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2852381 No.2852381 [Reply] [Original]

Possibility of the use of lasers for terraforming?


>> No.2852390

If you could deliver zomgwtf power levels in picosecond pulses or something from orbit (so you don't get fucked over by blooming), you could presumably make shit vapourise and explode on the ground.

>> No.2852394
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like...an ice planet or what?

>> No.2852389

>use of lasers for terraforming
Lasers would be great for drawing graffiti on the surface of planets. What use have they for terraforming?

>> No.2852411


>>Still don't have ZOMGWTF lasers...

>> No.2852419

Still got 5 billion years before the sun dies to figure it out.

But what would a laser do to a planet except graffiti.

>> No.2852424

>ZOMGWTF lasers

For what use? Heat up an asteroid by 1°? To comunicate with a nonexisting mars base?

>> No.2852476


To FUCK SHIT UP with a FUCKING LASER, ya reprobate.

>> No.2852493

>wake up one morning to discover i've become a mad scientist
>modify the Sun so that the light from an entire hemisphere coheres on a tiny guidable spot
>threaten to point that spot at the Earth

>> No.2852489

If you wanted to heat up the surface of a planet, then giant mirrors would make more sense. Or using a big asteroid as a gravity tug to move a planet closer to its sun.

Lasers are more suitable for landscaping or digging canals than terraforming.

>> No.2852494


> Or using a big asteroid as a gravity tug to move a planet closer to its sun.

If you have the energy to move a fucking asteroid large enough to shift a planet you could probably just move the fucking planet.

>> No.2852508

They could be used for terraforming planets that don't have enough lasers.

>> No.2852537 [DELETED] 

Terraformfags don't seem to understand we are savage apes, our intelligence is so low we are dependent on a plethora of learning aids just to aid our memory and those with freak mutations that allow them at least some semblance of mathematical ability tend to be inferior in other areas making them incompetent. We are little different from a drolling 'tards lying in it's own shit and piss mumbling incoherently. Firstly any terraforming would have to be economical, we wouldn't use lasers we'd use fucking mirrors, mirrors that consist of giant sheets of cheap reflective material stretched taut, practicality is the only way to do things on a large scale, you can't do everything you can in a lab with an entire economy. Even today in a period of enormous technological growth, freedom and prosperity the majority of the population still live in poverty and are all worthless retards (by our standards). Secondly there is no point using a huge amount of resources terraforming worlds just for us worthless fleshbags, transhumanism should be the first priority, we need to create new intelligent life forms that use something more effective than meat to manipulate the material world.

>> No.2852550

Actually you can use relatively small asteroids as tugs. From an engineering standpoint it's much less of a challenge to have a stream of asteroids pass by than move a whole planet.

>> No.2852556
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They already did that, in this book.

>> No.2852557
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>Build giant concave mirror on the opposite side of the sun
>Focus a whole steradian's worth of solar output to the Earth

>> No.2852566

>implying said mirror would act as a sail
>implying said mirror wouldn't radiate in the infrared
>implying said mirror would have the tensile strength to stay together
Actually you could fix the last one....

>> No.2852572

>Implying it matters
>Implying the bigger engineering challenge is not simply how to create something so enormous and put it up there in the first place