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2863624 No.2863624 [Reply] [Original]

What are the biggest problems our civilization is facing?

>> No.2863633
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Moral objectivism.

>> No.2863635

Moral relativism

>> No.2863638


>> No.2863643
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Seperation of church and state in certain areas
Climate change causing stronger natural disasters, crop failures etc
Scarcity of cheap clean water throughout the world, partially tied to climate change
Peak oil, oil prices to rise dramatically in the next couple of decades most probably
Rich people shitting on poor people (as per usual, a bit worse at the moment though)
An uneducated population largely incapable of critical thinking
The impending mass unemployment from advanced robotics, will start to see effects around 2020

>> No.2863649

The robots are our glorious future. My whole self trembles in anticipation.

>> No.2863651

>Seperation of church and state in certain areas
How's that a problem?

>> No.2863653 [DELETED] 

It's dependence on religion.

>> No.2863654

It would take more labor to take care of *many types* of the robots then they would produce. Some automatic non-complex robots already produce more labor than it takes to take care of them, though, so most likely we won't see any dramatic change in that area for the next 200-300 years.

>> No.2863656

Dependence on religion.

>> No.2863663
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A bunch of religious people that believe they're right in almost everything that believe in a glorious afterlife and also incidentally are in charge of the most powerful country on Earth and have the launch codes.
I think that's a bit of a problem.
Well yes, but before we have enough automating capability to change to something more Mannaish it's going to put millions if not billions of people out of work.

>> No.2863665

Law and politics not working like science.

>> No.2863669


>> No.2863672

Your contact details, please.

>> No.2863681

Law and politics are based fundamentally on value judgments. They are inherently unscientific.

>> No.2863688

>What are the biggest problems our civilization is facing?
My cock and balls

>> No.2863689

chem trails.

>> No.2863695

The wrath of the Canadian military.

>> No.2863699

I-am-so-rightlane 1283

Sure you need a judgement to decide what you want to do, but once you've decided that the best way to achieve it is not a judgement.

>> No.2863723

Not understanding the universe, and not having enough educated people to work towards understanding it.

>> No.2863724


>> No.2863726

Monsanto, just to name one of them.

>> No.2863729

I don't see how this is a problem.
It has been like that since forever and yet humans are existing for such a long time.

Also if someone would manage to fully understand the universe, would this person still be a human?

>> No.2863733

global warming, and cooling.

>> No.2863735

not understanding the universe leads to religion.
Religion seems to be the main cause of humanities hardships.

Understanding the universe is our biggest problem.
Your question is also something we would need to understand the universe to know.

>> No.2863753

>Religion seems to be the main cause of humanities hardships.
Not going to argue with that, but this is not the fault of the religion.
Religion is meant to offer a possibilty for how the universe could work,so that people feel more comfortable about their existence.

When there is trouble because of religion then it is not the the fault of the religion, but the fault of the people who abuse the religion in order to gain power and influence.
Also it is impossible for humans to have some kind of belief.

>> No.2863756

>Also it is impossible for humans to have some kind of belief
Meant to say "it's impossible for humans to not have some kind of belief"

>> No.2863762

>Religion is meant to offer a possibilty for how the universe could work, so that people feel more comfortable about their existence.
>so that people feel more comfortable about their existence.

If we understood the universe there would be no need for religion.

>When there is trouble because of religion then it is not the the fault of the religion, but the fault of the people who abuse the religion in order to gain power and influence.

This would no longer happen, because of religion. You say its not because of religion, its the people. but if the religion didn't exist. the people wouldn't be able to use it for their own needs.

>> No.2863776

True, but without beliefs people would go nuts because they see no purpose in their lifes.
So we are sort of dependant on religion

>> No.2863785

global warming. we must use all our resources to fight with i

>> No.2863786

If we understood the universe, there may not be a need for beliefs.

As you said people believe in something to understand the unknown. If we know the unknown. There would be no need.

All religions are based on belief and the belief comes from not knowing.

>> No.2863793

>A bunch of religious people that believe they're right in almost everything that believe in a glorious afterlife and also incidentally are in charge of the most powerful country on Earth and have the launch codes.
>I think that's a bit of a problem.
I thought you meant that the *separation* of church and state was the problem. That's why I asked.

>> No.2863814

religion, patriotism, people making over 5 million dollars, and mainstream music.

>> No.2863821

Exponential population growth.

If we don't get this shit under control, all our efforts towards "green energy", "sustainable industries" etc. will be worth nothing.

