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2834301 No.2834301 [Reply] [Original]

> "How lucky we are to live in this time, the first moment in human history when we are in fact visiting otherworlds."

>MFW man has yet to go further than the moon.

The first interstellar spacecraft better be called the Sagan or I will fucking choke a bitch.

I mad.

>> No.2834305


>> No.2834321

The first interstellar spacecraft better be called the Tyson or I will fucking choke a bitch.


>> No.2834339

The first interstellar spacecraft better be called the SAGE or I will fucking choke a bitch.

>> No.2834353
File: 61 KB, 944x550, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mad

Oh I thought you said...nevermind

>> No.2834359

The first interstellar spacecraft will be called Koch-1 and you know it.

>> No.2834366

We have SOOO MUCH to learn and do before we even consider a viable space program. Slow down kid, we will get there.

And sagan is a overrated pot smoking hippie

>> No.2834370

well we got locked into a “space iz government supah project!!111” paradigm and then spent the next 40 years trying to make the gluttonous corpse of the first one rise and go another trick. Finally now we have other entities that are about to unleash a little creative destruction by selling superior launch services at a radically lower price.
Actually SpaceX is going to formally announce their plans for the falcon 9 heavy rocket that will be able to carry 32 tons in to orbit later today(April 5).

>> No.2834382
File: 31 KB, 524x600, Toothpaste Commercial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys... just 53 more years until warp drives.


>> No.2834397
File: 244 KB, 1059x765, Img 2010-08-02 a las 01_30_55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. just a few more steps...

>> No.2834400


>> No.2834405


So much for the speculation that it was the Falcon X Heavy...
That would have been so brick-shittingly awesome.

>> No.2834446

well it was fairly obvious it was the heavy, that’s the next logical step in conquering the currant market and getting the revenue flow to get the Merlin engine developed.
The super lifters don’t have a market yet and are dependent on the Merlin which hasn’t been built yet, but no worries, Elion shows every sign of being committed to the path and cutting the cost of getting shit into space in half will likely spin up the market to fully justify the heavies in just a few years in both satellites and private manned.

>> No.2834451

derp, make that last part super heavies.

>> No.2834469


Yeah, that's one of the reasons I was so blown away when people started insisting that it was the X Heavy. But AFAIK, the 9 Heavy doesn't have a market yet, does it? I mean didn't Musk at one point state that no FHs would be built without a dedicated customer?
And what the fuck exactly would anyone need a superheavy for at this point beyond space exploration and research? I mean, is there a consistent market for giant ass space telescope launches and whatnot?
I honestly understand nothing about the economics of all this.

And from looking at the engines, it looks like it must still be using the Merlin1s... Any timeframe for the 2s?

>> No.2834481

the geosat market uses F9 H size launchers from what I remember (big sat + upper stage to get it to geo), both F9 types can use either engine, but the super heavies need the larger one.

>> No.2834534
File: 11 KB, 247x344, face95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 16, 2050
>The first intersteller rocket will launch this month, with a crew of 30 men and women on board for the 5 year mission. The Jobs iRocket, named after the late Steve Jobs, founder of the technology conglomerate Apple and the lead donor to the mission, will contain enough supplies for each crew member to survive on for years, including food, drinks, personal belonging, and Apple products for entertainment. The shuttle will launch from the Ford F150 Space station in Texas, and will serve as the first major step humankind will take into the stars. Also, a Catholic Priest will be joining the astronauts on their mission in the chance that they make contact with alien life, a controversial decision forced onto NASA by the republican controlled Senate that approved the budget for the project.

>> No.2834548



Choose one.

>> No.2834558

lol'd hard

>Apple products for entertainment

>> No.2834570

Youngs mad atheists don't know shit about religion, yo.