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2851160 No.2851160 [Reply] [Original]

just you daily reminder

>> No.2851163

Jesus was a jew

just a daily reminder

>> No.2851171

aaaand because its the year 2011, that somehow proves that jesus/god exists? Do elaborate.

>> No.2851172

2011 anno domini

>> No.2851175

>implying i said he wasnt

>> No.2851180
File: 25 KB, 394x384, 1286055421738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 C.E.


>> No.2851182

2011 CE

>> No.2851187

>2011 anno domini
"in the year of our lord"

>> No.2851195

2011 Common Era

>> No.2851197

The year is 4.54 × 10^9 ± 1%

>> No.2851200

you base the common era on the year that christ was born
coincidence i think not

>> No.2851202

The year is x
x = the amount of years since the creation of the universe.

>> No.2851209

Oh shit its also April which is the month of Aphrodite which means roman gods must be real too

>> No.2851210

>thinks earth is as old as the universe

>> No.2851214


u mad christfag?

>> No.2851213


"Christ was born some years before AD 1"

>> No.2851218

2011, Common Era.

>> No.2851226

>doesnt put full quote
"Although scholars generally believe that Christ was born some years before AD 1, the historical evidence is too sketchy to allow a definitive dating"

>> No.2851228


>> No.2851233


only because they can't even verify the actual existence of Jesus outside of biblical references

>> No.2851236
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>implying that makes any difference from what I posted

problem with your argument op?

>> No.2851237

71 After Gagarin

>> No.2851250
File: 7 KB, 159x140, trool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although scholars generally believe
>scholars generally believe
i lold

>> No.2851258


Are you asking what human year is it? Or what year is it since the planet formed? Or are you asking what year is it since homo sapiens came to be? Or are you asking what year is it since recorded history started? Or are you asking what year is it since an official calendar was established?

>pick one

>> No.2851266


ITT: op attempted troll, learned something, quickly abandoned thread

>> No.2851269


none of those, are you seriously that stupid or do you actually think the current official calendar was established in 0?

>> No.2851272

Operating by the Hebrew Calender, it's the year 5771.


>> No.2851286

>implying going off the hebrew calendar is what athiests go off

>> No.2851283


Are you seriously that idiotic to think that I was thinking of only -one- calendar? Seeing as to how there are hundreds of different cultures both existing and extinct that have their own calendars.

Like holy shit, do you not think or something?

>> No.2851296

No one can really pin down a decent timeframe of ancient Celtic civilization. Also, the main reason there is so much history of ancient Greeks, Romans, and the like is due to so much documentation and firmly held civilization for hundreds of years. There isn't much on Israel and all that other shit because no one gave a fuck and I'm tired. So go fuck an electrical socket, you beaver.

>> No.2851300 [DELETED] 

space time is best time
although setting (12 April) 1961 = year zero makes more sense and makes 2011 = year 70

>> No.2851305


>implying that was the intent of my post

>> No.2851318

On 12 April it will have been 50 years since the first manned spaceflight. So now would be either year 49 or 50.

>> No.2851343

Hey christfags, what day of the week is it?

Let's go through them!

Sunday - Sun
Monday - Moon
Tuesday - Tiw, or Tyr, Norse god of Oaths
Wednesday - Wotan, or Odin
Thursday - Thor
Friday - Frigg, or Frigga, wife of Odin
Saturday - Saturn, Roman god.

If the last one seems out of place, bear in mind that the days of the week in other languages are mostly named after the planets by drawing an (inaccurate) parallel between the order of the days and which planets of the solar system were closest to the earth, in order, back when it was thought the earth was the center of the universe.

For example, in Spanish, Tuesday is Martes... after Mars.

Why come up with new names, or an entire new calendar, when the one we've got works fine, despite the fact that it was originally drawn up based on the suppositions of the ignorant and superstitious.

>> No.2851350

>based on the suppositions of the ignorant and superstitious

Really, now?

>> No.2851351

Hey Christfags, you're using a computer.

Just a daily reminder.

>> No.2851417

Christfag here

I know Boolean algebra and how semiconductor technology work to create logic gates

>> No.2851456


>implying any calendar's zero reference is the same as the date it was initially established

>> No.2851477

2011 + 4 because you Christfags can't keep you shit straight.

>> No.2851491

Roughly year 13.7 billion

>> No.2851493


>> No.2852092
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its the current year we are in DUH!!!!

>> No.2852128

2000 some odd years after christ was born. People keep telling me different years and it really doesn't make all that much difference to me anyway

>> No.2852210

2011 CE, so named because it seems a bit silly to base our chronology on a supposed demigod in these enlightened times and because the historical figure supposed to be said deity was actually born around 5 BCE or 6 BCE assuming the astronomical events recorded in the legends about him were real and not just corroborative detail to lend verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing tale

>> No.2852225

Indeed, it is not a coincidence that we use the same zero point our ancestors had. We retained the same numbers for convenience as it would be very confusing to change all the dates on everything. I suspect if Rome survived rather than collapsing we would use the Roman calendar despite knowing Romulus, Remus and Lupercal to be mythical entities rather than the actual historical founders of Rome

>> No.2852252
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>> No.2852261

13 Billion and something

>> No.2852267

fucking lol'd

>> No.2852279
File: 628 KB, 1036x764, Techpriest3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it was Yahweh, and not the machine goddess, that gave us boolean algebra and semiconductors

>> No.2852284


>> No.2852289


Your wall calendars must be huge
Also how do I verify this with my PC's calendar?