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File: 148 KB, 284x423, natural-penis-enlargement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2878958 No.2878958 [Reply] [Original]

Now, I am confused as to why the commonly held belief is that penis enlargement (without surgery) is impossible. The proof lies in the many who claim it does work and the various medical studies that concur it's possible. For example:


So why does the skeptical belief still prevail? Is it because the market is tainted with near-infinite levels of spam and hoaxes with high promises?

Does anyone have any experience on the matter?

>> No.2878991


Someone's gotta have some input

>> No.2879013

hmmm, i remember coming across a message board that was dedicated to this subject, and it seemed as though people were actually being able to make their dicks larger but i didnt stay long enough to see what they were actually talking about. maybe someone else has come across it but i cant remember what the site was sorry

>> No.2879027

Because I tend to shy away from scams and spam, and because of my association of penis enlargement with scams, I have a kneejerk reaction that anything that has to do with penis enlargement is a scam.

Obviously that's not a purely rational position to hold, but that is the answer to your question.

>> No.2879036

I really never did any research on the topic, but, in a movie, I heard that the tip can only get bigger...

I wonder what is the science behind the treatment o.O. I mean, I've never heard of a pill to grow any other parts of the body, so it's kind of weird that their is a pill to grow the penis.

>> No.2879045

that's because there isn't a pill that actually does that.

>> No.2879044

>PubMed articles on pen0r enlargement
Just a matter of time until someone makes the new viagra...

>> No.2879047

yeah the study says they have to use an extender for 4 h/day for 6 months to gain 1.7cm stretched (which more closely resembles erect than flaccid) and no increase in girth
not exactly worth it

>> No.2879049

imagine if someone told you here take this pill. it will make your left index finger three inches larger but do nothing else to the rest of your body. would you believe them?

>> No.2879057

why the fuck would you want that pill, fuck off

>> No.2879074

... why would you want a pill to make your dick bigger?

>> No.2879080


a better example would be to use say nose or ear since they don't contain bones

>> No.2879089

to finger bitches, bro

chick love guys with one grotesquely large finger

>> No.2879094

A lot of people have better success with it. And yes, you also get erect gains. It's not just flaccid. Flaccid gains come first, but eventually your erect gains show up.

At least that's what my research has shown. I am planning on getting one of those devices sometime soon.

>> No.2879103

iirc you can gain like an inch with ligament stretching

jelqing adds girth and some length but you need to be a little careful

people don't do it because they dont want to run the risk of fucking up their dick

>> No.2879124
File: 5 KB, 158x152, 1294106398132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they haven't, get the fuck out of here /x/tard.

>> No.2879130

New question:

If you could buy a pill that would for sure absolutely positively make your penis bigger, and it was sold for a reasonable price. Would you buy that pill?

>> No.2879159

The prominent fantasy of easy but hidden penis enhancement (excluding future advances) is probably a corollary to ‘penis panic’ where a group of males become terrified that their dicks are shrinking.

>> No.2879164

Most men would.

A stretcher can give you 1-3 inches, but it takes a lot of discomfort and time. A pill would be infinitely easier except it's impossible.

>> No.2879170


How do you know most men would?

>> No.2879176


If it was backed up by science and had no side effects, why the fuck not?

>> No.2879184


I dont know, because penis size isnt important? I dont know, thats just what I would expect. It kind of implies men are just sitting around being like "Ah gosh darn it if only my penis was bigger"

New question: Would you be comfortable telling other people about your decision? How about your spouse?

>> No.2879185

common sense

>> No.2879188


Obviously its not common if I had to ask.

>> No.2879191

definitely not. waste of money regardless. i have never heard of a chick not getting with a guy because of size. and if your getting with a chick shes not going to see your dick and then be like, thats to small im leaving.

if you actually have an abnormally small size i could understand though.

>> No.2879193

that doesn't mean it's not common
it means you don't have common sense

>> No.2879197

Because most men are insecure about their size. Because most men who have been in enough relationships and have had honest chats with women realize that bigger (to an extent) really is better. Because when you hear about how your girl's ex was much bigger than you then you feel like shit.

Of course your girlfriend is going to tell you that you're perfect or size doesn't matter. What kind of girl wants to seem like a shallow slut with a thirst for huge cock?

