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2850808 No.2850808 [Reply] [Original]

I believe in evolution and I believe God created the Universe. If you want to actually learn what a rational person who believes in Christianity thinks - you can ask here. Pic is how I feel reading posts bashing religion and theists here

>> No.2850840
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>rational person who believes in Christianity

>> No.2850880

It's pretty much impossible to be a Christian and rational without ignorance and cognitive dissonance, unless you believe nothing in the Bible happened literally.

>> No.2850910

>>I believe in evolution and I believe God created the Universe.

That's great news. I'd give you a trophy made of pure gold if I could afford it, seeing as you most certainly need to be put on a pedestal for your beliefs.

Protip: Personal religion is just that; personal. Nobody gives a fuck what the fuck you believe in, as long as you don't shove it down everybody's throat.

Why do you feel the need to always talk about how you are religious? It's no different from gay people parading all over, celebrating their "gay pride", as if anybody gave half a shit. Do you hear a lot about hetero pride parades? No? That's because most hetero people enjoy being hetero, and that's a reward in and of itself. They also just don't give a shit.

Nobody cares whether or not you believe in some ominiscent being, nobody cares whether or not you have a fetish for sunglasses, nobody cares that you check under your bed before you go to sleep.

People make fun of you because 99 % of all religious people on here are either trolls failing hard or fucking retarded manchildren who have great needs of attention.

PS: Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2850933

You can't "believe" in evolution because its a fact you cannot deny unless you can prove otherwise, if you start believing in evolution then you might as well call it a fucking religion.

>> No.2850976

Why have you chosen Christianity over Islam or Hinduism or Buddhism or Pantheism or Animism or Judaism etc etc etc etc.

>> No.2850982

derp, prove other people are 'real', existence, big bang [ie make/provide receipe for another one] etc. or explain gravity. go on fuckhole, i'm wating...

do you believe that jesus could microwave a burritto so hot that even he could not eat it?
also, is your god all loving or all powerful? choose bitch, because he clearly isnt both...

agnostics FTW

>> No.2850985

The teleological Argument and the Ontological Argument show that belief in God is no more or less rational than disbelief. I suggest the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (it is online) 'cuz it is a lot of reading and the full version of the modal logic is a bit long

>> No.2850996

so how do you overcome the bible being a clear hoaks

>> No.2851001

> cannot believe truth

>> No.2851002

'god' =! xtianity

>> No.2851007

Majority of religious people are Christian. Vast majority of religious people, who have decent education, are Christians.

The stats here are so overwhelming there should be no question about ....

>> No.2851026

In the western world perhaps, yes, but that still doesn't explain "why." For the group dynamic, the social aspect I suppose? Belonging to something "bigger?"

This thread is dumb.

>> No.2851047

And west is the best.

>> No.2851059

I didn't say that, now, did I?

No, overall 1 in every 3 people is Christian. In contrast, only about 1 in 16 is Buddhist

>> No.2851085

I can only prove things within the parameters of the known world, if I see or hear you then its good enough for my mind to assume that you exist. Though I have many times where I wonder if this is all bs, but this life is all I have, all we have so there is no point on dwelling on who or what made us only where we came from, where we are and where we are going.

The universe is constantly expanding (space is expanding) we can trace everything back to a single point, where the big bang most likely took place. Even though the big bang might not look like it has as much evidence as evolution you have to understand you only view the world from your limited life time and judging it with that small a scope is unfair. The universe is bigger than us and this planet, you can't waste your time with nonsense like IS DER GOD, ISNT DER GOD? People are out there constantly pushing the scientific envelope making our lives better, you wanna worship someone? worship them. They have made our lives so much better.

>> No.2851095

Do you think muslims are taking over america
Are you republican
Why are you on sci

>> No.2851099


>> No.2851143

my bad, didnt see the trip.thought you were OP.
still waiting for answer on
>do you believe that jesus could microwave a burritto so hot that even he could not eat it?
>also, is your god all loving or all powerful? choose bitch, because he clearly isnt both...

also seriously, how come so many vocal atheist/theist fags and no agnostic majority.
>In classical philosophy, skepticism is the teachings of the school of philosophers of whom it was said that they 'asserted nothing but only opined.' In this sense, philosophical skepticism, or Pyrrhonism, is the philosophical position that one should suspend judgment in investigations.
isnt that what /sci/ence is supposed to be all about..?

>> No.2851188

> Omnipotence paradox
Literally nonsense. Think about it.
> Omnibenevolence versus Omnipotence
Free will. Read Plantinga.

>> No.2851189

>we can trace everything back to a single point, where the big bang most likely took place.
>most likely

>Even though the big bang might not look like it has as much evidence as evolution you have to understand you only view the world from your limited life time and judging it with that small a scope is unfair.
also let me point out that in a court of law, it generally only takes 1-2 jurors to sink a verdict.
science is the relgion of knowledge and 'logic'. and inb4 courts are often wrong and science is often right; before the advent of current technology the logical scientific assumption based on available data was that the earth was as likely to be flat as square or any other shape. in future we also will seem retarded for our similar scientific assumptions.

>People are out there constantly pushing the scientific envelope making our lives better, you wanna worship someone? worship them. They have made our lives so much better.
elitist bullshit, define better. the value of life is the same universally and saying that we live longer doesnt mean we live better. obesityepidemic.tiff

>> No.2851206

>Think about it.
no u

>Free will.
not answering my question...

>> No.2851216

the burrito question indicates that you may anthropomorphize God more than most Christians AND indicates a misunderstanding of what 'omnipotent' means.

Also, theodicy is not very convincing vis a vis disproving God because of the free will argument.

