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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2878063 No.2878063 [Reply] [Original]

>they first went into space 50 years ago and haven't done shit since

Shitty Species General

>> No.2878086
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>still using silicoln

>> No.2878097
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>not being biologically immortal

>> No.2878099

>he still believes man has stepped foot on the moon

>> No.2878110
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>being biological

>> No.2878145

tl;dr humanity is fucked

>> No.2878158
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No. Humanity is merely flawed. It's not fucked and it's not evil go back to rallying the Earth Liberation Front or something.

>> No.2878177

I dont even know what that shit is but it sounds like some spirtutalist hippie shit. if you want to slander me call me a "futurist"

We should be putting trillions of dollers into scientific and medical research and space instead of this war shit. there should be literally no opposition to stem cell research of any kind.

>> No.2878189

We have so much to learn and do before we go into space....I don't understand you /sci/. We'll get to a point where exploration and colorization will be necessary, but it's not viable right now. Give it time

>> No.2878193

>still believes in invisible skywizards

>> No.2878195

Abortion is the real issue.

>> No.2878196

>can only orgasm 1-5 times a day

>> No.2878208

If it ever becomes "viable" it's because this species will somehow take "get all the money" and "kill everyone who isn't like me" off its list of priorities.
Shitty Species General

>> No.2878211

>still use 4chan

>> No.2878205

>Surrounded by evidence of evolution
>Still think a jewish guy made everything

>> No.2878218
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>they still fired pieces of metal at each other in battle

>> No.2878223

We've got people dedicating their lives to gaining 500 pounds, be glad that some of us worry about things that actually matter... Like space.

>> No.2878225

And that's why Earthlings are beta as fuck

>> No.2878226

>No hivemind

>> No.2878229

>they are dependent on plants for survival

>> No.2878232

>they have no idea how to use the sixth sense

>> No.2878236

>Spend billions a year on cosmetic products
>Can't even clean up a garbage patch in the Pacific
It's like Earth is just an endless trash can.

>> No.2878238

>outlawing WMDs in warfare
Go big or go into your own yellow star, faggots

>> No.2878273

Get this: At this point in time, space IS fucking pointless.

>> No.2878276

>still no world peace

>> No.2878279

>the only thing everyone needs to do in life is to have sex
>the only thing everyone wants to do in life is to have sex
>some don't

>> No.2878288

they do, they just gave up

>> No.2878289
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>Still have multiple sovereign nations
>People dying from hunger
>Paying for digital information
>Places without internet
>No moon base

Earth are you even trying?

>> No.2878320

>they haven't fused their collective essence with the deadworld

>> No.2878336
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>Still living in cities

>> No.2878339
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>crashing probes into Saturn

>> No.2878355
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>Still living in Home world

>> No.2878360

Samefag. Samefag everyware

>> No.2878380


I hate people like you. go die in a fire.

>> No.2878387

>they live on one planet
>one planet

>> No.2878395

Oh look, they do have spacecraft... hold on. Is that a fucking rocket? I think that might be a rocket. A fucking rocket. wtf is this shit

>> No.2878412

>*Think to myself, 'why don't they just go back in time and fix their problems?'
>they don't even have time travel

Let's get this shit started:

>> No.2878429


I hate people like you. go die in a fire.

>> No.2878434

As much as Earth and humanity sucks, at least they have those cute dodo birds. Love those little things, I need to get me one of those.

>> No.2878455

>Still have rascism and war.
>Still don't know how gravity fits into GUT theory
>Still uses fossil fuels for energy
>Still believe in god

rofl and we wonder why no life wants to contact us.

>> No.2878456

>they're made of meat
>they communicate by flapping their meat at each other

>> No.2878465


Grand Unified Theory theory?

>> No.2878474

>they can't perceive all of time at once

>> No.2878472

>Still believe in a soul
>Still believe in individuality

>> No.2878478
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>> No.2878481
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>> No.2878484
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>> No.2878491

>They still utilize sexual reproduction
>They still uses organic limbs and organs
>They still use speech instead of telepathic communication

>> No.2878498
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>> No.2878505

>Type 0 civilization

>> No.2878510

>Only perceive 3 dimensions
>they still cant travel at lightspeed or use wormholes
>Still believe there is only one universe

>> No.2878513

>type -1 civillization
you humans are a fucking blight

>> No.2878516

you are now aware it's literally possible that aliens have hacked into our primitive methods of communication and are literally posting on 4chan to troll you

>> No.2878520


>> No.2878527

>Still use doctors to heal injuries instead of nanorepair bots
>Still haven't invented sustainable fusion power
>Still have to learn new skills instead of downloading them

>> No.2878528

>measuring civilization with a scale that only takes into account energy consumption
>make the scale so large you can't even fit your own civilization on there properly

>> No.2878531
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>He believes in aliens

>> No.2878533
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>still using warfare as a means to solve social problems

what are you earth? a bunch of pre-industrialized apes?

>> No.2878542

>break partially free of mother planet's gravity well
>visit natural satellite
>play golf there
>get bored of the new frontier and go back to sitting back on the dirt

>> No.2878538

>he thinks life doesn't exist elsewhere in the universe

repeat after me : there is literally nothing unique about earth

>> No.2878545


>Still believe they are only lifeforms in the universe and a man made them in his image.

>> No.2878548

>surviving long-term

>> No.2878551


Earth has Homo sapiens. It is therefore unique

Checkmate atheists

>> No.2878553

If the universe is finite, earth is unique (not implying special).

If it's infinite, then no, it's not unique.

Still, earth has a lot going for it that helps life (and intelligent life) emerge.

>> No.2878563
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>intelligent life
>use nuclear power
>can't even use that shit right

>> No.2878567

>Still eager to believe all manner of cockamamy bullshit

>> No.2878568

>Homo sapiens
>Not expendable

>> No.2878570

This entire thread is one giant samefag

>> No.2878590
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>mfw his species still has individuals

>> No.2878603


Get out of here commie!

>> No.2878616


>silly humans still believe they are different people.

>> No.2878639

>Our faces when deviant uses "my"
>Our faces when other species still have emotions

>> No.2878898

>they still haven't cured cancer

>> No.2878953

humans are only the animal that in the wild (earth) that shit in their nest and drink their own pee

>> No.2878965




>> No.2878992

>comparing humans to theoretical species
>humans are retarded bawww

Seriouisly, the fuck guys?

>> No.2879050

>This one still uses facial expressions rather than filling up their eyesacks

>> No.2879064
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