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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2840298 No.2840298 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ I made a massive break through in my journey to induce paranoia/temporary auditory hallucinations in a healthy mentally stable adult. After depriving myself of sleep/minimal food for exactly 37 hours and 23minutes I am able to hear what sound like whispers.

The whispers can be removed through music; which works at a very low volume around 80% of the auditory hallucination are blocked medium volume 100% exterminated. When I remove the music the "whispering" comes back in
1 minute 23 seconds
1 minute 12 seconds
1 minute 25 seconds
1 minute 2 seconds
1 minute 18 seconds
1minute 12 seconds

My paranoia will gradually increase and spike after two straight minutes of "listening" the "whispers" which are currently unintelligible. So far the longest I have been able to go without a break in the "whispers" is twenty minutes; after that point it starts to become unbearable fear/anxiety.

While I have finished the goal I set forth I'm wanting to push my experiment a little further for louder "whispers" or trying to understand them or maybe something bigger like full on visual hallucinations.

My question is what direction would you push the experiment if you were in my given situation. Keep in mind this is just a one time experiment for me, all I wanted to see was if it was possible for a person of perfect mental health to self-induce such things. Also if your interested in my experiment or want me to try something ask away, ill be here most of the night :D

>> No.2840307

This is a type of problem that science can't solve. It belongs to the domain of religion. Instead of passing off half-assed naturalistic hypotheses as science, you should be reading the Bible or whatever holy text you find comfort in.

>> No.2840311
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͇̲̖͔̙͕͚̬͉̲͖͙ ̢̖̹̜̥͕̹̪̪̮͉̊ͨ̑̒̓̈̊ͧ͐͑͜ͅy͚͖̰̻͈̝̖͉̟̬̫̭̲̱̖̲̳͈͂̔ͯ̒͂̌̕͟͝

>> No.2840313

*writes this down in a notepad*

thanks, you can sleep now anon, you deserve it

>> No.2840314

its called LSD dude

>> No.2840317

I'm not sure how to take your post other than stupid. The only facts I have stated are the ones that I have for a fact witnessed/created. Not to mention I can reproduce the results.

Also where the fuck does religion come in anywhere during my post, I think you should try rereading my post or take your, either massive amount of stupidity or failed trolling elsewhere.

>> No.2840319

It's faster with certain stimulant drugs.
With a certain drug I used, I would get intense psychosis after about 21 hours. Seeing 2d pictures as 3d (and seeing a .jpg move as if it were a .gif), intense audio hallucinations, seeing objects and people who aren't there, changes in color, objects changing shape similar to deliriant hallucinations and so much more. It's like having extreme sleep deprivation.

>> No.2840353

your post makes no sense you obviously need to go back to /b/

>> No.2840363

I would get some sleep.

>> No.2840376

Have you been using any external stimulants to keep you up?
Coffee, etc?

>> No.2840382

Keep going anon, push it 'till the full blown visual hallucinations blow you away.
For science!

>> No.2840403

No they had the possibility of changing this from a controlled experiment and could have made different results. I am craving a hot cup of coffee really badly now though :l

I'am hoping to do so :D if I am lucky they will come before the 52 hour deadline I set too keep from becoming too absorbed with my experiment.

>> No.2840406

could have changed this from a controlled experiment using no outside stimuli/(I cant think of the right word at the moment but outside factors maybe, would be the best way to describe it?)

also I am sorry about my gap in words mid sentence, i'am not at my 100% :P

>> No.2840413

controlled relaxation is a much better method op

>> No.2840418

Have you noticed any transitions from lazy, tired and sleepy to manic or heightened thinking states every now and then? Is there any discernible pattern in the times that these changes occur?

>> No.2840437

I have mostly maintained a tired state of mind where things that used to bring me great enjoyment are now completely dull to me, which is odd considering I used to be able to read my old civil engineering books and keep a great level of interest.

I will make sure to toy around with this at the 40 hour mark, maybe ill try playing a computer game that when I am in a more awake state is always entertaining to me.

This is something I should have been tracking but failed to do so. I can't give you times of the transitions other than they are extremely slow except for when the "whispering" is induced at which point within 2 minutes too 2 minutes 45 seconds (at my longest) will result in me turning to a manic state of thinking where thoughts are racing and a unhealthy blood pressure are evident.

>> No.2840444

correction to my messed up sentence. I swear I proof read my posts before I... well post them; they just keep on slipping through.
I will make sure to toy around with this at the 40 hour mark, maybe ill try playing a computer game that I really enjoy when I am in a more awake state is always entertaining to me.

>> No.2840449

>mfw when your first post made more sense.

>> No.2840461

When you say paranoia inducing whispers, is it paranoia because you are afraid to keep listening to them or its it just generally uncomfortable to hear unintelligible sounds from an unidentifiable source?
Also, are the whispers feminine or masculine or both?

>> No.2840463
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>mfw your right

How about we just forget that sentence because I am obviously unable to get my meaning across without a lot of failed attempts.

>> No.2840483

It is EXTREMELY unsettling hearing whispering around/above/below/behind you that sounds completely indifferent from actual people. Even when I am reminding myself that it is impossible that anything/anyone could be in the empty room with me creating sounds from out of thin air. The worst part I think is when I hit the 10 minute mark which is when if I try looking around for the whispers my paranoia/anxiety will hinder me so badly that my vision has almost a kind of... lag? kind of like every time I change my field of vision its blurry for a split second then returns to normal.

They are more dominantly female with some obviously male whispering in the background. Their is also a few almost unidentifiable "whispers" that is impossible to tell what sex it is let alone where it is. Almost as if the "sound" itself was behind a wall.

>> No.2840499

Sounds eerie.
You should try putting some headphones on and playing some white/pink noise, see what happens. Might end up freaking you out even more though... particularly white noise.

>> No.2840507

White noise is a great idea! Thank you!

I'll bet that if I can let my anxiety/paranoia run rampant with white noise; visual hallucinations will probably come much faster/more likely to happen.

>> No.2840520
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Makes perfect sense.

>> No.2840523


Wow. OP is my personal hero for today!

Have you already been in complete darkness, e.g. in a basement with no windows ? If yes how did it go?

>> No.2840546

Yes I have tried using complete darkness, my hope in doing so was to make the so called "whispering" louder or more understandable. Sadly while I did manage to make them louder and more intense they are just as hard to understand as they were when I first started "hearing" them. I did however get the feeling of being watch accompanied by the felling of someone behind me feeling(of course their was nothing their when I turned back on my monitor).

In a nut shell yes it does, have you ever heard about the experiments where people had headphones on and listened to white noise. Within starting at 10 minutes the reports of the experiments say that people start hearing things (like voices of dead relatives and other things along those lines).

While I am currently unfit/unable (my focus is extremely difficult to keep[Infact at this point in my post I have had to re-read it over 10 times and make MANY corrections to grammar/missed words/random words that I didn't even know I typed.) to pull up the references to back up my claim I am sure I have gave enough information to do a simple Google search

>> No.2840551

>I am sure I have gave enough information
>I have gave

Try harder.