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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 70 KB, 750x600, skateboarding_fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2850101 No.2850101 [Reply] [Original]

Help these stupid skaters solve this problem, the answer is clearly 2.

>What is 48÷2(9+3)?

>> No.2850104
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>> No.2850117

incoming potato

>> No.2850123
File: 182 KB, 750x600, DASASdASgaSd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2850120

its two. your welcome skateboarders

>> No.2850127

>>implying it's not 2.

>> No.2850119


>> No.2850137


>> No.2850145



>> No.2850152

bitches dont know bout my distributive property

>> No.2850158

PEMDAS first, douchebag

>> No.2850165


>> No.2850163

oh my god this shit again.

Its 288

>> No.2850185


Because they are imbecilic morons

>> No.2850233


This right here.

I haven't seen this shit since elementary school. And there's a reason it isn't used anymore. The reason being that OP is a faggot.

>> No.2850284

the fucking two applies to the bracket and then therefore can only affect the 48 once it has been multiplied into the bracket. You cant divide by 2 then multiply by twelve thats completely incorrect.

>> No.2850302

Is there any where on the interne that you can't troll with this?

>> No.2850405



>> No.2850420

>>implying the answer isn't 288

>> No.2850496


>> No.2850510

No. Why. WHY.

>> No.2850512

omg first i thought it was 2 and then it was 288 whoa

>> No.2850595

The only plausible answer is two.

>> No.2850615

definitely 2

>> No.2850641
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 110407-223407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread needs to learn how to use an obelus (the division sign)

When you use an obelus, it is the same rules as using * for multiplication, except with division. You take the number on the left and divide it by the number on the right. It follows standard order of operations, so it's on the same level as multiplication.

So, the problem is:

48(obelus)2*(9+3) -parentheses first
=48(obelus)2*12 -at this point you just work it left to right

Problem solved, that distributive property stuff is bullshit. Numbers next to parentheses do not receiver higher preference in the order of operations than other multiplications.

>> No.2850644

Mathprof here. I use this equation at the beginning of every year to distinguish the idiots in my class. If they say 288 they get the boot

>> No.2850652
File: 47 KB, 630x508, 1302233573446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WolframAlpha says 288

>> No.2850655

omg dont click the thread. to many idiots i might barf

>> No.2850665

Cool story bro. Post proof that it's not 288 or shut up, because order of operations and proper use of an obelus say it's 288. As do numerous calculators.

>> No.2850672

Fucking /faggots/

48÷2(9+3) = 288
48÷(2(9+3)) = 2

>> No.2850676


Thread over fucking atheists told

>> No.2850680


No need to get angry child.


>> No.2850692

Fuck me for feeding the trolls, but I've offered a proof of a problem which you have said is wrong. You have then failed to prove my solution is wrong.

You need to lrn2math and offer evidence to support your claim.

>> No.2850705

ok retards. using distributive property for multiplication..
the equation:
48/2(9+3) becomes,
48/(2*9+2*3) which becomes,,,
48/(18+6) thus...
48/24 which equals...

>> No.2850718

You're ignoring the fact that by the order of operations you must first divide 48 by 2 if you are going to distribute.

>> No.2850726

Change it to a multiplication only problem and you faggots will clearly see that it is 288.

48*.5*(9+3) = 288

>> No.2850752

Go back to misc, we don't want you here.

>> No.2850764

or just throw a parenthesis in to show its 2

>> No.2850772



>> No.2850794


School time kiddies.