>> No.2863826


money is made from thin air by the central banks of a nation, and loaned to the government. they only have to pay off the interest, and so an infinite money system of endless unpayable debt is created.

if they create the money, ALL MONEY, how can they charge interest?

interest on ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD = more money owed to the CB's than the total amount that actually exists in circulation.

normal banks can pull similar scams.

>> No.2863830

Peak oil maybe? I don't know. My own biggest problem at the moment is trying to bullshit my social worker into granting me six more months of unemployment benefits without actually looking for a job.

>> No.2865454

actually, it's you because of this, and blaming Islam for everything when we are really creating more problems out of a relatively simple problem
i.e. trying to bomb some religious fanatics out in a desert..
Islam is not the source of our economic and social woes.

>> No.2865464

Democracy, liberals, and conservatives.

>> No.2865489

Yah know.. now mind I'm an atheist.. but Mao, Stalin, and Hitler would like a word with you.

How long before the "logical reasoning" that no one should follow religion do we turn to telling people what is the right way to think and what to think, and they will be punished for doing otherwise? You don't need religion to do terrible things to humanity.

>> No.2865543

Statism, and the idea that we should give up freedoms for safety.
Who would have imagined that the POTUS could enter a war without congressional authority when the enemy poses no threat to national security?

>> No.2865586

Just because there is multiple ways to do terrible things to humanity, doesn't mean we should tolerate them all.

And your argument about telling people what to think is stupid, or irrelevant. Everyone learns to think trough its direct environment, and public schools are not as abusive of that as religious education (and are definitely more "right" in their content).

>> No.2865653
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hitler was a roman catholic


>> No.2865668

Overpopulation, without a doubt.

>> No.2865678

a false sense of being informed, without realizing that most of the information is completely bullshit.
except now it's even worse because of technology

>> No.2865701

The PrisonPlanet forums.

>> No.2865706

>public schools are not as abusive of that as religious education (and are definitely more "right" in their content).
lol, moron

>> No.2865711


inefficient socio-economical system that promotes social inequalities and poor use and administration of resources

>> No.2865727

black people

>> No.2865732

Or the people that post here atleast.
Morons that is.

>> No.2865743

No, really.

>> No.2865750

the small ice age our planet is in right now. global warming can not come fast enough

>> No.2865757

lack of faith in god

>> No.2865765
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>> No.2865770
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Thinks a magical sky man will help him!

>> No.2865780
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>> No.2865784

The problem is stupid fucktards in this thread who think they know what the real problems are.

No. You're ignorant. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2865788

They are violently ignorant (they won't do the violence themselves of course, they'll use soldiers and police for that) and their beliefs are counter to reality.

A secular religion.

>> No.2865793


>> No.2865796



You can't be serious...

>> No.2865799

The wish to always advance forwards, without considering the possibility of standing still in science. While advancement at this stage may seem very pleasant good, there will be the day where our technological achievements end up killing us. Whether this occurs through a machine race, nuclear warfare,endlessly reproducing nanobots, or a idiotic timetraveler, we can't tell yet. But science will be our end.
Live by science, die by science.

>> No.2865803

Ignorant leftist fuck detected. I bet you truly think it's impossible that an intelligent person could feel that way.

People are not equal and do not deserve to be. The government is not your friend. You can't solve the world's problems. Fuck your morals.

>> No.2865804

i think it is the greed, because it is thinking himself that the man destroys the world

>> No.2865808



>> No.2865820

Average agnostic libertarian detected. I take solace in the fact that you'll never have it your way.

>> No.2865826

I take much joy in the fact that this government and the government of most modern countries is heading on a path to complete self destruction.

FUCK YOU, you cowardly little niglet. Peon, peasant, slave bitch, whore. You're a pimple on the ass of society and you deserve to die.

>> No.2865847
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+50 internets to you friend!

I'm not the only conservative that enjoys 4chan!

>> No.2865850

What are the biggest problems our civilization is facing?

>> No.2865859


I agree that the US government is going to collapse in our lifetimes, but no statist, conservative or liberal, can stop it. I just hope that when we rebuild we get rid of this stupid monopoly on the right to initiate violence on innocent people.

>> No.2865876

Religion has and always will be the biggest problem we face.

>> No.2865882

>You're a pimple on the ass of society and you deserve to die.
Yet I won't :)

>I just hope...
Won't happen. Ever. Hold on to your hope, though. It wouldn't be as funny without it.

