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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2855121 No.2855121 [Reply] [Original]


Seriously, /sci/.
What the fuck...

What the flying fuck...

>> No.2855144

>fbi site
lawl, itsa conspirazy ZOMG!

>> No.2855141


>> No.2855167

skepticfags status - told.

>> No.2855180

Seriously... are they admiting alien contacts?

>> No.2855189


>> No.2855205

stop trolling nigger

>> No.2855204


>> No.2855210


No further arguments?

>> No.2855218

not even trolling check it out, its the official FBI site, if anything they are the ones trolling.

>> No.2855255
File: 12 KB, 255x198, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Current /sci/ status

>> No.2855264
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>go site
>Look around the site a bit find http://vault.fbi.gov/unexplained-phenomenon

>> No.2855290

So yes, the FBI has investigated UFOs and other things... and? That don't necessarily make it real. And why it can't be real?
Maybe there's really a way to make wormholes or something like that that we can't detect. Although I highly doubt it.

>> No.2855310

sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2855318

The craft is propelled by ion propulsion which requires an enormous amount of high voltage electricity estimated in the billions of V. The power supply is located at the center of the craft and is a large cylinder reactor using molten metal cold fusion principles to generate constant power. Ingredients include water(for Hydrogen), aluminum, and silver among other metals in smaller quantities. The reactor is constantly under extreme pressures in order to maintain the reaction. Since most of the mass of the craft is dedicated to lift the body has to be light with a large surface area. Balance is also key to avoid toppling over while suspended in air. Just like a boat in water except this one floats in the air which is thinner and harder to balance. With the factors stated, the pilot's area is limited in space and situated above the reactor in the top "dome". This space can also be used to hold UAV remote control systems. Does this post answer your question?

>> No.2855319


>> No.2855323

It wasn't even the FBI agent's testimony, it was some "informant" saying that stuff.

Not going to claim I know the truth though, just an observation.

>> No.2855325
File: 194 KB, 228x160, 1299445368678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I sage strong enough it won't be real

>> No.2855340

An "Investigator for the air forces" whose name is censored sounds like a credible source to me.

>> No.2855350

Investigations of weird stuff by FBI or another agency don't make it real. If it were real then 1) they'd never declassify it; or 2)we had to have evidence of it.

>> No.2855404

You didn't sage the email field, dumbass

>> No.2855447

nice sage faggot

>> No.2855498
File: 71 KB, 640x479, how_fucking_fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw FBI was terrified before the perspective of mutual support between black panthers and white progressive movements


>> No.2855503

>Newly released UFO files from the UK government