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File: 15 KB, 200x258, sam_harris_200-200x258[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2848967 No.2848967 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2848972

y is ben stiller on /sci/
take that shit to /b/ or /tv/

>> No.2848997

bumping because every red-blooded /sci/entist wants to see this.

>> No.2849003

ahahaha how's the score by now?

>> No.2849009

>porn open in other tab
>getting ready to fap
>versus live sam harris


>> No.2849012

You can fap while LANE CRAIG is talking and watch when Harris is on. Just check every now and then.

>> No.2849020

Stream isn't working for me.

>> No.2849022

working fine here. maybe its full or something. try other browser or upgrading flash etc.

>> No.2849023

Thanks. I had no idea.

>> No.2849049


>> No.2849070

When will this guy shut up and let Sam Harris talk?

>> No.2849076

>in conclusion...


>> No.2849077

20 minutes each for intro. oh there you go anyway :P

>> No.2849090

People really should stop debating craig. His arguments are shitty but they're coated in gold. There are few atheist debaters and those willing to play with Craig are never prepared. They should also try to stick to very select topics, mostly about the existence of god, where Craigs arguments are necessarily weaker.

>> No.2849091

Is anyone's stream sound only working on the left side? Ugh it's so annoying.

>> No.2849097


My syntax always inhales cocks on 4chan. For shame.

>> No.2849101


Yeah man, my left ear is about to start bleeding from Willam Lane Craig's bullshit. But I suppose that's better than both ears.

>> No.2849107
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Yeah, discussions between reasonable people are much better. However, there's no reason to turn down any event with Sam Harris.

>> No.2849111

ITT: Official viewing thread

>> No.2849119

>cutting out eyeballs
>analogous to burkahs?
>come on, sam

>> No.2849139

I love Ben Stiller, he's so smart!

>> No.2849143

He didn't say that at all. He was taking a worse example to probe her beliefs.

>> No.2849156

Where's Dawkins?

>> No.2849162

Oh fuck no, fuck that, I once got into a long debate with a creationist who got ALL their arguments from William lane Craig.

I rather smash my head against a brick wall until I pass out.

And the funny thing is, even with the brain damage I get from the wall smashing, I will STILL be smarter then William lane Craig, and I'll be the first to admit I'm no genius as it is.

>> No.2849187

Anyone else think Sam Harris isn't doing as great as he usually does? He's using silly examples as if he's coming up with them on the spot without thinking whether or not it's good.

>> No.2849189

OMFG is that craig guy the one who was like:

P(God exists | shit exists) > P(God doesn't exist| shit exists)

Therefore god exists:

ie. last week it was him vs. the guy from MIT

>> No.2849190
File: 367 KB, 807x499, Sam-Richard_fc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you weren't asking for a serious reply like this, but people in this thread should also know that there will be a discussion between Dawkins and Harris on Tuesday 12 April 2011, 7:30pm GMT in Oxford.

I don't know if it will be streamed but I hope so.

>> No.2849206

>Dat abrupt ending

What the hell is Sam Harris doing? Is he high or something?

>> No.2849220

same fag here, As an example of a william lane craig argument, the proof he has that the the new testament is true and factually correct is that it was proven to be true in the very early middle ages some time by researchers who investigated jesus, and, (this is the best part,) Just because 1000+ years have past since then, doesnt make the evidence from back then invalid in todays world.

Its on youtube somewhere, But again, I rather fucking head --> brick wall then have to listen to him while trying to find that video.

>> No.2849231


Ran out of time

>> No.2849237

Yeah, we're watching to see Harris. Lane, not so much.

>> No.2849239

>harris confirmed for apple fanboy

>> No.2849245
File: 20 KB, 321x267, coolface_207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's an educated man. Of course he uses a Mac.

>> No.2849266

I like how Craig thinks that trying to keep from being punished is equivalent to 'moral.'

That's like saying, "I'd totally murder you right here and now, but there's a cop right over there." and then going on to say that you're a moral person for doing so.