>> No.2865895


Its rather disgusting how you laugh about something so sickening. You must be a rather bitter person.

>> No.2865909

Laughing at libertarians is never serious. They're the stupidest, most self-centered and greedy retards on the planet.

They're 18th century merchants living in modern society. They have no grasp of social change and the true scope of social stratification, thus explaining how willing they are to bend over for every fucking millionaire that walks by.

>> No.2865912

Religion is not the biggest problem, collectivist ideologies are. Religion is just one of the ways people form an irrational "hive-mind." nationalism, patriotism, communism and socialism, and religion all have one thing in common; they try to put people in groups unnecessary. They don't judge people by individual merit, they seek to divide people into class, race, country, family, religion, political party, etc. Society isn't real, it's an effort to depersonalize, to deindividualize. Civilization is dying because of the inability to separate ourselves from involuntary collectives of people. Only when people put themselves above God, the people, the country, can we be free from the tyranny of statism.

>> No.2865921


...and then you have liberal SWPL whites who think that diversity in every conceivable area of life is the number one priority above silly things like profit or justice, who drive a culture where pointing out ugly truths is not only not allowed, but will be severely punished, who fail to see the connection between an expanding public sector, shrinking tax base, and incoming national bankruptcy, who think that if we just wish hard enough, basic realities will bow to idealism.

these are the people that like to look down on organized religion for its dogmatic beliefs, ignoring that they are no better. quit acting like you are so fucking superior, you are just as bad.

>> No.2865933


>> No.2865935

>Religion is not the biggest problem, collectivist ideologies are.
>collectivist ideologies are.
So I guess that makes humanism the worst of all?

>> No.2865945

Fucking everything
Gas, wars, economic collapse, global warming...
You name it

>> No.2865954

Roissy is an joke and it would do you well to stop taking what he says matter-of-factly.

>> No.2865972

Is this generation worse off than other generation?
Seems like when you look back in history people have always struggled in some way or the other

>> No.2865984
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It shouldn't in this day and age, It was a concept even early man had the ability to think up to explain why they were there, i really really really really really can't believe some people can just settle for "magic man in the sky dunnit" and not want to know what really happened.

>> No.2865989

You retarded atheists the cancer that's killing /sci/

>> No.2865991

I went to catholic school. Learned Catholicism, about other religions, and evolution in a full on science curriculum.

I don't know where you get the idea that eliminating that is such an integral part of human culture is possible through any simple means either than time or force or that it is necessary. We can be religious and secular, and that's the only issue. Except you're an angry retard that doesn't know anything and can't think outside of little bigoted circles, placing you alongside any religious bigot you'd try to use in your argument that religion is some kind of problem, as opposed to just human nature itself.

>> No.2865992

Well, that's difficult because we don't have a lot to compare ourselves too. If we somehow met aliens who were conscious, it would be silly to think that the human race is better just because we're humans. The main problem with humanism is that things done solely in the name of the human race, might not actually be good for individuals and we risk losing sight, and forming an end justifies the means mentality, which can happen in any collectivist group. The problem I have with putting any group or idea above the individual is the risk of mob rule, or the complete disregard of rights of the few vs. the many. Humanism is benign as of now, it has a lot of noble goals. The problem is what people are willing to do once they lose their sense of self, and exist only to serve a higher cause, which could be the human race.

>> No.2865998

>Society isn't real, it's an effort to depersonalize, to deindividualize.

christ, you can't be serious...

Are you into "survivalism" by any chance? Do you live in Montana?

>> No.2865999
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Shutup faggot

>> No.2866006
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The decline of Western Civilization

This means the decline of the economic systems, as well as the institutions that made Western Civilization so effective. We're about to be overrun by an insurgence of soulless Asian and Middle Eastern cultures even as we raise a generation of young people who neither know nor care the principles that founded the society that brought them about.

>> No.2866008

>doesn't know hitler was bullshitting because he needed to get the support of people who mostly were still catholic/theists
>doesn't realize nazism and eugenics didn't propagate out of religion

>> No.2866010
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>What are the biggest problems our civilization is facing?

Hai guish!!!

>> No.2866015


I can't even argue with somebody so utterly god damned ignorant. This is like arguing with a theist who was taught that evolution was "humans magically came from monkeys, now isn't that just stupid and SILLY?"