>> No.2879198
File: 56 KB, 800x800, 1281395883567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw having a 6” dick becomes popular with the ladies because a dicksize arms race (hehe) makes most dicks too big for non whores to enjoy.

>> No.2879212

I found this one non-surgical treatment that seemed to work a while back. I didn't get any quantitative measurements, but things certainly seemed to look a lot larger. I believe the generic pharmaceutical name for it was "magnifying glass" or something like that.

>> No.2879223


Or it means you made the whole thing up about it being common sense then all men would without a doubt would pay for larger penises.


Thank you, this is how I feel too. I too would understand for someone with an absurdly small penis.


>Because when you hear about how your girl's ex was much bigger than you then you feel like shit.

Really? Really????

I guess I am not so much in disbelief as I am just completely at a misunderstanding of why people would feel that way.

>> No.2879233


>I dont know, because penis size isnt important?

So what? That's like asking me if I'd buy a reasonably pill that somehow gave me six pack abs and muscle strength. It's not "important" but I'd have absolutely no reason to not spend a few bucks on making my physique more appealing to myself and others.

I bet you either:

1) Have a big penis and this is your roundabout way to fish out other men and gloat to them about it

2) Have a small/normal sized dick but have decided that you're never in your life going to sleep with a woman and therefore you dick size really does not matter.

>> No.2879241

are you a woman?
of course all of us, men, want to have a larger penis.
since the stone age.

>> No.2879243


>So what? That's like asking me if I'd buy a reasonably pill that somehow gave me six pack abs and muscle strength. It's not "important" but I'd have absolutely no reason to not spend a few bucks on making my physique more appealing to myself and others.

I guess I understand this. Its just, I feel like as soon as something becomes flashy, it becomes worthless too. I find women (and men) who do the equivalent of these behaviors in real life really undesirable, no matter what.

>> No.2879252

in some rome or greek or something culture small dicks where preferred. big dicks meant the person was ugly, dirty, and evil. i wish i had a source but i dont. google it.

>> No.2879254

1 out of hundreds of civilizations

>> No.2879261

you are a girl aren't you?
or 12

>> No.2879262


Im male.


In the book sperm wars, biologist Robin Baker talks about the evolutionary advantages to large and small dicks. Its pretty interesting.

Even if you guys prefer to have big dicks, you have to accept that there is an evolutionary trade off, even if you dont know what that is. Otherwise each generation our dicks would just get bigger and bigger.

But thats very interesting about those faggoty greeks.

>> No.2879263

i have six pack abs and muscle. but lets say i didnt. i wouldn't take a pill to make my abs appear. and its called steroids.

>> No.2879270

Are you fucking retarded?

I don't understand how you are not aware that most men would like a larger penis.

>> No.2879274

maybe he is an alien or something.

as i said,it's fucking common sense

>> No.2879275


The idea was a pill that had em' without side effects. Which is very unlikely to ever exist

Unless we're talking nanobots... although they probably wouldn't be in pill form.

>> No.2879278


Its not that I wasnt aware of the stereotype, as much as I thought the stereotype was a shallow and stupid representation of men.

Another thing, only the men who care about penis size are going to say how much better a larger penis is. Which gives a distorted demographic of men.

>> No.2879282


"Bitch my penis is nanobots."

"Thats so hot"

>> No.2879285

>Otherwise each generation our dicks would just get bigger and bigger.
Well, at least we now know that you are retarded in general, which I guess helps explain why you don't understand common-sense things that are obvious to the rest of society.

>> No.2879288

Are you serious? Your clearly a chick.

ALL guys do (unless their ALREADY super huge), I mean fuck, this IS common sense, even fucking hundreds of years ago guys with bigger dicks would be considered more "manly", this is THE most basic thing that all guys everywhere use to compare how they stack up against other guys.

Sure its not really logical, Its all just ego shit really, if your friend has a larger house, a faster car, a hotter girlfriend, you feel inferior, If YOUR that friend, you feel Superior.

Among guys this is the most basic common sense thing there is.

>> No.2879291

>shallow and stupid representation of men
welcome to 4chan!

>> No.2879292


How is what I said wrong though?

Its true. If having a bigger dick is absolutely ideal in terms of sexual selection, with not draw backs. The penis size of a populace will get bigger.

Am I wrong?

