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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 416x285, the tree of life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2865937 No.2865937 [Reply] [Original]

This weekend while I was camping we had a very philosophical discussion about everybody's purpose in life and how you know you're real and stuff.

My friend's dad started talking about existence to my friend. He started asking him, "how do you know you're real?" And after a while, he started saying that he was real because he felt emotions. But not everything that is real feels emotions, or not everything that thinks feels emotions! Like rocks. And only you know your emotions.

Then he started talking about people's purpose in life. My friend said that his purpose was to get through school, because that was what everybody said he was supposed to do. But was that it? That was what the dad asked. And no, that's not it.

There was talk about belief too, not only belief in God but belief in other stuff. He said, "if I see an elephant, and you see a leaf in the same place, how will either of us know which one is right or wrong?" or something like that. I guess the same goes for emotions, he said, because how does someone else besides you know that you exist if only you know your emotions? Does someone else need to share your emotions to verify your existence then?

And then he started talking about love. When two people love each other, they share a certain feeling for each other. They both know a feeling special to themselves. So one needs to love in order to really exist. That is your purpose in life, to love. There was a line in the Tree of Life trailer that goes, "if you do not love, your life will flash by."

>> No.2865958

>purpose in life is to love

Also, /phi/ is that way you Faulkner-loving faggot.

>> No.2865974

I posted it on lit too.

Also, faulkner is great.

>> No.2865980

/sci/ - Religion, Politics, and Philosophy

>> No.2865995

Philosophy was the first science.

>> No.2866017

Faulkner is great but you're still a faggot.

>> No.2866066


yup, all pretty basic, entry-level philosophy stuff that i had assumed occurred to everyone of any intelligence by the age of 16, except for the last paragraph, that was just bollocks.

so what was your point again?

>> No.2866094
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1296198834622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. So the significance of this all is...?

If you're having some sort of existential crisis, I guess it might mean more to you, but to me it seems to be lacking substance.

>> No.2866111

?? /rsm/ Religion science and math /srm/ ??