank, we might as well get started...

Think that's enough for a good tent?

>> No.2887536

"A small group of internet users were found frozen to death on the coast of Antarctica. It is presumably due to the victims being part of a homosexual suicide cult."

>> No.2887547
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This thread is terrible.

>> No.2887549


I lol'd.


>> No.2887599

Florida gets everything that it deserves. We elected a criminal of a governor and such an overwhelmingly Republican majority that this kind of nonsense can run amuck in the state.

Though, I tend to believe removing the blaine amendment goes a long way to implenet the Republicans future of education. If they get rid of blaine amendment while subsequently defunding public education they can get their wish of a more "robust" voucher system.

In the end, state is so overwhelming Republican that even if this bill is stuck down in the courts, it will still have a huge effect on the future of education in the state. The shame is that, Florida has gone such a long way in improving its education system, and now the push for deregulation will like regress any progress made.

>> No.2887603
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>> No.2887608

Florida recently pretty much legalized bribery too. Florida is batshit insane. Blame the old, senile people living there.

>> No.2887628

You call it bribery, I call it capitalistic freedom.

>> No.2887647
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>repeal of church state separation

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