"Social change" and whatnot sounds so wonderful and joyous as it's fed to you by the media and public schools, without considering that it always involves guns. Every time, people are being threatened with violence as a result of political action.

Try thinking outside the same box that your government has taught you to think in.

>> No.2866020

You don't know shit about the principles that founds the world you live in today you piece of shit, we're still working on them and it takes more than the piece of your irrelevant lifetime, that you seem to think is all of human history, to judge human progress. We haven't seen shit and don't know shit about what of our modern society will and won't work, your racist cowardly bigoted fuck. Back to /b/ with you.

>> No.2866023

Stop pretending like humans can live in a vacuum. There is nothing inherently bad about living in groups or associating yourself with a group. People have lived in groups, tribes, and societies for as long as there have been people. People require social structure and to an extent hierarchy. It's wired into our fucking brains and it's written throughout our evolutionary history. To think otherwise is be either naively idealistic or to ignore our entire history.

>> No.2866025
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Regression to the mean. Thanks anti-social Darwinists and anti-eugenicists. Enjoy your Flynn Effect reversal.

>> No.2866038

>"involves guns"
I was unaware Martin Luther King had to hold a gun to anyone's head to make them consider what he was saying.

I am aware he was shot by a gun.

Unless you're referring to government soldiers keeping people from killing each other with knives, guns, and bombs, in other words, order as opposed to anarchy.

>> No.2866047

>Enjoy your Flynn Effect reversal.

yeah ok, let us know when it starts happening

>> No.2866053


If people naturally killed murdered and raped each other, you COULD NOT have enough police to prevent it. Also you completely underestimate the power of reputation.

>> No.2866054


oh lawdy. Can we let the monkey out one more time?

>> No.2866057
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>> No.2866058

Keep your nonsensical comparisons to yourself. So long as libertarians believe the free market and private enterprise can look past quarterly reports and take care of their people, they will always be considered near-legally retarded.

>> No.2866078

You're going to have to explain to me how your 2 points have anything to do with what I said.
No really I probably am just that slow, so please.

>> No.2866079


>Implying governments look after anybody but bureaucrats

>> No.2866084

I'm not saying everyone has to be 100% self-sufficient. People should form groups mutually and always with consent. We are not governed with consent anymore. Forced redistribution of wealth, abolition of private property, taxes for things we don't want to pay taxes for, these are all coercive. The problem is we are being forced into a group by the state. You can be in a group as long as you're still looking out for yourself. The problem appears when you start putting the state or society above your own ego.

>> No.2866101


Yet again, you've misinterpreted. As usual, fucking morons walk around spouting meaningless bullshit about science being the end of it all. Science is impervious to your bullshit whining; if we USE science and it brings us to our end, that is human error. Science has nothing to do with it. Now please shut the fuck up and never use the word "science" again.

>> No.2866105


The government shits on bureaucrats. They take the blame for every failing of government, when most of those failings descend from on high. Government spending is too high? Make up some bullshit about bloated bureaucracy and red tape and ignore the fact that congress has failed to decrease spending or raise revenues.

Bureaucrats are just drones. They have no large responsibilities and but can be used as a scapegoat.

>> No.2866130

The most immediante problem is withouth a doubt overpopulation. Even worse is the fact that the vast majority of the human race is useless to mankind development.

>> No.2866131

I'm no "fuck yeah America" do-everything-they-say-and-every-war-the-gov-puts-us-in-is-right guy, but..

Are you forgetting that without strong central government...every now again another strong centralized government that is militant, fascist, and imperialist will take the opportunity to steamroll us and quite seriously take our shit?
And don't make references to today, I'm talking about why we have the governments we have. Yes it needs improvement, but it's quite obvious humanity is still in the process of figuring shit out and making it work right.

>> No.2866136

including you. now pls kill your self and make earth a better place for the master race.

>> No.2866139

The biggest problem our civilisation is facing is not knowing the biggest problem our civilisation is facing.

Just kidding, there is no objectively worst problem. The lack of understanding of large scale social structures is probably a major problem, though (Africa is starving yet we complain about high fuel costs).

>> No.2866144

That's not even a problem at all, you overindoctrinated dimwit.

>> No.2866155
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Also, implying a typo in the chans makes you undoubtedly a fucktard.

>> No.2866158

>Africa is starving
I really have a tough time caring. It's not like colonialism didn't leave Rhodesia a net exporter of food.

>> No.2866178

>What are the biggest problems our civilization is facing?

