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2880852 No.2880852 [Reply] [Original]

ok guys i have a question and this is the only board that is close to what the question is about. I know that the word "hater" is not a real word but if it was would it be a noun or an adjective?

>> No.2880856


>> No.2880857

Noun, it indicates an object (unless you know any other way the word is used.
"hating" as in "the hating person" is an adjective though.

>> No.2880861

Also, it is a word:

hate |hāt|
verb [ trans. ]

feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone) : the boys hate each other | he was particularly hated by the extreme right.
• have a strong aversion to (something) : he hates flying | [with infinitive ] I'd hate to live there.
• [with infinitive ] used politely to express one's regret or embarrassment at doing something : I hate to bother you.

intense or passionate dislike : feelings of hate and revenge.
• [as adj. ] denoting hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice : a hate campaign.

hatable |ˈhātəbəl| (also hateable) adjective
****************hater noun ********************

ORIGIN Old English hatian (verb), hete (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch haten (verb) and German hassen (verb), Hass ‘hatred.’

>> No.2880863
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See i think it is a adjective cause it describes the subject. for example. "The boy was a hater." boy being the noun and hater being the adjective since it describes the noun.

>> No.2880869
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>> No.2880874

Think of it this way, "the rose is a flower" or "the car is a machine". I'm quite sure an adjective can't have a determiner.

>> No.2880875

A hater would be noun.

You put an article to it.

You are a stupid hater.
Stupid is the adjective describing the noun "hater".

>> No.2880880

"Jess was a cat" doesn't mean 'cat' isn't a noun; 'cat' describes a whole category of things (things = nouns). Also "a hater" implies a noun, since you've given it an article.

Also, adverbs modify adjectives, verbs and other adverbs. "Jess slept peacefully"; peacefully is an adverb.

>> No.2880881

both boy and hater are nouns. adjective in that sentence would be. the boy was a compulsive hater

>> No.2880887

Ok, thank you guys for this it was very insightful

>> No.2880888


>> No.2880892

I was disappointed when there was no third pony picture :(

>> No.2880903
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