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2875855 No.2875855 [Reply] [Original]

What would the world look like if it was entirely blind? What if at birth you could only see an image ever 5 seconds and then absolute darkness rather than a continuous stream of images? More so, what if you could only see images when absolutely necessary (sudden curves)?

Are we depending on our primal crutch of sight too much? Our current technology holds strong to the sighted and fails gracefully to the blind, but why can't it be the other way around? Can we build a world around the blind as humanity?

>> No.2875859
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what the fuck are you blaering about?

>> No.2875875

>Are we depending on our primal crutch of sight too much?
Ever since our ancestors crawled onto the land eyesight has been extremely important in survival. Don't fix what ain't broken.

>> No.2875882
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>this thread

>> No.2875885


I'm talking about a world without sight. Use your imagination, what do you think would happen to our world? Would our view of the universe be the same if we were sightless?

>> No.2875886


Pothead theory detected


>> No.2875898

Well that's simple, we would have died off before making all this technology, or even houses that we have today.

>> No.2875910

I'm surprised you people don't use their imagination to interpret a scenario that hasn't been applied.

Is the world that black and white to you that you can't answer the simple question "What if the world was blind, what would the world look like?".

Just answer the question. If you're more interested in questioning the perspective of the person starting the thread WITHOUT AN ATTEMPT of an answer, then please, leave.

I'd rather have no replies than 4 replies from trolls.

>> No.2875919


That's a good point. Let me revise the question specifically to you. What if we architected the technology, structures and systems around us as molding to a society without sight?

>> No.2875941

>primal clutch
Smelling is primal. Eyesight is very complex.

>> No.2875949

Fear of the dark is primal. Guess how we can tell?

>> No.2875955

with the exeption of not giving of a fuck of what things looked like i doubt it would be much different.

I would assume if we where blind then we would most likely have some other sense enhanced to make up for it.

colours would be replaced by textures pictures by complex codes of smells, textures,sounds or even tastes depending on which of our remaining senses was strongest.

we could have still obtained information about the universe we would have found light using materials that react to certain frequency photons and from there the rest would have been found.

the world would develop slower than before and maybe on a different path but mainly due to butterfly effect rather than directly from the blindness. but overall we would probably end up where we are now just take a longer time to get here

>> No.2875960

herp derp what if we depend too much on using our brains, our society depends too much on the use of brains, while it fails gracefully for those without a brain, but why can't it be the other way around? Can we build a world around the brainless as humanity?
hurpa durp

>> No.2875972

Your eyes have a much lower total refresh rate (although, it's actually quite hard to compare their capabilities to an electronic camera) but your brain fills in the gaps quite effectively.

Sight is an extremely useful sense, it allows us to perceive potentially hazardous objects at great distance and without direct contact. Sound is useful too and together they are even better but it doesn't have the same versatility as sight.

>> No.2875988


Eyesight is a crutch of species who cannot understand the concept of absolute thought and reasoning.

We've built systems that could help us, as an entire species, interpret the world without actually visually seeing it.

What if the fact that we see things also distracts us from pure reasoning and focus? We still like to look at pretty things around us. We set out on vacations to far away destinations just to do it. But are we taking it for granted?

Eyesight isn't broken, but are humans? Are we at the peak of evolution, or can we tip it?

>> No.2876012


why do you use the phrase herp derp? Does it have a specific connotation for you? You realize you sound more braindead than the person you're describing braindead.

>> No.2876013

it would probably look very dirty.
there would be physical indications of everything everywhere. and we would end up using machines to "see"
or at least tell us what's around. and tell us if what i'm holding in my hand is an apple or an onion.

how we would accomplish those machines without ever having eyes i don't know.