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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2830983 No.2830983 [Reply] [Original]

>Sitting in Science
>Teacher says we're watching The Cosmos
>"How many of you know who Carl Sagan is?"
>I'm the only person in my class that knows who he is.

>> No.2830997

coolstorybro but why should I give a fuck?

>> No.2831009
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u but hurt bro?

>> No.2831017
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>sitting in physics class
>teacher starts deriving something using fourier series
>I have no idea what the fuck is going on

>> No.2831027

This thread is now Green Text stories general

>> No.2831061


>> No.2831093
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>~1 hour ago
>sitting in linear algebra
>Professor explaining Fourier decomposition in terms of inner product spaces
>understand exactly what is happening

>> No.2831100


fourier series. Not understanding.

Dumb fag detected.

>> No.2831115


Or not-studied Fourier-Series-yet-fag.

If it was Physics I or II, that teacher should be smacked for being needlessly complicated.

>> No.2831120
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>Double physics after lunch on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
>Go in blitzed every time
>Finish first every time


>> No.2831127

Being first means an automatic A+
Congrats bro.

>> No.2831133


Or rewarded for trying to teach dumbass physicists some maths.

>> No.2831137


Lol no, but I always got the highest marks as well

>> No.2831141

OP is a faggot. I'm 18 and I only know of him because I come on here. What a faggot OP truly is.

>> No.2831144
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>> No.2831147
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>in "science" course with "science" teacher
>being taught organic agriculture
>the teacher and organic farmer claim that GMOs have no place in "perfect" agriculture

>in biology class
>talkiing about stem cells
>bring up somatic and how they could be used to pacify religious folk
>get laughed at by teacher
>bitch calls me crazy for considering somatic

>> No.2831161
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>mfw Monsanto sues farmers when it's GMO seeds are accidently spread by the wind into their farms

>> No.2831168
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>Sitting in Science
>Teacher says we're watching The Cosmos
>"How many of you know who Carl Sagan is?"
>I'm the only person in my class that knows who he is, But I act like I don't
>Kid looks like he's gonna kill himself because he doesn't know who he is.

>> No.2831171

>implying that all GMOs are created by huge companies who enjoy suing farmers

>> No.2831177
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>mfw I'm smrter than you

>> No.2831180
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mfw you're trolling

>> No.2831188
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Yea, pic related bro.

>> No.2831199

using somatic cells?
>i assume you are talking about induced pluripotency
>mfw it has been hyped and induced pluripotent stem cells are worthless cause of dna methylation and histone acetylation.
>mfw implanting someone with induced pluripotent stem cells will bring about an array of health risks

just really talking about what i heard, not an expert on the subject/ how beneficial it would be

i recommend reading "the dark side to induced stem cell pluripotency" was published in nature like 3 months ago.

>> No.2831210

>watching TV in "science" class

What are you, in middle school?

Sometimes my BIO or CHEM profs would should youtube videos of processes like transcription or diffusion, but we never wasted a whole lecture time watching TV shows.

>> No.2831216

>MFW you can't force dedifferentiation with targeting of HDATs or demethylate 5MC's
I happened to be at the 2011 Nature symposium, which focused on epigenetics in disease, development, and stem cells. Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch claimed to be able to do just that.

>> No.2831219

>The Cosmos
>not more educational than your mother

>> No.2831228

OP, you must go Cho on them.

>> No.2831229


Through the power of adult/somatic stem cells.

>> No.2831242



>somebody ever want to shoot and kill human beings?


Biology Professor at the University of Nottingham, Keith Campbell, states:

Genetically modified animals and plants are not going to be harmful unless you deliberately put in a gene that is going to be poisonous. Why would anyone do that in a food? Genetically modified food, if done correctly, can provide huge benefit for consumers in terms of producing better products.

Of course, Mr. Campbell doesn't offer any basis on which he makes his claims. That's because he can't. There are no studies to document them.

>> No.2831244
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>mfw OP goes on shooting rampage in Carl Sagan's name.

>> No.2831283

I will. The picture was very related.

>> No.2831299


There is a certain faggot who keeps linking to the Daily Mail website. That newspaper is trash.

>> No.2831318

Sitting in "science"?

Are you in fucking high school or something?

Protip: In high school and in undergrad, taking tests and looking up the answers to odd problems in the back of your textbook for homework is not doing science.

Just wait-- in a few weeks this board will be flooded with children bragging about their AP scores. Imagine that--people who promulgate their "intelligence" finding the need to brag about being able to complete a 100 level college course.

>> No.2831348
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>trying to understand qft whilst not being at the mathematical level required to understand it.

>> No.2831396
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>Sitting in linear algebra class.
>10 weeks into semester.
>Same annoying dude asking...
>"Wait, how did you do that?"
>row reduction

>> No.2831398
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>A few years back at school
>Get a subject: write about a person you look up to or highly respect
>I write about Carl Sagan
>Teacher loves it; I'm the first person in his 30-year career ever to write about Carl whenever he had given this exercise
>Teacher and I have a long talk on how awesome he was while the rest of the class goes "lol fissix wtf is dat?"


>> No.2831656
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>10th grade English
>have to write paper about famous person that we like
>write paper on Nikola Tesla
>only non-popculture paper in the bunch
>have to read our papers to the class
>everybody claps after hearing about X music or movie star
>read mine
>nobody knows who he is
>my face
>yes, I am the little mermaid

>> No.2831686

Your teacher is a 4channer, and wanted to figure out if anyone in his class is. Apparently you're the only one.

>> No.2831740
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>1st year uni
>every student has to take a course where you write a 15 page "research" paper
>write a paper about why psychedelics should be legalized
>cite a few recent-ish journal articles demonstrating that they're not poison, fill in the rest of the paper with rhetoric
>do all of the actual final draft the day before it is due
>mfw I'm one of the only As in the class because I actually did the intermediate assignments and shit

Why are so many college students so darn lazy? About half of them dropped out, man.

>> No.2831782

>Why are so many college students so darn lazy?
cause they were probably on psychedelics

>> No.2831790
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>> No.2831845

Who is this Carl Satan you all are worshipping so much?

>> No.2831850
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>in English 101 class
>fucking required gay writing class
>get assigned 10 page paper
>wake up the morning of the due date with only 4 hours before it's due
>freak out, down a couple cups of coffee
>write the whole thing like crazy, pulling shit out my ass, making up fake citations (i.e., say bullshit, search google scholar for something mildly related, insert footnote)
>turn it in
>come back next week, papers being returned, get an A-

>> No.2831908
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>12-page paper on Melville's "Benito Cereno"
>epigraph taken from "The Dragons of Eden"
>Prof says "Anything that starts off with Sagan out to be great."