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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2883886 No.2883886 [Reply] [Original]

>Look at the nearest hipster
>He has some 250$ headset
>I ask him how is the sound like
>I put the headphone
>Same sound and base than my $30 ear buds.

Pic related

>> No.2883888

>$30 ear buds.
Try again, fool.

>> No.2883890

>mfw i'm using ear buds i got for 4.99
>still working fine

>> No.2883895

Headsets are about the noise cancelling as much as the sound quality you idiot.

>> No.2883896

This. I've never spent over $10 for earphones and I don't see how anyone can justify spending that much money on them.

>> No.2883901

Considering I have them since 3 years I'd say it's a great deal.

>> No.2883910

My headphones were $450.00

I have money to spend on them, also, I had them before anyone else even knew about them

You are all just jealous you are not rich like me

brb, gonna go get some more PBR (the best beer)

>> No.2883920

Don't feel proud just because you buy cheapest crap China has to offer.

>> No.2883921

>I want it to be obvious I'm listening to music because I have insecurity issues
Earbuds are like earplugs so they block out external noise too but whatever bro.

>> No.2883924
File: 53 KB, 485x480, tedisgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consumerism, consumerism everywhere

>> No.2883931

That's actually partly why I don't use headphones, that and they're a pain in the ass to carry, but if you actually think your ear buds are cancelling noise nearly as well as a pair of good headphones you're either kidding yourself or shitposting because to be wrong on 4chan is a sign of weakness.

>> No.2883932

You never used ear buds do you?
It's like having a sub woofer in your brain man.

>> No.2883950

>buy 6 dollar in ear earbuds
>discover thread about modding
>cut out paper film covering sound port
>replace foam covers with silicone covers
>insert foam piece into bass driver hole
>sounds better than 100 dollar earbuds

>> No.2883962

Maybe if I were next to a runway, I will concede that.

>> No.2883998

im happy with 22 dollar sonys over-ears... buds are shit and unbearable though XD

>> No.2884005

>Earbuds are like earplugs so they block out external noise
bullshit. i can hear traffic over my music everyday when i walk to class.

>> No.2884036

>enter contest in high school for the lulz
>win $250 apple gift card
>buy bose quiet comfort
>best shit ever

>> No.2884045

>listening to compressed audio with $250 headset

>> No.2884051

umm no

>> No.2884052

You certainly don't have good ear buds then. I live near a highway and I can't hear shit. Supposing there's music playing, of course.

>> No.2884056

Not science. Fuck off.

>> No.2884062


>> No.2884078
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>good ear buds

>> No.2884081

It's the science of sound and hipsters

>> No.2884083

You are mad because you don't to accept that you have been ripped off.

Been there.

>> No.2884158

I spent 220(NZD) on my headphones. They're fucking good, and I plan on having them for a looong time, but I can still barely justify it.

Then again, I'm a musician/music student so I need a decent pair, a lot of the people who say "my $10 phones sound great!" don't need much better, or can't tell the difference.