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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2873883 No.2873883 [Reply] [Original]

Petition to permaban EK.

Bump this thread if you agree.


>> No.2873898

Petition to ban OP. Sage this thread if you agree.

>> No.2873906

reported for off-topic

>> No.2873915

reported for off-topic

>> No.2873928

reported for mad

>> No.2873930

reported for being more mad

>> No.2873938

reported for being infinity mad

>> No.2873945

permaban EK please

>> No.2873952

Hey OP, not tired yet of being such an attention whore?

>> No.2873970
File: 21 KB, 636x558, 1291152672088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not OP. Im just sick of your shit EK

>> No.2873979

You seem upset.

> implying anybody disagreeing with you must be EK

>> No.2873991

does anyone else think that if EK posted tits, she wouldn't be so annoying?

>> No.2873995
File: 29 KB, 200x182, 1296884836167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lolol, as OP of the other original thread, I found this quite lulzy.

8/10 for lulz
2/10 for trollz

>> No.2874003


apparently she said they were rather small, but I'd have to agree with you.....

>> No.2874025

reported for incorrectly trying to guess samefag

>> No.2874046

Reported for reporting.

>> No.2874063

reported for reporting reporting

>> No.2874511


Reporting the report that was reported for reporting the reporting.

>> No.2874519

LOL! b&!

and you are a fucking idiot, EK was already permabanned in yesterdays thread. so your thread is redundant.

>> No.2874521

EK doesn't know how to evade, does she?

>> No.2874522

Not possible, is it?
I have never been banned, but i think they do it by IP. so you can't just change your name or anything like that.

>> No.2874523
File: 33 KB, 500x340, 1299460649833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was banned 3 days ago for "inane irrelevant religious trolling bullshit"

ban expired today.

Feels good man.

>> No.2874528
File: 54 KB, 882x488, EKbanned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is already permabanned.

>> No.2874530 [DELETED] 

You change your IP by unplugging your modem. Even /g/ knows this which is why bans are less frequent there.

>> No.2874531

>Not possible, is it?

Just get out. If you were on /g/. They'd shoo you away.

>> No.2874532

Does that work?

wait, can anyone just do that?
If so, then bans are completely futile, you could even spam CP everywhere and just keep resetting your modem each time you get banned, and they couldnt do anything about it.

hopefully EK is too stupid to figure it out, so we will permanently be rid of her faggotry.

>> No.2874536

You're on 4chan and you don't even know how people evade their bans? /facepalm

>> No.2874537

>If so, then bans are completely futile
You just now realized this?

>> No.2874538

If you keep spamming cp you will get reported to the authorities.
Otherwise, yes. Chances are you have a dynamic ip, since you don't even know what it is, so it will work.

>> No.2874539

like i said, i havent ever been banned. i dont break any rules.
Is there nothing the mods can do to stop ban evasion?

>> No.2874540

>If you keep spamming cp you will get reported to the authorities.

but if you have a dynamic IP, how can the authorities track you?

>> No.2874541

>Is there nothing the mods can do to stop ban evasion?
Why do you care so much?

/tv/ hates mods.

>> No.2874542

They can autoban a name/trip.
That's about it.

>> No.2874543

>Why do you care so much?

i don't really, it is just news to me that bans are completely useless.

>> No.2874545

Like they track anyone with a dynamic ip.
They go to the isp, and find who was assigned the specific ip at the time.

>> No.2874547 [DELETED] 

<--- Get back to Facebook.

>mfw Avatar was defeated by a name and tripcode ban.

>> No.2874549

lol, but a name can easily be changed.
e.g. EK stopped using her trip after mods started catching on that she was an annoying asshat.

>> No.2874552

Who is avatar?

Also, i heard inurdaes has been b&, is this true?
and if so, was it a permaban?

>> No.2874553


o lordy

I wonder why mods don't do more visible bans. Don't sweep stupid shit under the rug. They used to hang corpses visibly for the same deterrent reasons.

>> No.2874556

yeh, they should make it more visible. its like a newsflash to everyone else "post like this, and recieve the same fate!"

>> No.2874560

How fucking new are you? Lurk moar.

Goto green-oval and search Abatap on /tv/.

>> No.2874561

She's gone forever??

>> No.2874563

Does anyone know if the green-oval archive website gets a ban if I post the link?

>> No.2874564

>inb4 invisiban

>> No.2874566

Or until she resets her IP.

>> No.2874568

.... what?

>> No.2874575

Its definitely safe, i have linked people to it before
anyway, MOOT made greenoval, so he isnt gonna make it an autoban for linking his own website, is he?

>> No.2874574

The archive that archives ALL /sci/, /tv/, /lit/, /g/, and /a/?

>> No.2874580

You don't know that.
I could see him doing that.

>> No.2874578

Moot made green oval?

>> No.2874582

I think she is too stupid to know how. She was banned for about a week earlier in the year, her absence was very notable, so she didn't evade it, which means she must not know how.

At least this time she is permabanned.
feels good.

>> No.2874583

Did he really make greenoval?

>> No.2874585

Why did we hate her? She helped someone in need struggling with her boyfriend's transsexualism. She seemed like such a nice person. Why b& her?

>> No.2874586

Her ip will expire within a week, default is two days iirc.

>> No.2874588

yeh, i heard MOTT made greenoval as well.

lol ABATAP's last ever post was devil trips.

>> No.2874591

nice but stupid.
and she keeps responding to homework threads, which increases the amount of cancer we get here.

>> No.2874593


>> No.2874595

But isn't she being helpful? I mean, shouldn't we all help and assist someone else LEARN?

