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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2842344 No.2842344 [Reply] [Original]

Is your body ready ?


>“In some way a new kind of physics is taking place. It’s enigmatic, but probably no new laws of nature are involved. We believe it is possible to explain the process with known laws of nature,” said Hanno Essén, associate professor of theoretical physics and a lecturer at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology and chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society.

>> No.2842362

this shit is legit.

>Essén and Professor Emeritus at Uppsala University Sven Kullander, also chairman of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ Energy Committee, both participated on 29 March as observers at a new trial in Bologna of the so-called ‘energy catalyzer’, which could be based on cold fusion, or LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction.

>In a detailed report (download here), they write:

>“Any chemical process should be ruled out for producing 25 kWh from whatever is in a 50 cubic centimeter container. The only alternative explanation is that there is some kind of a nuclear process that gives rise to the measured energy production.”

>At the trial in Bologna, Kullander and Essén could investigate the energy catalyzer with the surrounding insulation and the lead shielding stripped away. The exterior design is described in their report.

>Throughout the experiment Kullander and Essén had the opportunity to examine the equipment.

“We checked everything that could be checked, and we could walk around freely and have a look at most of the equipment,” said Essén.

>> No.2842364

I've been following it for a while, and while they are still in supersecret mode they've been a bit more open than most of the frauds of previous such claims.

I really hope this shit i real though, it was so incredibly long ago since any truly awsome paradigm shift happened.

>> No.2842377

I agree.
There are of course still doubts, but this seems more and more real as time goes on.
October can't come soon enough.

>> No.2842400

The best part of this shit is that if two fucking ITALIANS can do this shit then so can any nigger in the world, meaning that this tech will be reverse-engineered and pirated at a scale you never thought possible.

If this is real, we're ten years away from the dissolution of centralized power production.

>> No.2842405

It's still putting out less energy than put in.
4.7kw for 4.4kw of energy back?
That's still a failure in what was hoped to be fusion.

>> No.2842439

>The power output was estimated to about 4.4 kW.

>Input power was 330 watts, of which about 30 watts were required to operate the electronics.

did you even read the article?

>> No.2842484

I wonder what their seceret catalyst is that they used to get that kind of output.
330w into 4.4kw..... That's insane.
I'm having a tough time believing this because it's just too good to be true.

>> No.2842493

What is this shitty science, some guy from the Unseen University has a black box that heat steam up to 97.5°C (Americunts, water boils at 100°C at the level of the sea) and some guys from the sceptical university comes to check things and say "hey, yes, there is magic in this shit"

I though science was about knowing how things works ; and using this knowledge for good or evil. Not about making some black magic about a subject known for being studied only by mad scientist and some hippy dreamers...

>> No.2842498

make troll thread bout religion
>300 replies, 296 posts, 90 images omitted

make thread about possible revolutionary development in science

>6 replies

fuck you /sci/

>> No.2842501

They have a process which generates energy trough unclear methods and want to patent it and be filthy rich. Until they have the patent they are not going to let cern probe it with their billion dollar spectrum analyzers.

>> No.2842521

Another Steorn type sack of shit to deprive some naive venture capitalists of their funds.

>> No.2842524

by what I could gather, the swedish physicist in an earlier interview said that in some conditions the particles some kinds of plasma can move at relativistic speeds and be thus able to break the barriers between the nuclei of the atoms.
The plasma could also be able to absorb the gamma radiation resulting from the fusion turning them into heat so the reaction would produce heat and be self sustained.

The secret catalyst could be what turns the hydrogen into this kind of plasma.


it's eminent scientists from important universities.

And one of them presides the Swedish Skeptics Society which means he's trained in detecting scams that could fool other scientists.

So, nothing is ultimately proven, but it's solid, and something worth paying attention to.

>> No.2842530

I want to believe, but I'm just too skeptical now. Things like this come up all the time, and they never seem to go anywhere.

>> No.2842531

actually they are not asking for funds.
They are using their own money and plan on selling the energy.

which gives them more credibility, unless they are playing some insane joke on the scientific community.

>> No.2842533

I wonder, how long would it take for us to furn through all the fusionable material. What are they using as fuel? Deuterium? There's a lot of that around, right?

>> No.2842538


the difference is, there is not much to argue here, unlike in religion threads

we all know the potential here, we all know that there is a high chance of a hoax

until we get further confirmation, there is not really anything more to be said that has not been said already. that being said, i appreciate a thread about an actually interesting, relevant and important subject.

>> No.2842546

I'm quite new in /sci/, but I've spent a lot of time on /b/.
I don't spend more time on religious threads than on spam. Maybe even less, as spam has pics of hot girls.
I'm very disappointed that /sci/, a board of brilliant minds, fall for all the religious troll threads...

Meh, fuck the world, imma gonna play minecraft.

>> No.2842549

cold fusion

>> No.2842555
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>hey guize I invented cold fusion!

neat, can we see it?


can you tell about it?


has anyone seen it work?


what can you tell us then?

>I'll sell you one for 1million dollars!


>> No.2842553
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>> No.2842559

I wouldn't call it a high chance of a hoax. At first, yes. But they have yet to be throttled in 2 months.
Besides, Rossi has been performing research on this subject since the 90's with mild success. This would just be the first device that produced a usable amount of energy, opposed to the battery like levels they were working with before.

>> No.2842561

obvious fraud/fail is obvious
there is no reason he would not make it public
except him being a retard or a fraud

>> No.2842575

uhm, patents?

>> No.2842580
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I meant the kind that gives you moar energy, when you fusion it. Like Deuterium, Tritum and such.

>> No.2842586

You mean people would do stuff for money? Preposterous!

>> No.2842588
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>/sci/, a board of brilliant minds

>> No.2842594

yes, he could patent it
but no, he is a retard or a fraud

>> No.2842596


it may be so, but until i receive undeniable confirmation from major sources backed by scientific evidence i will not be excited.

because as much as i want to believe, you have to admit that this sort of thing has happened before. maybe the scientists have more name this time, i don't know, i don't follow the scene exactly, but what i do know from past experiences in this subject is that if something sounds too good to be true then it very probably is.

i understand why you want this to be, but /sci/ has a reason for its scepticism

>> No.2842599
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No, Sir, What I mean is that if you were to come up with some decent groundbreaking shite you've got to ensure that you'll die a rich man.

>> No.2842600
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>I meant the kind that gives you moar energy, when you fusion it.

>> No.2842603

silly op,

Sweden can't do science.
They can barely make furniture properly.

>> No.2842616

What? Speak your mind.

>> No.2842647
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>> No.2842648

ITT: Knee jerk reactions

>> No.2842662

Yeah, I know, /sci/ (and 4chan, for that mater) is full of retards.
But have a look at /b/, and tada.wav, we are geniuses!