>> No.2849278

I like how Sam writes his notes on his laptop while Craig uses pen and paper.

>> No.2849287
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>implying a non-apple laptop could last 12 minutes unplugged

>> No.2849293


Mac laptops charge pretty fast. He probably plugs it back in while Craig is up there yammering like a baboon.

>> No.2849294



>> No.2849315


I know that's a troll post, but macs are incredibly popular with the science faculty at my school, The engineering faculty? Not so much. But every other college? Everywhere.

>> No.2849326

>implying macs aren't the most popular among the humanities department

>> No.2849330

Phailosopher vs Phailosopher.

>> No.2849340


Nope. He's not plugging it in.

Sam Harris' MacBook is officially magical.

>> No.2849344
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>WLC instantly starts bashing Atheism
wohoho watch out Harris!

>> No.2849355

Apple products are good for people who don't know much about tech or don't have the time to pay much attention to their tech. Apple is good at designing intuitive interfaces, but other PCs are suitable for most users, and cheaper too.

[/apple discussion]

>> No.2849356

>Not going to rebut those red herrings

>implying he just doesn't have anything to say against Sam Harris' rebuttal

>> No.2849359


Certainly. I was actually surprised to find macs in the science college at all. But I went to physics office hours once and bam....Professor has a macbook. The entire physic department has Imacs. My molecular bio professor uses his macbook to run his powerpoints.

For the life of me II can't understand why the university spent that much money on macs, but oh well.

>> No.2849366

God must exist
Therefor god exists

Checkmate atheists.

>> No.2849368

William Lane Craig has a PHD.

It's important to remember that during this rant.

>> No.2849388


The Bible's commands regarding slavery are every bit as monstrous and morally reprehensible as American slavery.

Back up your claims in the fucking text, you asshole, or turn in your fucking PHD.

>> No.2849420


>> No.2849429

Of bullshitting.

>> No.2849431

"Once again, we have hit philosophical bedrock with the shovel of a stupid question"

>> No.2849438

ofc! That's implied :)

>> No.2849441

Craig gives an eight minute fevered rant

Harris gives an eight minute response, calm and cool and collected.

>> No.2849450

Everything that exists has a creator
The Universe Exists
Therefore god exists

I don't think I can watch william lane craig anymore he makes me want to smash my head into my computer screen

>> No.2849451

you guys are like rednecks watching a wrestling match.

please leave /sci/

>> No.2849456

>still using the bachelor example.


>> No.2849457

"I did not just define God to be good"
"God is the greatest being imaginable, so therefor God is good"

>> No.2849458


That begs the question of who created that last one, which in turn begs the question...

>> No.2849461


Remember. He has a PHD.

>> No.2849466

This debate format is FUCKED.
There should be all sorts of toilet flushing sounds when Craig is talking bullshit.

>> No.2849469

Think Harris has it in the bag

>> No.2849476

Ever notice that the only places Craig seems to debate are at predominately religious places. If we were to go to a less religious part of america people would begin calling him on his bullshit.

>> No.2849477


And so if God commanded the Israelites to rape the virgin women of the conquered and enslave the enemies of Israel, then those two things can't be all that bad.

>> No.2849481

craig reminds me of vicini from the princess bride

>> No.2849482


>> No.2849497


>> No.2849501
File: 5 KB, 512x512, input.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craig should debate in the Czech Republic.

>> No.2849502


I was wondering what the fuck was going on, had to turn it up to like 600% volume to actually hear them

>> No.2849508


>> No.2849510

It's a conspiracy!

>> No.2849519

Damn when Harris talks its like hes having sex with your ear.

>> No.2849521

me 2

>> No.2849522

Sam Harris has big ears yet he's remains deaf to the Word Of Our Lord. Ohhhh mercy!

>> No.2849536
File: 81 KB, 562x453, nuclearrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Objective moral values

>> No.2849542

See, that's precisely why I'm not bothering. Nobody wins and I end up angry.

>> No.2849544

I'd bang that girl...

