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2846999 No.2846999 [Reply] [Original]

Why can people not accept that print is dead, it's not green and electronic books are the future.

All hipsters are now into books :(

>> No.2847003

books dont use electricity

>> No.2847005

You can whack someone in the back of the head with the spine of even a paperback and knock them out.

>> No.2847006
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producing books consume trees, a lot of volume for storage and a lot of electricity is spent in public libraries

>> No.2847025

I spend 12 hours at work each day staring at screens. On top of that I spend most of my free time staring at screens. Once in a while its nice to stare at something not on a screen. Many people feel the same as me which is why print will not die.

>> No.2847042
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e-paper, flexible displays

>> No.2847058

I cancelled my subscription of the morning paper and now read it in my iPad, I love it. Its completely different than the paper version but just simply better. I also read other magazines on my iPad, digital papers can suck unless they are properly and well made for the device you are reading it from. Having pics, slideshows, videos and interactive content is necessary to make it enjoyable.

>> No.2847070
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It's just a medium change, but some people are not eager to make the step

>> No.2847073

I love books.
A filled bookcase is a very beautiful thing.
Can't do that with ebooks.

>> No.2847086

You are an elitist cunt, your type will become extinct.

>> No.2847099


Print will eventually become a luxury, something expensive you will buy if you REALLY like a certain book and want it as a showpiece, if youre some hipster who wants to be different, or as a gift to someone else.

>> No.2847102

blow it out your anus.
You know what else is better about paper books? A bug or hardware fault in a computer can't irreversibly destroy your whole collection.
And they don't require batteries, power, or overpriced gadgets.

>> No.2847108

You forgot book being remotely deleted for being deemed politically incorrect.

>> No.2847110

And government/marketers monitoring your reading habits

>> No.2847126


Know whats great about databases of books which you have rights to view, similar to Valve's Steam setup? If your reader (be it a computer, e-paper, or whatever amazing shit we get in the future) gets destroyed, you still have those rights. With these readers, you would be able to search through massive documents for key words--I did this my sophomore year using Google's book preview to search for key words in a big ass history text--saved me skimming through 200 pages of irrelevant bullshit.

What happens when your book gets wet, or you lose it in a fire, or you just straight up lose it? You've lost it forever, and need to buy a new one. What if you need to carry four textbooks and a fuckton of research material? Id rather have it all available on a reader.

>> No.2847137

You've never heard of an index have you...?
Obviously not a reader.

>> No.2847148

Fuck you, future. I like books.

>> No.2847153

Afraid of The NWO?

Nobody could access your offline reader.
If you go for a cloud based model, then yeah.. that's susceptible to monitoring and/or censorship.

>> No.2847154

e-ink is pretty awesome, but reading on a LCD display (or any other glowing display) is really crappy. reading a book on an iPad? ugh, just gut me now.

Reading it on a nook is great, but then there is still the problem of battery life and format. eBooks are so often formatted by people who don't know jack about them, and then when the battery dies the thing becomes useless.

>> No.2847158

books store CO2

>> No.2847161

Why can people not accept that cars are dead. They're noisy and lame, flying cars are the way of the future.
All hipsters are now into normal cars :(

~Some random troll, 1950

>> No.2847165
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No index in this text...

>> No.2847173

If your textbooks don't have indexes then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2847176


>implying flying cars were a viable product and were actually produced/in use

>> No.2847180


Look closer, its not a goddamn textbook.

>> No.2847182

They're called aeroplanes and helicopters.
They do everything that a flying car can do.
The fact that flying cars have not been built yet is because they already exist under a different name.

>> No.2847184
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amen, brother!

>> No.2847187

You study from novels?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.2847216


It was a HISTORY class, you fucking fuck. An honors history class, no less. Taught by someone who really knows some shit about history.

We learned a great deal regarding the situation from the book, and we discussed it at length during class. One of the best classes I have had outside of my major.

Oh wait, you're trolling. Or just just incredibly ignorant.

>> No.2847221

I use both depending on where they are practical, I don't care about your subjective tastes, I don't want to be psychologically indoctrinated to make irrational decisions.

>> No.2847228

Sounds more like a book club than a class.
You sure you're not an English major?

>> No.2847235

But you are, unconsciously.

>> No.2847246

So do I, but I've still got preferences.
I've likely read more ebooks than anybody in this thread, but I still like my paper books better.