>> No.2851221

omnipotence is just an argument for the meaning of omnipotence being ambiguous (which it is)

>> No.2851229

Again, as a guy with a degree in Theology who does a LOT of formal work in philosophy and logic (I am a systematic theologian) anytime someone mentions theodicy as a strong argument against the existence of an omnipotent God I conclude 'this person doesn't have the basic knowledge needed to discuss this topic'. It is like a Creationist claiming the laws of thermodynamics prove evolution can't be true - it is safe to ignore them.

>> No.2851247


why are we here?

>> No.2851256

To know, love, and serve the truth

>> No.2851257

God doesnt exist


It is that simple.

>> No.2851261


what is the truth?

>> No.2851262

I'm sure there is a god principle, but not in the theological context that -humanity- has spun.

>> No.2851268

if we have free will, how could god use his powers? what are his criteria for intervention? and what about all that shit in the bible where he talks to people and tells them what to do. at most we can only have shared will then, whatever that might be... and i still want OPs personal opinion on the matter of love and/or power.

also, in view of the fact that the bible was neither written by jesus, nor dictated verbatim by god, how can it be considered an authority if it was written by people with truely free will?

>the burrito question indicates that you may anthropomorphize God more than most Christians
>anthropomorphize God

>> No.2851270

Since you wanna greentext my shit I'll do the same
>also let me point out that in a court of law, it generally only takes 1-2 jurors to sink a verdict.
I don't give a fuck about the court of law in your country that has no bearing on anything I was talking about.
Science is neither right or wrong, if you have that logic about science making people fat then using your logic we should throw away everything we have learnt. People make people fat because they are fucking lazy, just because we have made life easier doesn't mean we shouldn't have to excerise.
>before the advent of current technology the logical scientific assumption based on available data was that the earth was as likely to be flat as square or any other shape.

Science had to come from somewhere why are you trying to discredit it because we have fixed the mistakes of the past? Science is an ever changing thing and it was meant to be that way it isn't a religion.

>elitist bullshit, define better. the value of life is the same universally and saying that we live longer doesnt mean we live better.
Go move to Africa you fucking idiot if you don't like the fact that other people have made your life better, its people like you that have no respect for the sacrifice our entire civilisation has made for the pursuit of betterment and knowledge. I say good day to you became you clearly can't use that thing in your skull.

>> No.2851274


then for what do we live? who do we serve?

>> No.2851275

i'm agnostic... they did teach you what that means too right?

>> No.2851280


>> No.2851287

people who believe in god think of themselves as god

we all think of ourselves as god.

thats what life is

>> No.2851288

evolution and god are not compatible

>> No.2851289

Yeah. Atheism, too!

>> No.2851290

You live because your mother and father had sex and they conceived you, then you came out of your mothers vagina. Its up to you what you do. If you wanna improve your chances of a long life you have to "go with the flow" and acquire currency through a job and get some form of education. Good luck guy.

>> No.2851292

Interestingly, the Catholics and Orthodox don't hold that

>> No.2851294


i feel angry, amused, saddened, and foolish by your answer. thanks.

>> No.2851298

>>people who attend church services weekly are happier, healthier, make more money, and live longer than people who don't
>>who who self-report to believe in a God are happier, healthier, and live longer

No what are you going to do to maximize your chances for a longer, better life?

>> No.2851297

So what did you do for your thesis or what ever? Have to prove the world is flat because thats what the bible says? LOL

>> No.2851303

[Citation needed]

>> No.2851304

life is the lie we all believe in

otherwise youd be dead

>> No.2851307

Me, too. That's why I study theology

"The Generational Impact of Various Conceptualizations of Theological Anthropology upon Macroeconomic Choices"

>> No.2851309

>I don't give a fuck about the court of law in your country that has no bearing on anything I was talking about.
so one accepted system of judgement isn't good enough to judge the other?

>Science is neither right or wrong
i agree...

>if you have that logic about science making people fat
when did i say that? i said that you can't claim science has made life 'better' any more than you could say so for religion. every positive has a negative, be it in science or religion. in themselves, and without the presence of humans they're neutral, contrsucts; objects.

>Go move to Africa you fucking idiot
>I don't give a fuck about the court of law in your country
not an elitist statement? also, implying i wouldnt live like a fucking king there...
you move to fucking africa and see how you like that attitude...
>made your life better
still waiting for you to define better

>> No.2851315

sheesh. Try WebMD, they have a few articles on it. Or Psychology Today;s archives. Or Askville

>> No.2851325
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Yeah nah I've wasted enough time with you mate.

>> No.2851354

I'm guessing you had to make up some long ass name for it to make it sound like it was a pressing scientific issue. I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm attacking you mate.
I suggest you do a paper on "Religion, how it controlled the masses, and what's happening to it with the new kid Capitalism on the block".

>> No.2851374

i'm not your 'mate', and clearly you've been proven to be a pretentious asshole. also i posit that you study theology because you yourself are too lazy or stupid to contribute anything of worth to society, case in point your high esteem of scientists; if they're so great why didn't you study a real science and make the world/lives 'better'? How many people have been saved by your work? And not in the sense of having the 'souls' saved...
once again, agnosticism for the win.

>> No.2851399

science is the wife, religion is the mistress. never the twain should meet.

>> No.2851539

>In contrast to those annoying happy types, miserable people are better at decision-making and less gullible, his experiments showed.

Sorry, but I doubt I'd be happier knowing I was living a lie just to feel good anyways.

>> No.2852152

> If you want to actually learn what a rational person who believes in Christianity thinks - you can ask here.
Where did Jesus get a second set of chromosomes from?

>> No.2852157
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>believes in god