>> No.2849550

>Not willing to accept any other theory besides god

This is exactly why it is impossible to argue with christians

>> No.2849551


The way she interrupted WLC gave me a boner

>> No.2849552

she had like this annoying voice

>> No.2849566

Anyone feel Harris is using more acerbic rhetoric than he used to? Seems like he's channeling a little bit of Hitchens today.

>> No.2849579

>this fucking kid

>> No.2849585

the kid is fucked

>> No.2849586

>"It would be trivially easy."


>> No.2849592

epic gay troll

>> No.2849595

this kid be trolling!
uhmm hahahaahah
master troll! uhm umh aaauhhmmm

>> No.2849596

Oh god, this stoner. hahahahaha he's awesome

>> No.2849598

fucking homosexual love making

>> No.2849599

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.2849600

>homosex love


>> No.2849601


>> No.2849602

Hahaha, that fucking troll made me lol

>> No.2849603


>> No.2849606


>> No.2849608
File: 458 KB, 3508x2480, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failed troll attempt.

>> No.2849613

What did I miss? what the kid ask?

>> No.2849617

He said God came to him in his sleep last night to tell him to share that homosexual love is beautiful.

>> No.2849621


Anyone would get a bit of a sardonic attitude when dealing with a tool like Craig.

>> No.2849623

>god came to me last night and told me homosex was beautiful

Much respect to that kid

>> No.2849624


He said God told him homosex is as beautiful as heterosex, but Craig didn't bite. Guess you can't troll a master troll.

>> No.2849626


he asked advice from craig because he had a vision of god telling him that homosex love was okay and good and to tell everyone

>> No.2849630

>harris beating around the bush even the the question was a bit nonsensical.


>> No.2849632


Craig is a profoundly dishonest sophist, I can well understand why Harris is getting irritated.

>> No.2849635

>Islam is not correct because their guy was not crucified

What the fuck?

>> No.2849648

Yeah, its weird that no one else seems shocked by that, and other things he spouts.

>> No.2849657
File: 210 KB, 530x367, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what an atheist looks like

>> No.2849660


haha I was thinking the same thing

>> No.2849669

Why are you saging this, motherfucker?

>> No.2849670

>psychopath core of religion


>> No.2849676

>I don't know what sage is for

>> No.2849685
File: 4 KB, 126x116, 1300039682896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at him from a certain angle Craig does look like trollface :O

>> No.2849689

>he doesn't understand saging

>> No.2849690

>Harris and Craig sparring outside the debate parameters.

shit just got real

>> No.2849693

I want to see the lines to sign books.

>> No.2849694

BTW this guy did lay out really clearly why having a God is no help towards establishing morality. Is/ought problem.

>> No.2849696

"The only possible objective moral foundation is God"
"Because without God there are no objective morals"

That's what I got out from his arguments.

>> No.2849698

Every use of sage makes you more of a faggot
Do you understand now?

>> No.2849704


I understand that you're a butthurt idiot, yes.

>> No.2849705

And the winraaaaaar is:

Oh lawwwd!

>> No.2849708


>> No.2849713

it's better than being a faggot

>> No.2849716

WLC: I believe in god, god exists, therefore I win this debate

>> No.2849718

Pretty much what I took from it, too. Craig is a weasel-mouthed sophist, I really don't understand why a respectable scientist would deign to debate such a creature.

>> No.2849725



A fair trade.

>> No.2849727

You're a retard for thinking sage is some kind of thread vote.

>> No.2849733


Dig that crazy muzak! What is this, the 80's

>> No.2849743

>thinking sage is some kind of thread vote.

nigga what?

>> No.2849751

dat smooth jazz

>> No.2849765


>> No.2849781

When will it be up on jewtube? I missed the first half hour

>> No.2849798

Is it me or WILLIAM LANE CRAIG looks a little like Warren Beatty?

>> No.2849943

This was nice. But I am looking forward to the Dawkins-Harris debate. They better don't dare to not stream it online...

>> No.2849955
File: 27 KB, 200x258, ASFASdASdASdfASDj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]