I would have to say Genghis Khan, that motherfucker is always bothering us with war and requests he knows we won't fill.

On a more serious note i would say they growing ignorance, stupidity and lack of good/available education.
These problems worry me especially when talking about the young people.

>> No.2866181


>implying US agro-exports don't undercut local farmers leading to the destruction of agricultural infrastructure in the Third World

No, it's cause they're black right?

>> No.2866210

Surprisingly, nobody in this fucking stupid thread has actually addressed any actual civilization-ending problems we're facing.

I'll give it a go.

1. Meteors.

2. Vacuum bubbles.

There, your move - block those motherfuckers!

>> No.2866220

the Niger delta is a net exporter of oil.

>> No.2866229

And Uranium.

>> No.2866231

It was evident to everyone but you the thread pertained to events humans have the capacity to control.

>> No.2866232
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Humanity is facing:
exponential overpopulation
lack of natural resources
exponential amounts of waste and garbage that has no where to go
exponential environmental destruction
exponential debt
corporations and conglomerates destroying poor nations
etc. etc.

and the only thing half the people in this SHITHOLE of a thread can come up with is "religion" or "atheism" or "leftist" or "right wing" or "republicans" or "democrats" or any other sort of meaningless bullshit. Its that obsessive "group vs group" think that's absorbing everyone's lives instead of dealing with REAL problems.

I live in Canada and our political system, instead of actually FUCKING GETTING SHIT DONE - has become a stupid game of party vs party so we're stuck in election after fucking election.

We should just fucking eradicate 9/10 of the people on the planet, atheists and religious people alike. Robots can take their fucking jobs. They aren't contributing shit except their meaningless squabbles.

>> No.2866233

muslims... not even joking

>> No.2866239

biggest problem of society: idiots reproducing and thinking life is a good thing

>> No.2866256

1. People not caring
2. Kids growing up just like their parents raising brat kids who don't know shit to be just like them
3. Lack of grit
4. Expanding on pt. 1; people aren't interested in the sciences anymore - they just take their math degrees to wall street
5. Lack of new inventions and major innovations (yippee, HD TVs.... </sarcasm>) ; this is especially important when looking at the law of diminishing returns. I
6. Suburbia

Yeah, everything seems nice and the horizon seems forever away ; but it's not a horizon - it's a waterfall, and we're all about to fall the fuck off it. Give everyone about 10 - 15 years.

>> No.2866270

Well, I think the huge magma pocket under Yellowstone could present interesting problems.. I'm not sure if we have much of an ability to prevent it but.... it's still a problem.

>> No.2866287

>We should just fucking eradicate 9/10 of the people on the planet

Alright, but only after you.

>> No.2866321



>> No.2866350

Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator

>> No.2866419

hypersensitivity to trivial pop-culture while widescale ignorance of science and critical thinking.

>> No.2866480


Wrong. The Nazis were pagans and Hitler detested the RCC.

>> No.2866491

You know what the stupidest thing I've ever seen libertarians talk about on their little circle jerks?

That they should be able to choose whether or not they want to get vaccinated in the event of a 100% mortality rate disease. They took a serious health problem and applied their bizzare up in space view and basically said "Well, it's my individual liberty to choose whether or not I give myself immunity. I don't think you should be able to give them to children since they can't make informed decisions."

Just, ignored everything about herd immunity, and assumed they would get a free ride because "everybody else is immune".

It was the most retarded, dangerous thing I've ever seen. I tried to explain to them why they were wrong and they shouted me down.

>> No.2866503


>> No.2866510

>zero refutation of the point

stay classy

its funny, all the people who think this have the delusion that they should be in that 1/10 that does not have to pay the price.

you aren't that fucking special- deal with it

>> No.2866521

the inability to properly resolve conflicts. Take the NATO and the libya shit going on, and how unprepared Japan was when the tsunami fucked over the Fukushima plants.

if something real big comes and decided it will fuck our shit, god knows how the fuck we'll react.

>> No.2866527

>poor neighborhoods consist of niggers and that's why they are poor.

I mean really all the rest of that dribble was unnecessary.

>> No.2866561


I am in favor of eugenics. If I am found to be inferior through my genetics I would not produce children.

It's the only fucking logical thing to do. Suffering is almost always need to make things better in the future.

Really the best thing to do would be to have a restriction of 1-2 children to each family, and find the top 10% of people with the greatest intelligence and provide them money for each child they have beyond 2.

I don't think anybody could complain about that.

