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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 640x480, SarahDeHerdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2863737 No.2863737 [Reply] [Original]

For those who do not know: http://imgur.com/a/PjMac/sarah_de_herdt__blinding_with_science

>> No.2863746

so. sexy.

>> No.2863752

Not bad, but this is a sfw board. I'd suggest deleting this thread and taking it to /s/ to avoid a ban.

>> No.2863760

>visit link
>picture of her mouth pipetting


>> No.2863761

No, fuck you and fuck your SFW bullocks. This shit stays.

Remember kids: don't browse 4chan at school or at work, regardless if it's a SFW or NSFW board.

>> No.2863764

is this Marky Mark?

>> No.2863768
File: 8 KB, 254x198, you a funny nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2863779

/b/tards rejoice

>> No.2863787


did you happen to just found out about that link in another topic and decided to share it with the world

cause then you may also want to know there is an actual pron movie out there, free and legally! downloadable
tho do some effort and search for that link yourself

>> No.2863789

awww... is underage b& mad?

>> No.2863792

Safety Goggles = safe for work.

New rule.

>> No.2863797

Fuck this shit, her arms are bigger than mine...

>> No.2863803

Any more cute /b/ insults in your repertoire? How about some "gb2/gaia", or a classic "newfag"? That'd totally pwn me hard.

>> No.2863811

Eurgh, she's all muscly and shit.

>> No.2863824

She could at least apply a little makeup to her face.

>> No.2863831

She is French.

I am not surprised.

>> No.2863843
File: 59 KB, 480x640, Mk9xT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she mouth-pipetting? What the fuck?

>> No.2863842


Belgian actually, still a sovereign state
tho to you geography depraved amerifags that's probably the capital of france

>> No.2863851

both can be appropriately directed at you, so yes. Did you want me to really dignify your sage? If so, sorry to disappoint :(

>> No.2863857
File: 4 KB, 200x133, Fingers_and_thumb_in_circle_downward_motion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2863864

>implying scientists don't get laid
I've never known where this stereotype comes from, there are neckbeards who pre-occupy themselves with science fiction and have no social skills and tend to act quite selfishly whenever they leave their basements, then there are professional scientists, like doctors, engineers, entrepeneurs, professors and those students striving to become these. It's like you're in a different world when you're around these people, they lack most of the petty foibles of ordinary people, they aren't bothered with society's shit yet they don't hate society and pretend they are superior because of it like hipster faggots so it's not a big deal for them to grab a coffee, listen to "unfashionable" music or any of life's little pleasures, they recognise delusion and general stupidity easily and keep it to a minimum in themselves. Clean living, fun loving, they take the right things seriously and don't take the wrongs things too seriously, a class act all around.

>> No.2863905


now you are giving scientists to much credit
especially those trying to be professors or other high achieving positions, they are just as vicious as all other segments of society who compete with each other for a limited amount of available positions
also what is wrong with lifes delusions, they are what keep you happy in this largely uncaring world

finally implying i am living in a basement, rather than being locked up in my attic

>> No.2863926

>largely uncaring world
So? This is just the way shit be, like death, there's no point harking on about it. Why not have an existential crisis, realize sapience totally conflicts with the evil grimdark world full of poverty and hate that we live in, that your own existence and presumably everyone elses as sapient beings has implicit significance.

>> No.2863937

It's a girl at the ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

I'am there too in bioingeneering.

Just lol.

>> No.2863941


Also eveyone pipet with the mouth here (also HCl 24 M)

>> No.2863942

But do you know her?

>> No.2863944


>> No.2863945

Well shit, if he ain't gonna say it, I fucking will.

Go back to fucking gaia online you goddamn newfag, and get the fuck off 4chan. This ain't your fucking home for safe for work, moderated bullshit.

This is fucking 4chan. The fucking asshole of the internet.

>> No.2863954

That's uh...

You really shouldn't. Bump your head then "lol bro is that a pipette sticking through your neck?"

>> No.2863958


Not really, she was in chemistry I think, (master in organic chemistry or something like that)

I recognize the building and the lab.

>> No.2863965
File: 17 KB, 241x230, hahaha wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to deal that shit with industrial gloves; what the fuck?

>> No.2863961

Plus, how do you measure accurately?

>> No.2863970


2 weeks ago a guy lost a hand in this labo. 450°C H2SO4 18M on the hand. (the solution was into a balloon for a distillation, the current of cold water has broken on the balloon and the difference of temperature made it explodes.)

