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2837541 No.2837541 [Reply] [Original]

I have a considerably large problem. I've been a browser of the internet for a long while now, and only now have I really taken a step back and thought about the things I've seen.

Graphic images of incredibly cruel treatment of animals, rape, child abuse, horrible horrible things. I see them and all and put my self in the positions I see, and that makes it impossible to ignore. So many absolutely terrifying things happen to people all day, and people can just deal with it because it isn't happening to them.

A lot of fucked up things happen in the world, so I've come to the conclusion that the world/humanity is unbearably cruel. These thoughts make sad, thus depressed, thus make me want to leave said world. How else other than death.

I want to die /sci/, what can I do to deal with all of these fucked up things. Try not to give me the whole 'it isn't happening to you so be happy', or 'deal with it you whiny faggot'.

Thank you.

>> No.2837545 [DELETED] 

>baby sociopath
how cute

>> No.2837554

I got a better idea.

Man up and quit being a pussy, faggot.

>> No.2837555

Deal with it you faggot, and besides it's not even happening to you, so stop your bitching

>> No.2837567

um go anywhere but 4chan problem solved?

This is the asshole of the internet

>> No.2837569

Fuk u faggot

>> No.2837570

Should have seen this coming.

>> No.2837605

There are dozens of "the world sucks, lets try to find ways to escape it" philosophies out there. Buddhism is a popular one in which you escape through meditation.

Honestly, I've never seen how any of these philosophies are any better than killing yourself, but if you don't have the guts to off yourself they exist.

BTW, you should feel blessed that you have a mind/soul that is capable of being happy and virtuous even in a horrible world. I suggest reading the discourses of Epictetus.

>> No.2837621

If you're rich, heroin works.
If you're not, you can try xanax.

>> No.2837625
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While it is possible that humankind is capable of exhibiting great lengths of cruelty, it is equally capable of showing compassion. Be glad that you have a conscience, and obviously stop browsing 4chan for godssakes. Volunteer in your community or something. Contribute in what ways you can. There's no sense in coming all this way and quitting.

Not really relevant on this board, however.

>> No.2837626

I understand that consciousness is a blessing, but when the majority of things you are conscious of are shitty, then is that really a blessing? Or is it a curse?

I think it was...Schopenhauer? He said that life was majorly unenjoyable, with specks of happiness splashed in there, which is true. That fucking sucks man. Are the specks of happiness worth being unhappy most of the time for?

>> No.2837631
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Try and set things right. It will lift your spirits and thus you'll be able to have fun in the process.

>> No.2837638

Would antidepressants really help? They wouldnt change my thought process. Would they just help me stop thinking about it?

>>2837625 This is the only board that can actually contribute something.

>> No.2837640

Try to improve your world and others'. If you feel helpless, get active and organized.

>> No.2837641

So basically you're like
>Hurr tunnel vision myself to bad things
>Think only bad things exist in the world
>Disregard that good things happen too.
>Oh Shit I Forgot About Good Things

Dumbass. Do something about it then, shitbrain.

>> No.2837645

Wouldn't realizing that you really arent doing dick for the bigger picture?

But then again...helping just one person would mean the world to them.

Shit man...

>> No.2837643

I'd advise you to read Caligula - Albert Camus.

>> No.2837652

Reported for underage

>> No.2837658

life is pain, suffering is avoidable.

When you've seen the darkness you know it. Whether that makes you dark yourself, or more apt to fight the dark is up to you.

But whatever, you're a little faggot that actually wants to make people pay attention to your useless little existence without doing anything to deserve it. Your death will serve no purpose but to bring more suffering into the world, but whatever.

Do it faggot. You were too weak for this existence anyway.

>> No.2837659
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OP, assuming you're not trolling, remember that we didn't choose to live in a world like this. We have limited resources, an appetite for meat, an expansionist tendency and many of us are selfish assholes.

There is a distinction to make: The world is an unfair place, but you can't blame anyone for that (unless you're religious, I guess).

Human beings are sometimes callous and cruel. But they are also kind and just. The bad side sticks out, due to its horror and also its over-reporting by media, for shock value.

What you probably don't consider is the >6.9 billion people who help others. It is inherent in the healthy human brain to have empathy for other people, and ultimately it feels good to act on that. While they still exist, boundaries like skin colour, sexual orientation and gender cause far less xenophobia than they once did. We are gradually waking up to realise that no matter those differences we are essentially the same on the inside.

A better world is possible, OP. And it is up to us to build it. Our duty. Humanity's duty.

Pic related, preferred newspaper of selfish minority

>> No.2837661
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>This is the only board that can actually contribute something.

That's like saying "since this is the smartest board on 4chan," which is equatable to being the winner of the special olympics. That aside, if "the world" really makes you feel so bad, then try to make it better. Sitting in front of your computer, however, is not how you would go about doing that.

>> No.2837662

So if all these things effect you alot, why don't you try to make the world a little better. You can't help the world if you are dead.

>> No.2837668

How old are you OP? My guess is 16. You'll get over it.

>> No.2837670

The bad things are REALLY BAD man. Can you imagine being lit on fire, and burning to death? How about skinned alive? Raped? Just because they aren't happening to YOU then you should ignore it? Why can't I ignore it?

Would it help or just make me want to die more?

>> No.2837677


Solution would be neuropsychology to treat the brains of rapists and pedophiles

Biological advances in stem cells to grow meat tissue without the animal

and finally, a democratic socialism to cure poverty.

>> No.2837679

You can tell yourself that even if you are insignificant, you can get a few people to act up, who will do the same, and on and on until people are better.

The enemy is everyday life's routine, and its comfort, that prevents a real revolutionary contagion. That's what you have to interrupt to get people to act. Do so, in addition to the help you give, and you'll have a noticeable effect.

>> No.2837683


You're missing the march of history.

In many nations, people are no longer burned or skinned alive for misdeeds or percieved misdeeds.

And in those that are, it won't last.

>> No.2837687

>Would it help or just make me want to die more?
Both, I think.

>> No.2837691

Thank you so fucking much.

>> No.2837698

Well then.

>> No.2837741

Same fag here. Schopenhauer is very eastern in his thought even if he was a westerner. I think that happiness and virtue are the same thing. Virtue is something that you must struggle to gain, and so is happiness. The good news, though, is that it is possible for you to act virtuously no matter what the external world is like, therefore it is possible to be happy no matter how evil the world is. Again, read Epictetus. Plato and Aristotle have a very similar opinions, but I just love the stoics.

>> No.2840042

>Schopenhauer is very eastern in his thought even if he was a westerner.

Wow. Just Wow. Quite possibly the whiniest, most hypocritical bitch who ever lived, and he's very "eastern." I suppose you mean New York City.