>> No.2879296

you're stupid
i'm out of this thread

>> No.2879307



Okay I think I figured out how this works. Its exactly like the cuddle fish sexual selection.

>> No.2879306

Dude, fuck, my dick's 6 inches hard and I don't give a shit, it's big enough to get the job done and I know it's not important. My girlfriend once fucked a dude with an 8 inch dick and she says it was the most painful experience of her life, I'm aware of the facts here and I don't really care about my dick and sure as hell am not gonna turn to some stupid pills or 4 hours a day with my dick in a vice to make it bigger. But fuck, man, if I could make it bigger for free I would, it doesn't matter that there's no real basis for it, society has deemed that having a big dick is a good thing and I'm not some asspie living in my mom's basement. Hell, half the reason I'd do it is so I look more impressive in locker rooms, and I haven't been in a locker room in years.

>> No.2879316
File: 65 KB, 387x500, 1301878928284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


enjoy, tinydicks

>> No.2879323


Very funny.


Maybe Im stupid, but Im not being stubborn. Please, I welcome you to correct me. I am begging for some explanation as to how what I said is stupid and wrong.

>> No.2879325

heh, "independently adjustable length and width, and now vibrating tip option!"

>> No.2879326

Yes you're wrong you stupid fuck, evolution doesn't happen between fucking generations unless there's a catastrophic plague wiping out everyone whose dick is under seven inches or something, and there are plenty of other things with real value like intelligence and good eyesight that don't get selected for either because there are enough other factors that it would take thousands of years for any statistically significant changes to occur.

>> No.2879346

Did you miss the part where I said its basically all ego shit?

It doesnt have anything to do with evolution or sexual satisfaction. EGOS.

>> No.2879351


What the hell? "Evolution doesnt happen between generations"?

I mean like, between individuals. From parent to off spring. One generation. Where else does evolution happen?

Intelligence and eyesight might be practical in terms of natural selection, but, sexual selection operates differently. People arent dying at a very fast rate for being dumb or blind. They still exist, and reproduce at a comparable rate to a normal person in society. Sexual selection, I think happens at a faster rate because the variability is more extreme and volitile. But anyway... even if it wasnt, lets just pretent it will take thousands of years for a noticable change in dick size to occur...

... it could still be growing every year. So really saying "things evolve slow" doesnt prove dick size isnt growing. Whether or not the speed is fast or slow has no impact.

So again, if massive dicks are absolutely preferable, in terms of sexual selection, and have no draw backs, then wouldnt they on average always have more children? And thus, wouldnt the proportion or larger dicked men in society grow (whether fast or slow) over time?

>> No.2879357

>broadcast male enhancement products
>don't explain how it works
>can't show a dick on television

>> No.2879364


Two things

1. Ego absolutely has an impact on evolution.

2. Why are egoistical men in favor of a large penis, why not a small one? Egoistical people dont want massive ears do they? I think there is an underlying feature that makes a larger dick preferable, that ego picks up on.

>> No.2879373
File: 35 KB, 225x376, marvin-the-martian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you just tug the ear or smack the forehead if you want the dick to get wider or longer....

>> No.2879376

Natural selection doesn't occur at an obviously noticeable rate, you retard, it happens over thousands of years, and why are you even assuming that average dick size isn't growing? For all we know it used to be tiny and we're huge compared to a thousand years ago, but even that is assuming an incredibly high rate of evolution.

You are either stupid enough to confuse yourself or just really bad at communicating. You said
>Otherwise each generation our dicks would just get bigger and bigger.
Implying that there would be noticeable growth in average penis size from generation to generation if it mattered at all, this is wrong and fucking retarded because evolution doesn't work quickly enough for it to be noticeable if it is happening.

>> No.2879386

The year is 2222 and Mike and Maureen land on
Mars after accumulating
enough frequent flier miles. They meet a
Martian couple and are talking
about all sorts of things.

Mike asks if Mars has a stock market, if they
have laptop computers,
how they make money, etc., Finally, Maureen
brings up the subject of s*x.
"Just how do you guys do it?"

The Martian responds, "Pretty much the way
you do," A discussion
ensues and finally the couples decide to swap
partners for the night
and experience one another.

Maureen and the male Martian go off to a
bedroom where the Martian
strips. He's got only a teeny, weenie
member-about half an inch long and
just a quarter inch thick.