>> No.2866570

strawman moar, i hear it makes things easier.

>> No.2866580

>Suffering is almost always need to make things better in the future.
>I don't think anybody could complain about that.
He would:

>> No.2866588

the funny thing about reproductive rights/options is that people get VERY angry when you start forcefully taking them away. what criteria do you define the top 10% on? that question is about as subjective as you can possibly get and with something so extreme you will never, ever get agreement on any criteria.

>> No.2866591

religion, currency, politics, mercantile corruption, nationalism (the kind that causes conflict), large scale corporations (law abiding monopolies), laws that are completely unnecessary, shadow government, government, oil, people still rejecting scientific reality with proven factual evidence vs religious fantasy, global temperature changes, global majority lack of interest in science and art, the simple fact that feminism is still an issue, minimal to cut funding for space programs, aspartame, public school systems, universities, brain dead consumer culture, bailout money, FDA, lack of interest in Environmental policy then bitch about when a sewer dump happens down the street, junk food, main stream media (propaganda), mammograms (causing cancer and heart problems = more power to healthcare), ssri drugs, drugs that make kids calm (stupid) and obedient (controllable) in school, oncologists, vaccines, c-section surgeons and nutritionally illiterate physicians pushing for chemicals instead of real health solutions, wall street, xrays, medical imaging, corporations patenting intellectual property as if its ownable (one apparently already 'pwns' 20% of human genome), patents, health insurance, car insurance, codex alimentarius, modern art, the fact that in order to get a decent career a college education is necessary, main stream music, athletes and CEOs getting paid millions while teachers get 40k (then people wonder why our school systems are horrible)

>> No.2866608


Who? the guy from zoolander?

>> No.2866610

The one and only problem civilization has faced from the beginning is the availability of cheap energy. With cheap abundant energy, you can achieve almost anything. It is the fundament of economic growth and wealth.

>> No.2866628

Entropy. It's not the same as it used to be.

>> No.2866629


I thought about that. the conclusion I came to was that it would be impossible unless we find genetic markers that make people more ambitious, and find genetic markers predisposing people to have clear if not photographic memories.

having ambition and a good memory is the closest thing I can think of to what people would call intelligence. Unless you go for something out there like the ability to abstract. But that can only be taken so far.

>> No.2866634

>implying the hyper rich wouldn't abuse the fuck out of it like they do commodity markets, the media, politics, and pretty much everything else possible.

>> No.2866638

(but blaming religions, corporations, etc. makes so much better trolling)
Civilization's biggest struggle is one against entropy. (Pro-tip: we are probably gonna lose).

>> No.2866644

Indeed they would. How did this work out in roman times? Slavery! Slavery was the cheap energy of ancient times. Where we burn oil today, we used manpower back then.

>> No.2866646

oh great, i broke my hive-mind cherry

>> No.2866667


What are you talking about?

Those posts were 3 minutes apart. There was no hive mind you virgin.

>> No.2866669


who says ambition and memory are the best qualities? why not cooperativity and compassion? why not speed and strength? why not physical appearance? i could literally argue just about any position i can think of (within reason), which is the problem with such a plan enforced from the top down.

instead of limiting the ability of people to have children, why don't we stop enabling and encouraging destructive behavior. right now the west as a whole is subsidizing the FUCK out of poor, single motherhood through welfare and child support/alimony programs. why should women care about finding someone who will help them raise a child when they will get money regardless? why should poorer people worry about limiting the size of their families when they know that for the most part (there are limits on this, but they are very high) they will be bailed out by the government?

and no, i am not proposing that we leave these people to die in the streets, i am saying that the current system is geared to subsidizing behavior (single motherhood) that has been shown to be much more likely to produce criminals and lower overall achievement- it should be changed.

>> No.2866674

slavery is not an energy source, stupid tripfag.

slaves ran on solar power. (agriculture)

>> No.2866698

Ok, now try to activate your other two braincells for "imagination". Not everything has to be taken literal.

>> No.2866720


> why don't we stop enabling and encouraging destructive behavior

Because doing that with any efficiency involves the same amount of top down, corrupt interference that eugenics would get into.

>> No.2866759


what? how do you not see the difference between using the might of the state to enforce people not having children and not using the might of the state to encourage them to have children (when the circumstances for the child will be bad)?

shit, with the way the job market is right now and the future economic reckoning that all western countries are going to have to deal with, withdrawing state and male support for single motherhood might happen just as a matter of course.