>> No.2874604
File: 32 KB, 510x111, avatap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /sci/ know who Abatap is and why hasn't he tried to evade this ban again? Has he given up completely?

I see some fresh post by him on 0chan.

Does he post anonymously now?

>> No.2874608 [DELETED] 

First of all, she is too fucking stupid to solve anything more complex than GCSE maths threads,
second of all, giving them the correct answer doesnt help them learn, it just helps them cheat, meaning EK is setting a bad example and teaching /hw/ n00bs a nigger work ethic is okay.
Thirdly, she is frequently wrong anyway.
fourthly, she posts reaction faces, 'umad' and 'no u' frequently, and is generally a complete and utter fucktard.

>> No.2874606
File: 3 KB, 250x242, 1276228056118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripcodes should give duplicate errors (like files) if posted between 2 active threads.

It's not that fucking hard and would cure cancer like nobody's business.

>> No.2874611
File: 117 KB, 304x350, 1297248838734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more.

>> No.2874617

>giving them the correct answer doesnt help them learn

I guess I should stop researching for my term paper then. It's cheating.

>> No.2874623

>giving them the correct answer doesnt help them learn, it just helps them cheat
I really should stop studying for my college report. I've been Googling my ass off looking for references and shit.

>> No.2874629 [DELETED] 

>second of all, giving them the correct answer doesnt help them learn, it just helps them cheat, meaning EK is setting a bad example and teaching /hw/ n00bs a nigger work ethic is okay.
I dunno, back in high school I wish I actually had instructors and peers who would help me with my homework. They didn't care if I failed or not. Which encouraged me to pay attention in what not to get A's. But still, at least whomever she helped was luckier than I was.

>> No.2874628

Stop being a twerp, you know those 2 don't equate.

with maths, being able to work out the answer makes one intelligent at it. reading the correct answer at the bottom of one of EK's tl;dr maths essays and posting it as your own homework takes 0 effort, and means you do not know how to solve the question yourself.

researching for a term paper actually IS doing the work, so it isn't cheating.

>> No.2874638

Bullshit, you're using other people's references so suck off a dick and just call me a cheater. This is the problem. Oh it isn't cheating. It damn well is ya n word.

>> No.2874636

the same goes for you, although you are likely a samefag anyway.


>> No.2874635

Apparently they banned his name+trip. He's posted a few times since as anon, but I don't know why he has't just made a new one yet. He's had his trip banned before, but I just don't think he can handle having a name that isn't abatap.

>> No.2874644 [DELETED] 


you niggers actually endorsing EK's faggotry??

>> No.2874645

How do you know he's samefag?
Couldn't he add an invisible character (ALT+0173) to his name?

>> No.2874647

So...s/he is banned. I think I may even start to read this board again.

>> No.2874649

I thought there were just three separate abataps?

>> No.2874652

Firstly, no1 is going to reference EK at the bottom of some fucking GCSE maths homework.
secondly, using references is fine, but you cant just cuntpaste from the reference and pass it off as your own work, you have to expand on it to write a decent essay.
referencing isnt cheasting, stealing someones work without referencing IS cheating.

and maths isnt about writing essays, so there should be no referencing anyway, its just you and your mind, putting numbers in they're place!

>> No.2874653

I'm just saying that I wish I had more help during high school instead of having to practically teach myself everything.
No, those were imposters.
Not sure if these are banned, but they're tripcodes with NeyNey in them.

>> No.2874658

You're an uneducated fool. Just because something isn't consider cheating doesn't mean it isn't.

>> No.2874660

if you are here, clearly you already still read this board, retard.
EK's faggotry clearly hasn't fucking deterred you.

>> No.2874664

No, it really is just one obssesd Russian aspie shut in.

>> No.2874673

*sigh* let me spell this out in simple terms so that a fucktard like you might be able to grasp the basic concepts.

cuntpasting a reference and not citing: CHEATING
cuntpasting a reference and citing: CHEATING
reading a reference, using it, but not citing it: CHEATING
reading a reference, using it and citing it: NOT CHEATING.

having EK do your matsh homework for you: PRICELESS

...i mean CHEATING.

there are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there is 4chan.

>> No.2874678

Nobody has ever even considered the fact that those asking for "homework help" was asking for legit help and not the actual answer? Why did you faggots give away the answer? Holy fuck, /sci/ is stupid.

>> No.2874693

Ah, an idiotic response. I think I will not read this board then. Why should I be insulted by a 13-year old subnormal asocial moron? Thank you sir for showing me that this board is still nothing but a cesspit of unwarranted self-importance.

>> No.2874694

I love how you called me a fucktard when I graduated from a highly respected university. So clearly I know more than you.
>reading a reference, using it and citing it: CHEATING.
FFSFTFY, you should be expected to know this right off of the bat you simpleton.

>> No.2874700 [DELETED] 

You're an n word. hurr durr.

>> No.2874714

reading a reference, using it, but not citing it: CHEATING
Depends.. It's a huge gray area, ranging from having read a paper once that gives you an idea for your homework later (fine), to reiterating the main results of a paper, with some minor modifications, and publishing it as your own (fraud). Inbetween is open for debate.

>> No.2874716

thats exactly my point. if EK helped with the METHOD not the actual ANSWER then i might not hate her so much.

i'm at uni too, and we are supposed to use citations.

>> No.2874724

Yeah, because community college is a really well respect university.

>> No.2874726

>i'm at uni too

So how's community college?

>> No.2874727

GTFO then, faggot.

>> No.2875095

ITT: Aspergers and the lives it blights.