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2851450 No.2851450 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good drug to study?

I was on ritalin as a kid, shit works but i think it made me a bit autistic.

>> No.2851464
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>> No.2851478

Take LSD, record notes, discover higgs boson.

>> No.2851488

long term you're probably better off just sticking to caffeine

>> No.2851557

Do you mean you want a drug to study or do you mean you want to use a drug to enhance your studying?

If former DMT
If latter Adderall

>> No.2851571

use the adderal to enhance your studying of DMT

>> No.2851585

Pop an addy once a week, other than that, caffeine.

>> No.2851587
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>> No.2851629

Anyone here actually tried DMT?

>> No.2851634


Yes. Many a time but seriously.. The DMT fags need to GTFO sci.

>> No.2851642

why only once a week? is the crash that bad?

>> No.2851649


nothing /sci/ about organic chemistry... move along

>> No.2851661

i know how to make it using Ochem

>> No.2851669

how does one go about acquiring adderal? i'm a uni and my end of sem test are comming up, i'd like to try it

>> No.2851670

I think he was just talking about the DMT: The Spirit Molecule watchers. A lot of people are turned off of hallucinogenics because of the whole "spiritual" vibe the culture gives.

>> No.2851673

Get diagnosed with ADD.

>> No.2851674

I used to use piracetam on a daily basis.
You just dont hit that 40-60 minute wall after intense study. but after a couple hrs you start slipping up but you feel fine.
Also dont take more than 3 pills every 4 hrs else you'll overdose and get a headache.

>> No.2851686

Work on diet, exercise, study habits, time management, and getting some fucking sleep before you start taking drugs.

And when you start taking drugs, try caffeine pills first and sparingly.

>> No.2851689


get a scrip, buy off of someone with a script, or head to mexico

>> No.2851691

Caffeine pills are much cheaper than caffeine at about 11 cents for a 200mg tablet which is the rough equivalent of a medium iced coffee at starbucks

>> No.2851702

200 mg of caffeine is also about the max you would want to take for cognitive enhancment, because at 250+ mg it starts to affect different parts of the brain and it just makes you jittery.

>> No.2851738

What should I do after I develop a tolerance for caffeine?

>> No.2851771

Take a god damn break

>> No.2851812

An adderall script sure would be dandy.

>> No.2851835


Having tried a variety of amphetamines I can honestly say none worked as well as this anon's advice.