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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2866885 No.2866885 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ lift weights?

I recently started on the SS plan from /fit/ & all my lifts are going up linearly. There's something about it that satisfies my nerdy curiosity, maybe it's the planning & experimenting.

>> No.2866901

I mostly do bodyweight exercises and cardio.

A healthy body keeps a healthy mind.

>> No.2866919

why don't you two drift over to fitness and suck each other's dicks...

this is /sci/

>> No.2866924
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Math major who lifts three times a week here. At UCSD this isn't too uncommon. I just have a hard time putting on weight. I want to leave here with a fit body and mind.

>> No.2866927

I do only bodyweight exercises. But the cool ones, like handstand pushups. It helps being skinny as hell.

>> No.2866936

What's your weight & bench/deadlift/etc?

>> No.2866939

>skinny dudes

Pick up some whey & start lifting for real. I was like 137lb 2 months ago when I started & now I'm 150. It feels a LOT better. I'll probably stop at 160 ish depending on how I feel.

(I'm 5,9)

>> No.2866946

ChemE major here, I lift about 4 times a week. I really enjoy it. Sound mind in a sound body and all that jazz.

>> No.2866948
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>going to /fit/

>> No.2866960

6'2" .. weigh 140lbs

bench 3x5 105
squat 3x5 155
dead 3x5 155 or so
Not too good yet. My progress has stagnated in bench and squat so I'm going to try and push a little harder there, yours?

>> No.2866989
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hm, 5,9. Weigh 150

bench - 90
deadlift - 200 (i had bad form for a while)
OHP - 70 (i hate this lift, it's so hard)
rows - 2x70DB

We don't have a squat rack so I cleared the dbs & I'm doing single leg stuff that doesn't translate.

>> No.2867000


What you need to do is gain a lot of weight :(

Ask /fit/. You should be lifting a lot more than that.

>> No.2867023
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ya, ex military
(not much else to do, esp on deployments)

bench max 315
dip max 125 + bw
dip reps max: 30 full
pullups max 90 lb
max reps 21
Dl max 525 (at 230)
Squat max 345 atg
press max 175
PC max- 205
fastest 2 mile 13.30 (slow)
current weight 220 (cutting to 185)
range from 180-240 usually @ 5'11

>> No.2867027



>> No.2867033

right? I'm trying but I'll need to work a lot harder for that to happen. I think my sleep schedule, eating habits and constant class work are holding me back. That's what needs to be done though.

>> No.2867039
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>> No.2867044
File: 384 KB, 1400x2016, COLLARSEVERYWHERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


zyzz has no penis due to the roids.
whats the point in looking like that of you cant get your dick hard?

also pic related.

>> No.2867059

you jelly?

>> No.2867081


for the price of tuition at UCSD you best be taking advantage of their gym.

>> No.2867094

>implying that body building and steroids are mutually inclusive

>> No.2867110


omg sweetie pie that was me 18 years ago. you are gonna grow up lovely.

>> No.2867118

no shit man, there's nothing special about the school either. Not that undergrad is anything great. I am only happy that I'm becoming comfortable reading higher level math texts. Reading the first Rudin is a good way to prepare for further math exploration on your own. I don't think I would have had the ability to get into reading other math texts without having this kind of introduction.

At least our school hand symbol is the shocker \\_/

>> No.2867123

well thank you :)

>> No.2867126

physics major here. I've been trying to change my life around and lift and go to /fit/ but honestly I haven't really made much progress.

Can't gain weight for shit, but I think that will change in about a month when I start actually having control over my diet. Then once I've gained weight i'll get back into lifting once I'm not 115lb guy and get laughed at in the gym.

>> No.2867144


fuck em. Go lift, even if you're doing 10lb dumbbells. Lifting (properly) makes you ravenous, which makes it a lot easier to gain weight. Buy a tub of whey from Amazon & always have meat/eggs/cottage cheese in the house.

Read the whole /fit/ sticky.

>> No.2867156


What >>2867144 said

Hit the gym and do your thing. Fuck anyone who judges you.

>> No.2867201

Rarely weightlift, but I go running often and go boxing three times a week.

>> No.2867205

I used to, until my knee blew out last year. Deadlift was at 300. Be careful with your joints.