Security is not our priority here. We 're real man.

>> No.2863973
File: 36 KB, 366x334, hoorh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /sci/ only cares about the fact she is mouth-pipeting

>> No.2863982

biochem graduate

suck up till over mark, than put finger in mouth, look at pipet and slowly release finger till contents reach mark, if done properly is actually more accurate than using the plastics suckers

this is indeed a retarde way to do this, but for undergrads training labs they don't give the modern pipets which you twist to reach microL accuracy
secondairy problem some old professors (like 60) think that is the only way to pipet, it is a safety hazard, but in the end they are tenured and have to grade you so you do as they say

>> No.2863983

Yeah, and I bet the guy who lost his fucking hand is wishing right now that he was actually the littler girl and used some safety gear.

Ignoring safety shit because you want to be a manly man is just dumb.

Buy a leather jacket and ride a motorcycle or something. You'll be ten times the manly man doing that than you will *ever* be by pipetting with your mouth or handling dangerous chemicals without protective gear.

>> No.2863987

>We 're real man
Yea...your masculinity really shines through in OP's pic.

>> No.2863991
File: 42 KB, 599x470, 199074_10150454797515147_641260146_17864277_616452_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pic of his hand one day after the accident.

Now you know how it looks.

>> No.2863997
File: 34 KB, 125x146, 1295989394218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argh staring at it makes me cringe like fuck

>> No.2864001

dayum that bitch works out.

>> No.2864005

belgians can do whatever the fuck they want because they have no government.

>> No.2864021


yoy call that losing a hand, from the pic it looks like minor damage, just the kind that hurts like hell (as deserved)
or did he have nerf damage (hard to see on pic)

as far as lab hazards go, common acids really rank low (unless you fall and get the 5L concentrate H2SO4 in your face)
dangerous stuff is, t-butyl Li, or pyrophorics in general, HF shut will eat your skin and bones even after hours and you wont notice because it blocks pain transmittion, has happen you go to sleep with perfect hand wake up with gaping hole in it; or CN-, if you don't respect that you'll get it, even if you are not working with acids like electrochem you can still unknownly generate HCN

>> No.2864031


He doesn't lost his hand, just the big finger at the extreme left of his right hand, but I don't know how to say it in english so I say hand.

>> No.2864036



>> No.2864040

your thumb?
in the picture it is still attached and it looks like he only lost skin
or is this picture take immediatly after the accident and more damage appeared later on?

>> No.2864042
File: 63 KB, 640x437, keyboard warrior_hotness rating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's too muscular.

Also pipetting by mouth?


>> No.2864044

>Implying anyone would be stuid enough to browse 4chan at work

>> No.2864054


I am not doctor House you know. I am a guy who make physics, chemistry and shit like that.. I don't know shit about medicines.

After the accident, there is a lot liquid between his flesh and his skin (3/4 cm of height). Here is the pic after they cut that of.

>> No.2864066
File: 48 KB, 646x484, 190638_10150460593365147_641260146_17933012_5040679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the pic one day after.

Maybe it can help you to understand of how it progress.

>> No.2864072


>> No.2864077
File: 16 KB, 400x439, you make kitty scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2864079


you do not have to be a doctor to tell the difference between a thumb attached to a hand and onethat is gone
looks like your friend was lucky and got off with mild damage
like i said HF accidents are far worse, they really result i a gaping hole where your flesh used to be
i could post a pic of that but
on another note, your friend doesn't mind you posting pics of his accident on a public image board?

>> No.2864080

Employed in lab.
Browse what ever I fucking want.
Wear pretty much what I want.
Say pretty much what I want.
>Work at Fast food restaurant after school.
>Get fired for looking at internet.
>Get fired for not wearing uniform.
>Get fired for calling a retard a retard.

>> No.2864084


please keep posting; i want to see what happens.

>> No.2864101

What's your mother tongue?

>> No.2864110


mouth-pipetting for freedom?

>> No.2864116

I think he's French.

>> No.2864122
File: 17 KB, 250x156, HF accident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got an HF accident picture for you
it is public so the guy in it doens't care if it is distributed

>> No.2864148

i seriously thought that was a dude's head shooped onto a girl's body in OP's pic.

>> No.2864152

Nah it's Keanu Reeves' face shooped onto some ugly girl's body.

>> No.2864189
File: 1.73 MB, 200x150, kermitjerks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2864211
File: 48 KB, 580x347, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