"I don't think this is going to work," says
"Why?" he asks, "What's the matter?" "Well,"
she replies, "It's just not
long enough to reach me!" "No problem," he
says, and proceeds to slap his
forehead with his palm. With each slap of his
forehead, his member grows
until it's quite impressively long. "Well,"
she says, "that's quite
Impressive, but it is still narrow," "No
problem," he says, and starts
pulling his ears. With each pull, his member
grows wider and wider until
the entire measurement is extremely exciting
to the woman.

"Wow!" she exclaims, as they fell into bed and
made mad, passionate
love. The next day the couples rejoin their
normal partners and go their
separate ways. As they walk along, Mike asks
"Well, was it any good?"
"I hate to say it," says Maureen, "but it was
pretty wonderful. "How about you?"

"It was horrible," he replies, "all I got was
a headache. . . she kept
slapping my forehead and pulling my ears."

>> No.2879406

>2. Egoistical people dont want massive ears do they? I think there is an underlying feature that makes a larger dick preferable, that ego picks up on.

Bcause you dont bang chicks with your ears you fucking twat. thats the damn underlying feature.

>> No.2879412


Why would the entire human body change in size at a considerably faster rate than our dicks?

Also, in a study of chimanzees and apes. Human beings are intermediate. Large apes, like gorrilas have relatively small dicks, and chimanzees have relatively large dicks. This isnt my theory, but I think its a good one, that dick size is related to sexual behavior and the dick size of these different apes is a reflection of that.

>why are you even assuming that average dick size isn't growing?

Im not. Thats actually my point. Im not assuming dick size is growing. Im saying the dick size would be growing, and would have been growing as a signfiicant rate if it was an absolutely beneficial trait. And I am arguing that its not an absolutely beneficial trait.

> because evolution doesn't work quickly enough for it to be noticeable if it is happening.

Again it speed doesnt matter. Even if its happening at a rate so slow for us to ever notice (which I dont believe) then it could still be growing. Am I wrong? Answer this: can dick size be growing over a long period of time, an be an unnoticeably small rate of growth?

>> No.2879417


Well okay answer me, why would an egotistical person want a bigger dick and not a smaller dick? You can bang a chick with either one.

>> No.2879431

Your understanding of evolution is infantile, for any remotely complex genes (such as penis size), outside of extreme cases in which less desirable traits absolutely prevent one from reproducing (such as by killing off all individuals who posess them), it does in fact take millennia for noticeable and statistically significant change to occur.

...Fuck it, I'm pretty sure you've been trolling me this whole time, it's just this is /sci/ so you can never assume someone's not highly autistic.

>> No.2879434

ok now I get it
you're a virgin.

>> No.2879436

Assuming average dicks are in the range of 5.5-6.5 inches, which should be somewhat accurate, then someone with a small dick, say 5 inches or less, isn't actually going to be able to pleasure a woman with his penis nearly as well as someone with an average to large-average dick.

>> No.2879448

ITT: virgins.

>> No.2879455


No Im not trolling you. You keep telling me it takes millions of years. And I keep saying "So what? How is that pertinent to what I am saying?

I again, Im going to ask this question again. I cant spell this out any clearer

Cant penis size grow over time, at a slow rate?

Yes or no?

>> No.2879463

I think this post may be legitimately older than the internet.

>> No.2879476

Yes, average penis size among the entire population can grow over a very long period of time, this is the basic underlying principle of evolution.

>> No.2879486

I have heard that the primates genital size has everything to do with how promiscuous their females are.
Gorillas have small dicks cause their females arent as promiscuous as chimpanzees for exemple.
The reason why we want big dicks is because deep in our hearts we dont trust our females enough, thats our genes taking.

>> No.2879496


Okay so. lets say, having a penis size results in having more children than someone with a smaller penis. It has no draw backs what so ever.

Will the penis size grow or shrink in a given population?

>> No.2879498

a vagina changes tightness depending on the object inserted. any dick >4 inches will do the job fine unless the chick inserts very very large objects very often.

>> No.2879501
File: 40 KB, 300x400, look-at-my-fuckin-balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have heard that the primates genital size has everything to do with how promiscuous their females are.
Gorillas have small dicks cause their females arent as promiscuous as chimpanzees for exemple.
The reason why we want big dicks is because deep in our hearts we dont trust our females enough.

>> No.2879511


Yeah this is what I have read too, but I think its promiscuity in general, not because of either gender is promiscuous.

The idea has to do with sperm competition. The men who idealize large dicks believe in some inherent promiscuity of men and women, while those who dont care, or might have smaller than average dicks arent promiscous. And the idea of sperm competition out lines some advantages of a small penis size.

>> No.2879512

virgin, get out of here.

>> No.2879518


Simply the idea a 7 inch dick is going to excite and arouse a woman significantly more than a 5 inch dick, even if they in actuality rub the same physical parts.

>> No.2879519

No shit you can still reproduce but if you think there isn't a real difference in satisfaction for the girl you're in for some real disappointment if you ever find one desperate enough to have sex with you.

>> No.2879520

>deep in our hearts we know our females are total untrustable whores.

>> No.2879521

Any woman would trade a poor dude with a large dick by a rich dude with a small dick.
Do you want to pleasure the chicks?
Money is the awnser.

>> No.2879531

It will grow. And after a few thousand years the difference will be noticeable.

>> No.2879535

see the movie idiocracy (i know its a movie not fact, just the basic idea). or just the intro. humans no longer have a need for evolution.
think about it. the world isn't going to one day be filled with only beautiful people (due to evolution atleast) because ugly people will always still reproduce. just as people with small dicks will still reproduce as much as people with big dicks.

>> No.2879540
File: 195 KB, 344x282, gorilla060606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see.
I guess our woman need to learn some lessons from gorillas then.

>> No.2879542


Great thats exactly what I think! So why the fuck were you giving me a hard time?

Im just going to hypothesize for a second that the penis size isnt growing over time. I could be wrong! I could accept that! Im just saying, if its not growing over time, then its not an absolutely beneficial trait and that says something about our behavioral biology.

>> No.2879551

damn your stupid. a vagina will change to make sex just as pleasurable as long as >4 inches. actually a large dick will cause LESS feeling for the woman supposedly. although im sure they'll still be more sexual attracted to a bigger dick, kinda like how sex will feel better with a hotter chick even if an ugly chick had the same vagina and was doing just as good.

>> No.2879553

>Abstract of linked article
>After 6 months, penile size increased by 2.3 and 1.7 cm for the flaccid and stretched penis, respectively.

Well technically they do work, but that isn't anything to get excited about.

>> No.2879554


I think you are making a large generalization about all women. In reality women are very sexually diverse, and there is no universal preference like larger dicks.

>> No.2879563

keep tellin yourself that bro
not that its gonna matter for you

>> No.2879577

Lets face it, womans make a big deal of dicks because dudes make a big deal of dicks.
Womans cannot think by themselves.

>> No.2879580

Clitoris is the important part people.

If you don't know that, then you are doing something wrong.

>> No.2879584

... i have a 6.5-7inch dick. regardless im just writing down facts. ill leave if you want and you guys can talk like retards about how woman only reproduce with guys with huge dick and everyones dick in the future will be huge or some bullshit.

>> No.2879587


Oh, well, let me say clitoris and then finish off with g-spot. That's going to be satisfying for the lady. Plus, most, but not all prefer width over length. You just need to be long enough to reach the G-spot, but, the more wide you are, the more they will feel it on the G-spot.

>> No.2879632

Any man that cares about his dick size is wasting his time.
Any woman who cares about dick size is also a waste of time for the male, unless he has a huge dick.
Vaginas can get tighter with exercises.

>> No.2879654

>make thread about penis enlargement
>no one sages even though this thread is not science

>make thread about morals
>no one sages even though the thread is not science

fucking liberal arts majors taking over /sci/

get out of here, you pinheads.

>> No.2879673

kindof science. and sage is for people who aren't lazy. i'm pretty lazy. /sci/ sucks anyways though. i made a cool math thread. and then people just ignore and go to hypothetical shit or stuff they can't comprehend or ever use anyways.

>> No.2879708

this thread turned from possible science to some shitty argument about what women want.

back to the science part, there have been studies stating that the use of prostaglandin E1 can cause increase size of the corpora cavernosa. where that study is i can't remember and thus i am without proof. try google or something.

people also use pge1 in conjunction to igf-1 and jelqing to cause smooth muscle proliferation through stress.